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Attachment 7. System Requirements Document (SRD)

Global Broadcast Service (GBS)

Phase II

System Requirements Document (SRD)

Table of Contents

1 Scope

1.1 System Overview

1.2 Document Overview

2 Compliance Documents

2.1 Definitions

3 Requirements

3.1 Functional and Performance Requirements

3.1.1 General System Requirements

3.1.2 Space Segment UFO/GBS Payload Element Augmentation Satellites

3.1.3 Broadcast Management Segment (BMS) Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM) Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM)(Part of TIP) Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM) GBS Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT) GBS Broadcast Coordinator (GBC)

3.1.4 Terminal Segment Primary Injection Point Terminal (PIP) Transportable Theater Injector (TTI) (Part of TIP) Receive Terminal (RT)

Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT)

Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT) Ship Receive Terminal (SRT) Sub Surface (Submarine) Receive Terminal (SSRT)

3.1.5 Receive Suite

3.2 System Interface Requirements

3.3 Security Requirements

3.3.1 Confidentiality of Data

3.3.2 Integrity of Data

3.3.3 Multiple Levels of Security

3.3.4 Access Control

3.3.5 Accountability

3.3.6 Key/Security Management Infrastructure

3.3.7 General

3.3.8 Broadcast Management Segment

3.3.9 Terminal Segment

3.4 System Environment Requirements

3.5 System Quality Factors

3.5.1 Reliability

3.5.2 Maintainability Unscheduled Maintenance Scheduled and Routine Maintenance Built-In-Test Capability

3.6 Design and Construction Constraints

3.6.1 Transportable Equipment

3.6.2 Transportable Equipment (vehicle mounted)

3.6.3 Shipboard Receive Terminal (SRT)

3.6.4 Sub Surface (Submarine) Receive Terminal (SSRT)

3.6.5 Environmental, Safety and Health Requirements

3.7 Personnel and Training Requirements

3.7.1 Manning

3.7.2 Training

3.8 Logistics Requirements

3.9 Mobility Requirements

3.9.1 Transportable Theater Injector

4 Verification Provisions

5 Notes

A. Appendixes

1 Scope

1.1 System Overview

The implementation of the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) will provide a worldwide, high capacity, one-way transmission means for a variety of data, imagery, and other information required to support joint forces.

The GBS system must ensure the timely and accurate worldwide delivery of high-volume, bandwidth-intensive products such as video, imagery, theater and national level intelligence, to end users. The GBS must be accessible to end users and must therefore employ readily available commercial technologies which are inexpensive and easily integrated into existing systems and processes, yet not so unwieldy as to be unusable by smaller and more mobile units. To this end, the GBS will use robust broadcast payloads on a constellation of Government owned and operated geosynchronous satellites, augmented by leased commercial satellite services, and a system of fixed and transportable injection terminals interconnected via high-bandwidth terrestrial communications links.

Figure 1.1-1 depicts the segments and elements of the GBS system. The end users can communicate additional needs through the reachback channels to the data sources, Theater Information Manager (TIM), or to the Satellite Broadcast Manager.

Figure 1.1-1 GBS Functional Block Diagram

1.2 Document Overview

This document defines the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Phase II system requirements. It is based on the approved GBS Mission Need Statement dated 3 August 1995, the GBS Concept of Operations dated 24 January 1996, and the Joint Operational Requirements Document dated (TBR). This document integrates the requirements for each GBS functional element into a specification for the GBS system as a whole.

2 Compliance Documents

The following documents are applicable to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict this document will supersede all other referenced documents.

1) Global Broadcast Service Interface Requirements Specification, 4 November, 1996 (Draft)

2) PMW 146-S-003, Space Segment Specification for the Interim Global Broadcast Service, 27 February 1996

3) Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Primary Injection Point (PIP) Satellite Terminal, CECOM # A3262771

4) Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Fixed Ground Receive Terminal, CECOM # A3262772

5) (TBS) Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Transportable Ground Receive Terminal, CECOM #A 3263914

6) (TBS) Ship Receive Antenna Element Specification (TBS)

7) DII COE Integration and Runtime Specification (I&RTS), Version 3.0, January, 1997.

8) DII Control Concept (DIICC) procedures (version and date TBS)

9) DoD HCI (Human Computer Interface) Style Guide, Volume 8, of the Technical Architecture for Information Management (TAFIM)

10) DoD Directive S-5200.19

11) DoD Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) Ver 1.0 Dated 22 Aug. 96

12) DoD Directive 5200.28

13) USAF Year 2000 Certification Checklist, 12 November 1996.

