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(House of Representatives - May 15, 1996)


The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 185, nays 240, not voting 8, as follows:

Roll No. 173

[Roll No. 173]


  • Abercrombie
  • Ackerman
  • Baesler
  • Baldacci
  • Barrett (WI)
  • Becerra
  • Beilenson
  • Bentsen
  • Berman
  • Bishop
  • Bonior
  • Borski
  • Boucher
  • Brewster
  • Browder
  • Brown (CA)
  • Brown (FL)
  • Brown (OH)
  • Bryant (TX)
  • Cardin
  • Chapman
  • Christensen
  • Clay
  • Clayton
  • Clement
  • Clyburn
  • Coleman
  • Collins (IL)
  • Collins (MI)
  • Condit
  • Conyers
  • Costello
  • Coyne
  • Cummings
  • Danner
  • de la Garza
  • DeFazio
  • DeLauro
  • Dellums
  • Deutsch
  • Dicks
  • Dingell
  • Dixon
  • Doggett
  • Dooley
  • Doyle
  • Durbin
  • Edwards
  • Engel
  • Eshoo
  • Evans
  • Farr
  • Fattah
  • Fazio
  • Fields (LA)
  • Filner
  • Foglietta
  • Ford
  • Frank (MA)
  • Frost
  • Furse
  • Gejdenson
  • Gephardt
  • Gibbons
  • Gonzalez
  • Gordon
  • Green (TX)
  • Gutierrez
  • Hall (OH)
  • Hamilton
  • Harman
  • Hastings (FL)
  • Hefner
  • Hilliard
  • Hinchey
  • Hoyer
  • Jackson (IL)
  • Jackson-Lee (TX)
  • Jacobs
  • Jefferson
  • Johnson (SD)
  • Johnson, E. B.
  • Johnston
  • Kanjorski
  • Kaptur
  • Kennedy (MA)
  • Kennedy (RI)
  • Kennelly
  • Kildee
  • Kleczka
  • Klink
  • LaFalce
  • Lantos
  • Levin
  • Lewis (GA)
  • Lofgren
  • Lowey
  • Luther
  • Maloney
  • Manton
  • Markey
  • Mascara
  • Matsui
  • McCarthy
  • McDermott
  • McHale
  • McKinney
  • McNulty
  • Meehan
  • Meek
  • Menendez
  • Millender-McDonald
  • Miller (CA)
  • Minge
  • Mink
  • Moakley
  • Montgomery
  • Moran
  • Nadler
  • Neal
  • Oberstar
  • Obey
  • Olver
  • Ortiz
  • Orton
  • Owens
  • Pallone
  • Pastor
  • Payne (NJ)
  • Payne (VA)
  • Pelosi
  • Peterson (FL)
  • Peterson (MN)
  • Pickett
  • Pomeroy
  • Poshard
  • Rahall
  • Rangel
  • Reed
  • Richardson
  • Rivers
  • Roemer
  • Rose
  • Roybal-Allard
  • Rush
  • Sabo
  • Sanders
  • Sawyer
  • Schroeder
  • Schumer
  • Scott
  • Serrano
  • Sisisky
  • Skaggs
  • Skelton
  • Slaughter
  • Spratt
  • Stark
  • Stenholm
  • Stokes
  • Studds
  • Stupak
  • Tanner
  • Taylor (MS)
  • Tejeda
  • Thompson
  • Thornton
  • Thurman
  • Torres
  • Torricelli
  • Towns
  • Traficant
  • Velazquez
  • Vento
  • Visclosky
  • Volkmer
  • Waters
  • Watt (NC)
  • Watts (OK)
  • Waxman
  • Williams
  • Wise
  • Woolsey
  • Wynn
  • Yates


