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The Testimony of
The Honorable John McCain
Chairman, U.S. Senator (R-AZ)

On January 14, 2004, the President announced a new vision for the Nation's space exploration program - a vision that gives NASA a new focus and clear objectives, which the Columbia Accident Investigation Board concluded were sorely lacking.

. The man tasked with implementing this new vision is NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe. I can think of few people more qualified to try to do this. I welcome Administrator O'Keefe, and congratulate him on NASA's recent accomplishments, including the success of the robotic rovers on Mars; the collection of comet dust from Comet Wild 2 that will be returned to earth for analysis; and the receipt of new images of deep space from the Spitzer Space Telescope.

. But while he is more qualified than most, particularly considering his experience as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, I am very curious to hear how Administrator O'Keefe thinks we can implement the President's proposal with the very limited resources that have been proposed.

. Two days ago, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the deficit in Fiscal Year 2004 would reach $477 billion. It has been reported that the President's new proposal could cost between $170 and $600 billion. Needless to say, the $12 billion the President has suggested be spent over the next 5 years, falls far short of what might be required to actually return to the moon and reach for Mars and beyond.

. We must acknowledge that space exploration, particularly manned exploration, is costly. We have existing obligations relating to the safe operation of the Shuttles and the International Space Station. I think the American public is justifiably apprehensive about starting another major space initiative for fear that they will learn later that it will require far more sacrifice, or taxpayer dollars, than originally discussed or estimated. . As I mentioned during Administrator O'Keefe's confirmation hearing, a vision without a strategy is just an illusion. The country is not interested in, nor can it afford, another space illusion. Therefore, I look forward to hearing from Administrator O'Keefe, along with our other witnesses today, about the strategy that they believe will make the President's vision a reality.

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