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                                                       Calendar No. 448
104th Congress                                                   Report
   2d Session                                                   104-287
                 June 20, 1996.--Ordered to be printed
    Mr. Burns, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the 
                              R E P O R T
                        [To accompany H.R. 3517]
    The Committee on Appropriations, to which was referred the 
bill (H.R. 3517) making appropriations for military 
construction, family housing, and base realignment and closure 
for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending 
September 30, 1997, and for other purposes, reports the same to 
the Senate with amendments and recommends that the bill as 
amended do pass.
Amount of bill passed by House.......................... $10,032,309,000
Amount of Senate bill under the House...................     200,000,000
      Total of bill as reported to Senate...............   9,832,309,000
Amount of 1997 budget estimate..........................   9,132,309,000
Amount of 1996 appropriations...........................  11,177,009,000
The bill as reported to the Senate:
    Over the budget estimate, 1997......................     700,000,000
    Under appropriations for fiscal year 1996...........   1,344,700,000
                            C O N T E N T S
    Purpose of the bill..........................................     3
    Comparative statement........................................     3
    Summary of the bill..........................................     7
    Compliance with section 308 of the Budget Control Act........     7
Committee recommendation.........................................     7
Items of special interest........................................     8
Military construction, Army......................................    15
Military construction, Navy......................................    15
Military construction, Air Force.................................    16
Military construction, Defense-wide..............................    17
Military construction, Guard and Reserve components..............    19
NATO Security Investment Program.................................    22
Family housing overview..........................................    23
Family housing, Army.............................................    24
Family housing, Navy and Marine Corps............................    24
Family housing, Air Force........................................    24
Family housing, Defense-wide.....................................    25
Family housing improvement fund..................................    25
Homeowners assistance fund.......................................    25
Base closure overview............................................    26
Base realignment and closure account, part I.....................    32
Base realignment and closure account, part II....................    32
Base realignment and closure account, part III...................    32
Base realignment and closure account, part IV....................    33
General provisions...............................................    34
Compliance with paragraph 7, rule XVI of the Standing Rules of 
  the Senate.....................................................    34
Compliance with paragraph 7(c), rule XXVI of the Standing Rules 
  of the Senate..................................................    34
Compliance with paragraph 12, rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of 
  the Senate.....................................................    35
Project listing by location......................................    36
                          Purpose of the Bill
    The Military Construction appropriation bill provides 
necessary funding for the planning, design, construction, 
alteration, and improvement of military facilities worldwide, 
both for Active and Reserve Forces. It also finances the 
construction, alteration, improvement, operation, and 
maintenance of military family housing, including payments 
against past housing mortgage indebtedness. Certain types of 
community impact assistance may be provided, as well as 
assistance to members of the military who face loss on the sale 
of private residences due to installation realignments and 
closures. The bill is also the source for the U.S. share of the 
NATO Security Investment Program. In addition, the bill 
provides funding to implement base closures and realignments 
authorized by law.
                         Comparative Statement
    The Committee recommends appropriations totaling 
$9,832,309,000 for fiscal year 1997 military construction, 
family housing, and base closure. The following table displays 
the Committee recommendation in comparison with the current 
fiscal year, the President's fiscal year 1997 request, and the 
House allowance:
                                                                  COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY                                                                  
                                                                                                                                             Increase (+) or decrease (-) compared with--       
                        Item                             1996 adjusted      Budget estimate     House allowance        Committee     -----------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                                    recommendation       1996 adjusted      Budget estimate     House allowance 
Military construction, Army.........................       $633,814,000        $434,723,000        $603,584,000        $448,973,000       -$184,841,000        +$14,250,000       -$154,611,000 
    Rescission......................................         -6,385,000   ..................  ..................         -2,028,000          +4,357,000          -2,028,000          -2,028,000 
      Total, military construction, Army (net)......        627,429,000         434,723,000         603,584,000         446,945,000        -180,484,000         +12,222,000        -156,639,000 
Military construction, Navy.........................        554,636,000         525,346,000         724,476,000         642,484,000         +87,848,000        +117,138,000         -81,992,000 
    Rescissions.....................................         -6,385,000   ..................        -12,000,000         -11,300,000          -4,915,000         -11,300,000            +700,000 
      Total, military construction, Navy (net)......        548,251,000         525,346,000         712,476,000         631,184,000         +82,933,000        +105,838,000         -81,292,000 
Military construction, Air Force....................        587,234,000         603,059,000         678,914,000         704,689,000        +117,455,000        +101,630,000         +25,775,000 
    Rescissions.....................................        -15,150,000   ..................  ..................         -2,100,000         +13,050,000          -2,100,000          -2,100,000 
      Total, military construction, Air Force (net).        572,084,000         603,059,000         678,914,000         702,589,000        +130,505,000         +99,530,000         +23,675,000 
Military construction, Defense-wide.................        640,357,000         812,945,000         772,345,000         771,758,000        +131,401,000         -41,187,000            -587,000 
    Rescissions.....................................        -41,866,000   ..................  ..................         -7,000,000         +34,866,000          -7,000,000          -7,000,000 
      Total, military construction, Defense-wide                                                                                                                                                
       (net)........................................        598,491,000         812,945,000         772,345,000         764,758,000        +166,267,000         -48,187,000          -7,587,000 
      Total, active components......................      2,346,255,000       2,376,073,000       2,767,319,000       2,545,476,000        +199,221,000        +169,403,000        -221,843,000 
Department of Defense military unaccompanied housing                                                                                                                                            
 improvement fund...................................  ..................  ..................         10,000,000   ..................  ..................  ..................        -10,000,000 
Military construction, Army National Guard..........        137,110,000           7,600,000          41,316,000         142,948,000          +5,838,000        +135,348,000        +101,632,000 
Military construction, Air National Guard...........        171,272,000          75,394,000         118,394,000         224,444,000         +53,172,000        +149,050,000        +106,050,000 
    Rescission......................................         -6,700,000   ..................  ..................  ..................         +6,700,000   ..................  ..................
      Total, military construction, Air National                                                                                                                                                
       Guard (net)..................................        164,572,000          75,394,000         118,394,000         224,444,000         +59,872,000        +149,050,000        +106,050,000 
Military construction, Army Reserve.................         72,728,000          48,459,000          50,159,000          75,474,000          +2,746,000         +27,015,000         +25,315,000 
Military construction, Naval Reserve................         19,055,000          10,983,000          33,169,000          49,883,000         +30,828,000         +38,900,000         +16,714,000 
Military construction, Air Force Reserve............         36,482,000          51,655,000          51,655,000          67,805,000         +31,323,000         +16,150,000         +16,150,000 
      Total, Reserve components.....................        429,947,000         194,091,000         294,693,000         560,554,000        +130,607,000        +366,463,000        +265,861,000 
      Total, military construction..................      2,776,202,000       2,570,164,000       3,072,012,000       3,106,030,000        +329,828,000        +535,866,000         +34,018,000 
          Appropriations............................     (2,852,688,000)     (2,570,164,000)     (3,084,012,000)     (3,128,458,000)      (+275,770,000)      (+558,294,000)       (+44,446,000)
          Rescissions...............................       (-76,486,000)  ..................       (-12,000,000)       (-22,428,000)       (+54,058,000)       (-22,428,000)       (-10,428,000)
NATO Security Investment Program....................        161,000,000         197,000,000         177,000,000         172,000,000         +11,000,000         -25,000,000          -5,000,000 
    Supplemental appropriation......................         37,500,000   ..................  ..................  ..................        -37,500,000   ..................  ..................
      Total, NATO...................................        198,500,000         197,000,000         177,000,000         172,000,000         -26,500,000         -25,000,000          -5,000,000 
Family housing, Army:                                                                                                                                                                           
    Construction....................................        116,656,000          75,013,000         176,603,000         189,319,000         +72,663,000        +114,306,000         +12,716,000 
    Operation and maintenance.......................      1,335,596,000       1,212,466,000       1,257,466,000       1,212,466,000        -123,130,000   ..................        -45,000,000 
      Total, family housing, Army...................      1,452,252,000       1,287,479,000       1,434,069,000       1,401,785,000         -50,467,000        +114,306,000         -32,284,000 
Family housing, Navy and Marine Corps:                                                                                                                                                          
    Construction....................................        525,058,000         403,726,000         532,456,000         418,326,000        -106,732,000         +14,600,000        -114,130,000 
    Operation and maintenance.......................      1,048,329,000       1,014,241,000       1,058,241,000       1,014,241,000         -34,088,000   ..................        -44,000,000 
      Total, family housing, Navy...................      1,573,387,000       1,417,967,000       1,590,697,000       1,432,567,000        -140,820,000         +14,600,000        -158,130,000 
Family housing, Air Force:                                                                                                                                                                      
    Construction....................................        297,738,000         231,236,000         304,068,000         291,464,000          -6,274,000         +60,228,000         -12,604,000 
    Operation and maintenance.......................        849,213,000         829,474,000         840,474,000         829,474,000         -19,739,000   ..................        -11,000,000 
      Total, family housing, Air Force..............      1,146,951,000       1,060,710,000       1,144,542,000       1,120,938,000         -26,013,000         +60,228,000         -23,604,000 
Family housing, Defense-wide:                                                                                                                                                                   
    Construction....................................          3,772,000           4,371,000           4,371,000           4,371,000            +599,000   ..................  ..................
    Operation and maintenance.......................         30,467,000          30,963,000          30,963,000          30,963,000            +496,000   ..................  ..................
      Total, family housing, Defense-wide...........         34,239,000          35,334,000          35,334,000          35,334,000          +1,095,000   ..................  ..................
Department of Defense family housing improvement                                                                                                                                                
 fund...............................................         22,000,000          20,000,000          35,000,000          20,000,000          -2,000,000   ..................        -15,000,000 
Homeowners assistance fund, Defense.................         75,586,000          36,181,000          36,181,000          36,181,000         -39,405,000   ..................  ..................
      Total, family housing.........................      4,304,415,000       3,857,671,000       4,275,823,000       4,046,805,000        -257,610,000        +189,134,000        -229,018,000 
          Construction..............................       (943,224,000)       (714,346,000)     (1,017,498,000)       (903,480,000)       (-39,744,000)      (+189,134,000)      (-114,018,000)
          Operation and maintenance.................     (3,263,605,000)     (3,087,144,000)     (3,187,144,000)     (3,087,144,000)      (-176,461,000)  ..................      (-100,000,000)
          Family housing improvement fund...........        (22,000,000)        (20,000,000)        (35,000,000)        (20,000,000)        (-2,000,000)  ..................       (-15,000,000)
          Homeowners assistance fund................        (75,586,000)        (36,181,000)        (36,181,000)        (36,181,000)       (-39,405,000)  ..................  ..................
Base realignment and closure accounts:                                                                                                                                                          
    Part II.........................................        964,843,000         352,800,000         352,800,000         352,800,000        -612,043,000   ..................  ..................
    Part III........................................      2,148,480,000         971,925,000         971,925,000         971,925,000      -1,176,555,000   ..................  ..................
    Part IV.........................................        784,569,000       1,182,749,000       1,182,749,000       1,182,749,000        +398,180,000   ..................  ..................
      Total, base realignment and closure accounts..      3,897,892,000       2,507,474,000       2,507,474,000       2,507,474,000      -1,390,418,000   ..................  ..................
      Grand total:                                                                                                                                                                              
          New budget (obligational) authority.......     11,177,009,000       9,132,309,000      10,032,309,000       9,832,309,000      -1,344,700,000        +700,000,000        -200,000,000 
              Appropriations........................    (11,253,495,000)     (9,132,309,000)    (10,044,309,000)     (9,854,737,000)    (-1,398,758,000)      (+722,428,000)      (-189,572,000)
              Rescissions...........................       (-76,486,000)  ..................       (-12,000,000)       (-22,428,000)       (+54,058,000)       (-22,428,000)       (-10,428,000)
                          Summary of the Bill
    The Committee recommends a total of $9,832,309,000 in new 
budget authority/appropriations for fiscal year 1997 programs 
under its jurisdiction. Significant comparisons are noted 
Fiscal year 1997 budget request: Budget authority.......  $9,132,309,000
Committee recommendation for fiscal year 1997: Budget 
    author- ity.........................................   9,832,309,000
Which is--
    Under the appropriation for fiscal year 1996 by.....   1,344,700,000
    Over the budget request by..........................     700,000,000
    Under the House appropriation by....................     200,000,000
         Compliance With Section 308 of the Budget Control Act
    Section 308(a) of the Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 
1974 (Public Law 93-344) requires that the Committee include in 
its report a comparison of its recommendations with levels 
contained in the first concurrent resolution. Appropriate data 
are reflected below:
                                            BUDGETARY IMPACT OF BILL                                            
                                            [In millions of dollars]                                            
                                                                  Budget authority               Outlays        
                                                               Committee    Amount  of   Committee    Amount  of
                                                               allocation      bill      allocation      bill   
Comparison of amounts in the bill with Committee allocations                                                    
 to its subcommittees of amounts in the First Concurrent                                                        
 Resolution for 1997: Subcommittee on Military Construction:                                                    
    Defense discretionary...................................        9,833        9,832       10,375   \1\ 10,319
Projections of outlays associated with the recommendation:                                                      
    1997....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........    \2\ 3,115
    1998....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........        3,156
    1999....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........        1,912
    2000....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........          977
    2001 and future year....................................  ...........  ...........  ...........          511
Financial assistance to State and local governments for 1997                                                    
 in bill....................................................           NA  ...........           NA  ...........
\1\ Includes outlays from prior-year budget authority.                                                          
\2\ Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.                                                          
NA: Not applicable.                                                                                             
                        Committee Recommendation
    As previously noted, the Committee is recommending new 
fiscal year 1997 appropriations of $9,832,309,000. This is 
$700,000,000 over the budget request, $200,000,000 under the 
House appropriations, and $1,344,700,000 under the 
appropriations for fiscal year 1996. The basis for this 
recommendation is contained in the following ``Items of special 
interest,'' and under the discussions pertaining to each 
individual appropriation. Complete project detail is provided 
in the tables at the end of the report.
                       ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST
                  conformance with authorization bill
    The Committee strongly supports the authorization-
appropriation process. However, the Committee has reported the 
appropriation bill prior to completion of the authorization 
process. Therefore, the Committee has provided construction 
funds for specific projects which were included in the Senate-
reported version of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 1997 and projects subject to authorization.
                   basis for committee recommendation
    The Committee's 602(b) budget allocation is $199,309,000 
less than the bill passed by the House of Representatives. The 
Committee has provided only for the highest priority military 
construction requirements. The Committee has given priority to 
projects approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee in the 
national defense authorization bill. It has also added projects 
which will be considered during debate on S. 1745.
    The Committee has utilized this approach in order to allow 
for the competition of projects in the House-Senate conference 
committee. Senators are urged to work with the military 
services and the Department of Defense to secure funding of 
priority projects prior to future budget submissions.
                           army modernization
    The Department's ability to build modern facilities 
contributes to the readiness posture of our military. Our Armed 
Forces can have the best weapon systems in the world, but they 
will be worth little without intelligent, committed, and well 
trained people to operate them during a conflict. To retain 
these people we must properly house and equip them. In the last 
few years, emphasis has been placed on readiness. This effort 
has been paid at the expense of modernization. As we look to 
the future, the emphasis will shift to modernization. This 
definition of modernization should include the modernization of 
infrastructure. The battle for these resources inside the 
Pentagon should include not just ships, planes, and tanks, but 
also the infrastructure that supports them. These 
infrastructure investments are as vital to effective future 
military capabilities as any other readiness component.
    It is understood that you cannot fight a war without 
appropriate infrastructure. We will be able to recruit, train, 
and retain more capable people with modern facilities. In the 
future, we will not be able to retain service members if they 
are not provided a healthy living environment. A force composed 
of quality people will ensure that we can effectively face any 
unforeseen military challenge.
    Acquisition will most likely always get the majority of 
funds appropriated. However, as future requirements for these 
funds increase the infrastructure account will no longer be 
able to compete with weapons systems unless they are considered 
a part of that system. The Committee commends the Air Force and 
the Navy for their approach to funding infrastructure. When the 
Air Force buys JSTARS, it buys the required infrastructure tail 
to accomplish the mission. When the Navy buys an aircraft 
carrier, it builds the needed support facilities. The Committee 
urges the Army to follow this approach.
    Unless the Army changes its approach to the acquisition of 
systems and the support that belongs with them, it will face a 
worsening infrastructure situation. Operation Desert Shield/
Desert Storm demonstrated the range of capabilities that can be 
brought to bear on the modern battlefield. Old paradigms of 
``tank vs. tank'' have become less relevent in the context of 
air, sea, and undersea strike, and counterforce systems. If the 
Army's capabilities become less relevant, decisions will be 
made for the Army and their choices will become fewer and 
fewer. This is sure to occur unless their acquisition methods 
change. Logistics and infrastructure tails must be provided as 
systems are created and modernized.
                         family support centers
    The Committee recognizes that the family is instrumental in 
determining the efficiency, productivity, and morale of our 
Armed Forces. Family support centers provide programs and 
services to assist families in adapting to a unique 
environment. These programs and services should include 
emergency financial assistance, transition assistance for 
retiring and separating service members, and assistance for 
housing, education, and employment. The Committee also urges 
that family support centers include financial management 
programs for families and training in family life skills.
    The Committee has included $4,250,000 for family support 
centers at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, and 
Andrews AFB, MD. The Committee urges the Department to program 
and budget for additional family support centers in fiscal year 
1998. The Committee endorses the family support center concept 
and will give favorable consideration to future efforts to 
create such centers.
           computerized management systems for infrastructure
    The Committee commends the Alaska National Guard for its 
efforts to create cost efficiencies by installing computerized 
management systems in its facilities. The Alaska National Guard 
has realized substantial savings on maintenance and fuel costs 
by the use of these systems. The Committee urges other National 
Guard Adjutants General to consider this approach during these 
austere budgetary times.
                 defense finance and accounting service
    The Committee understands the importance of the 
consolidation of over 300 defense accounting offices. The 
decisions for this reorganization were made before the 
completion of the recent drawdown of our forces. The Committee 
directs that no further expansion resulting from this 
consolidation may occur until the Under Secretary of Defense 
(Comptroller/chief financial officer) certifies that additional 
construction and alteration of facilities is required.
                   the marsh panel on quality of life
    The Committee agrees with the need for implementation of 
the recommendations of the Defense Science Board Task Force on 
Quality of Life as directed by House Report No. 104-591.
                         historic preservation
    The Committee agrees with the Marsh panel that historic 
quarters maintained by the military are overburdening the 
housing accounts. In the future, this situation will only 
worsen as the number of homes eligible for placement on the 
register continues to grow. There are 2,675 homes on the 
national historic register which must comply with the National 
Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Any substantive work on 
these houses must receive prior approval from the various 
historic preservation boards. The Committee directs each 
service to review current inventories of historic quarters and 
provide a report to the appropriate committees on specific 
plans to remove all but the most significant historic homes. 
