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AN/ FSC-79

The AN/ FSC-79 Fleet Broadcast Terminal is a fixed SHF SATCOM terminal capable of one transmit channel and one receive beacon channel, designed specifically to support the Navy Fleet Satellite Broadcast. It is housed in a permanent facility and uses a 60-foot diameter, high-efficiency parabolic reflector antenna mounted on an elevation over azimuth configured pedestal. The terminal operates on a single channel, tunable in 1-kHz increments over a transmitting frequency range of 7.9 to 8.4 GHz, at a maximum output of 10,000 watts.

The OM-51A/ FR Modem is an integral part of the Fleet Broadcast subsystem. This spread spectrum modem, when used in combination with the AN/ FSC-79 SATCOM terminal, provides an RF transmission capability in a high-level jamming environment. The basic function of this modem is to provide RF analog and digital conditioning on circuits and frequency synthesizing for dual redundant transmission and reception. The unit interfaces with the AN/ FSC-79 terminal and the amplifier-converter of the AN/ SSR-1A receiver system. When uplinking the broadcast to Fleet Satellite channel 1, only one modem is used. The OM-51A/ FR installation consists of a standard cabinet containing seven slide-mounted drawer assemblies. These assemblies include a summary control panel, frequency synthesizer, receiver-synchronizer, coder-modulator, demodulator, and two power supplies.

The ON-163A/ FR Interconnecting Indicator Group is a companion installation to the OM-51A/ FR modem. The interconnecting indicator group provides a secondary modulation mode to the Fleet Satellite Broadcast shore terminal. The equipment contains an OM-43A/ USC modem, a power supply, a UHF and IF patch panel, a data patch panel, and three units of test equipment. The IF section of the patch panel provides the capability for patching the output of either the OM-51A/ FR or the OM-43A/ USC as the uplink signal to the AN/ FSC-79 transmitter. The UHF section has the capability to patch a UHF test signal to an online AM-6534/ SSR-1 down-converter. The data patch panel enables patching the 1.2 kbps data stream to the input of the OM-51A/ FR or the OM-43A/ USC. The three units of test equipment are a frequency counter, a spectrum analyzer, and a UHF signal generator.

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