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Experiment Requirements Document

for the

Polymer Battery Experiment (PBEX)

on the TSX-6 Spacecraft

Version 1.0

16 April 1997

"DISTRIBUTION C. Distribution authorized to US Government agencies and their contractors; Administrative or Operational Use; 3 Oct 96. Other requests for this document shall be referred to SMC/TELS, 3550 Aberdeen Ave SE, Kirtland AFB NM, 87117-5776."

"DESTRUCTION NOTICE- Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document."

Approved by:

Dr. Joseph Suter Date
Principal Investigator for PBEX
The John Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory

Col. Thomas Mead Date
Program Manager, Space Test Program

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION 11.1. Scope 11.2. Nomenclature 12. EXPERIMENT OVERVIEW 12.1. Experiment Description 12.2. Experiment Objective 22.3. Operational Concept 22.4. Orbit Requirements 22.4.1. Nominal Orbit Parameters 22.4.2. Launch Window 22.4.3. Desired Mission Life 22.5. Success Criteria 22.5.1. Minimum Requirements 22.5.2. Mission Desires 23. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 33.1. Engineering Layout 33.1.1. Coordinate System 33.1.2. Physical Dimensions 33.1.3. Mechanical Interfaces 43.2. Electrical Connections 43.3. Mass properties 43.3.1. Weight Summary 43.3.2. Center of Mass 43.3.3. Mass Moment of Inertia (kg-cm2) 43.4. Moving Parts 43.5. Mounting and Alignment 43.6. Field of View Requirements 43.7. Experiment Models/Simulators 54. ELECTRICAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS 54.1. Electrical Power Requirements 54.1.1. Power Supply (Volts dc) Current Limiting Power On/Off Switching Isolation and Grounding 54.1.2. Power Consumption Nominal Operations Power Survival Power 64.1.3. Power Generation 64.2. Input/Output Signal Interfaces 64.2.1. Bi-Directional Interfaces 64.2.2. Discrete Interfaces 64.2.3. Analog Interfaces 65. COMMAND AND CONTROL 65.1. RS-422 Commands 65.1.1. Real-time Commands 75.1.2. Stored Commands 75.1.3. Command List 75.2. Discrete Commands 75.3. Analog Commands 75.4. Spacecraft Commands 75.5. Clock/Time Reference Requirements 76. TELEMETRY AND DATA HANDLING 86.1. RS-422 Telemetry 86.1.1. Experiment Data Transfer and Storage 86.1.2. Telemetry List 86.1.3. Data Integrity 86.2. Discrete Telemetry 86.3. Analog Telemetry 86.4. Spacecraft Data 96.5. Clock/Time Reference Requirements 97. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 97.1. Static Load Constraints 97.2. Vibration Constraints 97.3. Shock Constraints 97.4. Radiation Constraints 107.5. Electromagnetic Compatibility 107.5.1. Radiated Emissions from Experiment 107.5.2. Conducted Emissions from Experiment 107.5.3. Magnetic Fields Generated by Experiment 107.5.4. Sensitivity of Experiment to Radiated Emissions 107.5.5. Sensitivity of Experiment to Conducted Emissions 117.5.6. Sensitivity of Experiment to Magnetic Fields 117.6. Atmospheric Pressure Constraints 117.7. Cleanliness Constraints 117.8. Humidity Constraints 117.9. Thermal Interface Requirements 117.9.1. Thermal Isolation 117.9.2. Thermal Dissipation 127.9.3. Experiment Thermal Limits 128. INTEGRATION AND TEST 128.1. Experiment Handling, Procedures and Equipment 128.1.1. Ground Handling Procedures 128.1.2. Experiment Inspection Procedures 128.1.3. Experiment Integration Procedures 128.1.4. Experiment Power On/Off Procedures 138.1.5. Experiment State of Health Checks 138.1.6. Ground Support Equipment (GSE) 138.2. Spacecraft Integration and Test 138.2.1. Pre-spacecraft Integration Inspection & Test 138.2.2. Post Spacecraft Integration Test Requirements 138.2.3. Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and Facilities 138.2.4. Experiment Access 138.2.5. Storage 148.3. Launch Vehicle (LV) Integration and Test 148.3.1. LV Integration Site Tests 148.3.2. LV Integration Site GSE and Facilities 148.3.3. Launch Pad Tests 148.3.4. Launch Pad Environment 148.3.5. Experiment Access 148.3.6. Launch Go/No-Go Criteria 148.4. Potentially Hazardous Materials & Equipment 148.4.1. Pressurized Systems (Liquid/Gas) 148.4.2. Ordnance Systems 158.4.3. Radiation Sources 158.4.4. High Voltage Source Locations 158.4.5. Hazardous Materials 159. ON-ORBIT OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS 159.1. Launch Phase Requirements 159.2. On-Orbit Operations 159.2.1. Pre-Initialization 159.2.2. Experiment Turn-On 159.2.3. Initialization 159.2.4. Check-Out 159.2.5. Nominal Experiment Operations 169.2.6. Contingency Experiment Operations 169.3. Operations Support 169.3.1. Pre-Flight Training and Simulation 169.3.2. Data Return, Processing, and Distribution 169.3.3. Meteorological Services 1610. ON-ORBIT ORIENTATION AND STABILIZATION 1610.1. Attitude Control and Stabilization 1610.1.1. Attitude Control 1610.1.2. Attitude Knowledge 1611. EPHEMERIS DATA 1711.1. Prediction/Real Time Knowledge 1711.2. Post Processed Knowledge 1712. DELIVERABLES 1712.1. Deliverables Summary 1713. SECURITY 1714. LIST OF ACRONYMS 18