  • Allard
  • Andrews
  • Archer
  • Armey
  • Bachus
  • Baker (CA)
  • Baker (LA)
  • Ballenger
  • Barcia
  • Barr
  • Barrett (NE)
  • Bartlett
  • Barton
  • Bass
  • Bateman
  • Bereuter
  • Bevill
  • Bilbray
  • Bilirakis
  • Bliley
  • Blute
  • Boehlert
  • Boehner
  • Bonilla
  • Bono
  • Brownback
  • Bryant (TN)
  • Bunn
  • Bunning
  • Burr
  • Burton
  • Buyer
  • Callahan
  • Calvert
  • Camp
  • Campbell
  • Canady
  • Castle
  • Chabot
  • Chambliss
  • Chenoweth
  • Chrysler
  • Clinger
  • Coble
  • Coburn
  • Collins (GA)
  • Combest
  • Cooley
  • Cox
  • Cramer
  • Crane
  • Crapo
  • Cremeans
  • Cubin
  • Cunningham
  • Davis
  • Deal
  • DeLay
  • Diaz-Balart
  • Dickey
  • Doolittle
  • Dornan
  • Dreier
  • Duncan
  • Dunn
  • Ehlers
  • Ehrlich
  • Emerson
  • English
  • Ensign
  • Everett
  • Ewing
  • Fawell
  • Flanagan
  • Foley
  • Forbes
  • Fowler
  • Fox
  • Franks (CT)
  • Franks (NJ)
  • Frelinghuysen
  • Frisa
  • Funderburk
  • Gallegly
  • Ganske
  • Gekas
  • Geren
  • Gilchrest
  • Gillmor
  • Gilman
  • Goodlatte
  • Goodling
  • Goss
  • Graham
  • Greene (UT)
  • Greenwood
  • Gunderson
  • Gutknecht
  • Hall (TX)
  • Hancock
  • Hansen
  • Hastert
  • Hastings (WA)
  • Hayes
  • Hayworth
  • Hefley
  • Heineman
  • Herger
  • Hilleary
  • Hobson
  • Hoekstra
  • Hoke
  • Horn
  • Hostettler
  • Houghton
  • Hunter
  • Hutchinson
  • Hyde
  • Inglis
  • Istook
  • Johnson (CT)
  • Johnson, Sam
  • Jones
  • Kasich
  • Kelly
  • Kim
  • King
  • Kingston
  • Klug
  • Knollenberg
  • Kolbe
  • LaHood
  • Largent
  • Latham
  • LaTourette
  • Laughlin
  • Lazio
  • Leach
  • Lewis (CA)
  • Lewis (KY)
  • Lightfoot
  • Lincoln
  • Linder
  • Lipinski
  • Livingston
  • LoBiondo
  • Longley
  • Lucas
  • Manzullo
  • Martinez
  • Martini
  • McCollum
  • McCrery
  • McDade
  • McHugh
  • McInnis
  • McIntosh
  • McKeon
  • Metcalf
  • Meyers
  • Mica
  • Miller (FL)
  • Mollohan
  • Moorhead
  • Morella
  • Murtha
  • Myers
  • Myrick
  • Nethercutt
  • Neumann
  • Ney
  • Norwood
  • Nussle
  • Oxley
  • Packard
  • Parker
  • Petri
  • Pombo
  • Porter
  • Portman
  • Pryce
  • Quillen
  • Quinn
  • Radanovich
  • Ramstad
  • Regula
  • Riggs
  • Roberts
  • Rogers
  • Rohrabacher
  • Ros-Lehtinen
  • Roth
  • Roukema
  • Royce
  • Salmon
  • Sanford
  • Saxton
  • Scarborough
  • Schaefer
  • Schiff
  • Seastrand
  • Sensenbrenner
  • Shadegg
  • Shaw
  • Shays
  • Shuster
  • Skeen
  • Smith (MI)
  • Smith (TX)
  • Smith (WA)
  • Solomon
  • Souder
  • Spence
  • Stearns
  • Stockman
  • Stump
  • Tate
  • Tauzin
  • Taylor (NC)
  • Thomas
  • Thornberry
  • Tiahrt
  • Torkildsen
  • Upton
  • Vucanovich
  • Walker
  • Walsh
  • Wamp
  • Weldon (FL)
  • Weldon (PA)
  • Weller
  • White
  • Whitfield
  • Wicker
  • Wilson
  • Wolf
  • Young (AK)
  • Young (FL)
  • Zeliff
  • Zimmer


  • Fields (TX)
  • Flake
  • Holden
  • Molinari
  • Paxon
  • Smith (NJ)
  • Talent
  • Ward

[TIME: 1555]

The Clerk announced the following pair:

On the vote:

Mr. Ward for, with Mr. Paxon against.

Messrs. FAWELL, INGLIS of South Carolina, and TAUZIN changed their vote from `yea' to `nay.'

So the motion to recommit was rejected.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Young of Florida). The question is on the passage of the bill.

