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Attachment 1. Statement of Objective (SOO)

1.0 Program Scope

1.1 The Phase II GBS system consists of three segments; the space segment, the broadcast management segment, and the terminal segment. Each segment will be acquired by a different agency.

1.2 The GBS space segment has been awarded by the Navy (PMW-146) as part of the UFO program. Commercial augmentation may also be used to provide additional capability and coverage.

1.3 The ground terminal segment (consisting of the Primary Injection Point (PIP), Transportable Theater Injector (TTI), Fixed Ground Receive Terminal (FGRT), Transportable Ground Receive Terminal (TGRT), and Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD) elements) will be acquired through contracts by PM MILSATCOM.

1.4 This contract consolidates procurement of the broadcast management segment (Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM), Transportable Satellite Broadcast Manager (TSBM), Receive Broadcast manager (RBM), GBS Resource Allocation Tool (GRAT), GBS Broadcast Coordinator (GBC), and any associated INFOSEC).

1.5 Service-unique receive terminal components will be contracted for by the individual services and common items (i.e. RBM and IRD) will be procured as needed from the respective segment contractors.

1.6 The Government will use the GBS CONOPS testbed and the JITI to assist the warfighter in refining the GBS CONOPS and JORD, and to validate operational utility. The JBS is an operational precursor to the GBS, currently supporting EUCOM, using leased commercial Ku-band transponders and commercially available ground hardware.

2.0 Specific Objectives

Provide a near worldwide GBS operational capability; provide an integrated system, including equipment and software, compatible with UFO 8, 9, and 10. Evolve the system from an initial capability with UFO 8 as defined in the SRD appendix 4 to the SRD threshold requirements with UFO 10. Upgrade the Phase I systems specified elsewhere within this RFP to Phase II capability.

2.1 Systems Management

2.1.1 Plan, organize, direct, and control the design, development, production, and delivery of an integrated GBS.

2.1.2 Execute the program in an Integrated Product Team environment.

2.1.3 Provide electronic accessibility for program data.

2.1.4 Develop and execute a System Protection Program

2.2 System Design, Development, and Test.

2.2.1 Deliver System Sets in accordance with the CLIN structure, SRD, and IRS.

2.2.2 Leverage use of commercial equipment and software, NDI materials, and open systems.

2.2.3 Provide upgrade path for phase I systems per CLIN structure.

2.2.4 Identify, minimize, and control environmental, safety, and health risks

2.2.5 Perform system security engineering

2.2.6 Conduct test and evaluation of GBS elements, segments, and total system

2.3 Systems Integration

2.3.1 Perform total system integration (total system integration responsibility).

2.4 System Operations and Support

2.4.1 Support operational test and evaluation.

2.4.2 Develop and perform operations training and maintenance training.

2.4.3 Take maximum advantage of existing service logistics support infrastructures.

2.4.4 Provide contractor logistics support.

2.4.5 Provide 'help desk' support to GBS users.

2.4.6 Minimize man-power to operate and maintain the system. Minimize required level of personnel clearances for designer, operators and maintainers.

2.5 System Evolution

2.5.1 Design the GBS system to allow delivery of an interim capability in support of UFO-8.

2.5.2 Upgrade interim capability to threshold capability by the launch of UFO-10.

2.5.3 Design the GBS System architecture to accommodate evolutionary hardware and software changes after launch of UFO-10 to achieve Phase II objective requirements.

2.6 System Affordability

2.6.1 Deliver an interim system capability within current program cost constraints and minimize cost of upgrades to threshold capability.

2.6.2 Minimize recurring unit cost of the Receive Suites.

2.6.3 Minimize Phase II system life cycle costs.

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