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52.6106 (MAY 1991)

The US Army Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) has established the office of Solicitation Ombudsman to assist industry in removing unnecessary and burdensome requirements from CECOM solicitations. The Ombudsman is authorized to suspend, cancel or revise solicitations that do not represent proper procurement practices or sound business judgment.

If you feel that a CECOM solicitation contains improper elements or can be further streamlined to promote more efficient use

of taxpayer dollars, you should first identify these issues to the procuring Contracting Officer, Lawrence A. Asch, 908-532-5486. If the PCO is unable to resolve your concerns satisfactorily, or cannot do so in a timely manner, you are encouraged to call the CECOM Ombudsman at (908) 532-3320 or (908) 532-1467. The PCO/Ombudsman should be advised 5 days prior to bid opening of any deficiency. You may also write to:

Commander, US Army CECOM

Solicitation Ombudsman


Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008


52.6200 (JUL 1993)

(a) In accordance with Section 326 of P.L. 102-484, the Government is prohibited from awarding any contract which includes a specification or standard that requires the use of Class I ozone-depleting substance (ODS) identified in Section 602(a) of the

Clean Air Act, (42 U.S.C. 7671a(a)), or that can be met only through the use of such a substance unless such use has been

approved, on an individual basis, by a senior acquisition official who determines that there is no suitable substitute available.

(b) To comply with this statute, the Government has conducted a best efforts screening of the specifications and standards

associated with this acquisition to determine whether they contain any ODS requirements. To the extent that ODS requirements were revealed by this review they are identified below with the disposition determined in each case.

(c) If offerors possess any special knowledge about any other ODSs required directly or indirectly at any level of contract

performance, the U.S. Army would appreciate it if such information were surfaced to the Contracting Officer for appropriate

action. To preclude any delay to the procurement, offerors should provide any information as soon as possible after release of the solicitation and prior to the submission of offers to the extent practicable. It should be understood that there is no obligation

for offerors to comply with this request and that no compensation can be provided for doing so.

X No ODS requirements were revealed during the Government review. Refer to Section C-7, Ozone Depleting



1. GBS Program Overview: GBS is a joint service program that responds to the need for a continuous, high-speed, one-way information flow of high volume multi-media information such as imagery, maps, weather data, logistics, air tasking orders, etc. to users worldwide. GBS is an extension of the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) and a part of the overall DoD MILSATCOM architecture.

The capabilities will evolve through a three phased program as GBS progresses towards the Phase III objective system. In Phase I (FY96-98), a Joint Broadcast System Testbed was established to support the Bosian peace mission as an element of the DISN Leading Edge Services. This testbed started with and continues to evolve the CONOPS using commercially available leased satellite and receive terminal capabilities. The Joint Program Office will transition the Phase I testbed for use in evolving broadcast management segment development and in support of other GBS activities. Phase II (FY 97-02+), which includes this acquisition, will provide a worldwide interim capability using a GBS package hosted on Navy operated UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellites 8, 9 and 10 and terminals operating at Ka and Ku band. Finally, Phase III (FY00-FY02+) will implement a fully capable worldwide system of DoD satellite and terminals.

The GBS system consists of broadcast management, space, and terminal segments. The broadcast management segment, integrates, encrypts and packages multi-media information and provides a bit stream to the Primary Injection Points (PIP) for Radio Frequency (RF) transmission to the satellite. The user receive terminal, consisting of a small satellite antenna, low noise block and receiver, will receive and convert the RF downlink signal into a bit stream for receive broadcast management decryption and distribution to end users.

This acquisition is for GBS ground terminal requirements (see Website: www.anser.org/milsatcom/bizops/programs/gbs/). The Air Force (GBS JPO) is concurrently acquiring the Broadcast Management Segment, INFOSEC requirements and system integration (see Website www.laafb.af.mil/SMC/MC/gbs). The Navy is acquiring shipborne receiver antennas (Website: www.nosc.mil/contract/draft/bin/).

2. Acquisition Strategy: The terminal acquisition strategy is a competitive, best value, FY97 award for Phase II ground terminal requirements. This will be a fixed price effort for the Interim System, PIPs, Ground Receive Terminals (GRTs) (fixed and transportable), and Integrated Receiver Decoders (IRDs). The Government is acquiring the interim system comprised of an Interim Injection Point (IIP) and Interim Ground Receive Terminal (IGRT) capability at PACOM and ACOM to support UFO #8 and #9 satellite launch dates until the PIPs and FGRTs become available. Fixed GRTs are for fixed site applications. Transportable GRTs are fully environmental and transportable to meet military threshold requirements. Range quantities for the options, including options for Transportable Theather Injection (TTI) Satellite Terminals in FY98, and T&M line items are included in paragraph 4, "CLIN Summary" of this Executive Summary.