    Figure 3.1-1: Photograph of Polymer Battery Experiment 3


    Table 4.1-1: PBEX Power Requirements 5Table 6.1-1: PBEX Telemetry Points 8Table 7.1-1: PBEX Static Load Limits 9Table 7.2-1: SC-to-PBEX Random Vibration Limits 9Table 7.3-1: SC-to-PBEX Pyroshock Limits 9Table 7.5-1: Conducted Emissions from PBEX 10Table 7.5-2: PBEX Sensitivity to Radiated Emissions 10Table 7.5-3: PBEX Sensitivity to Conducted Emissions 11Table 7.5-4: PBEX Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields 11Table 7.9-1: PBEX Temperature Limits 12Table 12.1-1: Deliverables for PBEX Mission 17


    1. Scope

    This document contains the specific requirements of the Polymer Battery Experiment for manifest on the TSX-6 mission. It provides experiment requirements in the following areas: physical and functional interfaces, spacecraft (SC) integration and test, launch systems, and on-orbit flight operations.

    1. Nomenclature

    The Polymer Battery Experiment (PBEX), or "The Experiment," refers to the flight hardware of the experiment.

    "The Experimenter" represents the aggregate of the PBEX Principle Investigator, his/her staff, associated contractors, and agents.

    "The Spacecraft (SC)" refers to the aggregate of the hardware, firmware, software, and services necessary to allow PBEX to operate in space.

    "The Space Vehicle (SV)" refers to the SC integrated with PBEX.

    "The Launch Vehicle (LV)" refers to the hardware, firmware, software, and services required to place the SV safely into the proper orbit.

    "The SC Contractor" or "The Contractor" refers to the aggregate of the firm (s), the project manager(s), his/her/their staff(s), and associated subcontractors and agents who provide the SC, integrate PBEX to form the SV, test the SV, ship the SV, and launch the SV.

    "The SV Operator" refers to the aggregate of the firm and/or agency, project managers, his/her/their staff(s), and associated subcontractors and agents who format, verify, and send commands to the SV, and receive, process, format and deliver telemetry to the Experimenter. The SV Operator and the SC Contractor may be, in whole or in part, the same entities.


    1. Experiment Description

    This experiment will test the performance of advanced all-plastic batteries in space. The plastic battery operates along the same principles of any other rechargeable battery. However, the polymer battery has a plastic anode, cathode and gel electrolyte. The polymer battery promises a more flexible power source for future space missions

    Experiment Objective

    To evaluate the charging and discharging characteristics of plastic batteries in a space environment.