2.1 Definitions

The terms TBD, TBS, and TBR are used in various places in this document. When used, TBD means a variable to be defined by the proposer, TBS means to be specified by the government, and TBR means to be reviewed and subject to revision.

3 Requirements

3.1 Functional and Performance Requirements

3.1.1 General System Requirements

As indicated by the segment diagram in figure 3.1.1-1, the GBS system is broken down into three functional segments: The Broadcast Management Segment, the Terminal Segment, and the Space Segment. The Broadcast Management Segment consists of the Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM), Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM) and the Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM). The Terminal Segment consists of the Primary Injection Point (PIP), the Transportable Theater Injector (TTI), the Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT), the Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT), the Shipboard Receive Terminal (SRT), The Sub Surface Receive Terminal (SSRT), and the Airborne Receive Terminal (ART). The Space Segment consists of the following: Four UFO transponders per UFO/GBS satellite (UFO 8, 9, & 10), leased commercial transponders and other GBS transponders on military satellites. The Theater Injection Point (TIP) includes a TTI and a TSBM. A Receive Suite (RS) includes a Receive Terminal (any type) and the RBM.

Figure 3.1.1 - 1 Segment Diagram

(3110.1) The GBS system shall provide a space based broadcast service capable of high speed, one way communications for deployed ground, ship mobile, and garrisoned forces.

(3110.2) The GBS system shall provide near worldwide broadcast and reception coverage from 65 degrees North latitude to 65 degrees South latitude.

(3110.3) The GBS system shall provide the capability to re-broadcast selected information in order to provide statistical assurance of receipt of 90% with an objective of 95% of the information at the RBM prior to delivery to the end user, and to accommodate transmission of the same information to end users in different time and space coverage regions, or in different multicast groups.

(3110.4) The GBS System shall provide an End to End (PIP to UFO/GBS NSB to FGRT) BER of 10-^10 operating at 24 MBPS under the conditions specified in Appendix A2.

(3110.5) The GBS system shall be capable of broadcasting and receiving at variable data rates to provide the required system BER and end-to-end link availability in the following UFO/GBS terminal combinations:

Beam                       Terminals*                                             
2000 NM                    FGRT, TGRT, SRT             Phase 2 Threshold          
2000 NM                    SSRT                        Phase 2 Objective          
500 NM                     FGRT, TGRT, SRT, SSRT       Phase 2 Threshold          
500 NM                     ART                         TBS                        

* FGRT: Fixed Ground Receive Terminal

TGRT: Transportable Ground Receive Terminal

SRT: Shipboard Receive Terminal

SSRT: Sub Surface (submarine) Receive Terminal

ART: Airborne Receive Terminal

(3110.6) The GBS system address space shall simultaneously support at least 32,000 individual receive suites.

(3110.7) The GBS system shall be capable of using leased commercial or military satellite transponders for the purpose of augmenting its coverage capabilities.

(3110.8) The GBS system shall provide a capability to generate, broadcast and receive an unclassified program guide so that users receiving the broadcast can easily determine what, when, and where information will be or has been broadcast.

(3110.9) The GBS system shall operate in the connectivity modes specified in Table 3.1-1 contained in the IRS.

(3110.10) The GBS system shall comply with level 7 of the DII COE Integration and Runtime Specification (I&RTS), with a plan for achieving level 8.

(3110.11) The GBS system shall conform with information technology standards outlined in the DoD Technical Architecture for Information Management (TAFIM) as modified by the Joint Technical Architecture.

(3110.12) The GBS system shall provide a semi-automated configuration management capability which shall document the software and hardware configuration of each GBS element.

(3110.13) The GBS system shall provide appropriate commercial standard Quality of Service for all types of traffic, including multimedia products such as video and audio streams.

(3110.14) The GBS communications transport mechanisms shall be capable of supporting concurrent sharing of the same transmission link by multiple user traffic with different Quality of Service needs while fulfilling individual user traffic dissemination needs for unicast, multicast, or broadcast routing.

(3110.15) The GBS system shall measure and report SBM-to-RBM service statistics.

