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Interface Requirements Specification (IRS)

for the

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

NOTE: Change bars have been added to identify specific changes made to the document since the previous release, dated 1 February 1997. The footnotes within changed text reference comments in the Notes section, which provide rationale for specific changes.

For questions and comments, contact the following:

• Joseph Rajkowski/617-271-6926/raj@mitre.org

• Capt. Tami Volk/617-271-5911/volkt@hanscom.af.mil

Table of Contents

Section                                                                Page       
1.        Scope                                                        5          
1.1       Identification                                               5          
1.2       System Overview                                              6          
1.3       Document Overview                                            7          
2.        Referenced Documents                                         8          
2.1       Government Documents                                         8          
2.2       Non-Government Documents                                     9          
3.        Requirements                                                 12         
3.1       Interface Identification and Diagrams                        12         
3.2       IDM to SBM Interface                                         19         
3.3       GCC/RCC to SBM/TSBM Interface (GBC)                          22         
3.4       GCCS to SBM/TSBM Interface (GRAT)                            24         
3.5       Networked DS to SBM Interface                                28         
3.6       Direct DS to SBM Interface                                   30         
3.7       SBM/TSBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller Interface             32         
3.8       UFO GBS Antenna Controller to UFO Interface                  33         
3.9       SBM/TSBM to AFSCN Interface                                  34         
3.10      AFSCN to UFO Interface                                       35         
3.11      SBM to PIP Interface                                         36         
3.12      SBM to PIP/Ku Interface                                      38         
3.13      PIP to UFO Interface                                         40         
3.14      PIP IF Interface                                             42         
3.15      PIP/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface                         43         
3.16      TDS to TSBM Interface                                        45         
3.17      TSBM to TTI Interface                                        47         
3.18      TTI to UFO Interface                                         49         
3.19      TTI IF Interface                                             51         
3.20      UFO to RT Interface                                          53         
3.21      RT IF Interface                                              54         
3.22      Ku Space Segment to RT/Ku Interface                          55         
3.23      RT to RBM Interface                                          56         
3.24      RT/Ku to RBM Interface                                       58         
3.25      RBM to End Users Interface                                   59         
3.26      RBM to SBM/TSBM Interface                                    61         
3.27      SBM to TSBM Interface                                        64         
3.28      EKMS to SBM Interface                                        66         
3.29      RBM to IDM Interface                                         68         
3.30      SBM/TSBM to TIM Interface (GRAT)                             69         
3.31      RBM to Networked DS Interface                                70         
3.32      End User to SBM Interface                                    71         
3.33      RT to End User Interface                                     72         
4.        Requirements Traceability                                    67         
5.        Notes                                                        68         
          Glossary                                                     71         

List of Figures

Figure                                                                 Page       
1.2-1     Notional GBS Phase II Transmit Connectivity Diagram          6          
3.1-1     GBS Interfaces Functional Block Diagram                      12         
3.2-1     IDM to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram        19         
3.3-1     GCC/RCC to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram    22         
3.4-1     GCCS to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram       24         
3.5-1     Networked DS to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity       28         
3.7-1     SBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller Interface and              33         
          Connectivity Diagram                                                    
3.9-1     SBM to AFSCN Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram      35         
3.11-1    SBM to PIP Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram        36         
3.12-1    SBM to PIP/Ku Interface and Element Connectvity Diagram      38         
3.13-1    PIP to UFO Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram        40         
3.15-1    PIP/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface and Element             43         
          Connectivity Diagram                                                    
3.16-1    TDS to TSBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram       45         
3.17-1    TSBM to TTI Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram       47         
3.18-1    TTI to UFO Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram        49         
3.23-1    RT to RBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram         56         
3.24-1    RT/Ku to RBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram      58         
3.25-1    RBM to End Users Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram  59         
3.26-1    RBM to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram        61         
3.27-1    SBM to TSBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram       64         

List of Tables

Table                                                                  Page       
3.1-1      GBS Connectivity Modes                                      13         
3.1-2      GBS Modes and Representative RBC Elements                   15         

1. Scope

This document describes the interfaces directly related to the Global Broadcast Service (GBS), including connections to the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Defense Information Infrastructure (DII).

1.1 Identification

This document defines the interface requirements for the segments and major elements for Phase II of the GBS program. The associated high level functional requirements for the GBS system are described in the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Phase II System Requirements Document (SRD).

The requirements for the following interfaces are specified in this document.

• Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Information Dissemination Manager (IDM) to Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM)

• Global/Regional Control Center (GCC/RCC) to SBM/Transportable SBM (TSBM) using the Global Broadcast Coordinator (GBC)

• Global Command and Control System (GCCS) to SBM/TSBM using the Global Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT)

• Networked Data Source (DS) to SBM

• Directly Connected DS to SBM

• SBM/TSBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller (EHF Terminal)

• UFO GBS Antenna Controller to UFO Space Segment (Ka-band) 1

• SBM/TSBM to Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN)

• AFSCN to UFO Space Segment (Ka-band) 2

• SBM to UFO Primary Injection Point (PIP)

• SBM to PIP (Ku-band)

• PIP to UFO Space Segment (Ka-band)

• PIP intermediate frequency (IF)

• PIP (Ku-band) to Ku-band Space Segment

• Theater Data Source (TDS) to TSBM

• TSBM to Transportable Theater Injector (TTI)

• TTI to UFO Space Segment (Ka-band)


• UFO Space Segment (Ka-band) to Receive Terminal (RT)


• Ku-band Space Segment to RT (Ku-band)

• RT to Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM)

• RT (Ku-band) to RBM

• RBM to End Users



• Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) to SBM

• RBM to IDM


• RBM to Networked DS

• End User to SBM

• RT to End User

1.2 System Overview

The GBS system is being acquired by the GBS Joint Program Office (JPO) to augment military satellite communications (MILSATCOM) systems and provide a continuous, high-speed, broadcast of high-volume data to units in garrison, deployed, or on the move. Figure 1.2-1 depicts a conceptual view of GBS system transmit connectivity that will be available as part of the interim (Phase II) capability as described in the Joint Operational Requirements Document (JORD) for the GBS system. This configuration includes Joint Staff direction and policies that allocate GBS resources (bandwidth, time slots, and satellite antennas and transponders) among the Commanders in Chief (CINCs). Based on these allocations, the CINCs specify the class of data products to be broadcast as well as their precedence and scheduling. National and in-theater data sources originate the data products—data files, video and audio streams—that constitute most of the GBS programming. The Information Dissemination Manager (IDM) and the Theater Information Managers (TIM) determine the means by which the data products should be delivered to the end users and send programming information for GBS broadcasts to the Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM). On the basis of the programming information, assigned priorities, and resource allocations, the SBM assembles the broadcast data stream from data products obtained from data sources and other inputs and forwards the stream to the Primary Injection Point (PIP) associated with the SBM. The PIP transmits the broadcast to the GBS Space Segment. For Phase II, each PIP is associated with a single UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellite containing a GBS payload. These satellites are UFO 8, 9, and 10 which have areas of coverage that are roughly centered over the Pacific Ocean (West), the Atlantic

Figure 1.2-1 Notional GBS Phase II Transmit Connectivity Diagram

Ocean (East), and the Indian Ocean. The GBS system will provide status and monitoring information to a Global Control Center (GCC) and Regional Control Centers (RCC). The figure does not depict the many receive sites and end users of the GBS programming.

Most of the elements of the GBS system are interconnected by the Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) and by one or more reachback channels. The DII and reachback channels support the transfer of data, messages, and control information for coordinating the production and transmission of the GBS programming.

1.3 Document Overview

This document is intended to provide a high level functional as well as security, electrical, and physical specifications of the major interfaces of the GBS. It will evolve to incorporate increasingly detailed descriptions of the interface requirements as their definitions mature. This Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) uses the Phase II capability as the baseline; however, the interface requirements are not expected to change in a significant way during the evolution of GBS. One exception is the anticipated use of commercial Ku-band satellite communications equipment to augment the coverage provided with the Phase II design. The resulting changes to the interface requirements due to that augmentation of the design are included in this document.