The report should provide what statutory impediments are being 
encountered in implementing such plans. The report should be 
provided to the Committee not later than March 28, 1997.
                    housing for our service members
    The Committee continues to recognize the need for better 
barracks for our service members. The three services have a 
combined estimated deficit of 292,391 barracks spaces. The 
Committee supports the continued efforts being made in the 
``Real property maintenance'' account of the Defense 
Appropriation Act to renovate barracks. This effort is critical 
at a time when resources are limited. The Committee, however, 
is concerned with the Navy's commitment to a better quality of 
life for its men and women. In the future, the Committee will 
not be able to support additional barracks renovations for the 
Navy if funding for real property maintenance is diverted to 
pay for other requirements.
    Also, the 1 plus 1 standard, which consists of two rooms 
with a bath and kitchenette, does not appear to be accepted by 
all of the services as a standard. While the module would 
accommodate two enlisted personnel, it does not appear that all 
of the services can readily afford this standard, nor want it. 
Also, the fiscal year 1997 President's request reflects that it 
is not a standard which the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps can 
meet in the near future. It is, however, a goal which the 
services should strive to achieve when appropriate.
    The Committee continues to support the Department's efforts 
to develop new privatization initiatives. It appears that these 
initiatives are still in the early stages of development. The 
Committee commends the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense 
for Installations for the effort that has been made to create 
this initiative. At this time, a new program for privatization 
would be premature. The Committee directs the Department to 
implement a pilot program which would accomplish the goals of 
the Department and allow flexibility at the service level.
                            modular housing
    The Committee agrees with the Marsh panel in that modular 
housing standards have dramatically increased. With production, 
assembly, and quality control able to be performed inside a 
factory, the value of these homes can be greater than a 
traditionally built home. Modular housing, however, is not the 
best choice for every application. The Committee believes that 
quality modular homes should be considered as a valid 
alternative to traditional housing. The Committee encourages 
the Department to begin a pilot program at a location where 
manufactured housing would effectively meet a housing 
                       child development centers
    The Committee supports the efforts made by the Department 
to provide child care facilities to the families of service 
members. The Committee again notices that none of the services 
are meeting the Department's goal for child care. Last year, 
the Committee directed the Navy to program fiscal year 1997 
funding for this effort. The Navy only requested two projects 
for fiscal year 1997. To facilitate this effort the Committee 
does not recommend approval of $9,630,000 for sand 
replenishment in San Diego County, CA. Instead, these funds are 
provided for child development centers.
                   southern command area construction
    As in previous years, the Committee directs the Department 
to submit a 5-year construction plan for the Southern Command's 
area of operations by April 20, 1997. The report should include 
a discussion of all the operations and potential costs being 
considered by the Department for the relocation of the Southern 
Command from Panama. In addition, the report should include all 
construction-related activities which will be associated with 
counterdrug operations. The report should also reflect 
construction expenditures from all DOD accounts.
    In the April report the Department is also directed to 
include all construction, including construction from 
exercises, from any source since the beginning of fiscal year 
1993. The report should include the project, its cost, 
justification as to why it was needed, and whether the project 
is still being used by either U.S. forces or host nation 
personnel. Also, the report should mention whether usage is on 
a full- or part-time basis.
    The Committee is dissatisfied with the timeliness in 
delivery of this report. The Committee directs that if the 
report is not delivered on or before April 20, 1997, an 
administrative hold will be immediately applied to all 
unobligated military construction funding available to the 
Southern Command.
                         overseas construction
    The Committee recognizes the need to continue funding 
overseas construction projects. The Army and Air Force have 
substantially reduced the number of installations in Germany 
and other European countries. The Committee recognizes the need 
to provide for improvements to the remaining quality of life 
facilities overseas.
    Our negotiators continue to work toward compensation for 
installations we have returned to host nations. However, since 
1989 the Department has only realized monetary compensation 
from host governments of approximately $339,100,000. This 
includes monetary payments of $74,100,000 and payment-in-kind 
compensation of $265,000,000. Meanwhile, the Army alone has 
returned 550 military installations and 15,100 buildings to 
host nations.
    The Department has reported that the Committee's insistence 
on monetary payments for residual value is possibly 
counterproductive. The Department has also indicated that the 
current requirement by this Committee for notification and 
review of the Department's progress is considered advantageous 
to our allies. The Committee, therefore, directs that all 
future reports shall be provided in a classified form.
    The Committee also directs that none of the funds in this 
appropriation may be used to purchase, construct, or lease any 
nonquality of life facility in the Federal Republic of Germany, 
unless that facility is purchased, constructed, modified, or 
leased with funds provided by the host government.
    The Committee directs that the Department shall not enter 
into any legal instrument to purchase, construct, modify, or 
lease any nonquality of life facility in the Federal Republic 
of Germany, until the Secretary of Defense certifies to the 
appropriate committees of Congress that the United States is 
scheduled to receive cash payments or offsets-in-kind of a 
value equal to the projects to be constructed.
                       chemical demilitarization
    The Committee recommended $114,124,000 for chemical weapons 
demilitarization facility construction in fiscal year 1997. 
This is a decrease of $17,497,000 to the fiscal year 1997 
budget request and the House allowance. The Committee finds 
that phase I of the ammunition demilitarization facility at 
Pueblo Depot Activity, CO, will not be ready for award in 
fiscal year 1997. The Committee denies funding for this 
                   environmental compliance projects
    The Department has requested $88,298,000 for environmental 
compliance project construction during fiscal year 1997. 
However, there continues to be no consistency or prioritization 
of projects among the various accounts.
    The Committee directs the Department to devote the maximum 
amount of resources to actual cleanup and, to the greatest 
extent possible, to limit resources expended on administration, 
support, studies, and investigations.
    The Committee asks the General Accounting Office to review 
and make recommendations regarding the potential future 
requirements for improved DOD environmental compliance, the 
total cost of compliance, and the DOD process for programming 
compliance projects. This report should be provided no later 
than March 28, 1997.
                    department of defense form 1391
    The Committee agrees with the need for information on the 
real property maintenance backlog at installations and future 
requirements for unaccompanied housing as was directed in House 
Report No. 104-591.
    The Committee directs the Undersecretary of Defense 
(Comptroller/chief financial officer) to amend DOD Directive 
7000.14-R. This amendment calls for all DD Form 1391's to 
contain such information. The Committee directs that this 
information be provided in one consistent place on the form. 
This information is needed to facilitate the work of the 
                      base realignment and closure
    The Committee has included $2,507,474,000 for the base 
realignment and closure account. The Committee has fully funded 
the budget request for the fourth round of base closures 
recently approved by the Commission on Base Closure and 
Realignment. This includes full funding of the requirements for 
environmental cleanup at closing and realigning bases.
    The Committee does not approve of the building of general 
officer quarters in the base realignment and closure accounts. 
The Committee has redirected funding for this effort to 
enlisted housing within the same account.
    The Committee again asks the General Accounting Office to 
continue its annual review of the base closure accounts. The 
Committee requests GAO's review of and recommendations on the 
validity of DOD's proposed budget requests for base closure 
activities. In particular, the Committee seeks GAO's assistance 
in validating the requests for individual construction 
projects, the operation and maintenance costs, and the 
environmental cleanup costs associated with base closures and 
realignments. The Committee believes the annual GAO review will 
provide the Congress with a better foundation for approving 
future requests.
    Last year the Committee directed that any transfer of funds 
for construction projects, which deviated from the approved 
projects for BRAC IV should be treated like any other 
reprogramming within the Military Construction appropriation. 
The Committee also directs that any transfer of funds for 
construction projects, which deviate from the projects 
currently approved for BRAC II and BRAC III should be treated 
like any other reprogramming within the military construction 
                           land acquisitions
    The Committee notes that the Defense Department moratorium 
on land acquisition, ordered by the Secretary of Defense during 
the course of base closure deliberations, remains in effect. 
The Committee believes that the services should continue to be 
selective in their consideration of further land acquisitions. 
However, the Committee recognizes that some purchases could 
yield significant savings and thus merit consideration.
    Accordingly, the Committee affirms that the Secretary's 
moratorium should not be perceived as a measure which blocks 
efforts to examine the implications of utilizing land or 
facilities not currently owned by the Department of Defense, 
engage in discussions to determine land acquisition costs, or 
take other reasonable actions that would enable the Secretary 
of Defense and the Congress to properly assess the desirability 
of acquiring new properties or facilities.
                              other issues
    Rescissions.--A general reduction of $12,000,000 was 
included in the request for the fiscal year 1997 ``Military 
construction, Navy'' account. The Committee does not approve 
this rescission. The Committee has approved $22,428,000 in 
rescissions of prior-year appropriations reflecting military 
construction for the military services and defense agencies. 
The rescission recommended in this bill includes the following 
projects which have contract savings or were previously 
approved and now are no longer needed:
Military construction:
    Navy 1993-97: Naval Supply Center, Norfolk, VA, cold 
      storage warehouse.................................      $3,000,000
    Navy/Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center, 
      Norfolk, VA, applied instruction building addition       6,000,000
    Army 1994-98: Kwajalein Atoll: Roi Namur Island, 
      sewage treatment facility.........................       2,028,000
    Navy 1994-98: Naval Shipyard, Philadelphia, PA, 
      asbestos removal facility.........................       2,300,000
    Air Force 1995-99: Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, 
      upgrade sewage and storm water system.............       2,100,000
    Defense-wide 1996-2000: Arnold, MO, Defense Mapping 
      Agency Aerospace Center...........................       7,000,000
        Total...........................................      22,428,000
    Reports.--The Committee agrees with the need for the 
reports directed by House Report No. 104-591. The Committee 
directs the Department to provide a copy of each report 
requested by the House to the appropriate committees of 
                      Military Construction, Army
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $633,814,000
    Rescission..........................................      -6,385,000
      Net...............................................     627,429,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     434,723,000
House allowance.........................................     603,584,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee is recommending $448,973,000 for the Army for 
fiscal year 1997. This is an increase of $14,250,000 from the 
budget request for fiscal year 1997 and $154,611,000 below the 
House allowance. (See State tables at the end of the report for 
complete program recommendations.)
    Barracks, Fort Richardson and Fort Wainwright, AK.--Of the 
$37,323,000 provided for planning and design within the Army 
account, the Committee directs that not less than $1,700,000 be 
made available for the design of barracks at Fort Richardson. 
The Committee also directs that an additional $2,000,000 be 
made available from the same account for the design of barracks 
at Fort Wainwright, AK. The Committee fully expects these 
design contracts to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as 
                      Military Construction, Navy
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $554,636,000
    Rescission..........................................      -6,385,000
      Net...............................................     548,251,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     525,346,000
House allowance.........................................     712,476,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee is recommending $642,484,000 for Navy and 
Marine Corps military construction for fiscal year 1997. This 
amount is an increase of $117,138,000 from the fiscal year 1997 
budget request and $69,992,000 below the House allowance. (See 
State tables at the end of the report for complete program 
    Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard revitalization.--As a result of 
the base closure process and the reductions in the post-cold-
war force structure, the Navy will have only four public 
shipyards, one of which is located at Pearl Harbor. For too 
many years, investment in Navy depot facilities has been 
deferred because of budgetary shortfalls and uncertainty over 
long-term plans. Therefore, in many cases the remaining 
shipyards have not seen significant capital improvements in 
decades. This is certainly the case at Pearl Harbor.
    The shipyard at Pearl Harbor is currently being reduced in 
size to accommodate a smaller workload. At the same time, the 
Navy is seeking to lower costs and improve productivity. To 
help achieve these objectives, the facilities must be improved. 
The Navy needs to modernize the shipyard as it approaches the 
21st century. To that end, the Committee directs the Navy to 
prepare and budget for a master plan to revitalize the capital 
plant at Pearl Harbor. This plan should include consolidating 
capabilities into existing structures, eliminating excess or 
uneconomical facilities and constructing new structures where 
required. The Committee expects funding for this plan to begin 
in fiscal year 1998.
    Child development center and mess hall addition, Fallon 
Naval Air Station, NV.--Of the $9,973,000 provided for 
unspecified minor construction within the ``Military 
construction, Navy'' account, the Committee directs that not 
less than $1,030,000 be made available for the acquisition of a 
child development center and $1,300,000 be made available for 
the acquisition of a mess hall addition. Both of these projects 
are located at Fallon Naval Air Station, NV. The Committee 
fully expects these contracts to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
    Sewage and water treatment plant replacements, U.S. Naval 
Academy, Annapolis, MD.--Of the $53,709,000 provided for 
planning and design within the ``Military construction, Navy'' 
account, the Committee directs that not less than $750,000 be 
made available for the design of sewage and water treatment 
plant replacements at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 
The Committee fully expects this design contract to be awarded 
as early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Road improvement, Pohakuloa training site, Hawaii.--Of the 
$37,323,000 provided for planning and design within the 
``Military construction, Army'' account, the Committee directs 
that not less than $1,500,000 be made available for the design 
of a road improvement at Pohakuloa training site, Hawaii. The 
Committee fully expects this contract to be awarded as early in 
fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Fitness center, Fallon Naval Air Station, NV.--Of the 
$53,709,000 provided for planning and design within the 
``Military construction, Navy'' account, the Committee directs 
that not less than $400,000 be made available for the design of 
a gymnasium at Fallon Naval Air Station. The Committee fully 
expects this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
                    Military Construction, Air Force
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $587,234,000
    Rescission..........................................     -15,150,000
      Net...............................................     572,084,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     603,059,000
House allowance.........................................     678,914,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $704,689,000 for the Air Force in 
fiscal year 1997. This is an increase of $101,630,000 to the 
fiscal year 1997 budget request and $25,775,000 above the House 
allowance. (See State table at the end of the report for 
complete program recommendations.)
    Aviano AB, Italy.--The Committee finds that specific 
facilities were approved for NATO funding by the Defense 
Planning Committee on February 2, 1996. The consolidated 
support center at Aviano Air Base, Italy was approved for 
eligibility. The Committee directs that the Air Force seek 
funding for this project through the NATO Security Investment 
Program. The Air Force is also directed to identify all other 
eligible projects to the Committees on Appropriations by 
September 26, 1996. This report should include projects which 
still have unexpended funds remaining in fiscal year 1997 and 
prior years. The report should also include the percentage of 
eligibility each project has been assigned and the amount of 
unexpended funding available.
    Fire/crash rescue station, Minot AFB, ND.--Of the 
$29,797,000 provided for planning and design within the 
``Military construction, Air Force'' account, the Committee 
directs that not less than $410,000 be made available for 
design of a fire/crash rescue station at Minot AFB, ND. The 
Committee fully expects this design contract to be awarded as 
early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Theater air command control and simulation facility, 
Kirtland AFB, NM.--Of the $29,797,000 provided for planning and 
design within the ``Military construction, Air Force'' account, 
the Committee directs that not less than $1,400,000 be made 
available for the design of a theater air command control and 
simulation facility at Kirtland AFB, NM. The Committee fully 
expects this contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 
1997 as practical.
    Base engineering complex, consolidated logistics complex, 
and physical fitness center, Vance AFB, OK.--Of the $29,797,000 
provided for planning and design within the ``Military 
construction, Air Force'' account, the Committee directs that 
not less than $1,695,000 be made available for the design of a 
base engineering complex, a consolidated logistics complex, and 
physical fitness center at Vance AFB, OK. The Committee fully 
expects these design contracts to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
                  Military Construction, Defense-wide
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $640,357,000
    Rescission..........................................     -41,866,000
      Net...............................................     598,491,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     812,945,000
House allowance.........................................     772,345,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $771,758,000 for projects 
considered within the ``Defense-wide'' account. The amount 
recommended is a decrease of $41,187,000 from the fiscal year 
1997 budget request and $587,000 below the House allowance. 
(See State tables at the end of the report for complete program 
    Charlotteville, VA.--The Committee recommends $2,400,000 
for the acquisition of land for the NGIC facility at 
Charlotteville, VA. Of the $17,139,000 provided for planning 
and design within the ``Military construction, Defense-wide'' 
account, the Committee also directs that not less than 
$2,000,000 be made available for the design of the NGIC 
facility at Charlotteville, VA. The Committee fully expects 
this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 
as practical.
    Medical facilities, various locations.--Last year, the 
Committees on Appropriations were concerned that budget 
submissions by the Defense Medical Facilities Office [DMFO] did 
not receive an appropriate review by the construction agencies 
of the individual military services prior to the congressional 
budget submission. The Committee directed that all future 
requests for medical facility construction be included in the 
budget request of each service. The lead agency was to be DMFO 
for departmentwide medical policy.
    The Committee continues to believe that medical facility 
projects should compete for funding with the other requirements 
of the services. Therefore, the Committee directs that no 
fiscal year 1997 funding may be made available for hospital 
construction until the Committees on Appropriations have been 
provided with a certification by the Service Secretary of 
jurisdiction. The certification should concur, if applicable, 
with the cost and scope of medical projects budgeted by the 
Defense Medical Facilities Office.
    The Committee also finds significant changes to the 
planning for the Naval Hospital at Portmouth, VA. The Committee 
directs the General Accounting Office to review the 
requirements and funding which has been appropriated for the 
Naval Hospital at Portsmouth, VA. A report should be provided 
to the Committees on Appropriations not later than September 
25, 1996.
    Energy Conservation Investment Program [ECIP].--The 
Committee continues to support the Energy Conservation 
Investment Program. The Committee understands the need for 
flexibility within this program. However, the Committee remains 
concerned that this program lacks the benefits of the planning, 
programming, and budgeting system. Funding has again been 
requested without a clear understanding of the specific 
requirements. Last year, the Committee directed the Department 
to accelerate its budget process so that specific projects 
would be identified when the President's fiscal year 1997 
request was submitted to Congress.
    The intent of this direction was to create specific budget 
documentation normally required for all military construction 
projects. The Committee finds that the Department has done the 
minimal amount necessary to follow this direction. The 
Committee reduces funding for this account by $5,000,000. Also, 
the Committee directs that no funds be obligated until the 
Committees on Appropriations are provided with a 5-year plan 
for executing the ECIP program. This plan should include the 
required justification (DD Forms 1390/91's) for all projects 
expending fiscal year 1997 funds.
    Contingency construction.--The Committee has provided 
$3,000,000 for the ``Contingency construction'' account. This 
account provides funds which may be used by the Secretary of 
Defense for unforeseen facility requirements. The Committee 
believes that the funding provided to the account is adequate 
to meet the needs of the Department.
    National Defense University.--The Committee supports the 
requirement for the National Defense University. However, the 
requirement for renovation of the university has again not been 
made clear to the Committee.
    Southwest Asia prepositioning.--The Committee understands 
the requirement for prepositioning in the region. However, the 
United States has no treaty relationships with our allies in 
Southwest Asia and the flow of oil goes to many other 
countries. The United States should only proceed with 
prepositioning projects in Southwest Asia under long term 
bilateral agreements and with full cost sharing arrangements 
settled in advance of construction. Therefore, the Committee 
denies funding for land based prepositioning, except for 
$6,735,000 for munitions storage igloos.
    Hydrant fuel systems in Europe.--The Committee agrees with 
House Report No. 104-591 which directs the submission of 
precautionary prefinancing statements to NATO for reimbursement 
of hydrant fuel systems located at Sigonella, Italy and Moron, 
Spain. The Committee also supports the development of a NATO 
capabilities package for strategic refueling.
               Military Construction, Reserve Components
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $436,647,000
    Rescission..........................................      -6,700,000
      Net...............................................     429,947,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     194,091,000
House allowance.........................................     294,693,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $560,554,000 for military 
construction projects for the Guard and Reserve components. 
