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SMTS Library

These documents are provided in this library for information purposes only. The government's requirements will be contained in the official Request for Proposals (RFP) when it is released. Contractors are cautioned that should they submit a proposal, it must comply with all aspects of the official RFP.

Any offeror who uses the information contained in these documents or relies on them in any fashion to formulate its proposal or to perform any subsequent contract should it be the successful offeror, does so at its own risk.

1 SBIR-LEO Dem/Val Phase Statement Of Objectives (SOO) Unclassified 02-Apr-96 Final Available Acquisition
2 Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) Single Acquisition And Management Plan (SAMP) Version 6 (Appendix's A, B, & C Are Classified Documents) SECRET 06-Feb-95 Available 29 5476.1 Acquisition
3 SBIRS Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) SECRET/NOFORN 16-Dec-94 Final Available 2 5407.1 Requirements
4 SBIRS Operational Requirements Document, (ORD) SECRET/NOFORN 31-Jan-95 Draft Available 3 5389.1 Requirements
5 Reserved
6 SBIRS Concept Of Operations (CONOPS)--AFSPC SECRET 01-Dec-95 Draft Available 23 5447.1 CONOPS
7 SBIRS Capstone CONOPS (version 8.4) SECRET 04-Mar-96 Draft Available 5868.1 CONPOS
8 SBIRS System Threat Assessment Report (STAR) SECRET/NOFORN 28-Apr-96 Draft Available 195 5883.1 Threat
9 United States Space Command National Ballistic Missile Defense (NBMD) Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) Coordinating Draft Version 1.4 SECRET 12-Feb-96 Draft Available 183 5812.1 Requirements
10 Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)Capstone ORD (Still applies to TMD requirements. NMD rqmts now captured in draft NBMD CRD, 27 Feb 96) SECRET 09-Dec-94 Final Available 83 5620.1 Requirements
11 National Ballistic Missile Defense (NBMD) Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) SECRET 27-Feb-96 Final Draft Available Requirements
12 National Missile Defense (NMD) System Requirements Document (SRD) SECRET 29-Aug-95 Draft (In Revision) Available 82 5619.1 Requirements
13 Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Communication, Command and Control (C3) ORD SECRET 31-Aug-95 Draft Avalable Requirements
14 Ballistic Missile Defense Orgranization (BMDO) Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Space-Based Missile Tracking System (SMTS) Element Requirements Document (ERD) SECRET 22-May-95 Final (New Revision In Work) Available 86 5623.1 Requirements
15 SBIRS Technical Intelligence (TI) Requirements Doc SECRET 07-Sep-95 Final Available 81 5618.1 Requirements
16 Clarification Of TI Requirements (Including: Attachments 1, 2, 3 And 4, (2) Diskettes, (1) 8mm Tape) SECRET 04-Jan-96 Available 163 5747.1 Requirements
17 Concept Of Operations (CONOPS) for Ballistic Missile Defense of North America SECRET 03-Jan-96 Draft Available CONOPS
18 Scenario Threat Tape Request Form Unclassified 17-Feb-95 Available 41 5454.1 Scenario
19 Threat Scenarios & Threat Tapes Description Document, Global Protection Against Limited Strikes Non-Campaign Threat Scenarios (GPALS 91-2) Vol I & II SECRET 01-Sep-92 Final Available Scenario
20 North East Asia (NEA) Campaign Scenario Vol 1 and 2 SECRET/NOFORN/ WNINTEL 03-Mar-95 Draft Available 77 5614.1 Scenario
21 South West Asia (SWA) North Campaign Scenario Vol 1 SECRET/NOFRON/ WNINTEL 25-Aug-95 Final Available 78 5615.1 Scenario
22 South West Asia (SWA) North Campaign Scenario Vol 2 SECRET/NOFRON/ WNINTEL 24-Feb-95 Draft Available 79 5616.1 Scenario
23 South West Asia (SWA) South Campaign Scenario Vol 1 and 2 SECRET/NOFORN/ WNINTEL 25-Aug-95 Final Available 80 5617.1 Scenario
24 Major Regional Contingencies (East)/(West) - Threat Documentation 2005-2010 SECRET 01-Aug-94 Draft Available 160 5743.1 Scenario
25 SBIRS Technical Intelligence (TI) Scenario Description Document SECRET/NOFORN 18-Sep-95 Final Available 75 5612.1 Scenario
26 NMD System Analysis Scenarios SECRET 22-Mar-96 Draft Available Scenario
27 USSTRATCOMJ61 Scenario Briefing (7, 9, 11, 13, 13A) SECRET/NOFORN/WNINTEL 30-Aug-95 AVAILABLE 56 5597.1 Threat/Scenario
28 BMD Engineering Requirements Baseline Scenarios, Vol I, Scenario Descriptions (BERBS) SECRET 30-Sep-95 Draft Available Scenario
29 Theater Missile Capstone STAR SECRET 01-Apr-96 Draft Available 164 5753.1 Threat
30 Emerging Missile Threats To North America During The Next 15 Years SECRET 01-Nov-95 Available 170 5759.1 Threat
31 Prioritized List of NMD And TMD Threats SECRET/NOFORN 29-Sep-95 Available 157 5740.1 Threat