The maintenance concept of each hardware item has been tailored to meet the user's needs. Please refer to Section H, Warranty Requirements, for those items to be provided with either a two year or a five year failure free warranty of individual coverage and concurrent systemic coverage.

As well, please refer to Section L and Section M for information on how offerors are given the latitude to propose innovative concepts that implement CAIV (Cost as an Independent Variable).

3. Basic Award:

One each IIP in Hawaii in support of UFO #8;

One each IIP in Norfolk VA in support of UFO #9;

Ten IGRTs in support of UFO #8 and #9;

One PIP facility including equipment, broadcast antenna, and installation at Hawaii;

130 each FGRT and 50 each Ku Antenna Systems (including five units of each to be sent to the AF Integration contractor);

20 each TGRTs (including five units to be sent to the AF Integration contractor);

100 each IRDs (including five units to be sent to the AF Integration contractor); and

Associated support and documentation (see paragraph 4, "CLIN Summary", below).

This solicitation will maximize the use of commercial technology, practices, and processes through the use of a performance specification and an integrated Section B and Statement of Work. The Government's evaluation approach, including the relative weights of factors and subfactors, is set forth in Section M of this solicitation. Offerors should plan to submit their best proposals initially.

4. CLIN Summary:

                                       CONTRACT LINE ITEM  BY FISCAL YEAR           
        REQUIREMENT           FY97   FY98   FY99   FY00   FY01   FY02   FY03   FY04   FY05  
    GBS TERMINAL SEGMENT                                                                    
Interim Injection Point       0001                                                          
Norfolk, VA                                                                                 
Interim Ground Receive        0002                                                          
Terminals (IGRT)                                                                            
Interim Ground Receive        0003                                                          
Terminals (IGRT) - Option                                                                   
Early Deliveries to GBS       0004                                                          
System Integration                                                                          
FGRT Ku Antenna System                                                                      
Primary Injection Point       0005                                                          
Primary Injection Point       0006   0100                                                   
(PIP) Options                                                                               
Norfolk, VA Site - Option                                                                   
Sigonella, Italy Site -                                                                     
Transportable Theater                0101                                                   
Injection (TTI) Satellite                                                                   
Terminal- Options                                                                           
TTI  Satellite Terminal -                                                                   
Fixed Ground Receive          0007          0200   0300   0400   0500                       
Terminal (FGRT)                                                                             
FGRT Ku  Antenna System       0008          0201   0301   0401   0501                       
FGRT Ku Antenna System                                                                      
Transportable Ground          0009          0202   0302   0402   0502                       
Receive Terminal (TGRT),                                                                    
 Integrated Receiver          0010          0203   0303   0403   0503                       
Decoder (IRD)                                                                               
 IRD Deliveries                                                                             
PIP Modems - for Ku           0011          0204   0304                                     
PIP Modems - for Ku                                                                         
Augmentation - Option                                                                       