This amount is $366,463,000 above the fiscal year 1997 budget 
request and $265,861,000 above the House allowance. This 
increase reflects the Committee's continued strong support for 
the Guard and Reserve.
    The Committee would like to single out the Minnesota 
National Guard and commend them for creating National Guard 
Training and Community Centers. These facilities are jointly 
planned and financed by Federal, State, and local government 
entities. The training and community centers are designed and 
constructed for the use of the National Guard. Local government 
entities, however, are encouraged to enhance or add to the 
basic structure, so that it will also satisfy their needs. The 
Committee understands that these requirements vary widely 
depending on the individual community.
    Not only do these centers allow for cost sharing and rental 
opportunities, the soldiers employed there also provide 
positive role models for the young men and women in the 
community. The Committee endorses the community concept of 
facilities and will give favorable consideration to future 
efforts to create such community centers.
    The Committee continues to strongly support our Guard and 
Reserve forces. The Committee believes that the Guard and 
Reserve are critical components to the total force and the 
defense of this country.
    Historically, the Department of Defense has failed to 
adequately fund Guard and Reserve projects, expecting the 
Congress to add those projects deemed necessary. The Department 
has repeatedly been made aware of this situation.
    The Committee directs that the Army program at least 
$75,000,000 in the fiscal year 1998 request for the Army 
National Guard. The Committee directs that no Army funding for 
overseas classified locations may be expended until the 
$75,000,000 is requested for the construction of Army National 
Guard projects in the fiscal year 1998 President's request. 
These difficult measures have been taken because for years the 
congressional direction to adequately fund Army National Guard 
military construction projects has been ignored.
    The Committee's recommended action on each Reserve 
component project is reflected in the State list at the end of 
this report. The Committee recommends approval of military 
construction, Reserve components as outlined in the following 
                                                                                       House         Committee  
                            Component                             Budget request     allowance    recommendation
Army National Guard.............................................      $7,600,000     $41,316,000    $142,948,000
Air National Guard..............................................      75,394,000     118,394,000     224,444,000
Army Reserve....................................................      48,459,000      50,159,000      75,474,000
Naval Reserve...................................................      10,983,000      33,169,000      49,883,000
Air Force Reserve...............................................      51,655,000      51,655,000      67,805,000
      Total.....................................................     194,091,000     294,693,000     560,554,000
    The Committee commends the Department of Defense for 
developing a long-term plan and program for replacement and 
rehabilitation of National Guard armories. The Committee 
directs that the National Guard Bureau develop and provide a 
future years defense plan to the appropriate committees not 
later than April 20, 1997.
    The Committee has added $11,233,000 for specific Reserve 
component planning and design initiatives listed below. The 
Department is expected to program the construction funds for 
these projects.
    Hangar, Will Rogers IAP, OK.--The Committee is aware of the 
need for a properly configured facility to house aviation 
assets at Will Rogers International Airport. The Committee 
directs the Director of the Air National Guard to design such a 
facility. In addition, the Director of the Air National Guard 
is expected to program construction funds for this project.
    Bachelor quarters, Fort Harrison, MT.--Of the $32,006,000 
provided for unspecified minor construction within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $1,495,000 be make available for bachelor quarters at Fort 
Harrison, MT. The Committee fully expects this contract to be 
awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Armed Forces Reserve Center, Salem, OR.--Of the $40,915,000 
provided for planning and design within the ``Army National 
Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less than 
$904,000 be made available for the design of an Armed Forces 
Reserve Center at Salem, OR. The Committee fully expects this 
design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as 
    Armed Forces Reserve Center, Manchester, NH.--Of the 
$13,480,000 provided for planning and design within the ``Army 
Reserve'' account, the Committee directs that not less than 
$1,700,000 be made available for the design of an Armed Forces 
Reserve Center at Manchester, NH. The Committee fully expects 
this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 
as practical.
    Alaskan Scout Armories, Atmautluak, Manokotak, and New 
Stuyahok, AK.--Of the $32,006,000 provided for unspecified 
minor construction within the ``Army National Guard'' account, 
the Committee directs that not less than $1,425,000 be made 
available for armories at Atmautluak, Manokotak, and New 
Stuyahok, AK. The Committee fully expects these contracts to be 
awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Armed Forces Reserve Center and organizational maintenance 
shop, Eugene, OR.--Of the $40,915,000 provided for planning and 
design within the ``Army National Guard'' account, the 
Committee directs that not less than $1,144,000 be made 
available for the design of an Armed Forces Reserve Center and 
organizational maintenance shop at Eugene, OR. The Committee 
fully expects this design contract to be awarded as early in 
fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Combined support maintenance shop, Colchester, VT.--Of the 
$40,915,000 provided for planning and design within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $600,000 be made available for the design of a combined 
support maintenance shop at Colchester, VT. The Committee fully 
expects this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
    Land acquisition, Fort Harrison, MT.--Of the $32,006,000 
provided for unspecified minor construction within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $791,000 be made available for the acquisition of land at 
Fort Harrison, MT. The Committee fully expects this contract to 
be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Army aviation support facility, Hilo, HI.--Of the 
$40,915,000 provided for planning and design within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $500,000 be made available for the design of an Army 
aviation support facility at Hilo, HI. The Committee fully 
expects this contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 
1997 as practical.
    Training simulation building, Camp Rilea, OR.--Of the 
$32,006,000 provided for unspecified minor construction within 
the ``Army National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that 
not less than $1,360,000 be made available for a training 
simulation building at Camp Rilea, OR. The Committee fully 
expects this contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 
1997 as practical.
    Regional education facility, Fort Bragg, NC.--Of the 
$40,915,000 provided for planning and design within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $1,700,000 be made available for the design of a regional 
education facility at Fort Bragg, NC. The Committee fully 
expects this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
    Vehicle maintenance complex and addition/alteration 
maintenance hangar, Kulis, AK.--Of the $40,915,000 provided for 
planning and design within the ``Air National Guard'' account, 
the Committee directs that not less than $1,135,000 be made 
available for the design of a vehicle maintenance complex and 
addition/alteration of a maintenance hangar at Kulis, AK. The 
Committee fully expects this design contract to be awarded as 
early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    The Dalles and Ontario Armories, OR.--Of the $40,915,000 
provided for planning and design within the ``Army National 
Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less than 
$436,000 be made available for the design of armories at The 
Dalles and Ontario, OR. The Committee fully expects this 
contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as 
    Armed Forces Reserve Center, Helena, MT.--Of the 
$40,915,000 provided for planning and design within the ``Army 
National Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less 
than $1,450,000 be made available for the design of an Armed 
Forces Reserve Center at Helena, MT. The Committee fully 
expects this design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal 
year 1997 as practical.
    Training complex, Camp Dawson, WV.--Of the $40,915,000 
provided for planning and design within the ``Army National 
Guard'' account, the Committee directs that not less than 
$2,100,000 be made available for the design of a training 
complex at Camp Dawson, WV. The Committee fully expects this 
design contract to be awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as 
    Planning and design.--The Committee recommendation provides 
an additional $87,815,000 for planning and design activities 
for the Reserve components. The Army continues to ignore the 
future needs of the Reserve components. In anticipation of 
increased congressional support in the appropriations process, 
the Army has continued to underfund Reserve component planning 
and design funding. Again, this direction has persisted over 
the years despite the requests of this Committee to do 
     North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program
Fiscal year 1996:
    Appropriation.......................................    $161,000,000
    Rescission..........................................     +37,500,000
      Net...............................................     198,500,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     197,000,000
House allowance.........................................     177,000,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee has provided $172,000,000 for North Atlantic 
Treaty Organization Security Investment Program for fiscal year 
1997. This amount is $25,000,000 below the President's fiscal 
year 1997 budget request and $5,000,000 below the House 
    The Committee continues to support the NATO Security 
Investment Program. The Committee recognizes valid requirements 
remain after the drawdown. The Committee, however, is concerned 
that the Department has not been successful in its attempts to 
have member nations participate in defraying construction 
program costs. The Committee urges the Secretary of Defense to 
further moderate the construction program overseas and seek 
expanded contributions from our allies in Europe. These member 
nation funds should be provided to the NATO Security Investment 
Program. The amount should not only allow for the continuation 
of existing work, but also allow for emergency projects and new 
    Last year, the Committee directed the Department to work 
with our allies to create a new program and budgeting process 
that would allow for a specific review of projects before the 
funding is approved by the Congress. The Committee has not seen 
any action taken by the Department to follow this direction.
    The Congressional Budget Office [CBO] has indicated that 
over the next 14 years it will cost $60,600,000,000 to fully 
integrate Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia 
into NATO. CBO has also indicated that preparing bases to 
handle NATO air forces and troops, prepositioning material, or 
permanently basing a limited number of NATO forces in the area 
could cost as much as $64,000,000,000. This additional 
$124,600,000,000 is not affordable in this budgetary climate. 
The Committee directs that the Secretary of Defense report to 
the four appropriate committees by May 1, 1997, on how NATO 
intends to restructure its organization to incorporate new and 
anticipated infrastructure requirements.
                        Family Housing Overview
    The Committee has provided $4,046,805,000 for family 
housing construction, operations and maintenance, the 
Department's new family housing improvements fund, and the 
homeowners assistance program. This amount is $189,134,000 
above the fiscal year 1997 budget request and $229,018,000 
under the House allowance.
    Quality of life.--The Committee continues to support the 
Department's efforts to upgrade the living standards for 
families. The average age of family housing is 33 years. This 
is the youngest part of the DOD infrastructure inventory. 
However, such factors as the level of maintenance and repair, 
usage, and climate have accelerated the rate of deterioration 
for many of the housing units. These factors have compounded 
the challenges already facing the services. The current new 
construction deficit for the Department is 48,428 units. To 
address this deficit, the Department has requested $20,000,000 
for the private sector initiative proposed by the Secretary of 
Defense. Again, the Committee is not clear as to how the 
$20,000,000 will be used in this new program. The Committee 
directs the Department to identify specific projects that will 
be funded from this request prior to execution. The Committee 
directs the Department to notify the four appropriate 
committees regarding the identity and amount requested for each 
project at least 30 days prior to award of any contract.
    Reprogramming criteria.--The reprogramming criteria that 
apply to military construction projects (25 percent of the 
funded amount or $2,000,000, whichever is less) continue to 
apply to new housing construction projects and to improvements 
over $2,000,000. To provide the individual services the 
flexibility to proceed with construction contracts without 
disruption or delay, the costs associated with environmental 
hazard remediation such as asbestos removal, radon abatement, 
lead-based paint removal or abatement, and any other legislated 
environmental hazard remediation may be excluded, provided that 
such remediation requirements could not be reasonably 
anticipated at the time of budget submission. This exclusion 
applies to projects authorized in the budget year, as well as 
projects authorized in prior years for which construction 
contracts have not been completed.
    General and flag quarters.--The Committee agrees with House 
report language concerning general and flag officers quarters. 
The Committee further concurs with House report language 
concerning all reporting requirements and notifications for 
general and flag officer quarters.
                          Family Housing, Army
Fiscal year 1996........................................  $1,452,252,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................   1,287,479,000
House allowance.........................................   1,434,069,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends a total of $1,401,785,000 for 
family housing, Army, in fiscal year 1997. This is $114,306,000 
over the fiscal year 1997 budget request and $32,284,000 under 
the House allowance. Specific details are included in the 
tables at the end of the report.
                 Family Housing, Navy and Marine Corps
Fiscal year 1996........................................  $1,573 387,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................   1,417,967,000
House allowance.........................................   1,590,697,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $1,432,567,000 for family housing, 
Navy and Marine Corps, in fiscal year 1997. This amount is 
$14,600,000 over the fiscal year 1997 budget request and 
$158,130,000 under the House allowance. Specific details are 
included in the tables at the end of the report.
    Detached housing offices.--The Committee's concern for 
adequate housing again takes precedent over the construction of 
new housing offices. These offices are used infrequently as 
compared to the use of needed family housing. To further this 
effort, the Committee redirects $1,890,000 for the construction 
of detached housing offices. These funds will be applied to 
family housing construction projects.
                       Family Housing, Air Force
Fiscal year 1996........................................  $1,146,951,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................   1,060,710,000
House allowance.........................................   1,144,542,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $1,120,938,000 for family housing, 
Air Force, in fiscal year 1997, which is $60,228,000 over the 
budget request, and $23,604,000 under the House allowance. 
Specific details are included in the tables at the end of the 
    General officer quarters.--The Committee continues to 
strongly support the need to provide adequate housing for the 
enlisted members of the Air Force. This concern takes precedent 
over housing for more senior personnel. Also, funding for 
general officer quarters creates new burdens on the ``Operation 
and maintenance'' accounts. To further these efforts, the 
Committee redirects $249,000 for the construction of general 
officer quarters. These funds will be applied to barracks 
construction projects.
    Elmendorf AFB, AK.--Of the $12,350,000 provided for 
planning within the ``Family housing, Air Force'' account, the 
Committee directs that not less than $1,200,000 be made 
available for the design of family housing at Elmendorf AFB, 
AK. The Committee fully expects this design contract to be 
awarded as early in fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Family housing revitalization, Nellis AFB, NV.--Of the 
$12,350,000 provided for planning and design within the 
``Family housing, Air Force'' account, the Committee directs 
that not less than $150,000 be made available for the design of 
the revitalization of family housing at Nellis AFB, NV. The 
Committee fully expects this contract to be awarded as early in 
fiscal year 1997 as practical.
    Detached housing offices.--The Committee's concern for 
adequate housing again takes precedent over the construction of 
new housing offices. These offices are used infrequently as 
compared to the use of needed family housing. To further this 
effort, the Committee redirects $1,271,000 for the construction 
of detached housing offices. These funds will be applied to 
family housing construction projects.
                      Family Housing, Defense-wide
Fiscal year 1996........................................     $34,239,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................      35,334,000
House allowance.........................................      35,334,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $35,334,000 for family housing, 
defense agencies, in fiscal year 1997. This amount is equal to 
the budget request and the House allowance. Specific details 
are included in the tables at the end of the report.
                    Family Housing Improvement Fund
Fiscal year 1996........................................     $22,000,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................      20,000,000
House allowance.........................................      35,000,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $20,000,000 for family housing, 
improvement fund, in fiscal year 1997. This amount is the same 
as the budget request and $15,000,000 under the House 
                       Homeowners Assistance Fund
Fiscal year 1996........................................     $75,586,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................      36,181,000
House allowance.........................................      36,181,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $36,181,000 
for the homeowners assistance fund [HAP]. This amount is equal 
to the budget request and the House allowance. Anticipated 
expenditures for fiscal year 1997 are not expected to be 
covered by available prior-year funds and proceeds from the 
resale of homes. This program benefits military personnel and 
Federal civilian employee homeowners in locations where the 
housing market becomes depressed due to an announcement of a 
base closure or realignment of a military installation. The HAP 
provides partial compensation to homeowners for their financial 
losses incurred in the sale of their homes.
    The Committee believes that the true cost of the base 
closure process is understated since the HAP program is funded 
from a separate account. The Committee directs that of the 
amount requested for HAP in the fiscal year 1998 budget 
justification, all BRAC related funds shall be identified 
separately within the HAP account.
    The Committee is concerned that more service people need 
the advantages of HAP. The Committee directs that the Assistant 
Secretary from each service responsible for installations 
provide a report no later than April 20, 1997, identifying the 
obligations and expenditures by service that were provided by 
this account on a monthly basis for the past 2 years.
    The Committee is aware of a number of installations where 
HAP is needed yet no program exists. The Committee directs the 
Department to report on its criteria for determining when an 
installation requires HAP and review installations currently 
being monitored for the program. The report should be provided 
by the Assistant Secretary no later than September 25, 1996.
                         Base Closure Overview
    The Committee has approved $2,507,474,000 for base closure 
and realignment activities during fiscal year 1997. This amount 
is $1,390,418,000 under the amount appropriated by Congress for 
fiscal year 1996. A discussion of these activities is included 
at the beginning of the report under the heading ``Base 
Realignment and Closure.''