  1. The GBS System shall comply with the USAF Year 2000 Certification Checklist, 12 November 1996.

3.1.2 Space Segment

The GBS space segment consists of transponders on UHF Follow-on satellites 8, 9, and 10. Additionally, leased commercial satellite services or other available government satellite transponders may augment the UHF satellite coverage. UFO/GBS Payload Element

The UFO/GBS Payloads will comply with the specifications contained in the compliance document PMW 146-S-003, Space Segment Specification for the Interim Global Broadcast Service.

(3121.1) Each UFO/GBS payload shall be capable of simultaneously supporting one Primary Injection Point terminal and one Theater Injection Point terminal.

(3121.2) The GBS system shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: PIP to UFO Interface, TTI to UFO Interface, and UFO to RT Interface. Augmentation Satellites

(3122.1) When equipped with suitable additional hardware elements the GBS ground system shall be capable of operating with a variety of leased commercial satellite payloads, both domestic and international, and with military transponders such as the DSCS III satellite payload.

(3122.2) The GBS system shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: PIP/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface, TTI/Ku to Ku Space Segment Interface, and Ku Space Segment to RT/Ku Interface.

3.1.3 Broadcast Management Segment (BMS)

The Broadcast Management Segment (BMS) consists of the following elements: the Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM), the Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM), the Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM), the GBS Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT), and the GBS Broadcast Coordinator (GBC). The SBM function will build the broadcast data streams and manage the information flow to the appropriate injection point(s) for transmission to the satellite(s). The RBM function is to support the dissemination of the information from the Receive Terminal element to the end users. Together the RBM and Receive Terminal make up a Receive Suite. The GRAT function is to assess the allocation and use of GBS satellite and associated system-wide resources and assist CINC/JS planners in allocating GBS resources. The GBC function is to provide system level status monitoring and performance assessment of GBS assets worldwide. The following requirements apply:

(3130.1) The BMS shall accept, coordinate, and package information for broadcast, build uplink data streams, manage the information flow to the appropriate injection point(s), and perform system resource allocation and management to maximize utilization of on-orbit capabilities.

(3130.2) The BMS shall have the capability to dynamically broadcast information to all, some or specific end users based on the priorities assigned to the information, including, but not limited to, precedence, addressing, end user location, end user needs, end user profiles, spot beam scheduling, and spot beam location.

(3130.3) The BMS shall conform to and employ existing domain names for servers according to the DII Control Concepts procedures, as specified in TBS.

(3130.4) The BMS shall have the ability to schedule and reschedule the broadcasts to meet the timeliness and assured delivery requirements of each product. (objective)

(3130.5) The BMS shall securely maintain end user profiles of information (description of user receive configuration, product requirements, location, etc.) to enable transmit users to develop "smart push" and to enable access control.

(3130.6) The BMS shall provide the capability for software updates to be installed at the RBM manually by the operator without disassembly of the equipment and semi-automatically by over-the-air procedures.

(3130.7) The BMS shall be capable of providing services at a controlled rate to accommodate limitations of the end users equipment as contained in the end user profile.

(3130.8) The BMS shall provide information profiles (provided by data sources) for GBS products to enable end users to develop 'user pull'. Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM)

(3131.1) The SBM shall build the uplink data streams based on DoD precedence and the real-time bandwidth requirements of the information being broadcast, so that if transponder bandwidth is available when additional products are awaiting broadcast, the SBM uses the spare bandwidth to broadcast the waiting products.

(3131.2) The SBM shall share and reallocate available bandwidth between various users, information products, and multi-media types (data, video, audio), without interruption to the broadcast.

(3131.3) The SBM shall provide remote monitoring, control, and configuration of RTs, RBMs, PIPs, and TIPs, as allowed by connectivity mode. The goal is to minimize the impact of control and monitoring traffic on existing tactical and strategic communications systems.

(3131.4) The SBM system shall schedule the broadcast to meet the timeliness requirements of each product when taken in aggregate, within the constraints imposed on the broadcast by information product availability, the CINC’s dissemination policy, the user needs, the information priorities, and the satellite spot beam coverage.

(3131.5) The SBM shall have the capability to override the RBM function of blocking unwanted information products and interactions for selected products and interactions.

(3131.6) Each SBM shall support the 5 transponders (4 GBS/UFO transponders and 1 Augmentation Transponder each with a capacity of 24 Mbps) identified in the broadcast management segment of this document.

(3131.7) The SBM shall be capable of providing continuos control the UFO/GBS antenna pointing (within the constraints specified in PMW-146-S-003) by interfacing to the satellite control resources (e.g. EHF Terminals) as specified in the IRS.