2. Referenced Documents

2.1 Government Documents

Item    Document           Title                                            
        1 February 1997    Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Phase II System   
                           Requirements Document (SRD)                      
        13 February 1997   Joint Operational Requirements Document (ORD)    
                           for Global Broadcast Service (GBS)               
        22 August 1996     Department of Defense Joint Technical            
                           Architecture, version 1.0                        
        12 November 1996   Army Technical Architecture, version 4.5         
        23 October 1995    Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Common  
                           Operating Environment (COE) Integration and      
                           Runtime Specification (I&RTS), version 2.0       
        14 February 1995   Defense Information System Network (DISN)        
                           Router Network Subscriber Guide                  
        PMW 146-S-003      Space Segment Specification for Interim Global   
        27 February 1996   Broadcast Service                                
        A3262771           Performance Specification for the Global         
        4 March 1997       Broadcast Service (GBS) Primary Injection Point  
                           (PIP) Satellite Terminal, version 3.3            
        A3262772           Performance Specification for the Global         
        4 March 1997       Broadcast Service (GBS) Fixed Ground Receive     
                           Terminal (FGRT), revision 3.3                    
        A3265010           Performance Specification for the Global         
        4 March 1997       Broadcast Service (GBS) Transportable Theater    
                           Injector (TTI)                                   
        A3263914           Performance Specification for the Global         
        4 March 1997       Broadcast Service (GBS) Transportable Ground     
                           Receive Terminal (TGRT), version 3.3             
        MIL-STD-1777       Military Standard Internet Protocol              
        August 1983                                                         

2.2 Non-Government Documents

Item    Document            Title                                           
        5 August 1993       ATM User-Network Interface Specification,       
                            Version 3.0                                     
        21 July 1994        ATM User-Network Interface Specification,       
                            Version 3.1                                     
        TIA/EIA-612         Electrical Characteristics for an Interface at  
        December 1993       Data Signaling Rates up to 52 Mbit/s            
        TIA/EIA-613         High Speed Serial Interface for Data Terminal   
        November 1993       Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating          
                            Equipment (ANSI/TIA/EIA-613-93)                 
        RFC 768             User Datagram Protocol                          
        28 August 1980                                                      
        RFC 791             Internet Protocol                               
        1 September 1991                                                    
        RFC 792             Internet Control Message Protocol               
        1 September 1981                                                    
        RFC 793             Transmission Control Protocol                   
        1 September 1981                                                    
        RFC 821             Simple Mail Transfer Protocol                   
        1 August 1982                                                       
        RFC 894             Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams   
        1 April 1984        over Ethernet networks                          
        RFC 919             Broadcasting Internet datagrams                 
        1 October 1984                                                      
        RFC 922             Broadcasting Internet datagrams in the          
        1 October 1984      presence of subnets                             
        RFC 950             Internet standard subnetting procedure          
        1 August 1985                                                       
        RFC 959             File Transfer Protocol (FTP)                    
        1 October 1985                                                      
        RFC 1034            Domain names - concepts and facilities          
        1 November 1987                                                     
        RFC 1035            Domain names - implementation and               
        1 November 1987     specification                                   
        RFC 1075            Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol      
        1 November 1988                                                     
        RFC 1112            Host extensions for IP multicasting             
        1 August 1989                                                       
        RFC 1122            Requirements for Internet hosts -               
        1 October 1989      communication layers                            
        RFC 1123            Requirements for Internet hosts - application   
        1 October 1989      and support                                     
        RFC 1155            Structure and Identification of Management      
        10 May 1990         Information for TCP/IP-based Internets          
        RFC 1157            A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)     
        10 May 1990                                                         
        RFC 1212            Concise MIB Definitions                         
        26 March 1991                                                       
        RFC 1213            Management Information Base for Network         
        26 March 1991       Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II    
        RFC 1332            The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol      
        26 May 1992         (IPCP)                                          
        RFC 1333            PPP Link Quality Monitoring                     
        26 May 1992                                                         
        RFC 1334            PPP Authentication Protocols                    
        20 October 1992                                                     
        RFC 1441            Introduction to version 2 of the                
        3 May 1993          Internet-standard Network Management Framework  
        RFC 1483            Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM            
        20 July 1993        Adaptation                                      
                            Layer 5                                         
        RFC 1570            PPP LCP Extensions                              
        11 January 1994                                                     
        RFC 1577            Classical IP and ARP over ATM                   
        20 January 1994                                                     
        RFC 1661            The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)               
        21 July 1994                                                        
        RFC 1662            PPP in HDLC-like Framing                        
        21 July 1994                                                        
        RFC 1812            Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers           
        22 June 1995                                                        
        RFC 1945            Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0         
        17 May 1996                                                         
        IEEE 802.3          Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision    
                            Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical  
                            ITU recommendation I.363                        
                            ATM Forum Traffic Management Specification,     
                            version 4.0                                     
                            ATM Forum Private Network-to-Network Interface  
                            Specification, version 1.0                      
        TIA/EIA-422-B       Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage  
        May 1994            Digital Interface Circuits                      
        TIA/EIA-423-A       Electrical Characteristics of Unbalanced        
        December 1978       Voltage Digital Interface Circuits              
        EIA/TIA-530-A       High Speed 25-Position Interface for Data       
        June 1992           Terminal Equipment and Data                     
                            Circuit-Terminating Equipment, Including        
                            Alternative 26-Position Connector               

3. Requirements

This section specifies the interface requirements for the GBS system elements. Except where explicitly identified as objective requirements, the requirements of this section are threshold requirements for Phase 2 of the GBS program.

Some of the interfaces specified in this section reference GBS elements that are optional as specified in the CLIN documentation. Interfaces involving optional elements are not required until the option for the element is exercised; however, a contractor should provide a design with built-in flexibility to support the subsequent inclusion of these optional elements in order to minimize the overall system cost associated with system upgrades.

The GBS program is a phased acquisition in which the capability of the system design is upgraded in a cost effective manner by taking advantage of technology as it matures and becomes more affordable and introduces less risk to the system. The IRS includes all requirements that have been specified or derived from system requirements documents that specify the capabilities that must be supported by the end of Phase 2 of the GBS program. Specific interface requirements that must be implemented for the initial delivery of the GBS system shall be determined by the requirements that are specified in appendix 2 of the SRD. The schedule for the implmentation of specific interface requirements for subsequent upgrades during Phase 2 will be determined by the contractor in coordination with the Government.

3.1 Interface Identification and Diagrams

Figure 3.1-1 depicts the flow of information from the data sources, through the GBS, and into the operating environment of the end user. The Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Information Dissemination Manager (IDM) and the Global and Regional Control Centers (GCC/RCC) provide management of the information flow through GBS. The GBS data will be routed directly from the data sources to the SBM or from the data sources through the IDM to the SBM 3. The products received by the GBS system are delivered by electronic transmission over satellite and may be disseminated by local area networks to end users. The GBS Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM) and the end users can communicate additional needs through reachback channels, if available, to the DII IDM, the data sources, or the SBM.

3.1.1 General Interface Requirements

The connectivity between the GBS-related systems and elements shown in figure 3.1-1 will typically be provided through DISN/DII services (SIPRNET, NIPRNET, DISN-LES, JWICS),

Figure 3.1-1 GBS Interfaces Functional Block Diagram

reachback channels, and direct connections using standard protocols. This section specifies the requirements for these common transmission mechanisms, including the network and system interfaces as well as the protocols used for the transfer of data products, status, and control information. The GBS system shall comply with the standards for information processing, transfer, and systems security that are outlined in the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) and the Army Technical Architecture (ATA). Software for the GBS system that implements these standards shall comply with the requirements of Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Common Operating Environment (COE) Integration and Runtime Specification (I&RTS) to level 7 and, as an objective, to level 8.

The GBS system shall operate in Receive Only, Manually Connected, Partially Connected, and Fully Connected connectivity modes as defined in table 3.1-1 (dependent on GBS block number and the user’s available reachback channel connectivity).

Receive Only (RO)        The receive suite can receive the GBS   
                         broadcast only, no manual nor           
                         automatic reachback channel exists.     
Manually Connected (MC)  The RBM can receive the GBS broadcast,  
                         a manual reachback channel exists.  A   
                         human-in-the-loop is required for       
                         submitting user pull requests or        
                         requesting the rebroadcast of data      
Partially Connected      The RBM can receive the GBS broadcast,  
(PC)                     a reachback channel exists over which   
                         user pull and rebroadcast requests for  
                         data products are transmitted using     
                         standard protocols (e.g., TCP/IP) and   
                         applications (e.g., FTP, SMTP). The     
                         requests are automatically generated;   
                         however, virtual full-duplex            
                         connectivity is not achieved.           
Fully Connected (FC)     The RBM can receive the GBS broadcast,  
                         a communications channel exists over    
                         which rebroadcast requests are          
                         transmitted on a packet-per-packet      
                         basis using split protocols (e.g.,      
                         split TCP/IP, asymmetric ATM).  The     
                         requests are automatically generated    
                         and virtual full-duplex connectivity    
                         is achieved.                            