    The Committee recommends providing full funding for these 
important projects. To this end, the Committee provides the 
following listing of the specific projects requested by the 
Department and appropriated by the Committee for the BRAC 
accounts. The Committee provides specific approval and 
appropriated funds for the following construction projects:
                      BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE                      
 [Fiscal year 1997 budget estimate, base realignment and closure, fiscal
             year 1997 BRAC military construction projects]             
                         [Dollars in thousands]                         
                                                   BRAC      Committee  
      Component/State/project description         round   recommendation
Army BRAC III construction, fiscal year 1997:                           
    Texas: Fort Bliss: Unmanned aerial vehicle                          
     hangar (46592)............................     III          $4,700 
Army BRAC IV construction, fiscal year 1997:                            
    Alabama: Anniston Army Depot: EOD                                   
     operations facility (34665)...............      IV           1,700 
        Fort Huachuca:                                                  
            Building 61801 renovation (46212)..      IV             400 
            Warehouse (46235)..................      IV             800 
              Subtotal, Army, Arizona..........  .......          1,200 
    District of Columbia: Walter Reed Army                              
     Medical Center: Nurse training facility                            
     (46342)...................................      IV           1,500 
        Fort Detrick:                                                   
            Administrative facility (46197)....      IV           6,800 
            General purpose storage (46204)....      IV           1,150 
              Subtotal, Army, Maryland.........  .......          7,950 
        Fort Leonard Wood:                                              
            Chemical defense training facility                          
             (45893)...........................      IV          28,000 
            General instruction facility                                
             (46090)...........................      IV          58,000 
            Applied instruction facility                                
             (46091)...........................      IV          32,000 
            Unaccompanied enlisted housing                              
             (46092)...........................      IV          58,430 
              Subtotal, Army, Missouri.........  .......        176,430 
    New Jersey: Fort Monmouth: Administrative                           
     facility (45981)..........................      IV           2,200 
    New York: Fort Totten: Storage facility                             
     (46258)...................................      IV           1,900 
        McAlester Army Ammunition Plant:                                
            Universal functional test range                             
             (45911)...........................      IV           1,950 
            General and applied instruction                             
             facility (45956)..................      IV           6,100 
            Administrative facility (45955)....      IV          14,200 
              Subtotal, Army, Oklahoma.........  .......         22,250 
    South Carolina: Fort Jackson: DOD Polygraph                         
     Institute (45839).........................      IV           4,600 
    Virginia: Fort Belvoir: Administrative                              
     facility (45858)..........................      IV           7,500 
    Washington: Fort Lewis: Center for Health                           
     Promotion (46056).........................      IV           3,050 
    Various locations: Planning and design.....      IV           9,790 
      Total for Army BRAC IV construction,                              
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......        240,070 
Navy BRAC III construction, fiscal year 1997:                           
        Fleet ASW Training Center, San Diego:                           
         Gymnasium (387T)......................     III           3,400 
        Marine Corps Air Station, Camp                                  
         Pendleton: Warehouse and special                               
         storage facilities (029T).............     III           6,080 
        Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar:                              
            Storage facilities (007T)..........     III           9,820 
            Tactical van pad facility (012T)...     III          15,500 
            Bachelor enlisted quarters (013T)..     III          59,883 
        Naval Air Station, Lemoore:                                     
         Administrative office (186T)..........     III           1,500 
          Subtotal, Navy, California...........  .......         96,183 
    District of Columbia:                                               
        Commandant Naval District, Washington:                          
         Headquarters building renovation                               
         (001T)................................     III           2,000 
        Strategic Systems Programs Office,                              
         Washington: Building renovation (001T)     III          14,580 
            Subtotal, Navy, District of                                 
             Columbia..........................  .......         16,580 
        Army Reserve Center, Orlando: Facility                          
         modifications (001T)..................     III           2,683 
        Naval Air Station, Jacksonville:                                
         Aviation physiology training (831T)...     III           2,270 
          Subtotal, Navy, Florida..............  .......          4,953 
    Georgia: Naval Air Station, Atlanta: Marine                         
     Reserve training facility (906T)..........     III           9,100 
        Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay:                          
            Aircraft parking apron (268T)......     III          14,562 
            Maintenance hangar alterations                              
             (270T)............................     III          31,400 
            Building renovations (271T)........     III           2,500 
            Building additions and renovations                          
             (272T)............................     III           1,300 
            Aviation supply facilities (274T)..     III           2,700 
            Training facility (276T)...........     III           8,600 
            Bachelor quarters (286T)...........     III          26,900 
            Helicopter landing pad (287T)......     III             400 
            Hazardous storehouse and waste                              
             transfer facility (288T)..........     III           5,100 
            Ordnance facilities (297T).........     III           1,400 
            Tactical support facility (297T)...     III          10,500 
            Utilities upgrade (504T)...........     III           5,100 
            Ordnance facilities (508T).........     III           2,100 
              Subtotal, Navy, Hawaii...........  .......        112,562 
    Nevada: Naval Air Station, Fallon: Bachelor                         
     enlisted quarters (phase II)  (308T)......     III           9,830 
    South Carolina: Marine Corps Air Station,                           
     Beaufort: Hangar renovation (396T)........     III           1,900 
    Tennessee: Naval Air Station, Memphis:                              
        Building alterations (326T)............     III          17,510 
        Building alterations (325T)............     III           7,100 
          Subtotal, Navy, Tennessee............  .......         24,610 
    Texas: Naval Air Station, Fort Worth: Child                         
     development center (121T).................     III           2,010 
        Naval Station, Norfolk: Administrative                          
         facility (360T).......................     III           1,000 
        Naval Air Station, Oceana: Engine                               
         maintenance shop addition (457T)......     III             480 
          Subtotal, Navy, Virginia.............  .......          1,480 
    Washington: Naval Air Station, Whidbey                              
        Ground support equipment shop (600T)...     III           2,700 
        Sonobuoy storage facility (615T).......     III             600 
          Subtotal, Navy, Washington...........  .......          3,300 
    Midway Island: Naval air facility:                                  
     Demolition (402T).........................     III           3,000 
      Total for Navy BRAC III construction,                             
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......        285,508 
Navy BRAC III family housing, fiscal year 1997:                         
    Florida: Naval Air Station, Pensacola:                              
     Family housing (406T).....................     III           9,845 
    Washington: Naval Submarine Base, Bangor:                           
        Family housing (404T)..................     III           4,672 
        Family housing (405T)..................     III           6,454 
          Subtotal, Navy, Washington...........  .......         11,126 
          Total for Navy BRAC III family                                
           housing, fiscal year 1997...........  .......         20,971 
Navy BRAC IV construction, fiscal year 1997:                            
        Naval Air Station, North Island:                                
         Maintenance training facility (829U)..      IV           3,780 
        Naval Aviation Depot, North Island:                             
            Engineering support office                                  
             modifications (832U)..............      IV             844 
            Engineering support offices (830U).      IV             721 
        Naval Weapon Station, Concord: Secure                           
         warehouse (999U)......................      IV          15,400 
          Subtotal, Navy, California...........  .......         20,745 
    District of Columbia: Commandant, Naval                             
     District Washington:                                               
        Parking garage (104U)..................      IV           8,900 
        Logistics support facility (101U)......      IV           2,400 
        Public works facility (102U)...........      IV           1,900 
          Subtotal, Navy, District of Columbia.  .......         13,200 
    Florida: Naval Explosive Diving Unit,                               
     Panama City: Manned diving physiology                              
     (366U)....................................      IV           1,870 
    Maryland: Naval Surface Warfare Center,                             
        Materials processing facility (181U)...      IV           1,450 
        Magnetic fields facility (182U)........      IV           6,400 
          Subtotal, Navy, Maryland.............  .......          7,850 
    Pennsylvania: Naval Surface Warfare Center,                         
     Philadelphia: Advance machine R&D facility                         
     (184U)....................................      IV           5,400 
    South Carolina: Naval Weapon Station,                               
     Charleston: Medical/dental clinic                                  
     expansion (019U)..........................      IV           3,464 
    Tennessee: Naval Air Station, Memphis:                              
     Building modifications (328U).............      IV           4,744 
    Virginia: Naval Air Station, Oceana:                                
        Flight simulator building addition                              
         (160U)................................      IV           9,044 
        Corrosion control hangar (576U)........      IV           4,800 
        F/A 18 aviation maintenance additions                           
         (164U)................................      IV           2,700 
        Renovate/addition training facility                             
         (161U)................................      IV           5,700 
          Subtotal, Navy, Virginia.............  .......         22,244 
    Washington: Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound:                            
     Ship maintenance facilities (334U)........      IV           1,840 
    Various locations: Planning and design.....  .......          9,700 
      Total for Navy BRAC IV construction,                              
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......         91,057 
Air Force BRAC II construction, fiscal year                             
        Beale AFB:                                                      
            Add/alter civil engineering                                 
             facilities (BAEY950204R1).........      II             900 
            Add/alter operations facility                               
             (BAEY950200R1)....................      II             460 
            Alter logistics facilities                                  
             (BAEY950201R1)....................      II             520 
            Add/alter support facility                                  
             (BAEY939108)......................      II             300 
        Vandenberg AFB: Campus utilities                                
         (XUMU963007)..........................      II           2,900 
          Subtotal, Air Force, California......  .......          5,080 
    Colorado: Buckley Air National Guard Base:                          
     Enlisted dormitory (CRWU953050)...........      II           8,150 
    Indiana: Grissom ARB: Munitions storage                             
     (CTGC959019)..............................      II           1,500 
    Mississippi: Keesler AFB: Physical fitness                          
     center (MAHG913034).......................      II             690 
        Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base:                           
            Alter base maintenance shops                                
             (NLZG939686)......................      II           1,950 
            Alter support shops (NLZG939687)...      II           2,000 
            Alter fuel system maintenance dock                          
             (NLZG939700)......................      II           1,200 
            Jet fuel storage/distribution                               
             (NLZG939729)......................      II           9,000 
        Wright-Patterson AFB: National Airborne                         
         Operations Center complex (ZHTV943204)      II           5,100 
            Subtotal, Air Force, Ohio..........  .......         19,250 
        Lackland AFB:                                                   
            Add/alter physical fitness center                           
             (MPLS913337)......................      II           1,600 
            Alter technical training facility                           
             (MPYJ953260)......................      II           2,250 
        Sheppard AFB: Add to chapel                                     
         (VNVP933025)..........................      II             700 
          Subtotal, Air Force, Texas...........  .......          4,550 
    Various locations: Planning and design                              
     (BCL97RD4)................................  .......            580 
      Total for Air Force BRAC II construction,                         
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......         39,800 
Air Force BRAC II family housing, fiscal year                           
    Oklahoma: Altus AFB: Family housing                                 
     (AGGN954015)..............................      II          22,973 
Air Force BRAC III construction, fiscal year                            
        March AFB: Alter combat camera                                  
         (PCZP960606)..........................     III           1,200 
        Travis AFB: Upgrade roads (XDAT953320).     III           2,400 
          Subtotal, Air Force, California......  .......          3,600 
    Idaho: Mountain Home AFB: Air control squad                         
     complex (QYZH973020)......................     III           3,500 
    New Jersey: McGuire AFB:                                            
        Public health facility (PTFL943174)....     III           4,000 
        Upgrade roads (PTFL943167).............     III           3,000 
          Subtotal, Air Force, New Jersey......  .......          7,000 
    New York: Griffiss AFB:                                             
        Alter support facilities (JREZ940056)..     III             750 
        Alter consolidated logistics facility                           
         (JREZ940055)..........................     III           2,550 
          Subtotal, Air Force, New York........  .......          3,300 
          Total for Air Force BRAC III                                  
           construction, fiscal year 1997......  .......         17,400 
Air Force BRAC III family housing, fiscal year                          
    New Jersey: McGuire AFB: Improve family                             
     housing (PTFL954000X).....................     III          15,884 
      Total for Air Force BRAC III family                               
       housing, fiscal year 1997...............  .......         15,884 
Air Force BRAC IV construction, fiscal year                             
        Edwards AFB: Add/alter Avionics                                 
         Research Laboratory (FSPM973506)......      IV             890 
        March AFB: Add/alter Communication/                             
         Electronic Training Complex                                    
         (PCZP959603)..........................      IV             640 
            Subtotal, Air Force, California....  .......          1,530 
        MacDill AFB:                                                    
            Add/alter fuel maintenance facility                         
             (NVZR973722)......................      IV           2,900 
            Alter squadron operations facility                          
             (NVZR973718)......................      IV           2,500 
            Alter corrosion control                                     
             (NVZR973721)......................      IV           5,000 
            Alter maintenance facilities                                
             (NVZR973723)......................      IV             800 
        Patrick AFB:                                                    
            Pararescue training facility                                
             (SXHT959002)......................      IV           2,650 
            Maintenance facilities (SXHT959011)      IV             500 
            Add/alter corrosion control                                 
             facility (SXHT959004).............      IV           2,750 
              Subtotal, Air Force, Florida.....  .......         17,100 
    Mississippi: Columbus AFB: T-37 aircraft                            
     maintenance hangar (EEPZ973006)...........      IV           1,100 
    New York: Fort Drum: Runway/apron/                                  
     instrument landing system  (WOXG959609)...      IV          46,000 
        Carswell Naval Air Station/Fort Worth                           
         Joint Reserve Base:                                            
            Numbered Air Force headquarters                             
             (DDPF959004)......................      IV           4,300 
            Security police training facility                           
             (DDPF959006)......................      IV             720 
        Laughlin AFB: Add to child development                          
         center (MXDP973003R1).................      IV             350 
          Subtotal, Air Force, Texas...........  .......          5,370 
    Various locations: Planning and design                              
     (BCL97RD4)................................  .......          5,543 
      Total for Air Force BRAC IV construction,                         
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......         76,643 
Defense Logistics Agency BRAC III construction,                         
 fiscal year 1997:                                                      
    California: Defense Contract Management                             
     District West, El Segundo: Administrative                          
     building..................................     III           5,200 
    Pennsylvania: Aviation Supply Office,                               
     Philadelphia: Convert facilities for                               
     Defense Personnel Support Center..........     III          31,950 
    Various locations: Planning and design.....  .......            500 
      Total for DLA BRAC III construction,                              
       fiscal year 1997........................  .......         37,650 
Defense Logistics Agency BRAC IV construction,                          
 fiscal year 1997:                                                      
    California: Defense Distribution Region                             
     West, Tracy: Hazardous material storage                            
     addition to warehouse 28..................      IV           9,300 
        Total for DLA BRAC IV construction,                             
         fiscal year 1997......................  .......          9,300 
              Base Realignment and Closure Account, Part I
    Again, the Committee recognizes that fiscal year 1995 was 
the last year for appropriations into this account.
             Base Realignment and Closure Account, Part II
Fiscal year 1996........................................    $964,843,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     352,800,000
House allowance.........................................     352,800,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $352,800,000 for the ``Base 
realignment and closure'' account, part II as authorized and 
provided by the House allowance.
             Base Realignment and Closure Account, Part III
Fiscal year 1996                                          $2,148,480,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................     971,925,000
House allowance.........................................     971,925,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $971,925,000 for the ``Base 
realignment and closure'' account, part III as authorized and 
provided by the House allowance.
             Base Realignment and Closure Account, Part IV
Fiscal year 1996........................................    $784,569,000
Budget estimate, 1997...................................   1,182,749,000
House allowance.........................................   1,182,749,000
Committee recommendation
    The Committee recommends $1,182,749,000 for the ``Base 
realignment and closure'' account, part IV as authorized and 
provided by the House allowance.
    General officer quarters.--The Committee continues to 
strongly support the need to provide adequate housing for the 
enlisted members of the Army. This concern takes precedent over 
housing for more senior personnel. Also, funding for general 
officer quarters creates new burdens on the ``Operation and 
maintenance'' accounts. To further these efforts, the Committee 
redirects $430,000 for the construction of general officer 
quarters. These funds will be applied to unaccompanied enlisted 
housing at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
    MacDill AFB, FL.--The Committee was informed by the Air 
Force on March 9, 1995, that BRAC requirements of $8,680,000 
existed at MacDill AFB, FL. The fiscal year 1997 request now 
includes funding for fuel maintenance, and corrosion control 
facilities, but at significantly larger amounts. The request 
also includes new requirements for the alteration of a squadron 
operations facility and additional maintenance facilities. The 
Committee directs the Chief of Staff of the Air Force to 
provide a comprehensive 5-year plan for BRAC implementation at 
MacDill AFB, FL.
    The Committee expects this report to be delivered not later 
than September 15, 1996.
                           GENERAL PROVISIONS
    The Committee has made no changes to sections 101-120 and 
123 as recommended by the House. Other changes are as follows:
    Sections 121-122. These sections have been deleted by the 
                    committee recommended provisions
    The Committee has added two general provisions to the 
House-passed bill as follows:
    Section 121 directs that the National Guard Bureau prepare 
a future years defense plan and submit it as part of the fiscal 
year 1998 request.
    Section 122 directs that no funds from the base realignment 
and closure account shall be used to pay for fines resulting 
from violations of any law pertaining to the environment.
    Paragraph 7 of rule XVI requires that Committee reports on 
general appropriations bills identify each Committee amendment 
to the House bill ``which proposes an item of appropriation 
which is not made to carry out the provisions of an existing 
law, a treaty stipulation, or an act or resolution previously 
passed by the Senate during that session.''
    All projects for which appropriations are provided by the 
Committee are unauthorized. These projects are subject to 
authorization. The National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 1997 has not passed the Senate.
    Pursuant to paragraph 7(c) of rule XXVI, the Committee en 
bloc ordered reported the 602(b) allocation, granted authority 
for revisions to allocations as necessary, and ordered reported 
S. 1894, an original DOD appropriations bill and H.R. 3517, the 
military construction appropriations bill, 1997, subject to 
their budget allocations, by a recorded vote of 24-3, a quorum 
being present. The vote was as follows:
        Yeas                          Nays
Chairman Hatfield                   Mr. Leahy
Mr. Stevens                         Mr. Lautenberg
Mr. Cochran                         Mr. Harkin
Mr. Specter
Mr. Domenici
Mr. Bond
Mr. Gorton
Mr. McConnell
Mr. Mack
Mr. Burns
Mr. Shelby
Mr. Jeffords
Mr. Gregg
Mr. Bennett
Mr. Campbell
Mr. Byrd
Mr. Inouye
Mr. Hollings
Mr. Johnston
Ms. Mikulski
Mr. Reid
Mr. Kerrey
Mr. Kohl
Mrs. Murray
    Paragraph 12 of rule XXVI requires that Committee reports 
on a bill or joint resolution repealing or amending any statute 
or part of any statute include ``(a) the text of the statute or 
part thereof which is proposed to be repealed; and (b) a 
comparative print of that part of the bill or joint resolution 
making the amendment and of the statute or part thereof 
proposed to be amended, showing by stricken-through type and 
italics, parallel columns, or other appropriate typographical 
devices the omissions and insertions which would be made by the 
bill or joint resolution if enacted in the form recommended by 
the committee.''
    In compliance with this rule, changes in existing law 
proposed to be made by the bill are shown as follows: existing 
law to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets; new matter is 
printed in italic; and existing law in which no change is 
proposed is shown in roman.
    No change in existing statutes has been proposed.
                                                    MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT LISTING BY LOCATION                                                   
                                                                [In thousands of dollars]                                                               
                                                                                                                               Senate compared to--     
                                                                                               House         Committee   -------------------------------
                        Installation and project                          Budget request     allowance    recommendation                       House    
                                                                                                                          Budget request     allowance  
ARMY: FORT RUCKER: AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWERS...........................  ..............  ..............          3,250          +3,250          +3,250 
AIR FORCE: MAXWELL AFB: OTS ACADEMIC FACILITY...........................          7,875           7,875           7,875   ..............  ..............
    MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE: AMBULATORY HEALTH CARE CENTER (PHASE II)....         25,000          25,000          25,000   ..............  ..............
    DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: MSIC FACILITY..........................  ..............  ..............         29,500         +29,500         +29,500 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: BIRMINGHAM: JOINT MEDICAL TRAINING FACILITY........  ..............          4,600           4,600          +4,600   ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: MONTGOMERY: MUNITIONS COMPLEX AND EQUIPMENT SHOP....  ..............  ..............          4,500          +4,500          +4,500 
      TOTAL, ALABAMA....................................................         32,875          37,475          74,725         +41,850         +37,250 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    EIELSON AFB: CONVENTIONAL MUNITIONS SHOP............................  ..............  ..............          3,900          +3,900          +3,900 
    ELMENDORF AFB:                                                                                                                                      
        HANGAR/SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE.................         19,435          19,435          19,435   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM...................................          2,095           2,095           2,095   ..............  ..............
    KING SALMON: AIRFIELD PAVEMENTS REPAIR..............................  ..............  ..............          5,700          +5,700          +5,700 
    DFSC ELMENDORF AFB:                                                                                                                                 
        HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM.............................................         18,000          18,000          18,000   ..............  ..............
        FUEL FARM (PHASE I).............................................  ..............  ..............          3,000          +3,000          +3,000 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: FAIRBANKS: READINESS CENTER EXPANSION..............  ..............  ..............          4,955          +4,955          +4,955 
      TOTAL, ALASKA.....................................................         39,530          39,530          57,085         +17,555         +17,555 
ARMY: FORT HUACHUCA: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS.........................  ..............         21,000   ..............  ..............        -21,000 
    CAMP NAVAJO NAVY DETACHMENT: MAGAZINE MODIFICATIONS (PHASE I).......          3,920           3,920           3,920   ..............  ..............
    YUMA MCAS: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS...............................  ..............         14,600   ..............  ..............        -14,600 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB:                                                                                                                                  
        CONSOLIDATED MATERIAL PROCESSING FACILITY.......................          5,590           5,590           5,590   ..............  ..............
        EC-130 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE FACILITY............................          4,330           4,330           4,330   ..............  ..............
    LUKE AFB: DORMITORY.................................................  ..............          6,700   ..............  ..............         -6,700 
      TOTAL, ARIZONA....................................................         13,840          56,140          13,840   ..............        -42,300 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    LITTLE ROCK AFB:                                                                                                                                    
        ADD ALTER FIELD TRAINING FACILITY...............................          1,525           1,525           1,525   ..............  ..............