    Operational Concept

    PBEX will be powered on following SC checkout, and will remain powered continuously throughout SC life. PBEX will use the integrated solar cells or supplied SC power to charge the polymer battery, and will discharge the battery across a resistive load.. PBEX will be commanded, by real-time or scheduled commands generated by the Experimenter, to alternate between charging and discharging cycles. PBEX telemetry data will be collected and transferred to the SC for temporary storage. The SC shall transmit stored PBEX telemetry to the ground to be forwarded to the experimenters.

    Orbit Requirements

    1. Nominal Orbit Parameters

    PBEX has no orbit requirements for the TSX-6 mission.

    Launch Window

    PBEX has no launch window requirements for the TSX-6 mission.

    Desired Mission Life

    The SC shall support PBEX for a 6 month mission life, beginning at the end of space vehicle on-orbit checkout. The SC shall accept a goal to support PBEX for a 12 month mission life.

    Success Criteria

    1. Minimum Requirements

    PBEX achieves at least 360 charge/discharge cycles on-orbit. This roughly corresponds to one month of on-orbit operations.

    Mission Desires

    PBEX operates continuously for the entire mission and obtains in excess of 5000 charge/discharge cycles over a broad temperature range. It is a goal of PBEX to achieve charging and discharging of the battery on a per cycle basis at 90 % of its capacity over the stated temperature range. The 90% depth of discharge is optimum, however, other levels are acceptable.


    1. Engineering Layout

    PBEX consists of an aluminum box housing the polymer battery (plastic anode, cathode and gel electrolyte) and electronics for telemetry. One face of the box is covered with integrated solar cells. Figure 3.1-1is a picture of PBEX.

    Figure 3.1-1: Photograph of Polymer Battery Experiment

    Figure 3.1-1: Polymer Battery

    Coordinate System

    PBEX does not define a unique coordinate system for the experiment unit.

    Physical Dimensions

    The experiment's physical measurements will not exceed 14 cm (w) by 14 cm (l) by 5.6 cm (h), not including four standoff mounting holes. Each mounting hole extends approximately 1.3 cm from the side, and measures approximately 1.3 cm in width

    Mechanical Interfaces

    The PBEX mounting plate is 1/16-inch thick Aluminum plate with four standoff mounting holes. The SC Contractor shall provide the mounting bolts. The SC Contractor shall confer with the Experimenter to determine the proper size of the mounting bolts.

    Electrical Connections

    All electrical connections (including power and signals) to PBEX will be through one 15 pin AMP double density connector. The Experimenter will provide three complete sets of connectors (male and female), and one set of compatible connector savers. The SC Contractor shall terminate all cables to the provided connectors in accordance with ICD drawings established by the Contractor and the Experimenter.

    Mass properties

    1. Weight Summary

    The experiment weight will not exceed 2 pounds.

    Center of Mass

    The center of mass of PBEX is approximately the geometric center of the unit.

    Mass Moment of Inertia (kg-cm2)


    Moving Parts

    PBEX will have no moving parts.

    Mounting and Alignment

    The SC Contractor shall mount PBEX to the S/C using the existing mounting holes as described in Section 3.1.3.

    The SC Contractor may use discretion in choosing the mounting location and alignment, provided all requirements in this ERD and subsequent Interface Control Documents are satisfied.

    Field of View Requirements

    The Contractor shall provide PBEX solar cells exposure to direct sunlight. Exposure frequency shall be at least once per orbit during the most favorable beta-angle conditions. The Contractor and the Experimenter shall negotiate the final field of view requirements.

    Experiment Models/Simulators

    The Experimenter will provide a wooden mock-up, mass model, an electrical load simulator, a thermal model, and an experiment-to-SC interface simulator and/or engineering model as required.


    1. Electrical Power Requirements

    PBEX will require power from the SC to charge the polymer battery and power the on-board experiment electronics. PBEX will have safety features, such as a power limiter and a resettable fuse, built in so as to not to damage the S/C.

    Power Supply (Volts dc)

    The SC shall provide one unregulated 28 6V power line to PBEX for charging the polymer battery. The SC shall also provide one 5 1V power line for the experiment electronics.