Table 3.1-1 GBS Connectivity Modes 4 Network and System Interface Requirements

The GBS shall interface to the networks and systems that are included in this section. The communications protocols and interface standards specified for each of the network and system interfaces shall be as specified in section The list of networks and system interfaces may be expanded to include other Government networks that are identified or may be modified as the DII architecture evolves. The GBS will also support direct connections from data sources or end user equipment. The requirements for these interfaces will be addressed in section Secure IP Router Network (SIPRNET)

A SIPRNET interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP, UDP/IP, and multicast UDP/IP traffic at the SECRET level. The interface may also support the transfer of ATM traffic at the SECRET level in the future. A SIPRNET interface that supports the transfer of IP traffic shall comply with the 10-Mbps Ethernet interface standard. A SIPRNET interface that supports the transfer of ATM traffic, including IP over ATM, shall comply with the DS1, DS3, or OC-3c interface standards, depending on site requirements. Additional requirements for interfacing to SIPRNET (including hardware interface standards and security requirements) are specified in Defense Information System Network (DISN) Router Network Subscriber Guide. N-level (Unclassified but Sensitive) IP Router Network (NIPRNET)

A NIPRNET interface shall support the transfer of Unclassified Controlled Information (UCI) as TCP/IP, UDP/IP, multicast UDP/IP, and ATM traffic. A NIPRNET interface that supports the transfer of IP traffic shall comply with the 10-Mbps Ethernet standard. A NIPRNET interface that supports the transfer of ATM traffic, including IP over ATM, shall comply with the DS1, DS3, or OC-3c interface standards, depending on site requirements. Additional requirements for interfacing to NIPRNET (including hardware interface standards and security requirements) are specified in Defense Information System Network (DISN) Router Network Subscriber Guide. DISN-Leading Edge Services (LES) Network

An LES interface shall support the transfer of IP over ATM as well as ATM traffic at the SECRET level. An LES interface that supports the transfer of ATM traffic, including IP over ATM, shall comply with the DS1, DS3, or OC-3c interface standards, depending on site requirements. Additional requirements for interfacing to LES are specified in (TBS). Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS)

A JWICS interface shall support the transfer of a serial stream of data that has been encrypted. The interface shall comply with the requirements of the synchronous serial interface standards (TIA/EIA-422/530). Additional requirements for interfacing to JWICS are specified in Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications Systems (JWICS) Phase 4 Concept of Operations (CONOPS) (TBR). Reachback Channel (RBC)

The term Reachback Channel (RBC) will be used throughout this document to refer to DISN and non-DISN communications services and systems that are outside the GBS system and that provide a capability for user pull and a coordination channel for the

   GBS Mode     Available Reachback Channel Systems/Services     
      RO          Not Applicable                                 
      MC          Voice communications (secure and non-secure)   
                  electonic mail                                 
      PC          TCP/IP or ATM traffic (e.g., automated         
                electronic mail                                  
                  or file transfers) over tactical radio/SATCOM  
      FC          split TCP/IP or asymmetric ATM traffic (e.g.,  
                  automated packet/cell acknowledgments) over    
                  radio/SATCOM systems                           

Table 3.1-2 GBS Modes and Representative RBC Elements

RBM to the SBM/TSBM. Table 3.1-2 lists notional examples of RBC elements that are available for each of the GBS connectivity modes. Examples of tactical radio/SATCOM systems that are part of the RBC include Combat Net Radio (CNR), Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE), Single Channel Ground & Airborne

Radio (SINCGARS), and UHF DAMA. In general, bandwidth is a limited and valuable resource for these systems; therefore, the GBS system/interface design should minimize the use of this resource in supporting the system requirements.

An RBC interface shall support the transfer of a serial stream of data or TCP/IP, IP over ATM, or ATM traffic. The data or traffic may be unclassified or classified (unencrypted or encrypted). The interface shall comply with the synchronous serial interface standards (TIA/EIA-422/530), asynchronous serial interface standards (TIA/EIA-423/530), or the 10-Mbps Ethernet standard, depending on site requirements.. Protocol Requirements

This section specifies the protocol requirements for the network and system interfaces identified in the previous section as well as the requirements for direct connections between the GBS elements and data sources (such as NTSC video) or end user equipment. The requirements are listed beginning with the application layer and proceed through the protocol layers to the physical layer requirements. The implementations of the protocols that are specified below shall include the clarifications and corrections of Request for Comments (RFC) 1122 and 1123 for host systems and those of RFC 1812 for routers. These protocols are specified by the JTA and ATA and are the preferred protocols for implementing the functionality that the given protocol supports. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP-based data file transfers shall comply with the requirements of RFC 959 and include an implementation of the STOU and ABOR commands 5. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP-based status and control shall comply with the requirements of RFC 1157 or RFC 1441 6. The status and control functions shall be supported using SNMP Management Information Bases (MIBs) and shall comply with the requirements of RFCs 1155, 1212, and 1213. All MIBs developed for the GBS will be approved by the Government and shall be registered. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

SMTP-based messaging shall comply with the requirements of RFC 821. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP-based transfers shall comply with the requirements of RFC 1945. Domain Name System (DNS)

DNS-based directory services shall comply with the requirements of RFCs 1034 and 1035. UDP

A UDP interface shall comply with the requirements of RFC 768. TCP

A TCP interface shall comply with the requirements of RFC 793. IP

An IP interface shall comply with the requirements of RFC 791 as well as the extensions for subnetting, broadcasting, and multicasting that are specified in RFCs 950, 919, 922, and 1112. An IP interface shall support the status and control functions provided by the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) as specified in RFC 792. An IP interface should include the options for precedence and security as specified in MIL-STD-1777 (TBR). If routing functions must be provided by an IP interface, these shall comply with the general requirements of RFC 1812 and the multicasting requirements of RFCs 1075 (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol, DVMRP) and 1112 (Internet Group Management Protocol, IGMP).7 ATM

An ATM interface shall comply with the requirements of the ITU-T standards and ATM Forum Specifications (TBS), including the ATM Forum User-Network Interface (UNI) specification, versions 3.0 and 3.1 and the ATM Forum Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) specification, version 1.0. The ATM interface shall support the adaptation layer protocols, the service classes, the transfer of IP traffic as specified below. AAL1 and AAL5

ATM Adaptation Layer Type 1 and Type 5 processing shall comply with the requirements of ITU-T Recommendation I.363. ATM Transport Service Classes

ATM Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Variable-Bit-Rate (VBR), and Available-Bit-Rate (ABR) services shall comply with the requirements of the ATM Forum Traffic Management Specification, version 4.0. IP over ATM

An IP over ATM interface shall comply with the requirements of RFCs 1483 and 1577. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

The transfer of IP traffic over full-duplex, synchronous or asynchronous serial interfaces shall comply with the requirements of PPP as specified in RFCs 1661, 1662, 1332. 1333, 1334, and 1570. 8 10-Mbps Ethernet

A 10-Mbps Ethernet interface shall comply with IEEE standard 802.3 using 10BaseT and standard, Category 5, unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable with RJ-45 connectors (TBR). 100-Mbps Ethernet

A 100-Mbps Ethernet interface shall comply with IEEE standard 802.3 using 100BaseT and standard, Category 5, unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable with RJ-45 connectors (TBR). Synchronous Serial Interface

The electrical characteristics of a synchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements of TIA/EIA-422. The physical characteristics of a synchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements of RS-530 for 25-pin connectors. The interface shall support data rates up to and including 6.312 Mbps. Asynchronous Serial Interface 9

The electrical characteristics of an asynchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements of TIA/EIA-423. The physical characteristics of an asynchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements of RS-530 for 25-pin connectors. The interface shall support data rates up to and including 128 kbps. DS1 Interface

TBS DS3 Interface

TBS OC-3c Interface

An interface shall comply with the OC-3c (155 Mbps) interface standard as specified in the ATM Forum UNI specification, versions 3.0 and 3.1 and the ATM Forum PNNI specification, version 1.0. The interface shall use a connection consisting of a single-mode fiber optic cable with SC-type fiber optic connectors. National Television System Committee (NTSC)

An NTSC interface shall provide analog video and audio (monaural and stereo) signals that are NTSC-compliant (video: 1 Vp-p, 75-ohm unbalanced, sync negative; audio: 50-ohm) (TBS). An NTSC interface shall accept or provide an analog video signal and audio signal using standard RCA phono jacks as specified in EIA-563 (TBR).

3.2 IDM to SBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) Information Dissemination Manager (IDM) and the GBS Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM). This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: an interface between the IDM and the DII and an interface between the SBM and the DII. Figure 3.2-1 includes a schematic representation of this interface, which is represented by the black elements in the figure. The figure also includes additional system connectivity for the SBM and IDM to provide a contextual overview of the system

Figure 3.2-1 IDM to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

interfaces that are relevant to each element for performing its overall functional requirements. The contextual components are represented as gray elements.

This interface definition assumes that the IDM will provide information, such as user profiles and metadata, to be used by the SBM for effective and efficient dissemination of data to end users through the GBS system. The IDM is also expected to provide translation services for data that are sourced by legacy systems that do not use DII COE-compliant communications and network services.