        C-130 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE..................         14,045          14,045          14,045   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM...................................          2,535           2,535           2,535   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: PINE BLUFF ARSENAL: AMMUNITION DEMILITARIZATION FACILITY                                                                                  
 (PHASE III)............................................................         46,000          46,000          46,000   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                    
    BENTON: ARMORY......................................................  ..............  ..............          1,805          +1,805          +1,805 
    CAMP ROBINSON: ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT FACILITY.......................  ..............  ..............         14,081         +14,081         +14,081 
      TOTAL, ARKANSAS...................................................         64,105          64,105          79,991         +15,886         +15,886 
    BARSTOW-DAGGETT: HELIPORT...........................................  ..............          7,000   ..............  ..............         -7,000 
    CAMP ROBERTS: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM........................          5,500           5,500           5,500   ..............  ..............
    CONCORD NAVAL WEAPONS STATION: AMMUNITION PIER (DBOF)...............         27,000          27,000          27,000   ..............  ..............
    CAMP PENDLETON MARINE CORPS AIR STATION:                                                                                                            
        AIRCRAFT PARKING APRON AND TAXIWAY..............................          2,600           2,600           2,600   ..............  ..............
        RUNWAY IMPROVEMENTS.............................................          1,390           1,390           1,390   ..............  ..............
        TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE...................................          2,250           2,250           2,250   ..............  ..............
    CAMP PENDLETON MARINE CORPS BASE:                                                                                                                   
        AUTOMATED FIELD FIRING RANGE....................................          4,020           4,020           4,020   ..............  ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................         10,100          10,100          10,100   ..............  ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................         11,800          11,800          11,800   ..............  ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS REPLACEMENT..........................         12,500          12,500          12,500   ..............  ..............
        PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER.........................................          4,150           4,150           4,150   ..............  ..............
        TACTICAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY...........................          9,060           9,060           9,060   ..............  ..............
    NORTH ISLAND NAVAL AIR STATION:                                                                                                                     
        DREDGING........................................................         59,502          59,502          49,872          -9,630          -9,630 
        SHIP MAINTENANCE FACILITY.......................................         27,000          27,000          27,000   ..............  ..............
    PORT HUENEME NCBC: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS.......................  ..............          7,700   ..............  ..............         -7,700 
    SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND NAVAL FACILITY: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS AND                                                                                  
     MESSHALL...........................................................         17,000          17,000          17,000   ..............  ..............
    SAN DIEGO MARINE CORPS DEPOT: COMBAT TRAINING TANK..................  ..............  ..............          8,150          +8,150          +8,150 
    SAN DIEGO NAVAL STATION: OILY WASTE COLLECTION FACILITY.............          7,050           7,050           7,050   ..............  ..............
    SAN DIEGO NAV CMD CTRL AND OCEAN SUR CEN RDTE DIV: PIER (SAN                                                                                        
     CLEMENTE)..........................................................          1,960           1,960           1,960   ..............  ..............
    TWENTYNINE PALMS MARCORP AIR-GRND COMB CTR: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER          4,020           4,020           4,020   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    BEALE AFB:                                                                                                                                          
        CARS DEPLOYABLE GROUND STATION SUPPORT FACILITY.................          7,690           7,690           7,690   ..............  ..............
        LANDFILL CLOSURE................................................          6,735           6,735           6,735   ..............  ..............
    EDWARDS AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        ADD/ALTER ANECHOIC CHAMBER......................................          4,890           4,890           4,890   ..............  ..............
        CONVERT BOILERS.................................................          3,120           3,120           3,120   ..............  ..............
        F-22 ALTER AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE FACILITY........................          4,390           4,390           4,390   ..............  ..............
        RENOVATE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE FACILITY..........................          7,680           7,680           7,680   ..............  ..............
    MCCLELLAN AFB: FLOOD CONTROL MEASURES...............................          8,795   ..............  ..............         -8,795   ..............
    TRAVIS AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        DORMITORY.......................................................          7,980           7,980           7,980   ..............  ..............
        DORMITORY.......................................................  ..............          8,250           7,000          +7,000          -1,250 
    VANDENBERG AFB: SATELLITE PROCESSING FACILITY.......................          3,290           3,290           3,290   ..............  ..............
    CAMP PENDLETON MARINE CORPS BASE: BRANCH MEDICAL CLINIC (EDSON                                                                                      
     RANGE).............................................................          3,300           3,300           3,300   ..............  ..............
    DEF DISTRIBUTION (SAN DIEGO) (DDDC): REPLACE GENERAL PURPOSE                                                                                        
     WAREHOUSE (DBOF)...................................................         15,700          15,700          15,700   ..............  ..............
    DFSC EL CENTRO NAF: REPLACE HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM (DBOF)..............          5,700           5,700           5,700   ..............  ..............
    DFSC TRAVIS AFB: REPLACE HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM (DBOF).................         15,200          15,200          15,200   ..............  ..............
    NAVAL AIR STATION LEMOORE: HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT.....................         38,000          38,000          38,000   ..............  ..............
    NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE, CORONADO: SOF-OPERATIONS AND LOGISTICS                                                                                       
     SUPPORT FACILITY...................................................          7,700           7,700           7,700   ..............  ..............
    NORTON AFB (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE         13,800          13,800          13,800   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: LOS ALAMITOS: JP-8 FUEL FACILITY...................  ..............  ..............          1,092          +1,092          +1,092 
NAVAL RESERVE: PASADENA: MARINE CORPS RESERVE FACILITY..................  ..............          6,100   ..............  ..............         -6,100 
      TOTAL, CALIFORNIA.................................................        360,872         381,127         358,689          -2,183         -22,438 
    FORT CARSON:                                                                                                                                        
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER........................................  ..............          4,550   ..............  ..............         -4,550 
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL (PHASE II).......................         13,000          13,000          13,000   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    BUCKLEY ANG BASE:                                                                                                                                   
        BASE SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT WAREHOUSE.............................          3,500           3,500           3,500   ..............  ..............
        SPACE-BASED INFRARED SYS OPS FACILITY...........................         14,460          14,460          14,460   ..............  ..............
    FALCON AFS: ALTER DINING FACILITY/SAFETY UPGRADE....................          2,095           2,095           2,095   ..............  ..............
    PETERSON AFB:                                                                                                                                       
        DORMITORY.......................................................          8,350           8,350           8,350   ..............  ..............
        MISSION SUPPORT FACILITY........................................         12,370          12,370          12,370   ..............  ..............
    U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY:                                                                                                                             
        FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER...........................................  ..............          2,100           2,100          +2,100   ..............
        UPGRADE ACADEMIC FACILITY.......................................         10,065          10,065          10,065   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: PUEBLO DEPOT: AMMUNITION DEMILITARIZATION FACILITY (PHASE                                                                                 
 I).....................................................................         17,497          17,497   ..............        -17,497         -17,497 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: BUCKLEY ANGB: INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS...........  ..............          4,450   ..............  ..............         -4,450 
AIR FORCE RESERVE: PETERSON AFB: COMPOSITE MAINTENANCE FACILITY.........          3,200           3,200           3,200   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, COLORADO...................................................         84,537          95,637          69,140         -15,397         -26,497 
    NEW LONDON NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE:                                                                                                                    
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................         10,600          10,600          10,600   ..............  ..............
        HAZARDOUS MATERIAL WAREHOUSE....................................          3,230           3,230           3,230   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                    
    GROTON: AVIATION CLASSIFICATION REPAIR ACTIVITY DEPOT...............  ..............  ..............          5,647          +5,647          +5,647 
    WINDSOR LOCKS: FIRE SUPPRESSION.....................................  ..............          3,045           3,045          +3,045   ..............
      TOTAL, CONNECTICUT................................................         13,830          16,875          22,522          +8,692          +5,647 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    DOVER AFB:                                                                                                                                          
        C-5 AERIAL DELIVERY FACILITY....................................          7,980           7,980           7,980   ..............  ..............
        VISITING OFFICER QUARTERS.......................................  ..............  ..............         12,000         +12,000         +12,000 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    NEW CASTLE COUNTY AIRPORT (WILMINGTON):                                                                                                             
        FIRE STATION, AGE, AND AGU COMPLEX..............................  ..............          2,800   ..............  ..............         -2,800 
        OPERATIONS AND TRAINING FACILITY................................  ..............  ..............          9,300          +9,300          +9,300 
      TOTAL, DELAWARE...................................................          7,980          10,780          29,280         +21,300         +18,500 
                          DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA                                                                                                          
ARMY: FORT LESLEY J MCNAIR: NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY FACILITY (PHASE                                                                                 
 II)....................................................................          6,900           6,900   ..............         -6,900          -6,900 
NAVY: WASHINGTON COMMANDANT NAVAL DISTRICT: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS                                                                                  
 COMPLEX................................................................         19,300          19,300          19,300   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: BOLLING AFB: RECONFIGURATION DIAC.........................          6,790           6,790   ..............         -6,790          -6,790 
NAVAL RESERVE:                                                                                                                                          
    NAVAL AIR FACILITY WASHINGTON (ANDREWS AFB):                                                                                                        
        ADDITION TO HANGAR 12...........................................            640             640             640   ..............  ..............
        TRAINING BUILDING ADDITION......................................          1,465           1,465           1,465   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA...................................         35,095          35,095          21,405         -13,690         -13,690 
    KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION: FITNESS CENTER..........................          2,250           2,250           2,250   ..............  ..............
    MAYPORT NS: WHARF STRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT.............................  ..............          2,800   ..............  ..............         -2,800 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    EGLIN AFB: UPGRADE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...................          4,590           4,590           4,590   ..............  ..............
    EGLIN AFB AUXILIARY FIELD 9: TRANSIENT PERSONNEL QUARTERS...........          6,825           6,825           6,825   ..............  ..............
    PATRICK AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        AIR FREIGHT/PASSENGER TERMINAL FACILITY.........................  ..............  ..............          7,900          +7,900          +7,900 
        CONTROL TOWER...................................................          2,595           2,595           2,595   ..............  ..............
    TYNDALL AFB: AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SHOP....................  ..............          3,600           3,600          +3,600   ..............
    KEY WEST NAVAL AIR STATION: MEDICAL/DENTAL CLINIC REPLACEMENT.......         13,600          13,600          13,600   ..............  ..............
    MACDILL AFB: ADD TO USSOCOM COMMAND AND CONTROL FACILITY............  ..............          9,600   ..............  ..............         -9,600 
    ORLANDO NTC (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR ADMIN USE (DBOF).          2,600           2,600           2,600   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: MACDILL AFB: ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT FACILITY........  ..............          4,248   ..............  ..............         -4,248 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    JACKSONVILLE IAP:                                                                                                                                   
        MEDICAL TRAINING FACILITY.......................................  ..............  ..............          1,100          +1,100          +1,100 
        UPGRADE HEATING PLANTS AND CHILLERS.............................            680             680             680   ..............  ..............
NAVAL RESERVE: NAV RES READINESS CDM (JACKSONVILLE): RESERVE CENTER                                                                                     
 ADDITION...............................................................            770             770             770   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE: HOMESTEAD AFB: FIRE TRAINING FACILITY................          1,300           1,300           1,300   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, FLORIDA....................................................         35,210          55,458          47,810         +12,600          -7,648 
    FORT BENNING:                                                                                                                                       
        RAIL LOADING FACILITY...........................................          9,400           9,400           9,400   ..............  ..............
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL..................................         44,000          44,000          44,000   ..............  ..............
    FORT GILLEM: MILITARY ENTRANCE PROCESSING FACILITY..................  ..............  ..............          3,500          +3,500          +3,500 
    FORT MCPHERSON: WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL......................  ..............          9,100   ..............  ..............         -9,100 
    FT STEWART/HUNTER AAF: CLOSE COMBAT TACTICAL TRAINING BUILDING......          6,000           6,000           6,000   ..............  ..............
    ALBANY MCLB: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER...............................  ..............          1,630   ..............  ..............         -1,630 
    KINGS BAY NSB: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER ADDITION....................  ..............          1,550   ..............  ..............         -1,550 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    MOODY AFB: C-130 PARKING RAMP EXPANSION.............................  ..............  ..............          3,350          +3,350          +3,350 
    ROBINS AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        JSTARS ADD/ALTER AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SHOPS.....................          1,645           1,645           1,645   ..............  ..............
        JSTARS ADD/ALTER APRON/HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM......................          6,585           6,585           6,585   ..............  ..............
        JSTARS SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE.................          8,270           8,270           8,270   ..............  ..............
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER........................................          2,145           2,145           2,145   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE DORMITORY...............................................  ..............          4,000           6,400          +6,400          +2,400 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    ROBINS AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        B-1 AGE AND MUNITIONS TRAILER MAINTENANCE COMPLEX...............          2,800           2,800           2,800   ..............  ..............
        B-1 AIRCRAFT PARK APRON AND RELOCATE TAXIWAY....................          8,800           8,800           8,800   ..............  ..............
        B-1 COMPOSITE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE COMPLEX......................         12,400          12,400          12,400   ..............  ..............
        B-1 OPERATIONS AND TRAINING BUILDING............................  ..............  ..............          5,000          +5,000          +5,000 
        B-1 SITE IMPROVEMENTS ROADS AND UTILITIES.......................          5,500           5,500           5,500   ..............  ..............
NAVAL RESERVE: ATLANTA NAS: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS..................  ..............  ..............          3,250          +3,250          +3,250 
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    DOBBINS AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        ADD/ALTER COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY...............................          1,137           1,137           1,137   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE STORM WATER SYSTEM......................................  ..............  ..............          1,150          +1,150          +1,150 
          TOTAL, GEORGIA................................................        108,682         124,962         131,332         +22,650          +6,370 
ARMY: SCHOFIELD BARRACKS: WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL................  ..............  ..............         16,500         +16,500         +16,500 
    KANEOHE BAY MCAS: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS........................  ..............         20,080   ..............  ..............        -20,080 
    PEARL HARBOR NAVAL STATION: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS MODERNIZATION         19,600          19,600          19,600   ..............  ..............
    PEARL HARBOR NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE:                                                                                                                  
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................         30,500          30,500          30,500   ..............  ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS MODERNIZATION........................          5,390           5,390           5,390   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: PEARL HARBOR (FORD ISLAND): SOF-ADVANCED SEAL DELIVERY                                                                                    
 SYSTEM FACILTY.........................................................         12,800          12,800          12,800   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    HICKAM AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        ALTER AVIONICS SHOP.............................................          1,000           1,000           1,000   ..............  ..............
        SQUADRON OPERATIONS FACILITY ALTERATION.........................  ..............  ..............          9,000          +9,000          +9,000 
          TOTAL, HAWAII.................................................         69,290          89,370          94,790         +25,500          +5,420 
NAVY: NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER, BAYVIEW: SHIPS MODEL ENGINEERING AND                                                                                
 TEST FACILITY..........................................................          7,150           7,150           7,150   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    MOUNTAIN HOME AFB:                                                                                                                                  
        CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY......................................  ..............  ..............          9,400          +9,400          +9,400 
        DORMITORY.......................................................  ..............          9,300   ..............  ..............         -9,300 
        FLIGHTLINE FIRE STATION.........................................          6,545           6,545           6,545   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    GOWEN FIELD (BOISE):                                                                                                                                
        C-130 ENGINE AND PROPELLER SHOPS................................  ..............  ..............          1,500          +1,500          +1,500 
        FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND CORROSION CONTROL FAC...............          4,500           4,500           4,500   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, IDAHO..................................................         18,195          27,495          29,095         +10,900          +1,600 
    GREAT LAKES NAVAL HOSPITAL: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS..............  ..............         15,200   ..............  ..............        -15,200 
    GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAINING CENTER: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS.......         22,900          22,900          22,900   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR                                                                                
 ADMIN USE (DBOF).......................................................         14,400          14,400          14,400   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: GREATER PEORIA AIRPORT: FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND                                                                                 
 CORROSION CONTROL FAC..................................................          4,200           4,200           4,200   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE: SCOTT AFB: CONSOLIDATED MEDICAL TRAINING FACILITY....          2,300           2,300           2,300   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, ILLINOIS...................................................         43,800          59,000          43,800   ..............        -15,200 
NAVY: CRANE NSWC: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS............................  ..............          5,000   ..............  ..............         -5,000 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                    
    MARION: ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SHOP.............................  ..............          1,121   ..............  ..............         -1,121 
    CAMP ATTERBURY: CENTRAL VEHICLE WASH FACILITY.......................  ..............          4,747           4,747          +4,747   ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    FT WAYNE MAP:                                                                                                                                       
        BASE SUPPLY COMPLEX.............................................  ..............  ..............          4,150          +4,150          +4,150 
        UPGRADE DRAINAGE SYSTEM.........................................            480             480             480   ..............  ..............
    HULMAN FIELD (TERRE HAUTE):                                                                                                                         
        EXTEND CROSS WIND RUNWAY........................................  ..............          7,000   ..............  ..............         -7,000 
        FUEL CELL CORROSION CONTROL/FIRE STATION FACILITY...............  ..............  ..............          4,700          +4,700          +4,700 
          TOTAL, INDIANA................................................            480          18,348          14,077         +13,597          -4,271 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: DES MOINES IAP: AIRCRAFT ARRESTING SYSTEM AND AGE                                                                                   
 SHOP...................................................................  ..............          3,350           2,350          +2,350          -1,000 
    FORT RILEY:                                                                                                                                         
        MODIFIED RECORD FIRE AND COMBAT PISTOL RANGES...................  ..............  ..............          3,350          +3,350          +3,350 
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL..................................         26,000          26,000          26,000   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    MCCONNELL AFB:                                                                                                                                      
        CONSOLIDATED EDUCATION CENTER...................................  ..............  ..............          6,700          +6,700          +6,700 
        DORMITORY.......................................................          8,480           8,480           8,480   ..............  ..............
        DORMITORY.......................................................  ..............          7,100           7,100          +7,100   ..............
        FLIGHT SIMULATOR TRAINING FACILITY..............................  ..............  ..............          3,550          +3,550          +3,550 
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC MCCONNELL AFB: ADD/ALTER JET FUEL STORAGE FACILITY                                                                                   
 (DBOF).................................................................          2,200           2,200           2,200   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: TOPEKA: US PROPERTY AND FISCAL OFFICE WAREHOUSE....  ..............  ..............          1,917          +1,917          +1,917 
ARMY RESERVE: WICHITA: ADD/ALTER USARC/NEW OMS/AMSA.....................          5,670           5,670           5,670   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, KANSAS.....................................................         42,350          49,450          64,967         +22,617         +15,517 
    FORT CAMPBELL:                                                                                                                                      
        RAIL SPUR.......................................................         16,100          16,100          16,100   ..............  ..............
        VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP (PHASE II).............................  ..............  ..............          9,900          +9,900          +9,900 
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL (PHASE II).......................         35,000          35,000          35,000   ..............  ..............
    FORT KNOX:                                                                                                                                          
        URBAN TRAINING COMPLEX..........................................  ..............  ..............         13,000         +13,000         +13,000 
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL..................................  ..............         20,500   ..............  ..............        -20,500 
DEFENSE-WIDE: FORT CAMPBELL: SOF-SUPPLY SUPPORT FACILITY................          4,200           4,200           4,200   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, KENTUCKY...................................................         55,300          75,800          78,200         +22,900          +2,400 
ARMY: FORT POLK: CONSOLIDATED RAIL/COMPLEX..............................  ..............  ..............          4,800          +4,800          +4,800 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    BARKSDALE AFB:                                                                                                                                      
        COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS SQUADRON COMPLEX.........................          2,500           2,500           2,500   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM...................................          2,390           2,390           2,390   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC BARKSDALE AFB: JET FUEL OFFLOAD FACILITY (DBOF)......          4,300           4,300           4,300   ..............  ..............