The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the ayes appeared to have it.

[Page: H5103]


Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, I demand a recorded vote.

A recorded vote was ordered.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. This will be a 5-minute vote.

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--ayes 272, noes 153, not voting 8, as follows:

Roll No. 174

[Roll No. 174]


  • Abercrombie
  • Allard
  • Archer
  • Armey
  • Bachus
  • Baesler
  • Baker (CA)
  • Baker (LA)
  • Baldacci
  • Ballenger
  • Barcia
  • Barr
  • Barrett (NE)
  • Bartlett
  • Barton
  • Bass
  • Bateman
  • Bentsen
  • Bereuter
  • Bevill
  • Bilbray
  • Bilirakis
  • Bishop
  • Bliley
  • Boehlert
  • Boehner
  • Bonilla
  • Bono
  • Brewster
  • Browder
  • Brown (FL)
  • Brownback
  • Bryant (TN)
  • Bunning
  • Burr
  • Burton
  • Buyer
  • Callahan
  • Calvert
  • Canady
  • Chambliss
  • Chapman
  • Chenoweth
  • Christensen
  • Chrysler
  • Clayton
  • Clement
  • Clinger
  • Clyburn
  • Coble
  • Coburn
  • Coleman
  • Collins (GA)
  • Combest
  • Condit
  • Cooley
  • Cox
  • Cramer
  • Crane
  • Crapo
  • Cremeans
  • Cubin
  • Cunningham
  • Davis
  • de la Garza
  • Deal
  • DeLauro
  • DeLay
  • Diaz-Balart
  • Dickey
  • Dicks
  • Dooley
  • Doolittle
  • Dornan
  • Dreier
  • Dunn
  • Edwards
  • Ehrlich
  • Emerson
  • Ensign
  • Everett
  • Ewing
  • Fawell
  • Fazio
  • Fields (LA)
  • Flanagan
  • Forbes
  • Fowler
  • Fox
  • Franks (CT)
  • Frelinghuysen
  • Frisa
  • Frost
  • Funderburk
  • Gallegly
  • Gejdenson
  • Gekas
  • Gephardt
  • Geren
  • Gibbons
  • Gilchrest
  • Gillmor
  • Gilman
  • Gonzalez
  • Goodlatte
  • Goodling
  • Gordon
  • Goss
  • Graham
  • Green (TX)
  • Greene (UT)
  • Greenwood
  • Gutknecht
  • Hall (OH)
  • Hall (TX)
  • Hamilton
  • Hansen
  • Harman
  • Hastert
  • Hastings (WA)
  • Hayes
  • Hayworth
  • Hefley
  • Hefner
  • Heineman
  • Herger
  • Hilleary
  • Hobson
  • Hoke
  • Hostettler
  • Houghton
  • Hoyer
  • Hunter
  • Hutchinson
  • Hyde
  • Inglis
  • Istook
  • Jefferson
  • Johnson (CT)
  • Johnson, E. B.
  • Johnson, Sam
  • Jones
  • Kasich
  • Kelly
  • Kennedy (RI)
  • Kennelly
  • Kildee
  • Kim
  • King
  • Kingston
  • Knollenberg
  • Largent
  • Latham
  • LaTourette
  • Laughlin
  • Lazio
  • Lewis (CA)
  • Lewis (KY)
  • Lightfoot
  • Linder
  • Livingston
  • Longley
  • Lucas
  • Manzullo
  • Martinez
  • McCollum
  • McCrery
  • McDade
  • McHale
  • McHugh
  • McInnis
  • McIntosh
  • McKeon
  • McNulty
  • Metcalf
  • Meyers
  • Mica
  • Miller (FL)
  • Mink
  • Mollohan
  • Montgomery
  • Moorhead
  • Moran
  • Murtha
  • Myers
  • Myrick
  • Nethercutt
  • Norwood
  • Nussle
  • Ortiz
  • Orton
  • Oxley
  • Packard
  • Parker
  • Pastor
  • Payne (VA)
  • Peterson (FL)
  • Pickett
  • Pombo
  • Pomeroy
  • Porter
  • Portman
  • Pryce
  • Quillen
  • Quinn
  • Radanovich
  • Regula
  • Richardson
  • Roberts
  • Rogers
  • Rohrabacher
  • Ros-Lehtinen
  • Rose
  • Roth
  • Salmon
  • Sanford
  • Saxton
  • Scarborough
  • Schaefer
  • Schiff
  • Scott
  • Seastrand
  • Shadegg
  • Shaw
  • Shuster
  • Sisisky
  • Skeen
  • Skelton
  • Smith (MI)
  • Smith (NJ)
  • Smith (TX)
  • Smith (WA)
  • Solomon
  • Souder
  • Spence
  • Spratt
  • Stearns
  • Stenholm
  • Stockman
  • Stump
  • Tanner
  • Tate
  • Tauzin
  • Taylor (MS)
  • Taylor (NC)
  • Tejeda
  • Thomas
  • Thompson
  • Thornberry
  • Thurman
  • Tiahrt
  • Torkildsen
  • Torres
  • Traficant
  • Visclosky
  • Vucanovich
  • Walker
  • Walsh
  • Wamp
  • Watts (OK)
  • Weldon (FL)
  • Weldon (PA)
  • Weller
  • White
  • Whitfield
  • Wicker
  • Wilson
  • Wolf
  • Wynn
  • Young (AK)
  • Young (FL)
  • Zeliff