3.2.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of user profiles and metadata from the IDM to the SBM and the processing of this information shall be independent of the processing and storage of GBS data products 10. The interface shall support the transfer of GBS data products directly from the IDM to the SBM. The interface shall support the negotiation of resource availability between the IDM and the SBM including requests for transmission by the IDM as well as transmission authorization/denial and modifications to resource requests (e.g., time slot, data rate) by the SBM. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the IDM and the SBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed. The interface shall support the exchange of network management information that allows the IDM to assess the status of the GBS. The interface shall support the transfer of information from the SBM to the IDM to control the rate of data flow from the IDM.

3.2.2 Protocol Requirements The interface between the IDM and the SBM shall be supported by a full-duplex connection to each of the following DISN/DII networks: 11




and shall use the appropriate communications protocols for a given network as specified in section As an objective, the interface between the IDM and the SBM shall be supported by a full-duplex connection to JWICS and shall support the transfer of encrypted serial streams of data in accordance with the requirements specified in section The transfer of user profiles and metadata shall be performed using FTP, SMTP, and HTTP, as a minimum. The transfer of GBS data products shall be performed using standard protocols that are compatible with the specific network, specified in section, that is used for the transfer.

3.2.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to each of the networks identified in section shall be as specified in sections and

3.3 GCC/RCC to SBM/TSBM Interface (GBC)

This section defines the requirements of the interface between the Global/Regional Control Centers (GCC/RCC) and the SBM as well as between the GCC/RCC and the TSBM. This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the GCC/RCCs and SIPRNET 12 and one between the SBM/TSBM and SIPRNET. Figure 3.3-1 summarizes the interface requirements for the interface

Figure 3.3-1 GCC/RCC to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

between the GCC/RCC and the SBM as well as additional system connectivity for the SBM. The interface between the GCC/RCC and the TSBM is similar. The GCC/RCC to TSBM interface may also be supported via a reachback channel that supports the transfer of SECRET-level traffic.

3.3.1 Functional Requirements This interface shall support the transfer of status information 13 from the SBM to the GCC/RCC using the Global Broadcast Coordinator (GBC). The transfer of status

information shall be in response to a user request (get function) or the occurrence of a critical event (trap function). The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before access to status information is allowed.

3.3.2 Protocol Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP traffic over SIPRNET. The traffic shall be treated as SECRET. The interface shall support the transfer of status information using SNMP.

3.3.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall comply with the SIPRNET requirements specified in sections and

3.4 GCCS to SBM/TSBM Interface (GRAT)

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) and the SBM as well as between the GCCS and the TSBM. This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the GCCS and SIPRNET and one between the SBM/TSBM and SIPRNET. Figure 3.4-1 summarizes the requirements for the interface between GCCS and the SBM as well as

Figure 3.4-1 GCCS to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

provides connectivity diagrams for the two system elements. The interface between the GCCS and the TSBM is similar. The GCCS to TSBM interface may also be supported via a reachback channel that supports the transfer of SECRET-level traffic.

3.4.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of static GBS parameters (e.g., specific transponder, footprint, and receive terminal characteristics), current configuration information (e.g., beam pointing, data rate), and the current resource usage (e.g., average bandwidth used over the last 24 hours) from the SBM/TSBM to the GCCS using the Global Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT). The interface shall support GRAT client/server interactions necessary for GBS resource planning functions by Joint Staff, the CINCs, and other GRAT operators. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM/TSBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before access to status information and control functions is allowed. The interface shall support multiple simultaneous GRAT operator sessions.

3.4.2 Protocol Requirements

The interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP traffic over SIPRNET or other reachback channel system that supports the transfer of SECRET-level traffic. The traffic shall be treated as SECRET.

3.4.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical and physical characteristics of the SIPRNET interface shall comply with the SIPRNET interface requirements specified in sections and The electrical and physical characteristics of the RBC interface shall comply with the RBC interface requirements specified in sections and

3.5 Networked DS to SBM Interface 14

There are two classes of data sources that are relevant to the SBM: networked sources that are accessible via network connections and direct sources that are directly connected to the SBM or that are connected through an interface that is dedicated to a single source during the transfer of a data product (e.g., a modem connection). This section specifies the requirements for the interface between a networked Data Source (DS) and the SBM; section 3.6 specifies the requirements for the interface between the directly connected DS and the SBM.

This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: an interface between the networked DS and the DII and an interface between the SBM and the DII. Figure 3.5-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

3.5.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of requests from the SBM to a networked DS for data products that are required to assemble the designated GBS programming (smart push) and to respond to on-demand user requests for specific data products (user pull). The interface shall support the transfer of data products and associated metadata from a networked DS to the SBM for broadcast. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of information/data products is allowed. 15 The interface shall support the transfer of information from the SBM to the networked DS to control the rate of data flow from the DS.

3.5.2 Protocol Requirements The interface between the networked DS and the SBM shall be supported by a full-duplex connection to each of the following DISN/DII networks at the SBM:




Figure 3.5-1 Networked DS to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

and shall use the appropriate communications protocol for a given network as specified in section As an objective, the interface between a networked DS and the SBM shall be supported by a full-duplex connection to JWICS at the SBM and shall support the transfer of an encrypted serial stream of data in accordance with the requirements specified in section The protocol that supports the transfer of requests for data products as well as for the transfer of the data products and associated metadata shall be performed using standard protocols that are compatible with the specific network, specified in, that is used for the transfer. 16

3.5.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to each of the networks identified in section and shall be as specified in sections and

3.6 Direct DS to SBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between a directly connected DS and the SBM. Directly connected DSs include sources that are connected to the SBM by a dedicated, physical connection or a connection that is dedicated to a given source for the duration of the transfer of a data product or a set of data products (e.g., a modem connection).

3.6.1 Functional Requirements A set of standard interfaces shall be provided to accommodate a variety of direct sources of GBS data products. This set of interfaces consists of the following:

- four NTSC video/audio interfaces (TBR) 17

- four synchronous serial interfaces (TBR)

- two asynchronous serial interfaces (TBR) 18 The interface shall support the transfer of requests from the SBM to a direct DS for data products that are required to assemble the designated GBS programming (smart push) and to respond to on-demand user requests for specific data products (user pull). The interface shall support the transfer of GBS data products and associated metadata, if applicable, from a direct DS to the SBM for broadcast. With the exception of the NTSC interfaces, the interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed. 19 With the exception of the NTSC source interfaces, the interface shall support the transfer of information from the SBM to the direct DS to control the rate of data flow from the DS. 20

3.6.2 Protocol Requirements A serial interface shall be capable of supporting the transfer of TCP/IP, UDP/IP, multicast UDP/IP, IP over ATM, and ATM traffic as specified in section The transfer of GBS data products and associated metadata shall be performed using standard protocols that are compatible with the transport protocols specified in

3.6.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical and physical characteristics of an NTSC interface shall comply with the requirements specified in section The electrical and physical characteristics of a synchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements specified in section The electrical and physical characteristics of an asynchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements specified in section

3.7 SBM/TSBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM/TSBM and the UFO GBS Antenna Control functionality which is expected to be provided via EHF terminals. The primary purpose of this interface is to provide the GBS SBM/TSBM with near real-time positive command and control of the steerable GBS antennas on the UFO satellites. This is a functional interface that consists of several physical interfaces which are not fully defined and are expected to evolve over the life of the Phase II GBS program. At initial operation the interface may be between the SBM/TSBM and a human operator who coordinates with a human operator at the EHF terminal to send antenna move requests, receive acknowledgments, and verify antenna position status. Ultimately an automated interface is desired between the SBM/TSBM and the EHF terminal. (TBR)

Note that positive command and control of the GBS steerable antennas may be delegated to a CINC/user who is able to use an EHF terminal to effect GBS beam pointing. In this case it is assumed that the CINC/user is allocated all the GBS resources associated with antenna being controlled for the time period for which control is delegated. (TBR)

Figure 3.7-1 summarizes the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the UFO GBS Antenna Controller as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements. The figure is a notional representation of the interface in which the communications channel between the SBM and the Antenna Controller is represented by the DII. The interface between the TSBM and the UFO GBS Antenna Controller is similar.

3.7.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of uplink and downlink antenna beam movement and scheduling information from the SBM/TSBM to the UFO GBS Antenna Controller Function. The interface shall support the exchange of GBS antenna beam status information between the SBM/TSBM and the UFO GBS Antenna Controller Function. The interface shall support the mechanism that is used by the Antenna Controller to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of control and staus information is allowed. Details of the requirements for this interface are provided in (TBS) document.

3.7.2 Protocol Requirements

TBD by the contractor in coordination with the Government.

Figure 3.7-1 SBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller Interface and Connectivity Diagram

3.7.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

TBD by the contractor in coordination with the Government.

3.8 UFO GBS Antenna Controller to UFO Interface

This section specifies the requirments for the interface between the UFO GBS Antenna Controller (e.g., an EHF terminal) and the UFO GBS payload. Only those requirements which are relevant to GBS operation are specified.