  1. The total time for the SBM process a spot beam pointing command and the UFO/GBS satellite control resource to uplink the command shall not exceed 10 minutes.
  2. The SBM shall support an automatic queue driven spot beam pointing capability. (objective)
  3. The BMS shall be capable of delegating UFO/GBS antenna pointing control responsibility to entities outside the GBS system.
  4. The SBM shall have the capability of monitoring the status of the UFO/GBS payload and controlling the configuration of the UFO/GBS payload by interfacing with the AFSCN as specified in the IRS.
  5. The SBM shall be capable of obtaining UFO/GBS satellite ephemeris data from the AFSCN and passing this data to the PIP for the purpose of antenna pointing.
  6. The SBM shall include the ability to remotely enable or deny end user access to the broadcast.
  7. The SBM shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: IDM to SBM Interface, Global Control Center (GCC)/ Regional Control Center (RCC) to SBM Interface Global Broadcast Coordinator (GBC), GCCS to SBM Interface - GBS Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT), Remote Data Source (DS) to SBM Interface, Direct DS to SBM Interface, SBM/TSBM to UFO GBS Antenna Controller Interface, SBM to AFSCN Interface, SBM to PIP Interface, SBM to PIP/Ku Interface, SBM/TSBM to RBM Interface, SBM to TSBM Interface, and Electronic Key Management System EKMS to SBM Interface. Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM)

(3132.1) The TSBM shall have all the capability of the SBM as specified in paragraphs (3131.1) through (3131.13) except (3131.6).

(3132.2) The TSBM shall support at least one GBS/UFO satellite transponder (with a capacity of 6 Mbps) on any UFO satellite in view.

(3132.3) The TSBM shall support at least one GBS/UFO satellite transponder (with a capacity of 24 Mbps) on any UFO satellite in view. (objective)

(3132.4) The TSBM shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: TDS to TSBM Interface, GCCS to TSBM Interface (GRAT), SBM/TSBM to GBS UFO Antenna Controller Interface, TSBM to AFSCN Interface, TSBM to TTI Interface, TSBM to TTI/Ku Interface, RBM to SBM/TSBM Interface, SBM to TSBM Interface, and EKMS to TSBM Interface. Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM)

(3133.1) The RBM shall provide a function for end users to subscribe to and to be authorized for membership in broadcast, unicast and multicast groups.

(3133.2) The RBM shall allow the reinstatement of original software if an over the air software update is unsuccessful.

(3133.3) The RBM shall control and monitor its associated RT, including the capability to retrieve and display status of the RT within the RBM, as stated in the Global Broadcast Service IRS. (objective)

(3133.4) The RBM shall be capable of communicating the status and configuration of the receive suite equipment to the SBM, in the Partially Connected and Fully Connected modes, when configuration or selected status changes or when requested from the SBM.

(3133.5) The RBM shall include a function that can be set to filter out or block product categories that are not of interest to the end users of the RBM both by profile and by direct control.

(3133.6) The RBM design shall be modular and scaleable to facilitate customization of Receive Suites to support a wide range of user selected configurations and interfaces.

(3133.7) The RBM shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: RT to RBM Interface, RT/Ku to RBM Interface, RBM to End Users Interface, and SBM/TSBM to RBM Interface. GBS Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT)

(3134.1) The GRAT shall provide Joint Staff, CINC Staff, and other Government agency planners with a view of current allocations and usage of GBS resources, together with a capability to project the impact of changes to allocations and data requirements in support of future mission scenarios.

(3134.2) The GRAT shall be a client-server application with the client capable of running on any COE compliant SBM or GCCS workstation and the server running as part of the SBM.

(3134.3) The GRAT shall restrict access to operational information to authorized operators with valid need-to-know.

(3134.4) The GRAT shall operate at the Secret level.

(3134.5) The GRAT shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interfaces: GCCS to SBM Interface (GRAT) and GCCS to TSBM Interface (GRAT). Global Broadcast Coordinator (GBC)

(3135.1) The GBC shall provide the DII Global Control Center (GCC) and Regional Control Center (RCC) elements of the DII Control Concept with a capability to monitor the operational status of the GBS.

(3135.2) The GBC shall comply with the IRS requirements for the following interface: GCC/RCC to SBM Interface.