    1. Current Limiting

    In-rush current into PBEX shall not exceed TBD A on the 28V line, and shall not exceed TBD A on the 5V line.

    Power On/Off Switching

    The SC shall be capable of switching each individual power line on or off through the SC commanding system.

    1. Isolation and Grounding

    PBEX has no unique isolation requirements. PBEX will comply with the single point grounding convention.

    Power Consumption

    The SC shall provide 0.3 watts orbit average power (OAP) over the 28V line and 0.1 watts OAP over the 5V line continuously during nominal on-orbit SC operations.

    1. Nominal Operations Power

    The SC shall support the power profiles listed in Table 4.1-1.

    Table 4.1-1: PBEX Power Requirements

    Experiment Mode         Line    Peak Power     Duty Cycle   
    Operating (Charging)   28V     0.5 W         50%            
                           5V      0.1 W                        
    Standby*               28V     --            50%            
    (Discharging)          5V      0.1 W                        
    Peak Power (Surge)     28V     0.6 W         0% (seconds)   
                           5V      0.1W                         

    * Power is needed to operate PBEX telemetry unit during battery discharge

    1. Survival Power

    The SC shall provide TBD W to PBEX during all contingency operations.

    Power Generation

    PBEX will be capable of providing up to TBD Amp-hours of power at 28 6V. Nominally, PBEX will dissipate this power through an internal resistive load during discharge cycles. However, the SC Contractor may elect to have this power dissipated to the SC for use by the SC subsystems, but may not hold the Experimenter or their agents liable for any damage this configuration may cause.

    Input/Output Signal Interfaces

    1. Bi-Directional Interfaces

    The SC shall provide a RS-422 interface with the PBEX.

    Discrete Interfaces

    Not applicable.

    Analog Interfaces

    The SC shall provide a connection for one analog output from PBEX. SC Contractor shall define the analog output based on the requirements stated in Section 6.3


    1. RS-422 Commands

    The SC shall transmit real-time and/or stored commands to PBEX via the RS-422 interface (See Section 4.2.1). The SC Contractor shall provide either a PC-based SC simulator, or information on the interface (command formats, interface design, etc.) to allow the experimenters to develop a PC-based command and data bus simulator.

    Real-time Commands

    The SC shall transmit real-time commands to PBEX within one second after receiving the command. The SC shall accept real time commands at a rate no faster than one command per second

    Stored Commands

    The SC shall transmit stored commands to PBEX within one second of the scheduled execute time. The SC shall store up to TBD bytes of commands for execution.

    Command List

    The SC shall handle seven 8 bit commands for transmission to PBEX:

    Charge battery A
    Charge battery B
    Charge batteries A and B
    Discharge battery A
    Discharge battery B
    Discharge neither
    Load disconnect

    Discrete Commands

    Not applicable.

    Analog Commands

    Not applicable.

    Spacecraft Commands

    The SC shall be able to command each PBEX power line switch to on or off. The SC shall also transmit experiment data to a receiving ground station on command. The SC Contractor shall provide a history of all SC commands issued to PBEX, including any errors received.

    Clock/Time Reference Requirements

    The SC shall execute scheduled PBEX commands and measure the execution time of PBEX commands within 100ms of the UTC reference time.


    1. RS-422 Telemetry

    The SC shall receive telemetry from PBEX via the RS-422 interface (See Section 4.2.1). The SC shall provide data storage as specified in Section 6.1.1 below, since PBEX has no inherent data storage capability.

    Experiment Data Transfer and Storage

    The SC shall accept experiment data from PBEX on demand, but at a rate no faster than 150 bits per second. The SC shall time tag experiment data within one second of receiving the data. The SC shall collect and store up to 2 kilobits/orbit of experiment data for 24 hours.

    Telemetry List

    The SC shall collect the telemetry points listed in Table 6.1-1:

    Table 6.1-1: PBEX Telemetry Points

    Telemetry Point  Length (bits)    Frequency (Hz)   
    ILOAD            8                1                
    IBATTERY         8                1                
    VBATTERY         8                1                
    TBATTERY         8                1                

    Data Integrity

    The SC Contractor shall limit the bit error rate for experiment data to 1x10-6 from the interface with the experiment to delivery to the Ground Control Station.

