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US National Space Policy




  • National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy The White House - MSTC/OSTP/DAMIEN IWG December 2016, Released 03 Jan 2017
  • National Space Transportation Policy Released 21 Nov 2013 -- "The overarching goal of this policy is for the United States to have assured access to diverse regions of space, from suborbital to Earth’s orbit and deep space, in support of civil and national security missions." [PDF]
  • National Space Transportation Policy Fact Sheet 21 Nov 2013 [PDF]
  • National Space Security Strategy Unclassified Summary January 2011 -- "Consistent with the guidance provided by the President in the National Space Policy, DoD and the IC will implement the National Security Space Strategy by using it to inform future planning, programming, acquisition, operations, and analysis guidance." [PDF]
  • National Space Policy of the United States of America 28 Jun 2010 -- "The United States hereby renews its pledge of cooperation in the belief that with strengthened international collaboration and reinvigorated U.S. leadership, all nations and peoples-space-faring and space-benefiting-will find their horizons broadened, their knowledge enhanced, and their lives greatly improved." [PDF]
  • Fact Sheet: The National Space Policy, 06/28/10 The White House 28 Jun 2010 -- "The National Space Policy expresses the President’s direction for the Nation’s space activities. The policy articulates the President’s commitment to reinvigorating U.S. leadership in space for the purposes of maintaining space as a stable and productive environment for the peaceful use of all nations."
  • Presidential Memoranda -- Task Force on Space Industry WorkForce and Economic Development The White House 04 May 2010 -- "My Administration is committed to implementing a bold, new approach to human spaceflight. Supported by a $6 billion increase to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) budget over the next 5 years, this strategy will foster the development of path-breaking technologies, increase the reach and reduce the cost of human and robotic exploration of space, and help create thousands of new jobs."

Bush Jr.

  • U.S. National Space Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, The White House 31 Aug. 2006, released 06 Oct 2006 -- "The President authorized a new national space policy on August 31, 2006 that establishes overarching national policy that governs the conduct of U.S. space activities. This policy supersedes Presidential Decision Directive/NSC-49/NSTC-8, National Space Policy, dated September 14, 1996." [PDF Version]
  • A Renewed Spirit of Discovery The White House 14 Jan 2004 -- "The fundamental goal of this vision is to advance U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests through a robust space exploration program. In support of this goal, the United States will: Implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond; Extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations; Develop the innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration; and Promote international and commercial participation in exploration to further U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests."
  • Fact Sheet: U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy The White House 13 May 2003 -- The United States Government last year began a broad review of U.S. space policies to adjust to the domestic and international developments in recent years that affect U.S. space capabilities.
  • U.S. COMMERCIAL REMOTE SENSING POLICY Office of science & Technology Policy April 25, 2003 -- The President authorized a new national policy on April 25, 2003 that establishes guidance and implementation actions for commercial remote sensing space capabilities. This policy supersedes Presidential Decision Directive 23, U.S. Policy on Foreign Access to Remote Sensing Space Capabilities, dated 9 March 1994. This fact sheet provides a summary of the new policy. [PDF 107 Kb]
  • US Department of Justice - Office of Legal Counsel

    • MEMORANDUM FOR THE FILES - Re: Status of Certain OLC Opinions Issued in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 15 Jan 2009 -- The purpose of this memorandum is to confirm that certain propositions stated in several opinions issued by the Office of Legal Counsel in 2001-2003 respecting the allocation of authorities between the President and Congress in matters of war and national security do not reflect the current views of this Office. We have previously withdrawn or superseded a number of opinions that depended upon one or more of these propositions. For reasons discussed herein, today we explain why these propositions are not consistent with the current views of OLC, and we advise that caution should be exercised before relying in other respects on the remaining opinions identified below [PDF Version]

    The Opinion below is no longer United States Policy





Other Sources

  • Public Law 98-575, Commercial Space Launch Act of 1987, October 30, 1984
  • Public Law 100-657, Commercial Space Launch Act Amendments of 1988, November 15, 1988
  • Public Law 102-588, NASA Authorization Act, FY93, November 4, 1992

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