3.1.4 Terminal Segment Primary Injection Point (PIP) Terminal

The Primary Injection Point Terminal will comply with the Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Primary Injection Point (PIP) Satellite Terminal, CECOM # A3262771. Transportable Theater Injector (TTI)

The Transportable Theater Injector will comply with the (TBS) Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Transportable Theater Injector (TTI) Satellite Terminal, CECOM # (TBS). Receive Terminal (RT)

Receive terminals are composed of Receive Antennas/LNB and Integrated Receiver Decoders (IRD).The Receive Terminal Variations are: Fixed GRT: A3262772, Transportable GRT: A3263914, Ship RT: (TBS), Sub Surface RT: (TBS). Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT)

The fixed ground receive terminal will comply with the following specification: Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Ground Receive Terminal, Fixed, CECOM #A3262772. Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT)

Each transportable ground receive terminal will comply with the following specification: Performance Specification for the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) Ground Receive Terminal, Transportable, CECOM # A3263914. Ship Receive Terminal (SRT)

A Ship Receive Terminal consists of a standard FGRT meeting requirements of paragraph, and a Ship Receive Antenna (SRA) in place of the FGRT receive antenna. Each Ship Receive Antenna will comply with the following specification: (TBS) Ship Receive Antenna Element Specification. Sub Surface (Submarine) Receive Terminal (SSRT)

A SSRT consists of a SRT and a Sub Surface Receive Antenna (SSRA) in place of the SRA. Each SSRA will comply with the following specification: (TBS) Sub Surface Receive Antenna Element Specification.

3.1.5 Receive Suite

Together the RBM (including cryptographic equipment if required) and Receive Terminal (Ka or Ku) make up a Receive Suite. A shipboard Receive Suite includes a Dual Antenna IRD Buffer (DAIB).

(3150.1) Receive suites shall be scaleable and configurable to satisfy a variety of user installations and broadcast receive requirements.

(3150.2) Receive Suite configurations shall include at a minimum:

- Configuration 1) one unclassified video

- Configuration 2) one unclassified video and one classified video or classified data stream.

- Configuration 2A) one unclassified video and one unclassified data stream.

- Configuration 3) one unclassified video and two or more classified video and or classified data streams.

  1. Receive Suites shall be capable of automatically adjusting their receive data rate to correspond to a change in the broadcast data rate within 10 seconds.
  2. Receive Suites shall be capable of receiving data from one UFO/GBS or commercial satellite transponder.
  3. Receive Suites shall be capable of receiving data from four UFO/GBS satellite transponders. (Objective)

3.1.6 Dual Antenna IRD Buffer (DAIB)

  1. The DAIB shall provide buffering between two SRA’s such that data stream integrity is maintained during transition from one SRA to the other.
  2. The DAIB shall be capable of maintaining the data stream to the RBM without loss during handover where the absolute value of a dynamically variable difference in signal receive path to the two SRA’s is not greater than 400 feet.
  3. The DAIB shall be capable of transitioning the data stream from one SRA to the other at a point where both data streams are valid for at least 0.5 seconds after the transition.
  4. The DAIB shall be capable repeated switching from one SRT to the other as frequently as once every 30 seconds without any degradation or loss of data.
  5. The DAIB shall be capable of accepting single wire A/B control signals from the Antenna Controller selecting the SRA for use.

3.2 System Interface Requirements

(3200.1) The interfaces between segments and elements of the GBS shall be as specified in (TBR) Global Broadcast Service Interface Requirements Specification.

3.3 Security Requirements

  1. The GBS System shall support the passing of information ranging in classifications from Unclassified up to and including Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS SCI).
  2. The GBS System shall protect against denial of service, unauthorized disclosure while maintaining data & system integrity, confidentiality and assured service and accountability.

3.3.1 Confidentiality

(3310.1) The GBS System shall provide information confidentiality utilizing DoDD 5200.28.

3.3.2 Denial of Service & Information

(3320.1) The GBS System shall protect against denial of service & information utilizing DoDD 5200.28

3.3.3 Unauthorized Disclosure

(3330.1) The GBS System shall protect against unauthorized disclosure utilizing DoDD 5200.28.

3.3.4 Data & System Integrity

(3340.1) The GBS System shall maintain data and system integrity utilizing DoDD 5200.28 and DoDS 5200.19.

3.3.5 Assured Service

(3350.1) The GBS System shall provide the capability for assured service utilizing DoDD 5200.28.