    Discrete Telemetry

    Not applicable.

    Analog Telemetry

    The SC Contractor shall provide one thermistor to be placed on the PBEX base plate. The Experimenter will place the thermistor and terminate the output in the 15 pin AMP double density connector (See Section 3.2). The thermistor shall be calibrated to measure temperatures from -TBD to +TBD C. The SC shall sample the measurement at least once each 15 minutes, with an accuracy of TBD C.

    Spacecraft Data

    The SC Contractor shall provide a time history of the input power on the 28V line to PBEX. Input power shall be measured at TBD sec intervals.

    Clock/Time Reference Requirements

    The SC shall time tag experiment and PBEX related SC data within 100 ms of the UTC reference time.


    1. Static Load Constraints

    The SC shall limit the static load on PBEX to the levels in Table 7.1-1 below. The SC Contractor shall not use PBEX to carry loads or to support other SC or other experiment structural members.

    Table 7.1-1: PBEX Static Load Limits

    Spacecraft      Load Limits     
    Axis            (g)             
    x               TBD             
    y               TBD             
    z               TBD             

    Vibration Constraints

    The SC shall limit the random vibration at the SC-to-PBEX interface to the levels in Table 7.2-1 below.

    Table 7.2-1: SC-to-PBEX Random Vibration Limits

    Frequency (Hz)  Power Spectral Density        

    1. Shock Constraints

    The SC shall limit the shock at the SC-to-PBEX interface to the levels in Table 7.3-1 below.

    Table 7.3-1: SC-to-PBEX Pyroshock Limits

    Frequency (Hz)  Acceleration      

    Radiation Constraints

    The SC shall limit PBEX radiation exposure to 100,000 RAD[Si] of ionizing radiation over a three year period.

    Electromagnetic Compatibility

    1. Radiated Emissions from Experiment

    PBEX is a DC experiment, with no radiated emissions (within experimental uncertainty).

    Conducted Emissions from Experiment

    The SC shall withstand conducted emissions to the levels in Table 7.5-1 below.

    Table 7.5-1: Conducted Emissions from PBEX

    Frequency (Hz)  Amplitude (A)    
    TBD             TBD              

    Magnetic Fields Generated by Experiment

    The SC shall withstand a magnetic field with a strength up to 5 microteslas at 1 meter from TBD.

    Sensitivity of Experiment to Radiated Emissions

    The SC shall limit radiated emissions at any surface of PBEX to the values listed in Table 7.5-2.

    Table 7.5-2: PBEX Sensitivity to Radiated Emissions

    Frequency (Hz)  Amplitude (dBV/m)    
    TBD             TBD                  

    1. Sensitivity of Experiment to Conducted Emissions

    The SC shall limit conducted emissions into PBEX to the values listed in Table 7.5-3.

    Table 7.5-3: PBEX Sensitivity to Conducted Emissions

    Frequency (Hz)  Amplitude (A)    
    TBD             TBD              

    1. Sensitivity of Experiment to Magnetic Fields

    The SC shall limit magnetic fields in the vicinity of PBEX to the values listed in Table 7.5-4.

    Table 7.5-4: PBEX Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields

    Frequency (Hz)  Amplitude             
    TBD             TBD                   

    1. Atmospheric Pressure Constraints

    SC Contractor shall ensure that atmospheric pressure and decompression rates to which PBEX is exposed during integration, test, and shipping do not exceed levels expected during launch or orbital operations.

    Cleanliness Constraints

    The SC Contractor shall ensure PBEX is kept at cleanliness levels equal to or better than the SC. The Contractor shall coordinate cleaning procedures (wipe-downs, bake-outs, etc.) with the Experimenter before proceeding with any such action.

    Humidity Constraints

    The SC Contractor shall ensure PBEX is maintained in a humidity environment that limits electrostatic discharge and avoids condensation.

