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Attachment 14. Glossary Of Terms

Airborne Receive Terminal (ART) - A GBS receive terminal that is installed on airborne platforms, to include fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

Antenna System - The GBS receive antenna, support structure, tracking mechanism, and Low Noise Block

Area of Responsibility (AOR) - The geographic area assigned to European Command (EUCOM), Atlantic Command (ACOM), Pacific Command (PACOM), Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), or Central Command (CENTCOM)

Backchannel - A communications capability that exists outside the GBS system which allows end users to define "User Pull" requests and is used to ensure reliable delivery of information by the GBS system.

Bit Stream - The modulated RF signal that is the broadcast data stream.

Broadcast Data Stream - The aggregation of file and stream products into a continuous digital stream to be transmitted to the space segment. Broadcast data streams are created by the Satellite Broadcast Manager, processed and transmitted to the space segment by the injection terminal, and received and processed by the receive suite (receive terminal, cryptographic equipment and Receive Broadcast Manager) for subsequent dissemination to end user systems.

Broadcast Management - The set of functions, processes, and systems required to collect, assemble, prioritize, transmit encrypt/decrypt, and disseminate information provided from national and theater sources to end user systems. Broadcast management can be subdivided into transmit broadcast management and receive broadcast management.

Broadcast Management Center (BMC) - A facility that contains the Satellite Broadcast Management functions. See also Transmit Broadcast Manager.

Broadcast Management Segment - One of the three segments of the GBS system, which includes the Theater Information Manager, Satellite Broadcast Manager, and Receive Broadcast Manager.

Defense Information Infrastructure (DII) - The resources identified by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) as critical for the flow of information within the DoD. Interoperability and multi-path technologies are being applied to the DII to make it as flexible as possible. DISA is also working on a multi-level security capability for the DII.

Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) - A network of communications paths that support information transfer within the DoD.

End User - The ultimate recipient and/or user of the information products broadcast by the GBS.

End User System - An end user owned and operated system that uses information provided via the GBS.

File - A discrete/fixed size information product. Imagery, weather information, maps, and Air Tasking Orders (ATO) are examples of file products.

Fixed - Not capable of being moved.

Global Broadcast Service (GBS) - An acquisition category (ACAT) ID DoD program to provide a continuous, high data rate, one-way satellite broadcast capability able to support the simultaneous transmission and receipt of national and theater level generated information products to forces deployed, on the move (in transit), or in garrison.

Global Coverage - 90o north to 65o south latitude, 180o west to 180o east longitude.

Ground Receive Terminal (GRT) - A small satellite antenna and receive equipment that will receive and convert the downlink GBS RF signal into a bit stream.

Information Management - The set of functions, processes, and systems associated with obtaining information products from national and theater sources and providing them to users via any available communications path.

Information Products - File and stream products from national and theater sources to be delivered to end users by the GBS system.

Information Source - A provider of file or stream information products. Information sources are categorized as national and theater.

Injection Points - The hardware and software that implements the functions necessary to transmit broadcast data streams to the space segment. Injection Points are categorized as Primary Injection Points and Theater Injection Points.

Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD) - Receives the radio frequency signal from the LNB, demodulates the signal, and separates the video and data information streams.

Low Noise Block (LNB) - The hardware that receives the GBS downlink radio frequency signal from the antenna, amplifies the signal, and converts it to a frequency that can be received by the integrated receiver decoder (IRD).

Mobile - Capable of communicating while moving.

Near Worldwide Coverage - 65o north latitude to 65o south latitude, with longitude coverages limited by the UHF Follow-On satellite footprint.

Near Continuous - Information is either a continuous data stream of long duration (up to hours) (i.e. real-time UAV products) or is bursts of information at regular (i.e. situation awareness products) or irregular (i.e. threat warning products) time internals requiring connectivity on-demand.

Primary Injection Point (PIP) - A fixed injection system that provides the primary uplink of the broadcast data streams from the broadcast management segment to the space segment. For GBS Phase 2, there will be one PIP associated with each GBS UFO satellite.

Receive Broadcast Manager (RBM) - The hardware and software that implements the receive broadcast management functions necessary to process the downlink broadcast data streams for subsequent dissemination to end users systems and services.

Receive Broadcast Management - The set of functions, processes, and systems associated with receiving and disseminating the file and stream information contained within the broadcast to end users. Receive broadcast management functions include, for example: decryption and encryption, storage, de-multiplexing, filtering, broadcast schedule tuning, network management, configuration control of receive terminal equipment, supporting "Smart Push" and "User Pull" requests, and receiving and processing cryptographic key material sent over the air.