3.3.6 Accountability/Non-Repudiation

(3360.1) The GBS system shall provide for accountability and non-repudiation

3.3.7 General

  1. Only National Security Agency (NSA) endorsed and approved security products, techniques and protective services shall be used to secure classified GBS telecommunications.
  2. GBS cryptographic equipment shall be capable of being rekeyed over the air. (Objective)
  3. The GBS System shall Provide the capability to rekey GBS specific cryptographic equipment manually.
  4. The GBS System shall utilize electronic keying which is interoperable with the Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) and the Joint Key Management System (JKMS) for GBS specific cryptographic equipment.

3.3.8 Broadcast Management Segment

(3380.1) The Broadcast Management Segment shall check its computer operating system and resident software for viruses during systems initialization, software updates, and routine operations.

3.3.9 Receive Suites & Transportable Injection Point

  1. GBS Receive Suites without cryptographic components shall be releasable to allied forces.
  2. GBS Receive Suites with approved cryptographic components shall be releasable to allied forces.
  3. GBS Receive Suites and Transportable Injection Points shall have removable crypto key(s), or similar capability for sanitization.

3.4 System Environment Requirements

(3400.1) The various elements of the GBS system must operate in a wide range of environments; this paragraph defines each of these environments and the matrix that follows indicates which environment shall be applied to each GBS element.

a. Sheltered equipment in environmentally controlled area:

30 degree F to 90 degree F at up to 95% humidity (non-condensing) (0-110 degrees at all humidity levels) (objective).

b. Fixed Sites, Equipment exposed directly to an external environment:

Operate in blowing sand, dust, and snow environments during 45 mph sustained winds, gusts to 60 mph.

Receive Suites: Operate in -25 degree to 110 degree climatic conditions at all humidity levels.

PIP: Meet temperature and humidity conditions appropriate for each particular site location.

c. Transportable Equipment:

Receive antenna for transportable equipment shall be capable of operating in blowing sand, dust, and snow environments during 30 mph winds and in -25 degrees F to 110 degrees F climatic conditions at all humidity levels.

TIP (consisting of a TTI and TSBM) shall be capable of operating in blowing sand, dust and snow environments during 45 mph sustained winds, 60 mph gusts and survive 90 mph with antenna in stowed configuration and in -25 degrees F to 110 degrees F climatic conditions at all humidity levels.

d. Shipboard above deck environment shall:

Be protected by radome or other protective covers capable of protecting the equipment to withstand conditions from salt spray and icing from -4 degrees F to 122 degrees F.

Operate in winds up to 75 knots.

Survive winds up to 100 knots.

Not sustain damage due to ship motions from either maneuver motions or pitch due to sea state.

Operate in sea state 5 and survive sea state 6 (Beaufort's wind scale).

e. Shipboard below deck environment:

Operate in sea state 5 and survive sea state 6 (Beaufort's wind scale).

Withstand shock and vibration appropriate for vessel.

Operate in temperature appropriate for shipboard manned compartment spaces.

f. Shipping and Storage environment:

Not sustain damage from commercial practice shipping and storage environments.

(3400.2) The GBS elements shall operate or survive the environments as specified in the following table:

GBS Element            Environment     
SBM                    A               
TSBM                   A, C, F         
RBM                    A, E, F         
GRAT                   A               
GBC                    A               
PIP                    A, B            
TTI                    A, C, F         
TGRT                   A, C, F         
FGRT                   A, B, E, F      
SRA                    D, F            

3.5 System Quality Factors

3.5.1 Reliability

(3510.1) The GBS hardware and software mean time between operational mission failure (MTBOMF), exclusive of link margin and satellite availability, shall be TBD.

(3510.2) The SBM MTBOMF shall exceed TBD which is required to maintain an operational availability of 99.0% with an objective of 99.99%. SBM is defined as being mission capable when it can support receipt of data from sources and can form a broadcast data stream for each transponder supported and can communicate these data streams to the PIP.

(3510.3) The PIP MTBOMF shall exceed TBS which is required to maintain an operational availability of 99.0% with an objective of 99.99%. PIP is defined as being mission capable when it can receive a data stream from the SBM and transmit that data at the required EIRP to each transponder assigned.

(3510.4) The Receive Terminal MTBOMF shall exceed 2000 hours with an objective of 5000 hours. RT is defined as being mission capable when it can receive a transponded signal from the satellite transponder and transfer the demodulated data to the RBM.

(3510.5) The RBM MTBOMF minus cryptographic devices shall exceed TBD. The RBM is defined as being mission capable when it can receive data from the RT, and filter, decrypt, reformat, and transfer that data to the user equipment.

