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ICBM Launch Control Center (LCC) EHF System (ILES)


20 Jan 98

  1. Scope

The ILES program will integrate an EHF communications capability into the Minuteman ICBM LCCs. As the newest link in the Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN), this effort will provide the LCCs with the ability to receive Emergency Action Messages (EAMs) and send force reportback messages using MILSTAR. The system will be integrated into the LCC, including the Higher Authority Communication/Rapid Message Processing and Execution (HAC/RMPE) system. Missile Procedure Trainers (MPTs) and Minuteman Enhanced Procedures (MEPs) will be modified to reflect changes to the ICBM system. Performance requirements are specified in the Operational Requirements Document (ORD).

The ILES program will have an EMD and a production phase. EMD consists of development, commercial item modification, test, and installation/integration of EMD units. The production phase will consist of manufacture, test, installation/integration of ILES in support of Final Operational Capability (FOC). The EMD phase is scheduled to begin 1 Dec 98. The Production phase may start no earlier than FY01. Final Operational Capability (FOC) must be fielded prior to Dec 2003.

  1. Management Objectives
    1. Establish and execute an innovative plan to manage development, production, and sustainment of an ILES maintaining clear visibility into schedule, technical performance, risk, and cost using the principles of Cost as An Independent Variable (CAIV).
    2. Maintain Total System Performance Responsibility (TSPR) throughout the life of the system, adopting a program to minimize, and continually reduce, overall life cycle cost.
    3. Build the ILES program following the Spiral Development concept ensuring frequent system prototyping and fielding for hands-on use and commenting by the operators throughout EMD and incorporating improvements into follow-on prototypes.
    4. Build the ILES program using system engineering initiatives including Y2K, DII/COE, and the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA).
    5. Maintain responsibility for overall program, sub-contract and associate contract performance to support all necessary program aspects, including such items as requirements allocations, interfaces, configuration control, and Government Furnished Equipment/Items (GFE/GFI).
    6. Establish efficient and timely internal and external communication processes to ensure maximum benefit from concurrent engineering with outside agencies.
    7. Develop, maintain and use an Integrated Master Plan (IMP) addressing the following:

  1. A program management strategy centered around TSPR and Spiral Development
  2. Interoperability within MEECN and MILSTAR networks, and MILSTAR system resource requirements
  3. Use of an efficient test and evaluation program providing all required tests and certifications for ICBM requirements and preparations for successful IOT&E
  4. Use of a comprehensive configuration management program
  5. Use of a Cost & Schedule and Contract Funds Status Reporting system
  6. Use of an Integrated Logistics Support Program (ILSP) supporting 2-level maintenance with an emphasis on reduced life cycle cost
  7. Use of a risks management program
  8. Participation in Status Reviews, IPTs, and Working Groups

  1. Technical EMD Objectives
    1. Design, develop, install, integrate and test ILES systems meeting ORD requirements into test facilities and the MEECN Integration Lab.
    2. Install, integrate, and test ILES simulation capability meeting ORD requirements into one MEP and one MPT.
    3. Identify requirements for S/W Development Stations and Support Equipment.
    4. Develop or modify existing Type I training course(s) and manuals as required for ILES operation and organic level maintenance and conduct Type I training.
    5. Support conduct of and preparations for certification testing and successful IOT&E completion.
    6. Maximize use of commercial items to reduce program cost, risk, and schedule.
    7. Design and build a system to reduce overall life cycle cost.

  1. Technical Production Objectives
    1. Produce, install, integrate, and test high quality, supportable ILES systems into all operational Minuteman LCCs, the 20th AF Missile Operations Center, Test Facilities, Support Facilities, and the MEECN Integration Lab.
    2. Produce, install, integrate and test ILES high quality, supportable simulation capability into all MPTs and MEPs.
    3. Produce, install, integrate, and test ILES support capability at the S/W Development Stations.
    4. Produce spares and support equipment adequate for ILES sustainment.

  1. Sustainment Objectives TBD

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