  • Ackerman
  • Andrews
  • Barrett (WI)
  • Becerra
  • Beilenson
  • Berman
  • Blute
  • Bonior
  • Borski
  • Boucher
  • Brown (CA)
  • Brown (OH)
  • Bryant (TX)
  • Bunn
  • Camp
  • Campbell
  • Cardin
  • Castle
  • Chabot
  • Clay
  • Collins (IL)
  • Collins (MI)
  • Conyers
  • Costello
  • Coyne
  • Cummings
  • Danner
  • DeFazio
  • Dellums
  • Deutsch
  • Dingell
  • Dixon
  • Doggett
  • Doyle
  • Duncan
  • Durbin
  • Ehlers
  • Engel
  • English
  • Eshoo
  • Evans
  • Farr
  • Fattah
  • Filner
  • Foglietta
  • Foley
  • Ford
  • Frank (MA)
  • Franks (NJ)
  • Furse
  • Ganske
  • Gunderson
  • Gutierrez
  • Hancock
  • Hastings (FL)
  • Hilliard
  • Hinchey
  • Hoekstra
  • Horn
  • Jackson (IL)
  • Jackson-Lee (TX)
  • Jacobs
  • Johnson (SD)
  • Johnston
  • Kanjorski
  • Kaptur
  • Kennedy (MA)
  • Kleczka
  • Klink
  • Klug
  • Kolbe
  • LaFalce
  • LaHood
  • Lantos
  • Leach
  • Levin
  • Lewis (GA)
  • Lincoln
  • Lipinski
  • LoBiondo
  • Lofgren
  • Lowey
  • Luther
  • Manton
  • Markey
  • Martini
  • Mascara
  • Matsui
  • McCarthy
  • McDermott
  • McKinney
  • Meehan
  • Meek
  • Menendez
  • Millender-McDonald
  • Miller (CA)
  • Minge
  • Moakley
  • Morella
  • Nadler
  • Neal
  • Neumann
  • Ney
  • Oberstar
  • Obey
  • Olver
  • Owens
  • Pallone
  • Payne (NJ)
  • Pelosi
  • Peterson (MN)
  • Petri
  • Poshard
  • Rahall
  • Ramstad
  • Rangel
  • Reed
  • Riggs
  • Rivers
  • Roemer
  • Roukema
  • Roybal-Allard
  • Royce
  • Rush
  • Sabo
  • Sanders
  • Sawyer
  • Schroeder
  • Schumer
  • Sensenbrenner
  • Serrano
  • Shays
  • Skaggs
  • Slaughter
  • Stark
  • Stokes
  • Studds
  • Stupak
  • Thornton
  • Torricelli
  • Towns
  • Upton
  • Velazquez
  • Vento
  • Volkmer
  • Waters
  • Watt (NC)
  • Waxman
  • Williams
  • Wise
  • Woolsey
  • Yates
  • Zimmer


  • Fields (TX)
  • Flake
  • Holden
  • Maloney
  • Molinari
  • Paxon
  • Talent
  • Ward

[TIME: 1606]

Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. FAZIO of California, and Mrs. THURMAN changed their vote from `no' to `aye.'

So the bill was passed.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

The title of the bill was amended so as to read: `A bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1997 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.'

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

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