Receive Site - A location capable of receiving the GBS downlink directly from the satellite. Receive sites will be fixed, transportable, and mobile.

Receive Suite - The receive terminal, cryptographic equipment, and receive broadcast management hardware and software (i.e., Receive Broadcast Manager) required to support an end user's information delivery and dissemination requirements.

Receive Terminal - The hardware (antenna and associated equipment such as support structure and tracking mechanism, low noise block (LNB) and integrated receiver dedcoder (IRD) or "settop box") and software that implements the functions necessary to receive the downlink broadcast data streams and convert them to bit streams for subsequent processing and dissemination by the Receive Broadcast Manager. Receive terminals are categorized as: fixed ground (FGRT), transportable ground (TGRT), airborne (ART), shipboard (SRT), submarine (SSRT), ground mobile (GMRT), and Manpack (MRT).

Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM) - The hardware and software that implements the broadcast management functions necessary to assemble the uplink broadcast data streams for subsequent transmission to the space segment.

Satellite Broadcast Management - The set of functions, processes, and systems associated with collecting information products, assembling broadcast data streams, and transmitting these streams to the injection point for uplink to the space segment. satellite broadcast management functions include, for example: enforcing the Joint Chiefs of Staff resource apportionment and other policies and procedures, creating and disseminating broadcast schedules, collecting information products from national and theater sources, decryption and encryption, authentication, storage, assembling and routing broadcast data streams, network management, configuration control of broadcast management and injection point equipment, configuration control of receive suite equipment (to the extent required to ensure correct delivery of files and streams), controlling the flow of information from the DII and other sources, ensuring reliable delivery of information products, supporting "Smart Push" and "User Pull" requests, and performing over-the-air rekey of receive terminals.

Scaleable Architecture - The notion that the GBS system architecture will support an array of capabilities required to meet the end users' operational needs. For example, the transmit and receive data rates will vary with the capabilities of the injection and receive terminals. Also, the capability of the receive suite will vary depending on whether the equipment will be used in a stand-alone or networked configuration.

Shipboard Receive Terminal (SRT) - A GBS receive terminal that is installed on shipboard platforms. In general, the SRT consists of above deck and below deck equipment.

"Smart Push" - The capability for the end user to define information requirements in advance so that the GBS system can provide those information products as they become available, and in accordance with established priorities.

Space Segment - One of the three segments of the GBS system, consisting of the broadcast satellite packages and satellite command and control systems.

Stream - A continuous/variable duration information product that originates from a national or theater source. Real time video is an example of a stream product.

Submarine Receive Terminal (SSRT) - A GBS receive terminal that is installed on submarine platforms.

Terminal Segment - One of the three segments of the GBS system, consisting of the injection points and receive terminals.

Theater Information Management - The set of functions, processes, and systems that are controlled by the theater commander (e.g., CINC) to manage the dissemination of information at the theater level.

Theater Information Manager (TIM) -. The TIM is the CINC's mechanism for exercising control over what, when, and to whom information is disseminated within their Area of Responsibility (AOR) or to their forces supporting one of the geographic CINCs.

Theater Injection - The capability to broadcast information directly from within a theater of operations.

Theater Injection Point (TIP) - A transportable injection system that provides the capability for theater commanders to transmit information directly from within a theater to the GBS space segment. Although functionally equivalent to a PIP, the TIP, as a transportable system, also includes the theater broadcast management segment.

Time Critical Information - Information has high urgency or perishability requiring connectivity on-demand.

Transportable - Capable of being moved from one location to another and communicating from a fixed location.

Uplink Site - A location capable of transmitting the GBS uplink directly to the space segment. Uplink sites will be fixed (PIP), and transportable (TIP).

"User Pull" - The capability for end users to define specific information to be broadcast on demand in response to operational circumstances, or the actual end user request for specific information to be broadcast on demand. "User Pull" requests are made via existing (non-GBS) communications means available to the user.

Virtual Injection - The process of utilizing other (e.g. fiber, leased satellite, MILSATCOM, etc.) communications paths to transmit in-theater generated information to a Primary Injection Point for broadcast to users in theater

Worldwide Coverage - 65o north latitude to 65o south latitude, 180o west to 180o east longitude.

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