3.8.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall be capable of providing the uplink signal for commanding scheduled, uplink and downlink antenna beam movement of the UFO GBS antennas. The interface shall be capable of providing the uplink signal for requesting GBS antenna beam status information and of receiving the downlink signal containing the status information. The interface shall support the mechanism that is used by the Antenna Controller to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of control and staus information is allowed. Details of the requirements for this interface are provided in (TBS) document.

3.8.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.8.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The interface shall transmit control and status requests and shall receive status information in accordance with PMW 146-S-002.

3.9 SBM/TSBM to AFSCN Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM/TSBM and the UFO Satellite Control functionality which is expected to be provided via the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN). The primary purpose of this interface is to provide the SBM/TSBM with the ability to control the UFO GBS payload configuration and monitor the status of the UFO GBS. This is a functional interface that consists of several physical interfaces which are not fully defined and are expected to evolve over the life of the Phase II GBS program. At initial operation the interface may be between the SBM/TSBM and a human operator who coordinates with a human operator within the AFSCN. Ultimately an automated interface is desired between the SBM/TSBM and the AFSCN. Figure 3.9-1 summarizes the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the AFSCN as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements (TBR). The figure is a notional representation of the interface in which the communications channel between the SBM and the AFSCN is represented by the DII. The interface between the TSBM and the AFSCN is similar.

3.9.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support dialogs between the SBM and the UFO Satellite Control Function (AFSCN) that negotiate the control and use of designated satellite transponders for GBS broadcasts. The interface shall support the transfer of transponder configuration and scheduling information from the SBM to the UFO Satellite Control Function (AFSCN). The interface shall support the exchange of GBS transponder and beam status information between the SBM and the AFSCN. The interface shall support the transfer of ephemeris data from the AFSCN to the SBM. The interface shall support the mechanism that is used by the AFSCN to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of control and staus information is allowed. Details of the requirements for this interface are provided in (TBS) document.

3.9.2 Protocol Requirements

TBD by the contractor in coordination with the Government.

Figure 3.9-1 SBM to AFSCN Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.9.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

TBD by the contractor in coordination with the Government.

3.10 AFSCN to UFO Interface

This section specifies the requiremensts for the interface between the AFSCN and the UFO GBS payload. Only those requirements which are relevant to GBS operation are specified.

3.10.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall be capable of supporting the transmission of the uplink signal required to control and configure the UFO GBS transponders. The interface shall be capable of supporting the transmission of the uplink and downlink signals required for requesting and receiving UFO GBS beam and transponder status as well as satellite ephemeris data. The interface shall support the mechanism that is used by the AFSCN to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of control and staus information is allowed. Details of the requirements for this interface are provided in (TBS) document.

3.10.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.10.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The interface shall transmit control, configuration, and status requests and shall receive status information in accordance with PMW 146-S-002.

3.11 SBM to PIP Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the Ka-band Primary Injection Point (PIP). Current plans are to have the SBM and the PIP collocated so that the interface between the two elements will be a direct connection; however, it is possible that the elements will not be collocated, in which case this will be a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: an interface between the SBM and the DII and an interface between the PIP and the DII. Figure 3.11-1 summarizes

Figure 3.11-1 SBM to PIP Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

3.11.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of GBS data products from the SBM to the PIP with a controlled mapping from the SBM data streams to the GBS transponders. The interface shall support the transfer of receive suite control and configuration data (e.g., RBM software updates, control to override RBM data product filtering, control to enable/disable RBM transfer of receipt statistics, and RT denial of access) from the SBM to the PIP. The interface shall support the transfer of network management and system control information from the SBM to the PIP for setting the broadcast data rate, for specifying which of the four uplink channels are operational and what their configuration is (e.g., total transmit power of the four uplink channels as well as the transmit power of each individual channel), and for providing other PIP equipment configuration commands as specified in A3262771. The interface shall support the transfer of status information from the PIP to the SBM. The interface shall support the transfer of UFO GBS ephemeris data from the SBM to the PIP to support PIP antenna pointing requirements during acquisition. For connections through the DII, the interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM and PIP to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the transfer of status/control information and data products is allowed. For direct connections, the interface shall be capable of supporting BERs of 10-12.

3.11.2 Protocol Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP or ATM traffic between the SBM and the PIP. The network management functions as well as the transfer of system control and status information shall be supported using SNMP, as an objective.

3.11.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements For direct connections, the electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall be determined by the contractor in coordination with the Government and the PIP supplier. For connections through the DII, the electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall comply with the DS3 or OC-3c interface standards as specified in sections and, respectively.

3.12 SBM to PIP/Ku Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the Ku-band PIP (PIP/Ku). The interface supports the augmentation of satellite coverage using K-band Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) commercial satellite communications (SATCOM) systems (domestic or international).

Figure 3.12-1 SBM to PIP/Ku Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

The PIP/Ku will have functionality similar to the Ka-band PIP referenced in paragraph 3.11. Its design will have the baseband and modulation hardware in common with the design of the Ka-band PIP.

3.12.1 Functional Requirements

The functional requirements for the interface shall be as specified for a DII-based interface between the SBM and the PIP in section 3.11.1 with the exception that only one uplink channel will be available to support the Ku-augmentation and the degree of control over uplink channel configuration parameters may be restricted by the commercial satellite service that supports the augmentation.

3.12.2 Protocol Requirements

The protocol requirements for the interface shall be as specified for the SBM to PIP interface in section 3.11.2.

3.12.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall be as specified for the SBM to PIP interface in section

3.13 PIP to UFO Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Ka-band PIP and the UFO GBS Space Segment. Figure 3.13-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

Figure 3.13-1 PIP to UFO Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.13.1 Functional Requirements The PIP shall be capable of providing the Ka-band uplink signal to the fixed beam and the steerable beam antenna of the UFO GBS payload. The uplink signal will consist of up to four broadcast (simplex) data streams each of which is allocated to a unique frequency channel. The PIP shall be capable of receiving the continuous wave (CW) beacon from the UFO GBS payload in order to track the satellite. The PIP tracking requirements shall be as specified in the Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Primary Injection Point (PIP) Satellite Terminal, A3262771.

3.13.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.13.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The PIP shall provide uplink signals to at least one and up to four transponders on the UFO GBS payload. The RF interface characteristics (including EIRP, uplink channel frequency, and signal modulation and polarization) shall be compatible with the Space Segment Specification for GBS, PMW 146-S-003, and with A3262771. The PIP shall receive the UFO GBS 20.7 GHz beacon, which has the characteristics specified in PMW 146-S-003. The symbol rates transmitted by the PIP shall be the minimum required for the modulation and coding formats used for the transmission. The elevation angle of the PIP antenna relative to a level plane is not required to be less than five degrees.

3.14 PIP IF Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the PIP modulation hardware and the PIP radio frequency (RF) hardware.

3.14.1 Functional Requirements

In order to support an extension to future satellite communications systems, such as commercial Ku-band systems, the PIP shall upconvert each of the broadcast data streams in the PIP to a 70 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) signal. The IF signals for each of the streams shall be made available for use by the RF hardware for upconversion to the appropriate uplink frequency band for the given system (Ka or Ku band).

3.14.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.14.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical characteristics of the 70 MHz IF signals for the broadcast data streams sent from the PIP modulation hardware to the PIP RF hardware shall be (TBS). Each 70 MHz IF signal shall be made available to the PIP RF hardware using a (TBS) cable and connectors.

3.15 PIP/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Ku-band PIP (PIP/Ku) and the commercial Ku-band Space Segment that will be used to augment the satellite coverage area of the UFO Space Segment. This augmentation may be extended to include the use of any K-band FSS and BSS commercial SATCOM systems, either domestic or international.

The PIP/Ku will have functionality similar to the Ka-band PIP referenced in paragraph 3.11. Its design will have the baseband and modulation hardware in common with the design of the Ka-band PIP. Figure 3.15-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides a contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

Figure 3.15-1 PIP/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.15.1 Functional Requirements

The interface shall support the transmission of the Ku-band uplink signal to an uplink beam antenna of a commercial SATCOM system. The uplink signal shall consist of a broadcast (simplex) data stream, which is allocated to a unique frequency channel. 21

3.15.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.15.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The PIP/Ku shall provide an uplink signal to the commercial SATCOM payload. The RF characteristics of the interface shall be compatible with the space segment specification for the commercial SATCOM system that is used for augmentation (TBS). The physical characteristics of the interface shall be (TBS).