NAVAL RESERVE:                                                                                                                                          
    NEW ORLEANS NAS: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS.........................  ..............  ..............          8,900          +8,900          +8,900 
    NEW ORLEANS NSA:                                                                                                                                    
        APPLIED INSTRUCTION FACILITY....................................  ..............          3,650           3,650          +3,650   ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................  ..............          8,956   ..............  ..............         -8,956 
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER ADDITION...............................  ..............          1,330   ..............  ..............         -1,330 
          TOTAL, LOUISIANA..............................................          9,190          23,126          26,540         +17,350          +3,414 
DEFENSE-WIDE: LORING AFB (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR ADMIN                                                                                   
 USE (DBOF).............................................................          6,900           6,900           6,900   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: BANGOR: UPGRADE BASE FACILITIES.....................  ..............  ..............         13,000         +13,000         +13,000 
      TOTAL, MAINE......................................................          6,900           6,900          19,900         +13,000         +13,000 
    PATUXENT RIVER NAVAL AIR STATION: WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE          1,270           1,270           1,270   ..............  ..............
    PATUXENT RIVER NAWC: ANTE-CHAMBER AND LABORATORY SPACE..............  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
    U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY: CHILLER SYSTEM UPGRADE..........................  ..............  ..............         10,480         +10,480         +10,480 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    ANDREWS AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        ALTER DORMITORY.................................................          5,990           5,990           5,990   ..............  ..............
        FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER...........................................  ..............  ..............          2,150          +2,150          +2,150 
    ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE: LIFE SAFETY/EMERGENCY ROOM UPGRADE..........         15,500          15,500          15,500   ..............  ..............
    DFSC ANDREWS AFB: REPLACE HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM (DBOF)................         12,100          12,100          12,100   ..............  ..............
    FOREST GLEN (WRAIR): ARMY INSTITUTE OF RESEARCH (PHASE IV)..........         92,000          72,000          72,000         -20,000   ..............
    FORT MEADE: FRIENDSHIP ANNEX III PURCHASE...........................         25,200   ..............  ..............        -25,200   ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: ANNAPOLIS: ARMORY ADDITION/ALTERATION..............  ..............  ..............          2,332          +2,332          +2,332 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: ANDREWS AFB: MUNITIONS TRAILER MAINTENANCE FACILITY.            500             500             500   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE: ANDREWS AFB: CONSOLIDATED MEDICAL TRAINING...........          2,600           2,600           2,600   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, MARYLAND...................................................        155,160         119,960         124,922         -30,238          +4,962 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    BARNES MAP (WESTFIELD): UPGRADE HEATING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.........            500             500             500   ..............  ..............
    MILFORD ANGS: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE COMPLEX...........................  ..............  ..............          1,900          +1,900          +1,900 
      TOTAL, MASSACHUSETTS..............................................            500             500           2,400          +1,900          +1,900 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    BATTLE CREEK: COMPOSITE SUPPORT COMPLEX.............................  ..............  ..............          6,000          +6,000          +6,000 
    SELFRIDGE ANGB (MT CLEMENS): UPGRADE HEATING SYSTEMS................          3,000           3,000           3,000   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE: SELFRIDGE ANGB (MT CLEMENS): FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE                                                                                 
 HANGAR.................................................................          6,000           6,000           6,000   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, MICHIGAN...................................................          9,000           9,000          15,000          +6,000          +6,000 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL: CIVIL ENGINEERING CENTER.......  ..............  ..............          4,150          +4,150          +4,150 
ARMY RESERVE: BUFFALO: USARC/OMS........................................          4,260           4,260           4,260   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, MINNESOTA..................................................          4,260           4,260           8,410          +4,150          +4,150 
    PASGAGOULA NS: EXTEND QUAYWALL......................................  ..............  ..............          4,990          +4,990          +4,990 
    STENNIS SPACE CENTER: OCEAN ACOUSTICS RESEARCH LABORATORY...........  ..............  ..............          7,960          +7,960          +7,960 
AIR FORCE: KEESLER AFB: STUDENT DORMITORY...............................         14,465          14,465          14,465   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: CAMP SHELBY: MULTI PURPOSE RANGE COMPLEX (PHASE II)  ..............         10,000           5,000          +5,000          -5,000 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    GULFPORT: ROAD RELOCATION (PHASE II)................................  ..............  ..............          5,400          +5,400          +5,400 
    THOMPSON FIELD (JACKSON): ALTERATION TO OPERATIONS AND TRAINING                                                                                     
     FACILITY...........................................................  ..............          1,350   ..............  ..............         -1,350 
      TOTAL, MISSISSIPPI................................................         14,465          25,815          37,815         +23,350         +12,000 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: ROSECRANS AIRPORT (ELWOOD): VEHICLE MAINT AND                                                                                       
 AVIATION GROUND EQUIP COMPLEX..........................................  ..............  ..............          4,000          +4,000          +4,000 
AIR FORCE: MALMSTROM AFB: DORMITORY.....................................  ..............  ..............          6,300          +6,300          +6,300 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: GREAT FALLS: COMPOSITE SUPPORT FACILITY.............  ..............  ..............          5,400          +5,400          +5,400 
      TOTAL, MONTANA....................................................  ..............  ..............         11,700         +11,700         +11,700 
DEFENSE-WIDE: OFFUTT AFB (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR ADMIN                                                                                   
 USE (DBOF).............................................................          7,000           7,000           7,000   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: HASTINGS: MODIFIED RECORD FIRE RETS/MPMG...........  ..............  ..............          1,250          +1,250          +1,250 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: LINCOLN: COMPOSITE SUPPORT FACILITY.................  ..............  ..............          7,300          +7,300          +7,300 
      TOTAL, NEBRASKA...................................................          7,000           7,000          15,550          +8,550           +,550 
    FALLON NAS:                                                                                                                                         
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................  ..............         14,800          14,800         +14,800   ..............
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER........................................  ..............          1,400   ..............  ..............         -1,400 
        ENGINE TEST CELL/AIRCRAFT TEST ENCLOSURE........................  ..............  ..............          5,800          +5,800          +5,800 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    INDIAN SPRINGS: UAV OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITIES...........          4,690           4,690           4,690   ..............  ..............
    NELLIS AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        DORMITORY.......................................................  ..............  ..............          9,900          +9,900          +9,900 
        WEAPONS SCHOOL ADDITION.........................................  ..............  ..............          4,800          +4,800          +4,800 
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC FALLON NAS: ADDITION TO HOT REFUELING AREA...........          2,100           2,100           2,100   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    RENO IAP:                                                                                                                                           
        C-130 AIRCRAFT PARKING APRON ADDITION...........................  ..............  ..............          1,400          +1,400          +1,400 
        FUEL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE/CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR................          4,600           4,600           4,600   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, NEVADA.................................................         11,390          27,590          48,090         +36,700         +20,500 
                              NEW HAMPSHIRE                                                                                                             
ARMY RESERVE: MANCHESTER: ARMED FORCES RESERVE CENTER (PHASE II)........  ..............  ..............          5,315          +5,315          +5,315 
                               NEW JERSEY                                                                                                               
ARMY: PICATINNY ARSENAL: UPGRADE ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM (PHASE III)....  ..............          7,500   ..............  ..............         -7,500 
AIR FORCE: MCGUIRE AFB: DORMITORY.......................................          8,080           8,080           8,080   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: FORT DIX: TRAINING/TRAINING TECHOLOGY BATTLE LAB                                                                                   
 (PHASE I)..............................................................  ..............          2,000   ..............  ..............         -2,000 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    ATLANTIC CITY: ADD/ALTER MEDICAL TRAINING FACILITY..................            380             380             380   ..............  ..............
    MCGUIRE AFB: CONSOLIDATED SQUADRON OPERATIONS FACILITY..............  ..............          9,900           9,900          +9,900   ..............
      TOTAL, NEW JERSEY.................................................          8,460          27,860          18,360          +9,900          -9,500 
                               NEW MEXICO                                                                                                               
ARMY: WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE: NATIONAL RANGE CONTROL CENTER (PHASE I)  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    CANNON AFB: LOGISTICS ADMINISTRATION FACILITY.......................  ..............  ..............          7,100          +7,100          +7,100 
    KIRTLAND AFB:                                                                                                                                       
        ADVANCED LASER RESEARCH FACILITY................................  ..............  ..............         10,000         +10,000         +10,000 
        MANZANO BRIDGE REPLACEMENT......................................  ..............  ..............          6,300          +6,300          +6,300 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: KIRTLAND AFB: MUNITIONS MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE                                                                                     
 COMPLEX................................................................          3,000           3,000           3,000   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, NEW MEXICO.................................................          3,000          13,000          26,400         +23,400         +13,400 
                                NEW YORK                                                                                                                
    FORT DRUM:                                                                                                                                          
        RANGE CONTROL FACILITY..........................................  ..............          3,800   ..............  ..............         -3,800 
        RAPID DEPLOYMENT OPERATIONS FACILITY............................  ..............          7,600   ..............  ..............         -7,600 
        MILITARY TRAINING AND EDUCATION CENTER..........................  ..............  ..............          6,500          +6,500          +6,500 
DEFENSE-WIDE: GRIFFISS AFB (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR ADMIN                                                                                 
 USE (DBOF).............................................................         10,200          10,200          10,200   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    FRANCIS S. GABRESKI AIRPORT (SUFFOLK COUNTY): AIRCRAFT WASH AND                                                                                     
     DEICING FACILITY...................................................            659             659             659   ..............  ..............
    HANCOCK AIRPORT (SYRACUSE): COMPOSITE OPERATIONS AND TRAINING                                                                                       
     FACILITY...........................................................  ..............  ..............          4,500          +4,500          +4,500 
    STEWART AIRPORT (NEWBURGH):                                                                                                                         
        C-5 FLIGHT SIMULATOR FACILITY...................................          3,000           3,000           3,000   ..............  ..............
        LANDFILL CLOSURE................................................  ..............  ..............          2,200          +2,200          +2,200 
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    NIAGARA FALLS IAP:                                                                                                                                  
        DEICING FACILITY................................................            342             342             342   ..............  ..............
        FIRE TRAINING SYSTEM............................................          1,600           1,600           1,600   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, NEW YORK...............................................         15,801          27,201          29,001         +13,200          +1,800 
                             NORTH CAROLINA                                                                                                             
ARMY: FORT BRAGG: LAND ACQUISITION (PHASE II)...........................  ..............         14,000   ..............  ..............        -14,000 
    CAMP LEJEUNE MARINE CORPS BASE:                                                                                                                     
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................          5,190           5,190           5,190   ..............  ..............
        PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER.........................................          2,530           2,530           2,530   ..............  ..............
        TRAINING RANGE FACILITIES.......................................          9,800           9,800           9,800   ..............  ..............
        WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT (PHASE III)..........................          3,230           3,230           3,230   ..............  ..............
    CHERRY POINT MARINE CORPS AIR STATION: TACTICAL MISSION PLANNING                                                                                    
     FACILITY...........................................................          1,630           1,630           1,630   ..............  ..............
    NEW RIVER MARINE CORPS AIR STATION:                                                                                                                 
        AVIATION ARMAMENT SHOPS.........................................          4,140           4,140           4,140   ..............  ..............
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER........................................  ..............          3,250   ..............  ..............         -3,250 
        CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR........................................         12,900          12,900          12,900   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    POPE AFB:                                                                                                                                           
        C-130 ADD/ALTER SQUADRON OPERATIONS AMU FACILITY................          3,850           3,850           3,850   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM...................................          2,065           2,065           2,065   ..............  ..............
    SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB:                                                                                                                                
        F-15 AGE FACILITY/POD STORAGE...................................          2,405           2,405           2,405   ..............  ..............
        F-15 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU/ACADEMIC FACILITY..................          3,490           3,490           3,490   ..............  ..............
        F-15E ADD/ALTER FLIGHT SIMULATOR FACILITIES.....................          3,460           3,460           3,460   ..............  ..............
        F-15E STUDENT OFFICER QUARTERS..................................          1,925           1,925           1,925   ..............  ..............
    FORT BRAGG:                                                                                                                                         
        SOF-COMPANY OPERATIONS AND SUPPLY COMPLEX.......................         14,000          14,000          14,000   ..............  ..............
        CONSOL TROOP MEDICAL CLINIC (SMOKE BOMB HILL)...................         11,400          11,400          11,400   ..............  ..............
        HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT (PHASE IV).................................         89,000          89,000          89,000   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    STANLY COUNTY AIRPORT (ALBEMARLE):                                                                                                                  
        COMPOSITE MAINTENANCE FACILITY..................................  ..............          5,000   ..............  ..............         -5,000 
        PARALLEL TAXIWAY................................................  ..............          1,850   ..............  ..............         -1,850 
ARMY RESERVE: FORT BRAGG: ADD/ALTER USARC/OMS...........................          9,966           9,966           9,966   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, NORTH CAROLINA.............................................        180,981         205,081         180,981   ..............        -24,100 
                              NORTH DAKOTA                                                                                                              
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    GRAND FORKS AFB:                                                                                                                                    
        DINING FACILITY.................................................          5,985           5,985           5,985   ..............  ..............
        KC-135 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE.................          6,485           6,485           6,485   ..............  ..............
    MINOT AFB: UNDERGROUND FUEL STORAGE TANKS, MISSILE FACILITY.........          3,940           3,940           3,940   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: BISMARCK: ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT FACILITY/ARMORY                                                                                    
 EXPANSION..............................................................  ..............  ..............          3,650          +3,650          +3,650 
      TOTAL, NORTH DAKOTA...............................................         16,410          16,410          20,060          +3,650          +3,650 
AIR FORCE: WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB: ADD/ALTER ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB.....          7,400           7,400           7,400   ..............  ..............
    COLUMBUS CENTER (DFAS): DFAS OPERATIONS FACILITY (PHASE II).........         20,822          20,822          20,822   ..............  ..............
    DEFENSE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY CENTER (COLUMBUS): CONSTRUCT ENTRANCE                                                                                   
     ROADWAY (DBOF).....................................................            600             600             600   ..............  ..............
    GENTILE AIR FORCE STATION (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR                                                                                    
     ADMIN USE (DBOF)...................................................         11,400          11,400          11,400   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    MANSFIELD LAHM AIRPORT: COMPOSITE OPERATIONS AND TRAINING FACILITY..  ..............  ..............          4,550          +4,550          +4,550 
    RICKENBACKER ANGB:                                                                                                                                  
        COMPOSITE SQUADRON OPERATIONS AND HEADQUARTERS FAC..............  ..............          6,100   ..............  ..............         -6,100 
        FUEL CELL AND CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY........................  ..............  ..............          5,700          +5,700          +5,700 
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    YOUNGSTOWN MAP:                                                                                                                                     
        FIRE TRAINING SYSTEM............................................          1,500           1,500           1,500   ..............  ..............
        CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE FACILITY...............................          3,600           3,600           3,600   ..............  ..............
        WING HEADQUARTERS FACILITY......................................          5,300           5,300           5,300   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, OHIO...................................................         50,622          56,722          60,872         +10,250          +4,150 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    TINKER AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        CONSOLIDATED VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/METALS FACILITY................          9,880           9,880           9,880   ..............  ..............
        DEPOT AIRCRAFT CORROSION CONTROL FAC (PHASE II).................  ..............          5,400   ..............  ..............         -5,400 
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC ALTUS AFB: UPGRADE C-5 HYDRANT SYSTEM (PHASE I)                                                                                      
 (DBOF).................................................................          3,200           3,200           3,200   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: CAMP GRUBER: MODIFIED RECORD FIRE RANGE............  ..............  ..............          1,551          +1,551          +1,551 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    WILL ROGERS WORLD AIRPORT (OKLAHOMA CITY):                                                                                                          
        ADD/ALTER SECURITY POLICE FACILITY..............................            570             570             570   ..............  ..............
        AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION TRAINING FACILITY........................  ..............  ..............          3,000          +3,000          +3,000 
ARMY RESERVE: MUSKOGEE: ADD/ALTER USARC/OMS.............................          3,125           3,125           3,125   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    TINKER AFB:                                                                                                                                         
        ALTER FACILITIES FOR CONVERSION.................................          5,700           5,700           5,700   ..............  ..............
        K-135 OPERATIONS AND TRAINING FACILITIES........................          3,400           3,400           3,400   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, OKLAHOMA...............................................         25,875          31,275          30,426          +4,551            -849 
DEFENSE-WIDE: UMATILLA DEPOT: AMMUNITION DEMILITARIZATION FACILITY                                                                                      
 (PHASE II).............................................................         64,000          64,000          64,000   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: KLAMATH FALLS IAP: INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES..........  ..............  ..............          2,500          +2,500          +2,500 
      TOTAL, OREGON.....................................................         64,000          64,000          66,500          +2,500          +2,500 
NAVY: PHILADELPHIA NS: FOUNDRY IMPROVEMENTS.............................  ..............          8,300   ..............  ..............         -8,300 
ARMY RESERVE:                                                                                                                                           
    GENEVA: ECS/AMSA/WAREHOUSE..........................................          9,352           9,352           9,352   ..............  ..............
    ST MARYS: ADD/ALTER USARC/OMS.......................................          2,333           2,333           2,333   ..............  ..............
NAVAL RESERVE:                                                                                                                                          
    NAS WILLOW GROVE: AIRCRAFT RINSE FACILITY...........................            750             750             750   ..............  ..............
    NMCRC PITTSBURGH: PURCHASE RESERVE CENTER BUILDING AND LAND.........          3,480           3,480           3,480   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, PENNSYLVANIA...............................................         15,915          24,215          15,915   ..............         -8,300 
                              RHODE ISLAND                                                                                                              
NAVY: NEWPORT NWC: STRATEGIC MARITIME RESEARCH CENTER (PHASE II)........  ..............          8,000   ..............  ..............         -8,000 
                             SOUTH CAROLINA                                                                                                             
    PARRIS ISLAND MCRD:                                                                                                                                 
        RECRUIT BATTALION OPERATIONS FACILITY...........................  ..............          2,540           2,550          +2,550             +10 
        INDOOR SIMULATED MARKSMANSHIP TRAINER BUILDING..................  ..............          2,450   ..............  ..............         -2,450 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    CHARLESTON AFB:                                                                                                                                     
        C-17 ADD/ALTER AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE/NDI SHOP....................          4,590           4,590           4,590   ..............  ..............
        C-17 ADD/ALTER APRON/HYDRANT SYSTEM.............................         13,170          13,170          13,170   ..............  ..............
        C-17 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE FACILITY..............................          5,785           5,785           5,785   ..............  ..............
        C-17 SQUADRON OPS/AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE UNIT FAC.................          5,685           5,685           5,685   ..............  ..............
        CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER........................................  ..............  ..............          5,700          +5,700          +5,700 
        DORMITORY.......................................................          8,180           8,180           8,180   ..............  ..............
    SHAW AFB:                                                                                                                                           
        DORMITORY ALTERATIONS...........................................  ..............  ..............          8,800          +8,800          +8,800 
        SECURITY POLICE OPERATIONS......................................          3,300           3,300           3,300   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM...................................          2,365           2,365           2,365   ..............  ..............