                                       CONTRACT LINE ITEM  BY FISCAL YEAR           
        REQUIREMENT           FY97   FY98   FY99   FY00   FY01   FY02   FY03   FY04   FY05  
     SPARE/REPAIR PARTS                                                                     
Initial Spares/Repair Parts   0012          0205   0305   0404  0504                        
Initial Spares/Repair Parts                                                                 
for FGRTs                                                                                   
Initial Spare/Repair Parts                                                                  
for FGRT Ku Antenna Systems                                                                 
Initial Spares/Repair Parts   0013          0206   0306   0405  0505                        
Initial Spares/Repair Parts                                                                 
for TGRTs                                                                                   
Initial Spares/Repair Parts   0014          0207   0307   0406  0506                        
Initial Spares/Repair Parts                                                                 
for IRDs                                                                                    
Initial Unit Level                   0102                                                   
Spare/Repair Parts for TTI                                                                  
- Options                                                                                   
Unit Level maintenance                                                                      
Spare/Repair Parts                                                                          
Initial Direct Support (DS)          0103                                                   
Maintenance Spare/Repair                                                                    
Parts for TTI -Options                                                                      
Initial DS Spare/Repair                                                                     
Parts for TTI                                                                               
"Mission" Spare/Repair        0015          0208   0308   0407  0507                        
Parts Option for FGRT (Ka &                                                                 
Ku variants)                                                                                
"Mission" Spare/Repair        0016          0209   0309   0408  0508                        
Parts Option for TGRT                                                                       
"Mission" Spare/Repair Part   0017          0210   0310   0409  0509                        
Option IRD                                                                                  
"Mission" Spare/Repair Part          0104                                                   
Option for TTI                                                                              
Product Qualification         0018                                                          
Testing (PQT) - PIP                                                                         
Hawaii Site PIP PQT                                                                         
Conduct, Refurbishment,                                                                     
Certificate Letters &                                                                       
Product Qualification         0019   0105                                                   
Testing (PQT) - PIP Options                                                                 
Norfolk, VA Site PIP PQT                                                                    
Conduct, Refurbishment,                                                                     
Certificate Letters &                                                                       
Sigonella, Italy Site PIP                                                                   
PQT Conduct, Refurbishment,                                                                 
Certificate Letters &                                                                       
Product Qualification         0020                                                          
Testing (PQT) - FGRT (Ka                                                                    
and Ku Antenna Variants)                                                                    
PQT Conduct, Certification                                                                  
Letters and Approval - FGRT                                                                 
(Ka and Ku Antenna                                                                          

                                       CONTRACT LINE ITEM  BY FISCAL YEAR           
        REQUIREMENT           FY97   FY98   FY99   FY00   FY01   FY02   FY03   FY04   FY05  
Product Qualification         0021                                                          
Testing (PQT) - TGRT                                                                        
PQT Conduct, Certification                                                                  
Letters and Approval - TGRT                                                                 
Product Qualification                0106                                                   
Testing (PQT) for TTI                                                                       
SATELLITE TERMINAL - Option                                                                 
PQT Conduct, Certificate                                                                    
Letters and Approval - TTI                                                                  
Satellite Terminal - Option                                                                 
     DATA DELIVERABLES                                                                      
Product Qualification Test    0022   0107                                                   
(PQT) Procedures                                                                            
Test Procedure for PIP,                                                                     
FGRT (Ka & Ku Antenna                                                                       
Variants), TGRT &  IRD                                                                      
Test Procedures for TTI                                                                     
Satellite Terminal - Option                                                                 
Technical Manuals             0023                                                          
Operator/Unit Level                                                                         
Maintenance Manual for the                                                                  
Technical Manuals             0024                                                          
Operator/Unit Level                                                                         
Maintenance Manual for the                                                                  
FGRT (Ka and KU Antenna                                                                     
Operator/Unit Level                                                                         
Maintenance Manual for the                                                                  
Technical Manuals for the            0108                                                   
TTI Satellite Terminal -                                                                    
TM-13&P - Operator, Unit                                                                    
Level and Direct Support                                                                    
Maintenance Manual with a                                                                   
Repair Parts and Special                                                                    
Tools List                                                                                  
Training Material Source      0025                                                          
Operator Unit Level                                                                         
Maintenance Training                                                                        
Material Source Data for                                                                    
the IGRT                                                                                    
Operator Unit Level                                                                         
Maintenance Training                                                                        
Material Source Data for                                                                    
the FGRTs (Ka and Ku                                                                        
Variants) and TGRTs                                                                         
Training Materials Source            0109                                                   
Data for TTI Satellite                                                                      
Terminal - Option                                                                           
Operator Training Materials                                                                 
Unit Level Maintenance                                                                      
Training Materials                                                                          
Direct Support Maintenance                                                                  
Training Materials                                                                          

