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3.1 Deploy a European asset for satellite navigation, timing and positioning

The Way Forward

The Challenge

To ensure a globally competitive, independent satellite-based European capability for navigation, timing and positioning that will be financially viable in the long term.

The Opportunity

To provide Europe with a navigation and positioning alternative with strong commercial and job-creation prospects that delivers services of direct benefit to citizens and EU policies.

An innovative and indispensable solution

Proposed by the European Commission in February 1999, the GALILEO international programme for radio navigation by satellite is the first large project jointly funded by the Union and ESA. In May 2003, the two organisations cleared the way for implementation of the development phase of the GALILEO programme.

GALILEO is both an important element of European space policy and an innovative solution to Europes indispensable requirement for navigation, timing and positioning. It directly contributes to the definition of a new global standard and has several novel characteristics. It is:

  • the first major space project launched under the aegis of the EU;
  • the first time that the European Union will control such a strategic asset that will be a key element of EU strategic transport infrastructure project;
  • a new example of public-private partnership: its development phase is being managed by a Joint Undertaking comprising investors representatives. Later on, private companies will operate and manage the system under a concession scheme.

GALILEOs constellation of 30 satellites and associated ground stations is designed to provide a set of services on a global basis by 2008. The market outlook is promising: demand for satellite navigation services and derived products around the world is growing at a rapid 25% a year and could reach ¬275 bn by 2020, in the process creating 100,000 skilled jobs. Accession countries will be offered participation in its management structure.

The use of GALILEO signals from space can be combined with other global positioning systems to provide more robust services. A wide range of categories of applications have been identified in a wide variety of commercial services. They cover areas as diverse as transport, energy, finance, insurance, fisheries, agriculture, environment, geology, science and public works. The system will also serve individual needs  for example, its navigation facilities will help the visually impaired and those in the early stages of Alzheimers disease.

Recommended Actions

  • selecting a concessionaire for the management of the next phase of the programme after a competitive tendering process managed by the Galileo Joint Undertaking;
  • negotiating with the private sector, after a competitive tendering process, an overall agreement for undertaking further research activities for innovative applications;
  • ensuring the availability of regulating and certification procedures as well as mechanisms for collecting revenues.

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