    CHARLESTON NAVAL SHIPYARD (DFAS): RENOVATE EXISTING FACILITY FOR                                                                                    
     ADMIN USE  (DBOF)..................................................          6,200           6,200           6,200   ..............  ..............
    CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE: WRM/BEE FACILITY.........................          1,300           1,300           1,300   ..............  ..............
    DFSC SHAW AFB: RAILROAD JET FUEL FACILITY (DBOF)....................          2,900           2,900           2,900   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: MCENTIRE ANGB: COMPOSITE SECURITY POLICE FACILITY...  ..............  ..............          1,500          +1,500          +1,500 
      TOTAL, SOUTH CAROLINA.............................................         53,475          58,465          72,025         +18,550         +13,560 
                              SOUTH DAKOTA                                                                                                              
AIR FORCE: ELLSWORTH AFB: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER ADD/ALTER............  ..............  ..............          4,150          +4,150          +4,150 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: RAPID CITY: ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT FACILITY RAMP....  ..............  ..............          4,329          +4,329          +4,329 
      TOTAL, SOUTH DAKOTA...............................................  ..............  ..............          8,479          +8,479          +8,479 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    ARNOLD ENGINEERING DEV CENTER:                                                                                                                      
        UPGRADE ETF REFRIG SYSTEM PLANT.................................          3,790           3,790           3,790   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE JET ENGINE AIR INDUCTION SYSTEM.........................          2,991           8,691           2,991   ..............         -5,700 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD;                                                                                                                                    
    ASHLAND CITY: ARMORY................................................  ..............  ..............          1,530          +1,530          +1,530 
    KINGSPORT: ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SHOP..........................  ..............          2,755   ..............  ..............         -2,755 
      TOTAL, TENNESSEE..................................................          6,781          15,236           8,311          +1,530          -6,925 
    FORT HOOD:                                                                                                                                          
        CLOSE COMBAT TACTICAL TRAINING BUILDING II......................          5,900           5,900           5,900   ..............  ..............
        WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL (PHASE II).......................         35,000          35,000          35,000   ..............  ..............
        DIRECT SUPPORT MOTOR POOL.......................................  ..............          5,400   ..............  ..............         -5,400 
        ORGANIZATIONAL MOTOR POOL.......................................  ..............          6,400   ..............  ..............         -6,400 
    FORT SAM HOUSTON: DINING FACILITY MODERNIZATION.....................  ..............  ..............          3,100          +3,100          +3,100 
    INGLESIDE NAVAL STATION:                                                                                                                            
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS (PHASE III)..........................          9,600           9,600           9,600   ..............  ..............
        MAGNETIC RANGE FACILITY AND LAND ACQUISITION....................          7,250           7,250           7,250   ..............  ..............
    KINGSVILLE NAVAL AIR STATION: COMBINED FIRE/CRASH RESCUE STATION....          1,810           1,810           1,810   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    BROOKS AFB: STUDENT DORMITORY.......................................  ..............          5,400   ..............  ..............         -5,400 
    DYESS AFB:                                                                                                                                          
        ADD/ALTER DORMITORIES...........................................          5,895           5,895           5,895   ..............  ..............
        CONSOLIDATED DINING HALL........................................  ..............          6,400   ..............  ..............         -6,400 
    KELLY AFB: WING SUPPORT FACILITY (DBOF).............................          3,250           3,250           3,250   ..............  ..............
    LACKLAND AFB:                                                                                                                                       
        PIF COMBAT ARMS TRAINING FACILITY...............................          4,800           4,800           4,800   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE RECRUIT DORMITORY.......................................          4,613           4,613           4,613   ..............  ..............
    SHEPPARD AFB: CONSOLIDATED LOGISTICS COMPLEX........................          9,400           9,400           9,400   ..............  ..............
    FORT BLISS: LIFE SAFETY UPGRADE.....................................          6,600           6,600           6,600   ..............  ..............
    FORT HOOD: SOCIAL WORK SERVICES CLINIC..............................          1,950           1,950           1,950   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                    
    BRYAN: ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE SHOP..............................  ..............  ..............          1,358          +1,358          +1,358 
    JASPER: ARMORY......................................................  ..............  ..............          2,103          +2,103          +2,103 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: FORT WORTH JRB: FUEL CELL AND CORROSION CONTROL                                                                                     
 FACILITY...............................................................          3,450           3,450           4,500          +1,050          +1,050 
NAVAL RESERVE: DYESS AFB: MARINE CORPS RESERVE CENTER...................  ..............  ..............          3,100          +3,100          +3,100 
      TOTAL, TEXAS......................................................         99,518         123,118         110,229         +10,711         -12,889 
AIR FORCE: HILL AFB: CORRECT FIRE PROTECTION DEFICIENCIES...............          3,690           3,690           3,690   ..............  ..............
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: SALT LAKE CITY IAP: ELECTRONICS SECURITY SQUADRON                                                                                   
 COMPLEX................................................................          2,250           2,250           2,250   ..............  ..............
NAVAL RESERVE: MARCORESCEN CAMP WILLIAMS: RESERVE TRAINING CENTER.......          1,994           1,994           1,994   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, UTAH.......................................................          7,934           7,934           7,934   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: JERICHO: TRAINING RANGES...........................  ..............  ..............            746            +746            +746 
ARMY: FORT EUSTIS: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER.............................  ..............          3,550           3,550          +3,550   ..............
    DAHLGREN NSWC: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS...........................  ..............          8,030           8,030          +8,030   ..............
    DAM NECK FCTC: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS RENOVATION................  ..............          7,000   ..............  ..............         -7,000 
    NORFOLK NAV ADMIN COM ARMED FORCES COLLEGE: WARGAMING AND RESEARCH                                                                                  
     CENTER.............................................................         12,900          12,900          12,900   ..............  ..............
    NORFOLK NAVAL STATION:                                                                                                                              
        CONTROLLED INDUSTRIAL FACILITY..................................         16,500          16,500          16,500   ..............  ..............
        CRANE RAIL INTERCONNECT.........................................  ..............         14,400   ..............  ..............        -14,400 
        DEPERMING FACILITY IMPROVEMENT..................................  ..............  ..............         12,400         +12,400         +12,400 
        OILY WASTE COLLECTION SYSTEM....................................         10,200          10,200          10,200   ..............  ..............
        PIER ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS....................................  ..............          6,200   ..............  ..............         -6,200 
        SHORE INTERMEDIATE MNT ACT ADDN AND UPGRADE.....................          8,820           8,820           8,820   ..............  ..............
    QUANTICO MARINE CORPS COMBAT DEV COMMAND:                                                                                                           
        AMMUNITION STORAGE MAGAZINES (PHASE II).........................          2,060           2,060           2,060   ..............  ..............
        BATTLE STAFF TRAINING FACILITY..................................          3,580           3,580           3,580   ..............  ..............
        SANITARY LANDFILL...............................................          8,930           8,930           8,930   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    LANGLEY AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        ALTER HQ AIR COMBAT FACILITIES..................................          5,160           5,160           5,160   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM...................................          2,845           2,845           2,845   ..............  ..............
    CHARLOTTESVILLE: LAND ACQUISITION, NGIC.............................  ..............  ..............          2,400          +2,400          +2,400 
    DFSC OCEANA NAS: JET FUEL STORAGE TANK (DBOF).......................          1,500           1,500           1,500   ..............  ..............
    NORFOLK NAVAL AIR STATION: ENVIRONMENTAL PREVENTIVE MED UNIT                                                                                        
     ADDITION...........................................................          1,250           1,250           1,250   ..............  ..............
    PORTSMOUTH NAVAL HOSPITAL: HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT (PHASE VIII)........         24,000          24,000          24,000   ..............  ..............
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: DANVILLE: ARMORY ADDITION/ALTERATION...............  ..............  ..............          1,789          +1,789          +1,789 
ARMY RESERVE: FORT EUSTIS: USARC/OMS....................................         10,273          10,273          10,273   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, VIRGINIA...................................................        108,018         147,198         136,187         +28,169         -11,011 
    FORT LEWIS:                                                                                                                                         
        READINESS DEPLOYMENT FACILITY...................................          3,600           3,600           3,600   ..............  ..............
        TANK TRAIL EROSION MITIGATION (YAKIMA)..........................          2,000           2,000           2,000   ..............  ..............
        WHOLE BRIGADE BARRACKS COMPLEX..................................         49,000          49,000          49,000   ..............  ..............
    NAVAL STATION, EVERETT:                                                                                                                             
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................         10,940          10,940          10,940   ..............  ..............
        BERTHING PIER...................................................         14,800          14,800          14,800   ..............  ..............
    KEYPORT NUWC: ENVIRONMENTAL TEST FACILITY...........................  ..............          6,800   ..............  ..............         -6,800 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    FAIRCHILD AFB:                                                                                                                                      
        KC-135 HYDRANT FUELING SYSTEM...................................         10,875          10,875          10,875   ..............  ..............
        KC-135 SQUADRON OPS AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE UNIT...................          7,280           7,280           7,280   ..............  ..............
    MCCHORD AFB:                                                                                                                                        
        C-17 ADD TO FLIGHT SIMULATOR....................................          2,095           2,095           2,095   ..............  ..............
        C-17 ADD/ALTER AVIONICS MAINTENANCE FACILITY....................          1,300           1,300           1,300   ..............  ..............
        C-17 ALTER HYDRANT FUELING SYSTEM...............................          1,100           1,100           1,100   ..............  ..............
        C-17 BEDDOWN SUPPORT UTILITIES..................................          5,985           5,985           5,985   ..............  ..............
        C-17 CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY.................................         11,570          11,570          11,570   ..............  ..............
        C-17 FUEL CELL MAINTENANCE FACILITY.............................          7,480           7,480           7,480   ..............  ..............
        C-17 MAINTENANCE TRAINING FACILITY..............................          5,685           5,685           5,685   ..............  ..............
        C-17 MODULAR REPLACEMENT CENTER.................................         16,460          16,460          16,460   ..............  ..............
        DORMITORY.......................................................          5,390           5,390           5,390   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, WASHINGTON.............................................        155,560         162,360         155,560   ..............         -6,800 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: VOLK FIELD (CAMP DOUGLAS): UPGRADE SANITARY SEWER                                                                                   
 SYSTEM.................................................................            850             850             850   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    BILLY MITCHELL FIELD (MILWAUKEE):                                                                                                                   
        IMPROVE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM...................................            950             950             950   ..............  ..............
        MEDICAL TRAINING FACILITY.......................................          2,500           2,500           2,500   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, WISCONSIN..............................................          4,300           4,300           4,300   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE: FE WARREN AFB: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER......................  ..............          3,700   ..............  ..............         -3,700 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD: CAMP GUERNSEY: COMBINED SUPPORT MAINTENANCE SHOP                                                                                   
 (PHASE I)..............................................................  ..............  ..............          4,100          +4,100          +4,100 
      TOTAL, WYOMING....................................................  ..............          3,700           4,100          +4,100            +400 
                            CONUS CLASSIFIED                                                                                                            
ARMY: CLASSIFIED LOCATIONS: CLASSIFIED PROJECT..........................          4,600           4,600           4,600   ..............  ..............
                             BAHRAIN ISLAND                                                                                                             
NAVY: ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT UNIT: QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS.........          5,980           5,980           5,980   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: ASU BAHRAIN: MEDICAL/DENTAL CLINIC........................          4,600           4,600           4,600   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, BAHRAIN ISLAND.............................................         10,580          10,580          10,580   ..............  ..............
        BEQ RENOVATION (TAYLOR BARRACKS)................................  ..............          9,300   ..............  ..............         -9,300 
        BEQ RENOVATION (SPINELLI BARRACKS)..............................  ..............          8,100   ..............  ..............         -8,100 
    DARMSTADT: CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (LINCOLN VILLAGE)...............  ..............          7,300   ..............  ..............         -7,300 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    RAMSTEIN AB: DORMITORY..............................................          5,370           5,370           5,370   ..............  ..............
    SPANGDAHLEM AB: FIRE STATION........................................          1,890           1,890           1,890   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, GERMANY....................................................          7,260          31,960           7,260   ..............        -24,700 
    SOUDA BAY CRETE NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY:                                                                                                             
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS REPLACEMENT..........................          7,050           7,050           7,050   ..............  ..............
        BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS......................................  ..............          4,000   ..............  ..............         -4,000 
          TOTAL, GREECE.................................................          7,050          11,050           7,050   ..............         -4,000 
ARMY: CAMP EDERLE (VINCENZA): UPGRADE WATER SYSTEM......................          3,100           3,100           3,100   ..............  ..............
    NAPLES NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY: AIR CARGO TERMINAL...................          8,620           8,620           8,620   ..............  ..............
    SIGONELLA NAVAL AIR STATION: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS REPLACEMENT.         15,700          15,700          15,700   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    AVIANO AB:                                                                                                                                          
        CONSOLIDATED SUPPORT CENTER.....................................          5,225           5,225   ..............         -5,225          -5,225 
        UPGRADE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM..........................          1,935           1,935           1,935   ..............  ..............
        UPGRADE FLIGHTLINE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYST......................          2,900           2,900           2,900   ..............  ..............
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC SIGONELLA NAS: EXTEND HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM (DBOF).....          6,100           6,100           6,100   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, ITALY......................................................         43,580          43,580          38,355          -5,225          -5,225 
    CAMP CASEY: WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL..........................         16,000          16,000          16,000   ..............  ..............
    CAMP RED CLOUD: WHOLE BARRACKS COMPLEX RENEWAL......................         14,000          14,000          14,000   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE: OSAN AB: DORMITORY...........................................          9,780           9,780           9,780   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, KOREA......................................................         39,780          39,780          39,780   ..............  ..............
                               PUERTO RICO                                                                                                              
AIR NATIONAL GUARD: PUERTO RICO IAP (SAN JUAN): REFUELING VEHICLE SHOP                                                                                  
 AND PAINT BAY..........................................................            450             450             450   ..............  ..............
NAVY: NAVAL STATION ROOSEVELT ROADS: BACHELOR ENLISTED QUARTERS                                                                                         
 REPLACEMENT............................................................  ..............  ..............         23,600         +23,600         +23,600 
      TOTAL, PUERTO RICO................................................            450             450          24,050         +23,600         +23,600 
DEFENSE-WIDE: DFSC MORON AIR BASE: REPLACE HYDRANT FUEL SYSTEM (DBOF)...         12,958          12,958          12,958   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    INCIRLIK AB:                                                                                                                                        
        ADD/ALTER PHYSICAL FITNESS CENTER...............................          1,740           1,740           1,740   ..............  ..............
        BASE OPS AND CONTROL TOWER COMPLEX..............................          3,680           3,680           3,680   ..............  ..............
        ADD/ALTER TRANSIENT DORMITORY...................................          1,740           1,740           1,740   ..............  ..............
          TOTAL, TURKEY.................................................          7,160           7,160           7,160   ..............  ..............
                             UNITED KINGDOM                                                                                                             
NAVY: ST MAWGAN JOINT MARITIME COMMUNICATION CTR: ADD/ALTER PHYSICAL                                                                                    
 FITNESS CEN-  TER......................................................          4,700           4,700           4,700   ..............  ..............
AIR FORCE: RAF CROUGHTON: FIRE STATION..................................          1,740           1,740           1,740   ..............  ..............
    RAF LAKENHEATH:                                                                                                                                     
        DORMITORY.......................................................          7,950           7,950           7,950   ..............  ..............
        DORMITORY.......................................................          4,260           4,260           4,260   ..............  ..............
        F-15E ADD/ALTER WEAPONS RELEASE FACILITY........................          2,615           2,615           2,615   ..............  ..............
        F-15E ADD TO JET ENGINE SHOP....................................          2,700           2,700           2,700   ..............  ..............
    RAF MILDENHALL: DORMITORY...........................................          6,195           6,195           6,195   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, UNITED KINGDOM.............................................         30,160          30,160          30,160   ..............  ..............
                           OVERSEAS CLASSIFIED                                                                                                          
ARMY: OVERSEAS CLASSIFIED: STRATEGIC LOGISTICAL PREPO COMPLEX (PHASE II)         64,000          64,000   ..............        -64,000         -64,000 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    OVERSEAS CLASSIFIED:                                                                                                                                
        MUNITIONS STORAGE IGLOOS........................................          6,735           6,735           6,735   ..............  ..............
        SPECIAL TACTICAL UNIT DETACHMENT FACILITY.......................          3,680           3,680   ..............         -3,680          -3,680 
        WAR READINESS MATERIAL WAREHOUSE................................          2,215           2,215   ..............         -2,215          -2,215 
        WAR READINESS MATERIAL WAREHOUSE................................          5,765           5,765   ..............         -5,765          -5,765 
          TOTAL, OVERSEAS CLASSIFIED....................................         82,395          82,395           6,735         -75,660         -75,660 
NATO SECURITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM........................................        197,000         177,000         172,000         -25,000          -5,000 
                          WORLDWIDE UNSPECIFIED                                                                                                         
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        HOST NATION SUPPORT.............................................         20,000          20,000          20,000   ..............  ..............
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................         23,623          34,384          37,323         +13,700          +2,939 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          5,000           8,000           9,000          +4,000          +1,000 
        DEMOLITION......................................................  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        ACCESS ROADS....................................................            300             300             300   ..............  ..............
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................         42,559          50,959          53,709         +11,150          +2,750 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          5,115           8,115           9,973          +4,858          +1,858 
        DEMOLITION......................................................  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
AIR FORCE:                                                                                                                                              
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          9,328          12,328           6,328          -3,000          -6,000 
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................         43,387          47,387          29,797         -13,590         -17,590 
        DEMOLITION......................................................  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        ENERGY CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.........................         47,765          47,765          42,765          -5,000          -5,000 
        CONTINGENCY CONSTRUCTION........................................          9,500           4,500           3,000          -6,500          -1,500 
        PLANNING AND DESIGN:                                                                                                                            
            SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND..................................          2,305           2,305           5,205          +2,900          +2,900 
            CHEMICAL DEMILITARIZATION PROGRAM...........................          4,124           4,124           4,124   ..............  ..............
            DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE......................            862             862             862   ..............  ..............
            DEFENSE LEVEL ACTIVITIES....................................          4,948           4,948           6,948          +2,000          +2,000 
              SUBTOTAL, PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................         12,239          12,239          17,139          +4,900          +4,900 
    UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION:                                                                                                                     
        SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND......................................          4,000           4,000           4,000   ..............  ..............
        DEFENSE MEDICAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY................................          5,142           5,142           5,142   ..............  ..............
        JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF...........................................          6,128           6,128           6,128   ..............  ..............
        DEFENSE LEVEL ACTIVITIES........................................          3,200           3,200           3,200   ..............  ..............
        DOD DEPENDENT SCHOOLS...........................................          2,000           2,000           2,000   ..............  ..............
        BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE ORGANIZATION..........................          1,404           1,404           1,404   ..............  ..............
          SUBTOTAL, UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION......................         21,874          21,874          21,874   ..............  ..............