(3510.6) The TTI MTBOMF shall exceed TBS which is required to maintain an operational TIP availability of 93.0%. The TTI is defined as being mission capable when it can receive a data stream from the TSBM and transmit that data at the required EIRP to the transponder assigned.

(3510.7) The TSBM MTBOMF shall exceed TBD which is required to maintain an operational TIP availability of 93.0%. The TSBM is defined as being mission capable when it can support receipt of data from sources, can form a broadcast data stream and can communicate that data to the TTI.

3.5.2 Maintainability

(3520.1) The GBS hardware and software shall require minimum downtime for corrective maintenance and scheduled and routine maintenance. Unscheduled Maintenance

(3521.1) LRU replacement shall be accomplished at the organizational or direct support level, all other maintenance shall be accomplished at the depot level.

(3521.2) SBM mean repair time shall be less than TBD minutes.

(3521.3) PIP mean repair time shall be as specified in Army specification A3262771.

(3521.4) RT mean repair time shall be as specified in Army specifications A3262772 and A3263914.

(3521.5) RBM mean repair time shall be less than TBD minutes.

(3521.6) TTI mean repair time shall be less than 90 minutes.

(3521.7) TSBM mean repair time shall be less than 90 minutes. Scheduled and Routine Maintenance

(3522.1) Operator level maintenance shall be limited to basic care, cleaning, and replacement of expendables.

(3522.2) SBM, PIP and TIP scheduled routine maintenance shall be performed without disruption to service operations.

(3522.3) SBM, PIP and TIP scheduled and routine maintenance time shall not exceed one maintenance hour per 24 hour period.

(3522.4) The scheduled routine maintenance for all receive suites shall not exceed 20 minutes for a 24 hour period.

(3522.5) Cryptographic equipment shall be maintained and repaired in accordance with COMSEC maintenance policies and procedures.

(3522.6) Scheduled and routine maintenance for vehicles and generators shall be accomplished in accordance with existing maintenance procedures. Built-In-Test Capability

(3523.1) Where applicable, the GBS shall use Built-In-Test (BIT) diagnostics that fault isolate to a single Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) or component.

3.6 Design and Construction Constraints

3.6.1 Transportable Equipment

(3610.1) Transportable equipment shall be protected adequately to meet expected environments during shipping, storage and operations.

(3610.2) Where Transit Cases are used they shall:

- Be impact resistant.

- Be water tight.

- Provide physical security for enclosed equipment.

- Weigh 37.5 pounds or less including enclosed equipment.

- Be sized to permit lifting by one person.

- Be minimized in number. (one case objective).

(3610.3) The transportable receive suite one-man set-up time (from transport configuration to receive configuration) prior to satellite acquisition shall be one hour (30 minutes objective).

(3610.4) The receive suite shall require no special tools for set-up or break-down.

(3610.5) The receive suite shall be capable of being set up and operated by persons in full MOPP IV NBC protective gear or standard cold weather clothing (setup time requirements in (3610.3) do not apply).

3.6.2 Transportable Equipment (vehicle mounted)

  1. The TIP shall be configured with watertight, corrosion resistant, full face covers to protect the controls and components from the environment and moderate impact damage.
  2. The TIP shall be capable of being set up and operated by persons in full MOPP IV NBC protective gear or cold weather clothing.

3.6.3 Shipboard Receive Suite

(3630.1) The shipboard receive suite shall conform to standard 19 inch equipment rack configuration.

(3630.2) The shipboard receive suite shall operate on existing shipboard power.

3.6.4 Sub Surface (Submarine) Receive Suite

(3640.1) Sub Surface (Submarine) Receive Suite below deck equipment shall be able to pass through a 25 inch hatch with minimum disassembly.

3.6.5 Environmental, Safety and Health Requirements

(3650.1) The GBS system design and construction shall not use Class I and Class II ozone depleting substances, and shall minimize use of other hazardous materials in GBS components, manufacturing materials and processes, support equipment, and disposal operations.

(3650.2) The GBS system shall not expose operators or maintainers to health and safety hazards rated as medium risks or higher using industry standard system safety engineering analytical methodologies.