                                       CONTRACT LINE ITEM  BY FISCAL YEAR           
        REQUIREMENT           FY97   FY98   FY99   FY00   FY01   FY02   FY03   FY04   FY05  
Logistics Data for PIP        0026                                                          
Modem for Ku Augmentation                                                                   
Training Data                                                                               
Safety Data                   0027                                                          
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - IIP                                                                                 
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - IGRT                                                                                
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - PIP Hawaii Site                                                                     
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - Fixed GRT (Ka and                                                                   
Ku Variants)                                                                                
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - Transportable GRT                                                                   
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - Integrated Receiver                                                                 
Safety Data - for  PIP Site   0028   0110                                                   
- Options                                                                                   
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - PIP Norfolk, VA                                                                     
Site - Option                                                                               
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) - PIP Sigonella,                                                                      
Italy Site - Option                                                                         
Safety Data - for TTI                0111                                                   
Satellite Terminal - Option                                                                 
Safety Assessment Report                                                                    
(SAR) -TTI Satellite                                                                        
Provisioning Parts List              0112                                                   
(PPL) - Option                                                                              
Transportable Theater                                                                       
Injection (TTI) Satellite                                                                   
Terminal - Option                                                                           
Engineering Data for          0029                                                          
Provisioning (EDFP)                                                                         
EDFP for FGRT (Ka & Ku                                                                      
EDFP for TGRT                                                                               
Engineering Data for                 0113                                                   
Provisioning (EDFP) TTI                                                                     
Satellite Terminal -                                                                        
EDFP for TTI Satellite                                                                      
Contract Status Report        0030   0114   0211   0311   0410   0510   0600   0700   0800  
Training Services for         0031                                                          
Logistics Demonstration                                                                     
Training for Logistics                                                                      
Demonstration Operator/Unit                                                                 
Level Maintenance Personnel                                                                 
- for the FGRT (Ka and Ku                                                                   
Antenna Variants)                                                                           
Training for Logistics                                                                      
Demonstration Operator/Unit                                                                 
Level Maintenance Personnel                                                                 
- for TGRT                                                                                  

                                       CONTRACT LINE ITEM  BY FISCAL YEAR           
        REQUIREMENT           FY97   FY98   FY99   FY00   FY01   FY02   FY03   FY04   FY05  
Training Services -  TTI             0115                                                   
Operator and Maintainer                                                                     
Personnel for Logistics                                                                     
Demonstration - Option                                                                      
Operator Training                                                                           
Unit Level Maintenance                                                                      
Direct Support Maintenance                                                                  
Operation and Maintenance            0116                                                   
of GBS Equipment                                                                            
IIP Operation and                                                                           
Operation and Maintenance                   0212   0312   0411   0511   0601   0701   0801  
of GBS Equipment                                                                            
PIP Operation and                                                                           
Maintenance - Hawaii                                                                        
PIP Operation and                                                                           
Maintenance - Norfolk, VA                                                                   
PIP Operation and                                                                           
Maintenance - Sigonella,                                                                    
Italy Site - Option                                                                         
Site Preparation and          0032   0117                                                   
Installation of IIP and PIP                                                                 
Facility(ies) - Time &                                                                      
Material Requirements                                                                       
System Engineering &          0033   0118   0213   0313   0412  0512   0602   0702   0802   
Program Support - Time &                                                                    
Material Requirements                                                                       
Relocate IIP - Time &                       0214                                            
Material Requirements                                                                       
Test Support - Time &                0119   0215   0314   0413                              
Material Requirements                                                                       
Out of Warranty Repair -             0120   0216   0315   0414   0513   0603   0703   0803  
Time & Material                                                                             

5. Schedule to Award. The schedule leading to the FY97 contract award is as follows:

Draft documents                        28 Jun - Mar 
Presolicitation one-on-one's             6-8 Nov 96 
                                      and 27-28 Feb 
RFP (Final) Released                      24 Mar 97 
Past Performance Data Submitted           10 Apr 97 
Proposals Received                        24 Apr 97 
Contract Award                            15 Jul 97 

6. Milestone Schedule: The following is the Government's milestone schedule for the GBS Program.

7. Inconsistencies. This Executive Summary has been provided as a guide and every attempt has been made to accurately reflect the requirements and information contained in the solicitation. If any inconsistencies between the Executive Summary and solicitation are found, the solicitation governs and the offeror should contact the Contracting Officer.

8. Offerors should plan to submit their best proposals initially. Any revisions that become necessary during the source selection process due to changed requirements or Items for Negotiation (IFNs) should be submitted during the discussion phase of the acquisition prior to the issuance of the request for Best and Final Offers (BAFOs). The burden of thoroughly explaining any change made in an offeror's BAFO in a manner which is sufficient to satisfy the Government's evaluators rests entirely with the offeror. If the explanation fails to assure the evaluators of the acceptability of the change, or if the evaluators do not fully understand the change, the result may be that the proposal will be downgraded or determined to be unacceptable and consequently may not be found to represent the best value to the Government. Once BAFOs are submitted, the Government will not conduct any further discussions with any offeror regarding its proposal.

9. This Executive Summary is a living document subject to change. As the Draft RFP evolves, this Executive Summary will be updated to reflect DRFP changes.

(End of narrative A001)

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