32 Defense Intelligence Reference Document Theater Ballistic Missile Threat Characteristics SECRET/NOFORN 15-Sep-95 Available 159 5742.1 Threat
33 Characteristics Of Scud-Derivative Missiles SECRET 09-Oct-95 Available 158 5741.1 Threat
34 SBIRS Target Book, Version II, Part III SECRET/NOFORN Oct-95 Draft Available 116 5647.1 Threat
35 Target Data (1) (Disk) SECRET 05-Mar-96 Available 180 5808.1 Threat
36 Trajectory & Intensity Profiles: Disks A2-2, Dt-2, Cq-2, Y4-2, Z9-2, Qo-2, Cx-2, Pi-2, T9-2, H9-2, I0-2, V7-2, Z7-2, A7-2 SECRET 30-Aug-95 Available 59 5594.1 Threat
37 SBIRS Target Book Version II Draft Part II SECRET/NOFORN Aug-95 Available 58 5593.1 Threat
38 SBIRS Target Book Version II SECRET/NOFORN Aug-95 Available 57 5592.1 Threat
39 Technical Intelligence/Battlespace Characterization Threat Data, Version 2 SECRET/NOFORN 17-Jan-96 Available 181 5809.1 Threat
40 Technical Intelligence/Battlespace Characterization Threat Data, Version 1 SECRET/NOFORN 18-Sep-95 Final Available 74 5611.1 Threat
41 Slowwalker Aspect Angle Data, NAIC, Susan Boyd SECRET/NOFORN Oct-95 Available 122 5686.1 Threat
42 Slowwalker Intensity Information For SBIRS TI Minimum Threats SECRET 08-Feb-95 Available 177 5803.1 Threat
43 Space Systems Threat Environment Description (TED) SECRET/NOFORN 24-Jul-95 Available 131 5701.1 Threat
44 Command, Control, Communications, Computers And Intelligence (C4I) Systems And Networks; Telecommunications Networks; And Automated Information Systems (AIS Threat Environment Description) SECRET/NOFORN/ WNINTEL 15-Jan-94 Available 132 5702.1 Threat
45 Strategic Systems TED Threat To US Strategic Defensive Systems SECRET/NOFORN/ WNINTEL 01-Feb-94 Available 161 5744.1 Threat
46 BMDO NMD System Threat Assessment Report (STAR) SECRET/NOFORN 16-Jul-95 Final (1996 Version Now In Draft) Available 91 5628.1 Threat
47 National Missile Defense Threat Assessment Report SECRET 27-Dec-95 Draft Available Threat
48 SMTS Typical Threat Payloads SECRET/NOFORN/ WNINTEL 15-Apr-96 Final Available Threat
49 Ascent Heating Modifications for OPTISIG 4.0 Unclssified 01-Mar-96 Final Available Threat
50 BE Flight Demo System Performance Specifications (SPS) SECRET 19-Mar-92 Final Available 10 5351.1 FDS
51 Space & Missile Tracking System (SMTS) Flight Demonstration System (FDS) Preliminary Design Review (PDR), Vol I & II SECRET 7-8 Nov 95 Final Available FDS
52 BE Cost Analysis Requirements Document (CARD) SECRET 10-Aug-95 Final Available FDS
53 Brilliant Eyes (BE) Simulation SECRET 09-Nov-95 Final Available FDS
54 BE Request for Proposal (RFP) Unclassified 01-Feb-91 Final Available 5358.1 FDS
55 BE Letter RFP Unclassified 06-May-94 Final Available 5346.1 FDS
56 BE Letter RFP Change Package Unclassified 09-Dec-94 Final Available FDS
57 SBIRS Security Classification Guide (Classified And Unclassified Versions) SECRET 15-Jan-96 Draft Available 43 5460.1 & 5461.1 Security
58 Space And Missile Systems Center Brilliant Eyes (BE) Security Classification Guide Unclassified 31-May-94 Final Available 44 5471.1 Security
59 1994 SBIRS Architecture Study Analysis Scope And Key Assumptions SECRET 16-Mar-95 Available 48 5481.1
60 Air Force Space Command 02-88, Statement Of Operational Need (SON) for Space Surveillance SECRET 21-Sep-89 Final Available 87 5624.1
61 SBIRS Support To BMD SECRET 28-Aug-95 Final Available 90 5627.1
62 SBIRS Performance Parameters SECRET/NOFORN N/A Final Available 92 5629.1
63 Conceptual Architecture For SBIRS Increment II TI Operations SECRET/NOFORN 25-Oct-95 Available 121 5678.1
64 SBIRS System External Interface Roadmap SECRET 21-Feb-95 Final Available 24 5410.1
65 SBIRS Communication Roadmap SECRET 27-Dec-95 Available 136 5716.1
66 SDIO Communications Standard - Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS) - Effectivity #1 for Initial NMD SECRET 12-Jan-92 Draft Available Communication Std
67 SMTS System Specification CDRL A008 (FDS A - Specification) SECRET 04-Dec-95 Final (under modification for LWIR see #70) Available Specifications
68 GRANITE SHIELD 95 Mid 1990's Integrated Strategic Threat Scenario SECRET/WNINTEL 31-Jan-94 Available 261 5791.1
69 GRANITE SHIELD 95 Mid 1990's Integrated Strategic Threat Tape Discription SECRET/NOFORN/WNINTEL 31-Jan-94 Available 262 5792.1
70 SMTS System Specification CDRL A008 (FDS A - Specification) - draft update SECRET 23-Apr-96 AF mark-up draft Available Specifications
71 SBIRS Prelimininary Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS) and Contract Cost Data Reporting Plan (CCDRP) Unclassified 06-May-96 Final Available Cost

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