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: MILITARY UNACCOMPANIED HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FUND..  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                    
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................          2,100           3,300          40,915         +38,815         +37,615 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          5,500           5,500          27,906         +22,406         +22,406 
        ACCESS ROADS....................................................  ..............  ..............          2,500          +2,500          +2,500 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD:                                                                                                                                     
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................          7,725           8,925          26,725         +19,000         +17,800 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          4,100           4,100           9,100          +5,000          +5,000 
ARMY RESERVE:                                                                                                                                           
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................          3,480           3,480          13,480         +10,000         +10,000 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................  ..............          1,700          11,700         +11,700         +10,000 
NAVAL RESERVE:                                                                                                                                          
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................          1,884           3,034          11,884         +10,000          +8,850 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................  ..............          1,000          10,000         +10,000          +9,000 
AIR FORCE RESERVE:                                                                                                                                      
    UNSPECIFIED WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                    
        PLANNING AND DESIGN.............................................          5,900           5,900          15,900         +10,000         +10,000 
        UNSPECIFIED MINOR CONSTRUCTION..................................          4,326           4,326           9,326          +5,000          +5,000 
          TOTAL, WORLDWIDE UNSPECIFIED..................................        275,705         339,116         430,644        +154,939         +91,528 
                            WORLDWIDE VARIOUS                                                                                                           
ARMY: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1994...................  ..............  ..............         -2,028          -2,028          -2,028 
    REDUCTIONS FOR PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS: REDUCTION FOR PRIOR YEAR SAVINGS.        -12,000   ..............  ..............        +12,000   ..............
    VARIOUS LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                                  
        RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1992....................................  ..............         -6,900   ..............  ..............         +6,900 
        RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1993....................................  ..............         -2,800          -9,000          -9,000          -6,200 
        RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1994....................................  ..............         -2,300          -2,300          -2,300   ..............
AIR FORCE: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1995..............  ..............  ..............         -2,100          -2,100          -2,100 
DEFENSE-WIDE; VARIOUS LOCATIONS: RESCISSION, FISCAL YEAR 1996...........  ..............  ..............         -7,000          -7,000          -7,000 
      TOTAL, WORLDWIDE VARIOUS..........................................        -12,000         -12,000         -22,428         -10,428         -10,428 
                          FAMILY HOUSING, ARMY                                                                                                          
ALABAMA: REDSTONE ARSENAL (70 UNITS):...................................  ..............          8,000   ..............  ..............         -8,000 
    FORT RICHARDSON HOUSING REVITALIZATION (48 UNITS)...................  ..............  ..............          7,800          +7,800          +7,800 
    FORT WAINWRIGHT HOUSING REVITALIZATION (104 UNITS)..................  ..............  ..............          8,600          +8,600          +8,600 
HAWAII: SCHOFIELD BARRACKS (54 UNITS)...................................         10,000          10,000          10,000   ..............  ..............
KENTUCKY: FORT CAMPBELL HOUSING REVITAL (104 UNITS) (PHASE II)            ..............  ..............          9,600          +9,600          +9,600 
NORTH CAROLINA: FORT BRAGG (88 UNITS)...................................          9,800           9,800           9,800   ..............  ..............
    TOBYHANNA AD (ACQUIRE AND DEMOLISH 200 UNITS).......................  ..............            890   ..............  ..............           -890 
    FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENTS (42 UNITS)..............................  ..............  ..............          2,300          +2,300          +2,300 
    FORT BLISS (70 UNITS) (PHASE I).....................................  ..............         12,000   ..............  ..............        -12,000 
    FORT HOOD (140 UNITS)...............................................         18,500          18,500          18,500   ..............  ..............
CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS...............................................         33,750         114,450         109,756         +76,006          -4,694 
PLANNING................................................................          2,963           2,963          12,963         +10,000         +10,000 
      SUBTOTAL, CONSTRUCTION............................................         75,013         176,603         189,319        +114,306         +12,716 
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE:                                                                                                                              
    SERVICES ACCOUNT....................................................         53,684          53,684          53,684   ..............  ..............
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.................................................         49,057          49,057          49,057   ..............  ..............
    UTILITIES ACCOUNT...................................................        270,391         270,391         270,391   ..............  ..............
    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT...............................................          1,241           1,241           1,241   ..............  ..............
    LEASING.............................................................        227,515         227,515         227,515   ..............  ..............
    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT..................................................         84,678          84,678          84,678   ..............  ..............
    MAINTENANCE OF REAL PROPERTY........................................        525,893         570,893         525,893   ..............        -45,000 
    INTEREST PAYMENTS...................................................              7               7               7   ..............  ..............
      SUBTOTAL, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...............................      1,212,466       1,257,466       1,212,466   ..............        -45,000 
      TOTAL, FAMILY HOUSING, ARMY.......................................      1,287,479       1,434,069       1,401,785        +114,306         -32,284 
                          FAMILY HOUSING, NAVY                                                                                                          
ARIZONA: YUMA MCAS (COMMUNITY CENTER)...................................            709             709             709   ..............  ..............
    CAMP PENDLETON MARINE CORPS BASE (128 UNITS)........................         19,483          29,483          19,483   ..............        -10,000 
    LEMOORE NAVAL AIR STATION (276 UNITS)...............................         39,837          39,837          39,837   ..............  ..............
    SAN DIEGO PUBLIC WORKS CENTER (366 UNITS)...........................         48,719          63,429          48,719   ..............        -14,710 
    TWENTYNINE PALMS MARCOR AIR-GRND COMB CTR...........................                                                                                
        (COMMUNITY CENTER)..............................................          1,982           1,982           1,982   ..............  ..............
    TWENTYNINE PALMS MARCOR AIR-GRND COMB CTR...........................                                                                                
        (HOUSING OFFICE)................................................            956             956   ..............           -956            -956 
FLORIDA: MAYPORT NS (100 UNITS).........................................  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
    KANEOHE BAY MARINE CORPS AIR STATION (54 UNITS).....................         11,676          11,676          11,676   ..............  ..............
    PEARL HARBOR PUBLIC WORKS CENTER (264 UNITS)........................         52,586          52,586          52,586   ..............  ..............
MAINE: BRUNSWICK NAS (72 UNITS) (PHASE I)...............................  ..............         10,925   ..............  ..............        -10,925 
MARYLAND: PATUXENT RIVER NAVAL AIR TEST CTR (COMMUNITY CENTER)..........          1,233           1,233           1,233   ..............  ..............
NORTH CAROLINA:                                                                                                                                         
    CAMP LEJEUNE MARINE CORPS BASE (COMMUNITY CENTER)...................            845             845             845   ..............  ..............
    CAMP LEJEUNE MARINE CORPS BASE (125 UNITS)..........................  ..............         13,360   ..............  ..............        -13,360 
SOUTH CAROLINA:                                                                                                                                         
    BEAUFORT MCAS (200 UNITS)...........................................  ..............         19,110   ..............  ..............        -19,110 
    BEAUFORT MCAS (FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENTS).........................  ..............  ..............          5,900          +5,900          +5,900 
    CORPUS CHRISTI NAVAL COMPLEX (156 UNITS)............................  ..............         17,425   ..............  ..............        -17,425 
    KINGSVILLE NAS (32 UNITS) (PHASE I).................................  ..............          7,550   ..............  ..............         -7,550 
    CHESAPEAKE NSGA NORTHWEST VA (COMMUNITY CENTER).....................            741             741             741   ..............  ..............
    WALLOPS ISLAND AEGIS CSC (20 UNITS).................................          2,975           2,975           2,975   ..............  ..............
    BANGOR NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE (HOUSING OFFICE)........................            934             934   ..............           -934            -934 
    EVERETT NAVAL STATION PUGET SOUND (100 UNITS).......................         15,015          15,015          15,015   ..............  ..............
CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS...............................................        183,483         209,133         193,483         +10,000         -15,650 
PLANNING................................................................         22,552          22,552          23,142            +590            +590 
      SUBTOTAL, CONSTRUCTION............................................        403,726         532,456         418,326         +14,600        -114,130 
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE:                                                                                                                              
    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT...............................................          1,290           1,290           1,290   ..............  ..............
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.................................................         34,621          34,621          34,621   ..............  ..............
    UTILITIES ACCOUNT...................................................        204,967         204,967         204,967   ..............  ..............
    SERVICES ACCOUNT....................................................         67,413          67,413          67,413   ..............  ..............
    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT..................................................         88,707          88,707          88,707   ..............  ..............
    MAINTENANCE OF REAL PROPERTY........................................        508,632         552,632         508,632   ..............        -44,000 
    LEASING.............................................................        108,531         108,531         108,531   ..............  ..............
    MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUMS.........................................             80              80              80   ..............  ..............
      SUBTOTAL, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...............................      1,014,241       1,058,241       1,014,241   ..............        -44,000 
      TOTAL, FAMILY HOUSING, NAVY.......................................      1,417,967       1,590,697       1,432,567         +14,600        -158,130 
                        FAMILY HOUSING, AIR FORCE                                                                                                       
    EIELSON AFB (FIRE STATION)..........................................          2,950           2,950           2,950   ..............  ..............
    EIELSON AFB (72 UNITS)..............................................         21,127          21,127          21,127   ..............  ..............
    BEALE AFB (56 UNITS)................................................          8,893           8,893           8,893   ..............  ..............
    LOS ANGELES AFB (25 UNITS)..........................................  ..............          6,425   ..............  ..............         -6,425 
    TRAVIS AFB (70 UNITS)...............................................          8,631           8,631           8,631   ..............  ..............
    VANDENBERG AFB (112 UNITS)..........................................         20,891          20,891          20,891   ..............  ..............
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: BOLLING AFB (40 UNITS)............................          5,000           5,000           5,000   ..............  ..............
    EGLIN AFB (HURLBURT FIELD) (1 UNIT).................................            249             249   ..............           -249            -249 
    MACDILL AFB (56 UNITS)..............................................          8,822           8,822           8,822   ..............  ..............
    PATRICK AFB (HOUSING MAINTENANCE FACILITY)..........................            853             853             853   ..............  ..............
    PATRICK AFB (HOUSING SUPPLY AND STORAGE FACILITY)...................            756             756             756   ..............  ..............
    PATRICK AFB (HOUSING OFFICE)........................................            821             821   ..............           -821            -821 
    TYNDALL AFB (42 UNITS)..............................................  ..............          6,000   ..............  ..............         -6,000 
GEORGIA: ROBINS AFB (46 UNITS)..........................................  ..............          5,252   ..............  ..............         -5,252 
LOUISIANA: BARKSDALE AFB (80 UNITS).....................................          9,570           9,570           9,570   ..............  ..............
MASSACHUSETTS: HANSCOM AFB (32 UNITS) (PHASE III).......................  ..............          5,100           5,100          +5,100   ..............
MISSOURI: WHITEMAN AFB (68 UNITS).......................................          9,600           9,600           9,600   ..............  ..............
MONTANA: MALMSTROM AFB (98 UNITS).......................................  ..............  ..............         15,688         +15,688         +15,688 
NEVADA: NELLIS AFB (50 UNITS) (PHASE III)...............................  ..............          7,955   ..............  ..............         -7,955 
NEW MEXICO:                                                                                                                                             
    KIRTLAND AFB (50 UNITS).............................................          5,450           5,450           5,450   ..............  ..............
    KIRTLAND AFB (37 UNITS).............................................  ..............  ..............          6,400          +6,400          +6,400 
NORTH DAKOTA:                                                                                                                                           
    GRAND FORKS AFB (66 UNITS)..........................................          7,784           7,784           7,784   ..............  ..............
    MINOT AFB (46 UNITS)................................................          8,740           8,740           8,740   ..............  ..............
OHIO: WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB (HOUSING IMP) (52 UNITS) (PHASE XI...........  ..............  ..............          6,000          +6,000          +6,000 
    LACKLAND AFB (HOUSING OFFICE).......................................            450             450   ..............           -450            -450 
    LACKLAND AFB (HOUSING MAINTENANCE FACILITY).........................            350             350             350   ..............  ..............
    LACKLAND AFB (50 UNITS).............................................          6,500          11,500           6,500   ..............         -5,000 
UTAH: HILL AFB IMPROVEMENTS (92 UNITS) (PHASE I)........................  ..............  ..............          7,500          +7,500          +7,500 
WASHINGTON: MCCHORD AFB (40 UNITS)......................................          5,659           5,659           5,659   ..............  ..............
UNITED KINGDOM: RAF LAKENHEATH (PHASE I)................................  ..............  ..............          8,300          +8,300          +8,300 
CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS...............................................         88,550         125,650          98,550         +10,000         -27,100 
PLANNING................................................................          9,590           9,590          12,350          +2,760          +2,760 
      SUBTOTAL, CONSTRUCTION............................................        231,236         304,068         291,464         +60,228         -12,604 
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE:                                                                                                                              
    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT...............................................          5,619           5,619           5,619   ..............  ..............
    MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUMS.........................................             30              30              30   ..............  ..............
    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT..................................................         51,185          51,185          51,185   ..............  ..............
    UTILITIES ACCOUNT...................................................        167,985         167,985         167,985   ..............  ..............
    SERVICES ACCOUNT....................................................         32,257          32,257          32,257   ..............  ..............
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT.................................................         36,228          36,228          36,228   ..............  ..............
    LEASING.............................................................        108,083         108,083         108,083   ..............  ..............
    MAINTENANCE OF REAL PROPERTY........................................        428,087         439,087         428,087   ..............        -11,000 
      SUBTOTAL, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...............................        829,474         840,474         829,474   ..............        -11,000 
      TOTAL, FAMILY HOUSING, AIR FORCE..................................      1,060,710       1,144,542       1,120,938         +60,228         -23,604 
                      FAMILY HOUSING, DEFENSE-WIDE                                                                                                      
CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS (NSA).........................................             50              50              50   ..............  ..............
CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS (DLA).........................................          3,821           3,821           3,821   ..............  ..............
PLANNING AND DESIGN (DLA)...............................................            500             500             500   ..............  ..............
      SUBTOTAL, CONSTRUCTION............................................          4,371           4,371           4,371   ..............  ..............
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE:                                                                                                                              
    SERVICES ACCOUNT (NSA)..............................................            355             355             355   ..............  ..............
    SERVICES ACCOUNT (DLA)..............................................            137             137             137   ..............  ..............
    UTILITIES ACCOUNT (NSA).............................................            500             500             500   ..............  ..............
    UTILITIES ACCOUNT (DLA).............................................            405             405             405   ..............  ..............
    MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT (NSA).........................................             35              35              35   ..............  ..............
    LEASING (DIA).......................................................         14,366          14,366          14,366   ..............  ..............
    LEASING (NSA).......................................................         11,271          11,271               D   ..............                
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT (NSA)...........................................            184             184             184   ..............  ..............
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT (DIA)...........................................          2,262           2,262           2,262   ..............  ..............
    FURNISHINGS ACCOUNT (DLA)...........................................             32              32              32   ..............  ..............
    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT (NSA)............................................             70              70              70   ..............  ..............
    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT (DLA)............................................            206             206             206   ..............  ..............
    MAINTENANCE OF REAL PROPERTY (DLA)..................................            616             616             616   ..............  ..............
    MAINTENANCE OF REAL PROPERTY (NSA)..................................            524             524             524   ..............  ..............
      SUBTOTAL, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...............................         30,963          30,963          30,963   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, FAMILY HOUSING, DEFENSE-WIDE...............................         35,334          35,334          35,334   ..............  ..............
          DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FUND                                                                                         
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FUND...................         20,000          35,000          20,000   ..............        -15,000 
                       HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE FUND                                                                                                       
HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE FUND..............................................         36,181          36,181          36,181   ..............  ..............
              BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART II                                                                                             
BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART II...........................        352,800         352,800         352,800   ..............  ..............
             BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART III                                                                                             
BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART III..........................        971,925         971,925         971,925   ..............  ..............
              BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART IV                                                                                             
BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT, PART IV...........................      1,182,749       1,182,749       1,182,749   ..............  ..............
      TOTAL, BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT.......................      2,507,474       2,507,474       2,507,474   ..............  ..............
      GRAND TOTAL.......................................................      9,132,309      10,032,309       9,832,309        +700,000        -200,000 
ARMY....................................................................        434,723         603,584         448,973         +14,250        -154,611 
    RESCISSIONS.........................................................  ..............  ..............         -2,028          -2,028          -2,028 
NAVY....................................................................        525,346         724,476         642,484        +117,138         -81,992 
    RESCISSIONS.........................................................  ..............        -12,000         -11,300         -11,300            +700 
AIR FORCE...............................................................        603,059         678,914         704,689        +101,630         +25,775 
    RESCISSIONS.........................................................  ..............  ..............         -2,100          -2,100          -2,100 
DEFENSE AGENCIES........................................................        812,945         772,345         771,758         -41,187            -587 
    RESCISSIONS.........................................................  ..............  ..............         -7,000          -7,000          -7,000 
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MILITARY UNACCOMPANIED HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FUND...  ..............         10,000   ..............  ..............        -10,000 
ARMY NATIONAL GUARD.....................................................          7,600          41,316         142,948        +135,348        +101,632 
AIR NATIONAL GUARD......................................................         75,394         118,394         224,444        +149,050        +106,050 
ARMY RESERVE............................................................         48,459          50,159          75,474         +27,015         +25,315 
NAVAL RESERVE...........................................................         10,983          33,169          49,883         +38,900         +16,714 
AIR FORCE RESERVE.......................................................         51,655          51,655          67,805         +16,150         +16,150 
      TOTAL, MILITARY CONSTRUCTION......................................      2,570,164       3,072,012       3,106,030        +535,866         +34,018 
NATO INFRASTRUCTURE.....................................................        197,000         177,000         172,000         -25,000          -5,000 
FAMILY HOUSING, ARMY....................................................      1,287,479       1,434,069       1,401,785        +114,306         -32,284 
    (CONSTRUCTION)......................................................       (+75,013)      (+176,603)      (+189,319)      (+114,306)       (+12,716)
    (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE).........................................    (+1,212,466)    (+1,257,466)    (+1,212,466)  ..............       (-45,000)
FAMILY HOUSING, NAVY....................................................      1,417,967       1,590,697       1,432,567         +14,600        -158,130 
    (CONSTRUCTION)......................................................      (+403,726)      (+532,456)      (+418,326)       (+14,600)      (-114,130)
    (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE).........................................    (+1,014,241)    (+1,058,241)    (+1,014,241)  ..............       (-44,000)
FAMILY HOUSING, AIR FORCE...............................................      1,060,710       1,144,542       1,120,938         +60,228         -23,604 
    (CONSTRUCTION)......................................................      (+231,236)      (+304,068)      (+291,464)       (+60,228)       (-12,604)
    (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE).........................................      (+829,474)      (+840,474)      (+829,474)  ..............       (-11,000)
FAMILY HOUSING, DEFENSE-WIDE............................................         35,334          35,334          35,334   ..............  ..............
    (CONSTRUCTION)......................................................        (+4,371)        (+4,371)        (+4,371)  ..............  ..............
    (OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE).........................................       (+30,963)       (+30,963)       (+30,963)  ..............  ..............
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FAMILY HOUSING IMPROVEMENT FUND...................         20,000          35,000          20,000   ..............        -15,000 
HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE FUND..............................................         36,181          36,181          36,181   ..............  ..............
BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE ACCOUNT....................................      2,507,474       2,507,474       2,507,474   ..............  ..............
      GRAND TOTAL.......................................................      9,132,309      10,032,309       9,832,309        +700,000        -200,000 

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