3.16 TDS to TSBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between each Theater Data Source (TDS) and the Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM). This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: an interface between the TDS and the in-theater communications system and an interface between the TSBM and the in-theater communications system. Figure 3.16-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides a contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

Figure 3.16-1 TDS to TSBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram (TBR)

3.16.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of requests from the TSBM to a TDS for data products that are required to assemble the designated GBS programming (smart push) and to respond to on-demand user requests for specific data products (user pull). (TBR) The interface shall support the transfer of data products and associated metadata from a TDS to the TSBM for broadcast. (TBR) The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the TSBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed. The interface shall support the transfer of information from the TSBM to the TDS to control the rate of data flow from the TDS. (TBR)

3.16.2 Protocol Requirements

The interface between the TDS and the TSBM shall be supported by an available in-theater communications system, which may be any of the systems that constitute the reachback channel as defined in section (TBR)

3.16.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to the in-theater communications systems shall be as specified in sections and (TBR)

3.17 TSBM to TTI Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM) and the Transportable Theater Injector (TTI). Figure 3.17-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

3.17.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of GBS data products from the TSBM to the TTI with a controlled mapping from the TSBM data streams to a GBS transponder

Figure 3.17-1 TSBM to TTI Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

and to a leased commercial satellite transponder. (TBR) The interface shall support the transfer of receive suite control and configuration data (e.g., RBM software updates, control to override RBM data product filtering, control to enable/disable RBM transfer of receipt statistics, and RT denial of access) from the TSBM to the TTI. The interface shall support the transfer of network management and system control information from the TSBM to the TTI for setting the UFO GBS payload broadcast data rate, for specifying the configuration of the UFO GBS uplink channel (e.g., total transmit power), and for providing other TTI equipment configuration commands. (TBR) The interface shall support the transfer of status information from the TTI to the TSBM. The interface shall support the transfer of UFO GBS ephemeris data from the TSBM to the TTI to support TTI antenna pointing requirements during acquisition of the UFO GBS payload. The interface shall be capable of supporting BERs of 10-12.

3.17.2 Protocol Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP or ATM traffic between the TSBM and the TTI. The network management functions as well as the transfer of system control and status information shall be supported using SNMP, as an objective.

3.17.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall be determined by the contractor in coordination with the Government and the TTI supplier.

3.18 TTI to UFO Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the TTI and the Ka-band UFO GBS Space Segment. Figure 3.18-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides contextual overview of the connectivity for the two system elements.

Figure 3.18-1 TTI to UFO Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.18.1 Functional Requirements The TTI shall provide the Ka-band uplink signal to the steerable beam antenna of the UFO GBS payload. The uplink signal shall consist of a single broadcast (simplex) data stream. The TTI shall be capable of receiving the continuous wave (CW) beacon from the UFO GBS payload in order to track the satellite. The TTI tracking requirements shall be as specified in A3265010.

3.18.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.18.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The interface shall support the transmission of an uplink signal to a single transponder on the UFO GBS payload. The RF interface characteristics (including EIRP, uplink channel frequency, and signal modulation and polarization) shall be compatible with the Space Segment Specification for GBS, PMW 146-S-003, and A3265010. The TTI shall receive the UFO GBS 20.7 GHz beacon, which has the characteristics specified in PMW 146-S-003. The symbol rates transmitted by the TTI shall be the minimum required for the modulation and coding formats used for the transmission. The elevation angle of the TTI antenna relative to a level plane is not required to be less than ten degrees (TBR) 22.

3.19 TTI IF Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the TTI modulation hardware and the TTI RF hardware.

3.19.1 Functional Requirements

The TTI shall upconvert a broadcast data stream assembled in the TTI to a 70 MHz IF signal. The IF signal for the stream shall be made available for use by the RF hardware for upconversion to the appropriate uplink frequency band for the given system (Ka or Ku band).

3.19.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.19.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical characteristics of the 70 MHz IF signal for the broadcast data stream sent from the TTI modulation hardware to the TTI RF hardware shall be (TBS). The physical characteristics of the 70 MHz IF signal shall be made available to the TTI RF hardware using a (TBS) cable and connectors.

3.20 UFO to RT Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Ka-band UFO GBS Space Segment and the Receive Terminal (RT) segment.

3.20.1 Functional Requirements The RT shall receive the Ka-band downlink signal from either the narrow spot beam or the wide area coverage beam of the UFO GBS payload. The downlink signal consists of up to four broadcast (simplex) data streams each of which is allocated to a unique frequency channel. FGRT Functional Requirements

The Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT) satellite tracking requirements shall be as specified in the Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT), A3262772. TGRT Functional Requirements

The Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT) satellite tracking requirements shall be as specified in the Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT), A3263914. SRT Functional Requirements

The Shipboard Receive Antenna shall comply with the requirements specified in the (TBS) Ship Receive Antenna Element Specification. SSRT Functional Requirements

The Sub Surface Receive Antenna shall comply with the requirements of the (TBS) Sub Surface Receive Antenna Element Specification.

3.20.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.20.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The RT shall receive the downlink signal from the UFO GBS payload in the frequency range between 20.2 and 21.2 GHz. Each of the received broadcast data streams is assigned a downlink channel with a unique center frequency. The RF interface characteristics (including G/T, downlink channel frequency, and signal modulation type and polarization) shall be compatible with PMW 146-S-003 and A3262772 for the FGRT or A3263914 for the TGRT. The physical characteristics of the interface shall be as specified in A3262772 for the FGRT, A3263914 for the TGRT, or in (TBS) Navy Specifications for the SRT and SSRT.

3.21 RT IF Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the RT’s RF hardware and the RT’s demodulation hardware.

3.21.1 Functional Requirements

In order to support an extension to future SATCOM systems, such as commercial Ku-band systems, the RT shall downconvert each of the received broadcast data streams that will be demodulated and decoded to an L-band IF signal. The IF signals for each of the streams shall be made available for use by the demodulation hardware for final downconversion.

3.21.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.21.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements Each broadcast data stream that will be demodulated/decoded shall be downconverted to a signal between 950 MHz and 1450 MHz 23. Additional requirements for the electrical characteristics of the L-band IF signals shall be (TBS). Each L-band IF signal shall be made available to the RT demodulation hardware using a (TBS) cable and (TBS) connectors.

3.22 Ku Space Segment to RT/Ku Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the commercial Ku-band Space Segment and the Ku-band Receive Terminal (RT/Ku) that will be used to augment the satellite coverage area of the UFO Space Segment. This augmentation may be extended to include the use of any K-band Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) commercial satellite communications (SATCOM) systems, either domestic or international.

The RT/Ku will have functionality similar to the Ka-band RT referenced in paragraph 3.20. Its design will have the demodulation hardware in common with the design of the Ka-band RT.

3.22.1 Functional Requirements

The interface shall support the reception of any Ku-band downlink signal of a commercial SATCOM system. Each downlink signal consists of a single, broadcast (simplex) data streams, which is allocated to a unique frequency channel.

3.22.2 Protocol Requirements

Not applicable.

3.22.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The interface shall support the reception of a downlink signal from the commercial SATCOM system in the frequency range between 10.5 GHz and 13.5 GHz. The RF interface characteristics (including G/T, downlink channel frequency, and signal modulation type and polarization) shall be compatible with the Space Segment Specification for the commercial SATCOM system (TBS). The physical characteristics of the interface shall be (TBS). 3.23 RT to RBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface to send data and control between the Receive Terminal (RT) and the Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM). Figure 3.23-1 summarizes the interface requirements for the specified interface as well as provides connectivity diagrams for the two system elements.

Figure 3.23-1 RT to RBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.23.1 Functional Requirements The data interface shall support the transfer of a demodulated and decoded broadcast data stream (including GBS data products and control information from the SBM or TSBM) from the RT to the RBM for all data rates supported by GBS as specified in the SRD. 24 A separate data interface may be provided for each transponder stream that must be received and demodulated simultaneously (TBR). 25 The control interface shall support the transfer of equipment control commands (e.g., to select the satellite transponder; to set demodulator tuning for signal frequency and polarization, receive data rate) from the RBM to the RT The control interface shall support the transfer of status information from the RT to the RBM. The transfer of control and status information may be supported using an interface that is separate from that used for the transfer of the demodulated, decoded broadcast data stream. Each data and control interface shall be capable of supporting BERs of 10-12.

3.23.2 Protocol Requirements The protocol that supports the transfer of data from the RT to the RBM shall be specified by the contractor in coordination with the Government and the RT supplier. The transfer of control commands and status information shall be supported using SNMP, as an objective.

3.23.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical and physical characteristics of the data interface shall be specified by the contractor in coordination with the Government and the RT supplier. The electrical and physical characteristics of the control interface shall be specified by the contractor in coordination with the Government and the RT supplier.

3.24 RT/Ku to RBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Ku-band RT (RT/Ku) and the RBM. The interface supports the augmentation of satellite coverage using K-band Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) and Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS) commercial satellite communications (SATCOM) systems, either domestic or international.

The RT/Ku will provide functionality similar to the Ka-band RT referenced in paragraph 3.23. Its design will have the demodulation hardware in common with the design of the Ka-band RT.

