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AN/GSC-40(V) and AN/MSC-64(V)
Special Communications Systems

The Special Communications System (SCS) is a UHF SATCOM system operated and maintained by the Army, Navy, and Air Force and consists of SATCOM Terminals AN/GSC-40, AN/GSC-40A(V) and AN/MSC-64(V). The terminals are normally deployed in a network configuration.

The AN/GSC-40, AN/GSC-40A(V)l, and AN/GSC-40(V)2 are rack mounted CGCPTs. These terminals are installed in CPs and configured according to the physical limits of the site. The AN/GSC-40, AN/GSC-40A(V)1, and AN/GSC-40A(V)2 are CP terminals configured to provide the specific SCS network command and control functions and the means for disseminating highly specialized critical user information.

The AN/MSC-64(V) is referred to as the mobile terminal since it predominately supports users requiring rapid redeployment. The AN/MSC-64(V)2 contains a complete communications system housed in an S-280 shelter, carried by a 2 l/2-ton truck, and powered by a trailer-mounted, 10-kilowatt generator. The AN/MSC-64(V)2 can also be powered by the vehicle engine with a 100 amp kit. The I/O unit organic to the terminal is the primary DTE and can be remoted up to 1,500 feet (455 meters). A low gain antenna is used during mobile operations. A high gain antenna is used during stationary operations.

Technical Characteristics

      Frequency Range............... 225 to 400 MHz
      Security Device ...............one TSEC/KG-31, two TSEC/KG-34s, three TSEC/KN-2s
      Power Input............... 115/230 V AC, 50/60 Hz
      Power Output............... 100 W
      Antenna AN/GSC-40:............... two high-gain AS-3060/G
      AN/GSC-40A(V)1/2:............... four high-gain AS-3060/G

      Type of Service ...............UHF half-duplex AFSAT mode (includes TDM 3, TDM 1/2, and random modes of operation)
      Frequency Range............... 225 to 399.975 MHz
      Number of Channels............... 7,000
      Security Device............... TSEC/KN-2
      Power Input............... Mobile, 28 V DC at 100 amp; stationary, 115/230 V AC, 50/60 Hz at 10 kW
      Power Output............... 10 to 100 W
      Antenna............... Low-gain AS-3439/G, omnidirectional high-gain AS-3438/G, directional
      Weight............... 1,697 kg (3,738 lb) (approx)

Special Communications System

SCS Functional Block Diagram
Satellite Communications Terminal

Satellite Communications System


Sources and Resources

  • FM 24-24 SIGNAL DATA REFERENCES: SIGNAL EQUIPMENT Section V. Multichannel Satellite Communications Terminals

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