    Thermal Interface Requirements

    1. Thermal Isolation

    The SC shall limit the total influx of thermal energy by all mechanisms (radiation, conduction, reflection, etc.) to TBD W/cm2

    Thermal Dissipation

    The SC shall conduct the expected thermal dissipation of PBEX (500 mW maximum thermal power) way from PBEX through the experiment's mounting plate, or shall propose alternate methods of thermal control for the Experimenter's approval.

    Experiment Thermal Limits

    During nominal operations, the SC shall maintain PBEX temperature within the allowable operating temperature ranges listed in Table 7.9-1. During contingency operations, the SC shall maintain PBEX temperature within the allowable survival temperature ranges listed in Table 7.9-1.

    Table 7.9-1: PBEX Temperature Limits

    PBEX                 Allowable Operating         Allowable Survival             
    Operating Mode       Temperature Range           Temperature Range              
    Operating            -35 to +35 deg C            N/A                            
    Standby              -35 to +35 deg C            N/A                            
    Unpowered            N/A                         -45  deg C to TBD              


    1. Experiment Handling, Procedures and Equipment
    2. Ground Handling Procedures

    The Contractor shall ensure that all requirements in this document are satisfied during handling on the ground. PBEX has no additional ground handling requirements.

    Experiment Inspection Procedures

    The Experimenter will develop inspection procedures for PBEX. The Contractor shall comply with inspection procedures, and shall grant the Experimenter access to PBEX for inspections as requested.

    Experiment Integration Procedures

    The Contractor shall coordinate with the Experimenter to develop proper procedures for integrating PBEX to the SC.

    Experiment Power On/Off Procedures

    The Experimenter will develop power on/off procedures for PBEX for integration and test activities. The SC Contractor shall comply with power on/off sequences provided by the Experimenter

    Experiment State of Health Checks

    The Experimenter will develop a telemetry data dump sequence to perform periodic state of health checks for PBEX during integration and test activities. The SC Contractor shall comply with the telemetry data dump sequences provided by the Experimenter. The Experimenter will process and evaluate the data for these checks.

    Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

    The Experimenter will provide all GSE necessary to support PBEX inspections and state of health checks during integration and test. The GSE will include either a SC Contractor-provided simulator or a PC with a customized board to simulate the SC (See Section 5), and a printer.

    Spacecraft Integration and Test

    1. Pre-spacecraft Integration Inspection & Test

    After receiving PBEX from the experimenters and prior to integration to the SC, the Contractor shall support a visual inspection of PBEX and a telemetry data dump.

    Post Spacecraft Integration Test Requirements

    Following integration to the SC and following each test of the SC which includes PBEX, the Contractor shall support a visual inspection of PBEX and a telemetry data dump (described in Section 8.1.5).

    Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and Facilities

    PBEX requires no additional GSE during SC integration and test beyond that described in Section 8.1.6. However, the Contractor shall provide the Experimenter with access to a phone, a desk and electrical outlets to support the PC and a printer. The Experimenter also desires Internet access, if available.

    Experiment Access

    The Contractor shall provide reasonable access to PBEX during SV integration and test to replace the batteries, if necessary.


    Should SV storage become necessary, the Contractor shall notify the Experimenter. PBEX will discharge over periods of inactivity, but this will not harm the experiment. The Contractor shall ensure PBEX storage temperatures do not exceed +75 C. After removing PBEX from storage, the Contractor shall support a telemetry data dump as described in Section 8.1.5.

    Launch Vehicle (LV) Integration and Test

    1. LV Integration Site Tests

    Following SV arrival at the launch vehicle integration site, The SC Contractor shall support a PBEX telemetry data dump. The Contractor shall also support subsequent telemetry data dumps throughout the launch vehicle integration process at times to negotiated by the Contractor and the Experimenter.

    LV Integration Site GSE and Facilities

    PBEX requires no additional GSE during LV integration and test beyond that described in Section 8.1.6. However, the Contractor shall provide the Experimenter with access to a phone, a desk and electrical outlets to support the PC and a printer. The Experimenter also desires Internet access, if available.

    Launch Pad Tests

    The SC Contractor shall support one PBEX telemetry data dump after the SV is integrated with the LV, as late as possible before launch.