Figure 3.24-1 RT/Ku to RBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.24.1 Functional Requirements

The functional requirements for the interface shall be as specified for the RT to RBM interface in section 3.23.1.

3.24.2 Protocol Requirements

The protocol requirements for the interface shall be as specified for the RT to RBM interface in section 3.23.2.

3.24.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall be as specified for the RT to RBM interface in section 3.23.3.

3.25 RBM to End User Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interfaces between the RBM and the end user equipment. Figure 3.25-1 summarizes the requirements for the specified interface as well as provides connectivity diagrams for the two system elements. The connection to the end user will be either through direct connections to the end user equipment that displays and/or processes the data products, by means of a Local Area Network (LAN) that is used to transfer the data products to the display equipment, or by means of “network extension” that uses in-theater communications equipment to transfer the data products to a remoted end user.

Figure 3.25-1 RBM to End User Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.25.1 Functional Requirements GBS data products, shall be delivered to the end user using a set of standard interfaces. The RBM shall have a modular design in which specific interfaces are installed in a given RBM based on the types of GBS data products required by the end user and the user’s in-theater network requirements. The standard minimum set of configurations for the RBM is specified in the GBS SRD. The interface shall support the transfer of GBS data products from the RBM to the end users. The interface shall support the transfer of end user requests (“user pull”) and of end user queries sent to the RBM depending on connectivity mode 26. If the RBM’s connectivity mode cannot support the forwarding of the end user request, the RBM shall notify the end user. The interface shall support the transfer of information that defines user information needs from the end user to the RBM. This information can be used to develop user profiles in support of a “smart push” capability. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the RBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed.

3.25.2 Protocol Requirements The interface that supports the transfer of unclassified video shall comply with the requirements of the NTSC video/audio standard specified in section The interface that supports the transfer of classified video shall comply with the requirements of (TBD). The interface that supports the transfer unclassified data over a direct connection to end user equipment shall be supported using a synchronous or an asynchronous serial interface depending on site requirements. The interface that supports the transfer classified data over a direct connection to end user equipment shall be supported using a synchronous or an asynchronous serial interface depending on site requirements. The data shall be protected to preserve the separation of the data appropriate for its classification level and compatible with the handling requirements. The interface that supports the transfer of data products over a local network shall be supported by a full-duplex connection that complies with the requirements for one of the following DISN/DII networks depending on site requirements and data product security classification:




and shall use the appropriate communications protocols for a given network as specified in sections and As an objective, the interface that supports the transfer of data products as an encrypted, unclassified data stream over a local network shall be supported by a full-duplex connection that complies with the requirements for the JWICS network as specified in sections and The interface that supports the transfer of data products to a network extension, which uses in-theater communications systems, shall be supported using one of the following interfaces depending on site requirements:

- a synchronous serial interface as specified in section

- an asynchronous serial interface as specified in section

The data products that are transferred over this interface shall be Black.

3.25.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical and physical characteristics of an interface supporting the transfer of unclassified video/audio streams shall comply with the requirements of NTSC video/audio specified in section The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to each of the DISN/DII networks listed in section and shall comply with the requirements for these networks, which are specified in sections and The electrical and physical characteristics of a synchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements specified in section The electrical and physical characteristics of an asynchronous serial interface shall comply with the requirements specified in section

3.26 RBM to SBM/TSBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the RBM as well as between the TSBM and the RBM. Each of these interfaces is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the SBM or TSBM and the RBC and one between the RBM and the RBC. Figure 3.26-1 summarizes the requirements for the interface between the RBM and the SBM as well as provides connectivity diagrams for these two system elements. The interface between the RBM

Figure 3.26-1 RBM to SBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

and the TSBM is similar. Except where noted, the requirements of this section apply only to MC, PC, and FC connectivity modes.

3.26.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall provide capabilities for the RBM to request data product retransmissions from and to convey user queries for

additional data to the SBM/TSBM. For the FC connectivity mode, the interface shall provide capabilities for the RBM to request packet retransmissions from the SBM/TSBM. For the FC connectivity mode, the interface shall support the capability to perform automated communications using split TCP/IP and full duplex asymmetric ATM. The interface shall support the transfer of user profile information, which are provided by the end users, from the RBM to the SBM/TSBM (TBR). The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the RBM and the SBM/TSBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed. The interface shall support the transfer of status information and receipt statistics from the RBM to the SBM/TSBM 27. This information includes performance information that can be used by the SBM and the TSBM to set a data rate that supports assured delivery of GBS data products. For PC and FC modes, the interface shall support the transfer of receive suite status and configuration information from the RBM to the SBM/TSBM.

3.26.2 Protocol Requirements All traffic over the interface between the RBM and the SBM/TSBM that is supported by DISN/DII networks and other RBC systems shall use the appropriate communications protocols as specified in section The transfer of user profile information shall be supported using FTP, SMTP, and/or HTTP. For FC systems, the transfer of control and configuration information shall be supported using SNMP.

3.26.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to each of the DISN/DII networks and other RBC systems shall comply with the requirements specified in sections through

3.27 SBM to TSBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the TSBM. It is s functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the SBM and the RBC and one between the TSBM and the RBC (TBR). Figure 3.27-1 summarizes the requirements for the interface between the SBM and the TSBM as well as provides connectivity diagrams for the two system elements.

Figure 3.27-1 SBM to TSBM Interface and Element Connectivity Diagram

3.27.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the negotiation of control of UFO GBS payload resources including use of a specific UFO GBS transponder for GBS broadcasts and control of UFO GBS antenna pointing. 28 The interface shall support the transfer of data products from the TSBM to the SBM to support the virtual injection capability.

3.27.2 Protocol Requirements The transfer of GBS data products shall use the appropriate communications protocols specified for the RBC in sections and The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM and the TSBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed.

3.27.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to a given system providing a reachback channel capability shall comply with the requirements specified in sections and

3.28 EKMS to SBM Interface 29

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) and the SBM.

3.28.1 Functional Requirements


3.28.2 Protocol Requirements


3.28.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements


3.29 RBM to IDM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the RBM and the IDM. It is s functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the RBM and the RBC and one between the IDM and the RBC.

3.29.1 Functional Requirements This interface shall support the transfer of end user requests (“user pull”) from the RBM to the IDM. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the RBM and the IDM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed.

3.29.2 Protocol Requirements

All traffic over the interface shall use the appropriate communications protocols specified for the RBC in sections and

3.29.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to a given system providing a reachback channel capability shall comply with the requirements specified in sections and

3.30 SBM/TSBM to TIM Interface (GRAT)

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the SBM/TSBM and the TIM. This is a functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the SBM/TSBM and SIPRNET and one between the TIM and SIPRNET. The TSBM to TIM interface may also be supported via a reachback channel that supports the transfer of SECRET-level traffic. This section specifies only those requirements relevant to the GBS system.

3.30.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of static GBS parameters (e.g., specific transponder, footprint, and receive terminal characteristics), current configuration information (e.g., beam pointing, data rate), and the current resource usage (e.g., average bandwidth used over the last 24 hours) from the SBM/TSBM to the TIM using the GRAT. The interface shall support GRAT client/server interactions necessary for GBS resource planning functions by Joint Staff, the CINCs, and other GRAT operators. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM/TSBM and the TIM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before access to status information and control functions is allowed. This capability shall include the transfer of information concerning CINC information dissemination priorities, information that identifies users that are allowed access to the system, and general broadcast scheduling information. The interface shall support multiple simultaneous GRAT operator sessions.

3.30.2 Protocol Requirements

The interface shall support the transfer of TCP/IP traffic over SIPRNET or a system that provides reachback channel capability and that supports the transfer of SECRET-level traffic. The traffic shall be treated as SECRET.

3.30.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements The electrical and physical characteristics of the SIPRNET interface shall comply with the SIPRNET interface requirements specified in sections and The electrical and physical characteristics of the RBC interface shall comply with the RBC interface requirements specified in sections and

3.31 RBM to Networked DS Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the RBM and a networked DS. It is s functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the RBM and the RBC and one between the DS and the RBC.

3.31.1 Functional Requirements This interface shall support the transfer of end user requests (“user pull”) from the RBM to the networked DS. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the RBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed.

3.31.2 Protocol Requirements

All traffic over the interface shall use the appropriate communications protocols specified for the RBC in sections and

3.31.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to a given system providing the reachback channel capability shall comply with the requirements specified in sections and

3.32 End User to SBM Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the end user and the SBM. It is s functional interface that consists of two physical interfaces: one between the SBM and the RBC and one between the end user and the RBC.

3.32.1 Functional Requirements This interface shall support the transfer of end user requests (“user pull”) from the end user to the SBM. The interface shall provide a mechanism that permits the SBM to verify that communications is established only with an intended agent before the exchange of information is allowed.

