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Attachment 7, Appendix A2. GBS Standard Link Budget

I. Requirements

A. The 24 Mbps link from PIP through the UFO Transponder and down the NSB to the FGRT shall:

1. have 15.0 dB power margin over that required to just close the uplink at an Eb/No at the demodulator corresponding to 10^-10 BER(RS-CC(2/3 K=7)) given a lossless downlink.

2. have 5.8 dB power margin over that required to just close the downlink at a Eb/No at the demodulator corresponding to 10^-10 BER (RS-CC(2/3 K=7)) given a lossless uplink.

B. The 6 Mbps link from TIP through the UFO Transponder and down the NSB the FGRT shall have 10.7 dB power margin over that required to just close the downlink at an Eb/No at the demodulator corresponding to 10^-10BER(RS-CC(2/3 K=7)) given a lossless uplink.

II. Link Budget Templates

 Standard GBS PIP Uplink Budget            
Transmitter Output - dBw          **       
Line Losses(including mux) - dB   **       
Polarization  Loss - dB           **       
Antenna Gain - dBi                **       
Pointing Loss - dB                **       
EIRP - dBWi                       **       
Fixed Loss - dB                          2 
Space loss - dB                      214.3 
Required margin - dB                    13 
Data Rate - KBPS                     24000 
Data Rate - dB-HZ                     73.8 
Boltzman's Constant - dBWK-Hz       -228.6 
Satellite Rx G/T - dB-K                    
   -  Fixed Beam                     -2.25 
   - Steerable Beam                   1.75 

Standard GBS TIP Uplink Budget           
Transmitter Output - dBw        **       
Line Losses (including mux)-    **       
Polarization  Loss - dB         **       
Antenna Gain - dBi              **       
Pointing Loss - dB              **       
EIRP - dBWi                     **       
Fixed Loss - dB                      2.7 
Space loss - dB                    214.3 
Required margin  - dB                  8 
Data Rate - KBPS                    6000 
Data Rate - dB-HZ                   67.8 
Boltzman's Constant - dBWK-Hz     -228.6 
Satellite Rx G/T - dB-K                  
   -  Fixed Beam                   -2.25 
   - Steerable Beam                 1.75 

GBS Standard NSB Downlink Budget             
Satellite EIRP - dBW                         
    - Narrow Spot                      53.20 
Transponder Waveform Loss - dB          0.20 
Path Loss - dB                         210.7 
Fixed Atm Loss - dB                     1.80 
Adjacent Channel Interference - dB    **     
Radome Losses                         **     
Antenna Pointing Losses - dB          **     
Antenna Pointing Loss-dB              **     
Received Isotropic Power Received -   **     
G/T - dBK(clear air)                  **     
  -Antenna gain - dB(Tatm=275 deg)    **     
       -Antenna Temp (Clear)  -  deg      50 
       -System Noise Fig(Clear) - dB  **     
Boltzman's Constant - dBWK-Hz         -228.6 
Req Link Margin  - dB                      4 
SNR Degredation from Uplink - dB      **     
Information Rate - Mbps                   24 
Bandwidth Loss for Information Rate     73.8 
- dB                                         
Eb/No  - dB                           **     
Implementation Loss - dB              **     
Theoretical Eb/No (BER=10^-10)           4.5 
Eb/No Margin - dB                     **     

  GBS Standard WSB Downlink Budget           
Satellite EIRP - dBW                         
    -Wide Spot                         40.70 
Transponder Waveform Loss - dB          0.10 
Path Loss - dB                         210.7 
Fixed Atm Loss - dB                      1.8 
Adjacent Channel Interference - dB    **     
Radome Loss-dB                        **     
Rx Polarization Loss - dB             **     
Antenna Pointing Losses - dB          **     
Received Isotropic Power Received -   **     
G/T - dBK(clear)                      **     
  -Antenna gain - dB                  **     
  -System Temp(Clear)-dBK(Tatm=275    **     
       -Antenna Temp (Clear)  -  deg      50 
       -System Noise Fig(Clear) - dB  **     
Boltzman's Constant - dBWK-Hz         -228.6 
Req Link Margin  - dB                      4 
SNR Degredation from Uplink - dB      **     
Information Rate-Mbps                      6 
Bandwidth Loss for Information Rate     61.9 
- dB                                         
Eb/No  - dB                           **     
Implementation Loss - dB              **     
Theoretical Eb/No (BER=10^-10)           4.5 
Eb/No Margin - dB                     **     

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