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Satellite Communications Control

The AN/MSQ-114 is part of the GMF Satellite Communications Control System which is used to manage the satellite communication capability assigned to the satellite terminals operating within the tactical network. The primary function of the AN/MSQ-114 is to continuously monitor the transmission of the communications satellite to assure that all GMF network terminals are operating within the proper limits of frequency, power output, and bandwidth.

The AN/MSQ-114 is usually deployed one unit per theater of operation. Since the AN/MSQ-114 is a limited production item, its deployment is rigidly controlled. The AN/MSQ-114 can support forward deployed forces, nonforward deployed forces, or contingency operations. Nonforward deployment usually refers to the home location of the GMFSSCCC (either AN/MSQ-114 or AN/FSQ-124). The control system must be within the respective satellite footprint, which usually is the GDA footprint for the DSCS III satellites. On DSCS III, the control system and GMF terminals must be within the GDA footprint. If the NC/AC or GDA ootprint is moved to support a mission so that the control system falls outside the footprint, the AN/MSQ-114 would be deployed into a footprint to allow control coverage of the GMF mission.

Technical Characteristics

Type of Service............... Orderwire communications with all network terminals for control and monitoring of terminals

    Frequency Range:
    Transmit............... 7.9 to 8.4 GHz
    Receive............... 7.25 to 7.75 GHz
    Power Input............... 120/208 V AC, 50/60 Hz
    Power Source............... two generators (60 kW)
    Power Output............... 400 W max
    Antenna ...............System 1 20-ft parabolic
    Set-up Time............... 24 hours

AN/MSQ-114 Satellite Communications Control

Sources and Resources

  • FM 24-24 SIGNAL DATA REFERENCES: SIGNAL EQUIPMENT Section V. Multichannel Satellite Communications Terminals

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