3.32.2 Protocol Requirements

All traffic over the interface shall use the appropriate communications protocols specified for the RBC in sections and

3.32.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface to a given system providing the reachback channel capability shall comply with the requirements specified in sections and

3.33 RT to End User Interface

This section specifies the requirements for the interface between the RT and the end user. It will be available for supporting end users who only have a requirement for receiving unclassified video.

3.33.1 Functional Requirements The interface shall support the transfer of unclassified video/audio from the RT to the end user. The interface shall provide a mechanism that allows the end user to specify the transponder and channel to be received, demodulated, decoded and sent to the end user.

3.33.2 Protocol Requirements

The interface shall be compatible with the NTSC standard for video/audio.

3.33.3 Electrical/Physical Requirements

The electrical and physical characteristics of the interface shall comply with the requirements for NTSC video/audio as specified in section

4. Requirements Traceability


5. Notes

General Comments

1. References to the Transmit Broadcast Manager (TBM) have been updated to Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM) because of a nomenclature change. The functionality of the SBM is identical to that of the TBM. In addition, the Theater Transmit Broadcast Manager (TTBM) was changed to Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM). The functionality of the TSBM is identical to that of the TTBM

2. The definition of the Theater Injection Point (TIP) has been changed so that it subsumes Broadcast Management and Transmit Terminal functionality. This change resulted in the addition of a new GBS element— Transportable Theater Injector (TTI)—which has functionality similar to that of the PIP. The redefined TIP includes the functionality of the TSBM and the TTI.

3. References to the NCTAMS Facility have been updated to UFO GBS Antenna Controller, which will be responsible for executing the GBS antenna pointing commands issued by the GBS SBM or the TSBM. The antenna controllers are expected to be Navy EHF terminals, which will require a terminal software modification in order to provide the required control capability.

4. The Joint Key Management System (JKMS) interface to the SBM was deleted because it is is not a system that provides a physical interface but a set of procedures.

5. The approach for Ku-augmentation needs to be reviewed so that a coordinated concept is developed among all system documentation. The SRD specifies that the capability will be provided through the use of leased commercial satellite payloads, domestic and international, as well as military transponders. The JORD currently references commercial systems only. The Army documentation is expected to change so that it will specify that the augmentation capability will be provided by the Intelsat system.

6. The contract boundary for the network and system interfaces specified in sections will be clarified to clarify the responsibility of the contractor.

7. The specification of protocol requirements for supporting various functionality in the GBS system will be reviewed and, in some cases, may be modified to allow for the selection of protocols by the contractor in coordination with the Government. Such wording is expected to be included where the minimum set of protocols is specified for supporting a given capability.

8. The document requires editing to resolve formatting problems resulting from incompatibilities between Microsoft Word versions for IBM-compatibles and for the Macintosh as well as to correct the corruption of graphics that are imported into Microsoft Word.

Specific Comments

1. The interface was added to document the requirements for the UFO GBS payload with respect to the UFO GBS Antenna Controller.

2. The interface was added to document the requirements for the UFO GBS payload with respect to the AFSCN. The section that provides the requirements for this interface will be augmented to add another reference document that specifies the control commands that must be supported by the GBS payload.

3. Routing data products from the data sources through the IDM is intended, as a minimum, to address the problem introduced by data sources that use unique communications and/or network protocols that do not comply with JTA and COE standards. In this case, the IDM will act as a translation gateway that forwards the data products to the SBM using standard, DII COE-compliant protocols.

4. The original table 3.1-1, entitled GBS Modes and Supported Communications Protocols and Standards Between the TBM and the RBM, was deleted because it specified a design solution rather than an interface requirement.

5. These are options in RFC 959 but are mandated by the JTA.

6. SNMP version 1 (RFC 1157) is the currently preferred implementation of SNMP because many of the implementations of SNMP are non-standard or include proprietary features. When implementations of version 2 become standardized, it will be preferred because of the inclusion of important security features.

7. Although the use of multicast addressing is expected to support the dissemination of GBS data products in order to provide efficient channel utilization, it should be noted that not all end user networks and systems support multicast addressing; therefore, the GBS system design should be robust enough to accommodate these user systems while still providing assured delivery in an efficient manner.

8. The requirements for SNMP, DNS, and PPP are mandated by the JTA.

9. An asynchronous serial interface was added to increase the flexibility of the system in supporting interfaces to local data sources, end user equipment, and the communications systems that comprise the DISN services and the reachback channel.

10. The requirement for independent processing is intended to lead to an implementation of metadata that results in more efficient processing of data products by the RBM when determining the disposition (discard or forward to end user) of these products. The Phase I implementation appends the metadata to the product and the combined information must be completely reassembled from the received packets before a determination of the product’s disposition may be made.

11. The use of one of each of the DISN networks to support the IDM to SBM interface is derived from a white paper that outlines a strawman functional interface definition of the BM/IDM interface. It is also motivated by a need to reduce the number of SBM configurations that must be developed by the contractor. The change in the wording from the interface consisting of the DISN networks to being supported by them is intended to indicate that the network connections are not dedicated to supporting this interface but may be used for other interfaces, such as the DS to SBM interface.

12. Capt Randy Underwood, NSA, stated (at the MILSATCOM JCPMS meeting on 5-6 Feb 97) that the status of DoD on-orbit assets is considered classified and therefore the GBC-GCC interface should be over SIPRNET.

13. The transfer of configuration commands was deleted from the interface description, since the GBC will be used to obtain high-level status information concerning the GBS system. Configuration of the GBS system elements will be performed using the GRAT.

14. The name of the remote data source has been changed to networked data source to clarify the distinction between this and the direct sources.

15. Note that the mechanism is expected to not place any new requirements on the data sources that would require a change in their current operation or design.

16. Note that the protocols supported must include the protocols (e.g., FTP, SMTP) or mechanisms (e.g., DMS) that are necessary to support the transfer from any networked DS, since implementations that necessitate modification to the operation or design of data sources in order to meet the interface and system requirements of GBS are not allowed.

17. The number of NTSC interfaces may be increased to six to support connections to CNN, AFRTS, two UAV sources, Tomahawk MDUs, and MWAR, for example.

18. The number of asynchronous interfaces may be increased to four or six to support connections for audio and other streaming sources over the Internet, TDSS, TIBS, TRAP, and other systems, for example.

19. Although the interface must support this capability, the interface should be configurable to allow for alternative implementations. For example, in cases in which physical security of sources collocated with the SBM is ensured, the requirement is met by the physical security; however, when access to the SBM data source interfaces is by modem connections, other means (e.g., address verification) are required to provide this capability. The specific mechanisms for these two scenarios will depend on the nature of the risks and an assessment of their criticality to system performance and operation.

20. Although the interface must support this capability, the interface design should be flexible enough to accommodate sources, such as streaming sources, that do not support flow control.

21. The Ku-augmentation is supported by a single, leased transponder of a commercial satellite system.

22. The Army is proposing a change to this requirement that may increase the minimum look angle requirement to 15 degrees relative to a level plane. This change is expected to be accepted.

23. The Army is proposing a change in the bandwidth of the signal to the range of 950 MHz to 2050 MHz. This change is expected to be accepted.

24. This is an area for potential contractor innovation. Single-channel IRDs necessitates the use of multiple IRDs to receive multiple channels simultaneously; however, single IRD approaches may be less costly.

25. The requirement for requiring a separate data interface for the simultaneous reception of each transponder stream was modified to not preclude the use of commercial IRDs that provide simultaneous demodulation of multiple transponder streams.

26. This capability needs to be reviewed, since it is not specified in the JORD. This capability may have to be supported by an End User to SBM interface, which is currently not specified in the IRS.

27. The option to enable the RBM to provide receipt statistics is a possible solution to the problem of the SBM/TSBM being overloaded by receipt statistics from all RBMs. This feedback from RBMs may be provided to the SBM/TSBM for determining if its must modify the broadcast characteristics, such as data rate, in order to ensure reliable delivery. The selective enable capability may be used to obtain a representative sample of RBMs in different geographical locations and with different RT characteristics.

28. This capability was recently added and needs additional definition. For example, the capability for the SBM to regain control of antenna pointing responsibility as well as to prevent unauthorized access to the UFO GBS payload control need to be specified. In addition, an interface specification for the TSBM to the UFO GBS Antenna Controller must be added to the IRS. The requirements will be similar to the requirements for the SBM specified in section 3.8.

29. This interface shall be specified by the contractor after the selection of specific cryptograhic devices is made that satisfy the SRD requirements for EKMS. The list of EKMS interfaces is likely to be expanded to include interfaces to the TSBM as well as the RBM. The specific interface requirements shall also be specified by the contractor after the cryptographic devices are selected.


The common glossary for the GBS system is being maintained as Appendix 3 of the GBS System Requirements Document (SRD).

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