3.6.6 Satellite Broadcast Manager & Transportable Injection Point

  1. The SBM & TIP shall have the ability to protect and store queued information and system equipment in order to resume broadcast operations after loss or fluctuations of external power.
  2. The SBM & TIP shall automatically provide uninterrupted power for 10 minutes.
  3. The SBM & TIP shall automatically provide uninterrupted power for 20 minutes. (objective)

3.6.7. Power

  1. All GBS equipment shall be capable of operating from 110/220 VAC at 50/60 Hz power.

3.7 Personnel and Training Requirements

3.7.1 Manning

(3710.1) The GBS system shall minimize manpower required to operate and maintain the system.

(3710.2) The receiver suite shall not require additional manning for operation or maintenance.

(3710.3) The receiver suite shall operate unattended.

(3710.4) Personnel skill and skill levels required for operating and maintaining the receiver suites shall not exceed the following:

- Army operators General Purpose User (74T)

- Army maintainers 31U

- Navy operators RM3

- Navy maintainers ET2

- Air Force operators 3COX1 skill level 5

- Air Force maintainers 2E1X1 skill level 5

- USMC Operators MOS 25xx

- USMC Maintainers MOS 28xx

3.7.2 Training

(3720.1) The GBS system shall use Computer Based Training (CBT) and take maximum advantage of commercially available Embedded Training (ET).

(3720.2) No separate training devices or simulators shall be required to support the development, operations, and maintenance of GBS.

(3720.3) All Training shall be in accordance with service policies and procedures.

3.8 Logistics Requirements

(3800.1) GBS shall take maximum advantage of existing logistics support infrastructures.

(3800.2) Requirements for common maintenance support equipment shall be kept at a minimum.

(3800.3) Peculiar support equipment shall be avoided wherever possible.

(3800.4) The receive suites shall be provided initial spares, On-Board Repair Parts (OBRP), and Readiness Spares Packages (RSP)/deployment spares concurrent with hardware delivery.

(3800.5) RSP/deployment spares shall be provided in addition to initial spares for special long range mission durations of at least 90 days for 50 GBS receive suites.

(3800.6) A direct exchange capability shall be developed for receive suites.

(3800.7) For the Navy, spares shall be based upon on-board repair parts requirements as calculated for each platform.

3.9 Mobility Requirements

3.9.1 Transportable Injection Point (TIP)

The TIP is composed of the TSBM and the TTI.

(3910.1) The TIP shall use the HMMWV family, or its life-cycle replacement in the US Army inventory, as its prime mover.

(3910.2) The vehicles shall not exceed vehicle weight limits when loaded with maximum prescribed load and a normal combat load of equipment, personal gear, and supplies for two persons per vehicle.

(3910.3) The TIP shall be palletized and easily dismounted, by three persons, from its primary mover and transferred to another prime mover, within 2 hours, in a tactical environment without any specialized equipment.

(3910.4) The TIP equipment and components shall be secured to the pallet in such a manner as to facilitate physical security, dismounting for replacement, storage, and repair.

(3910.5) The TIP shall be capable of unrestricted highway and marine transport, have military standard lifting and tie-down provisions, and meet applicable rail transportation requirements.

(3910.6) The palletized TIP, minus prime mover, shall be capable of being sling loaded by a UH-60 aircraft.

(3910.7) The complete TIP with prime mover shall be sling loaded by CH-47D and CH-53E/D aircraft.

(3910.8) The complete TIP with prime mover shall exhibit a profile capable of C-130 roll- on/roll-off.

(3910.9) The TIP shall have a two way voice radio communications capability and Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver mounted on the TIP pallet.

(3910.10) The two way voice radio communications for TIP’s supplied to Army units shall be a Combat Net Radio (CNR).

(3910.11) Primary power will be provided by both noise suppressed generators or commercial power 110/220 AC at 60/50 Hz for 24 hour continuous operations.

4 Verification Provisions

(4000.1) Verification of GBS requirements contained in this SRD and the IRS shall be accomplished by a combination of Verification and Acceptance procedures.

4.1 Verification

(4100.1) All requirements contained in this SRD shall be verified by inspection, analysis and/or test.

(4100.2) Verification by analysis and/or test shall demonstrate sufficient margin in the design so that when the production articles are subjected to acceptance test environments that no loss of operational life or degradation of performance capability occurs.

(4100.3) Verification shall be by test unless testing is infeasible or unduly expensive.

4.2 Acceptance

(4200.1) All equipment and software delivered under this contract shall be verified for acceptance by inspection and test.

5 Notes

A. Appendices

A1 UFO 8 Interim Minimum Capability

A2 Standard Link Calculations

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