    Launch Pad Environment

    PBEX has no additional requirements for the launch pad environment, provided that all other requirements in this ERD are satisfied.

    Experiment Access

    The Contractor shall provide reasonable access to PBEX to replace the batteries if necessary.

    Launch Go/No-Go Criteria

    PBEX has no requirements for Launch Go/No-Go criteria

    Potentially Hazardous Materials & Equipment

    1. Pressurized Systems (Liquid/Gas)

    PBEX does not contain any pressurized systems.

    Ordnance Systems

    PBEX does not contain any ordnance systems.

    Radiation Sources

    PBEX does not contain any radiation sources.

    High Voltage Source Locations

    PBEX does not contain any high voltage sources.

    Hazardous Materials

    PBEX does not contain any explosive, corrosive, or toxic battery material.


    1. Launch Phase Requirements

    PBEX shall be powered off during ascent.

    On-Orbit Operations

    1. Pre-Initialization

    The SC shall maintain the PBEX temperature within the survival temperature range stated in Section 7.9.3. Provided this requirement is satisfied, PBEX may remain unpowered during SC check-out.

    Experiment Turn-On

    The Experimenter will develop power on/off procedures for PBEX for on-orbit operations. The SV Operator shall comply with power on/off sequences provided by the Experimenter. The SV Operator shall ensure the PBEX temperature is within the operating temperature limits (See Section 7.9.3) before applying power to the unit.


    The SV Operator shall begin PBEX initialization within 24 hours after the completion of SC check-out. The SV Operator, and the Experimenter shall negotiate the proper initialization procedure. The SC shall support the initialization procedure.


    The SC shall begin collecting telemetry from PBEX immediately after initialization. The SV operator shall downlink PBEX telemetry between TBD and TBD hours after initialization. The SV Operator shall make the collected telemetry available for download by the Experimenter within TBD hours after receipt at the ground station.

    Nominal Experiment Operations

    The SC shall operate PBEX continuously during normal SC operations. The SC shall command PBEX to alternate between one charge/discharge cycle per orbit from initialization to end of mission life. The SC Contractor, the SV Operator, and the Experimenter shall negotiate deviations from this profile as required.

    Contingency Experiment Operations

    For purposes of this document, contingency operations include all SC modes which require PBEX to be powered off. The SV Operator shall notify the Experimenter when PBEX is turned off, and when it is turned on again.

    Operations Support

    1. Pre-Flight Training and Simulation

    None required.

    Data Return, Processing, and Distribution

    The GCS shall automatically format time-tagged PBEX telemetry and temperature into a TBD spread sheet file. The GCS shall have the capability for the Experimenter to remotely access the file (e.g., a dial-in bulletin board).

    Meteorological Services

    None required.


    1. Attitude Control and Stabilization
    2. Attitude Control

    PBEX has no attitude control requirements.

    Attitude Knowledge

    PBEX has no attitude knowledge requirements.


    1. Prediction/Real Time Knowledge

    PBEX has no requirement for orbit ephemeris predictions.

    Post Processed Knowledge

    PBEX has no post-processed ephemeris knowledge requirements.


    1. Deliverables Summary

    The following deliveries must be accomplished to successfully integrate PBEX to the SC:

    Table 12.1-1: Deliverables for PBEX Mission

    Deliverable                      From            To             Date Required  
    Thermistor                       SC Contractor   Experimenter   TBD            
    SC Simulator                     SC Contractor   Experimenter                  
    Interface Control Document       SC Contractor   Experimenter                  
    Wooden mock-up                   Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Mass model                       Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Electrical load simulator        Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Thermal model                    Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Experiment-to-SC interface       Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Engineering model                Experimenter    SC Contractor                 
    Operational inputs               Experimenter    SV Operator                   
    Flight Operations Manual         SV Operator     Experimenter                  


    All elements of the PBEX program are unclassified.


    DC Direct Current

    LV Launch Vehicle

    N/A Not Applicable

    NTE Not To Exceed

    OAP Orbit Average Power

    PBEX Polymer Battery Experiment.

    SC Spacecraft

    SV Space Vehicle

    UTC Universal Time Coordinate

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