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CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3610, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1997 (House of Representatives - September 28, 1996)

Roll No. 455

[Roll No. 455]

[Page: H12110]


  • Abercrombie
  • Ackerman
  • Allard
  • Andrews
  • Archer
  • Armey
  • Bachus
  • Baesler
  • Baker (CA)
  • Baldacci
  • Ballenger
  • Barr
  • Barrett (NE)
  • Barrett (WI)
  • Bartlett
  • Bass
  • Bateman
  • Bentsen
  • Bereuter
  • Bevill
  • Bilbray
  • Bilirakis
  • Bishop
  • Bliley
  • Blute
  • Boehlert
  • Boehner
  • Bonilla
  • Bonior
  • Bono
  • Borski
  • Brewster
  • Browder
  • Brown (CA)
  • Brown (FL)
  • Brown (OH)
  • Brownback
  • Bryant (TN)
  • Bryant (TX)
  • Bunn
  • Bunning
  • Burton
  • Buyer
  • Callahan
  • Calvert
  • Camp
  • Campbell
  • Canady
  • Castle
  • Chambliss
  • Chapman
  • Christensen
  • Chrysler
  • Clay
  • Clayton
  • Clement
  • Clinger
  • Clyburn
  • Collins (GA)
  • Collins (IL)
  • Combest
  • Condit
  • Costello
  • Coyne
  • Cramer
  • Crane
  • Crapo
  • Cremeans
  • Cubin
  • Cummings
  • Cunningham
  • Danner
  • Davis
  • de la Garza
  • Deal
  • DeLauro
  • DeLay
  • Deutsch
  • Diaz-Balart
  • Dickey
  • Dicks
  • Dingell
  • Dixon
  • Doggett
  • Dooley
  • Doolittle
  • Doyle
  • Dreier
  • Dunn
  • Edwards
  • Ehlers
  • Ehrlich
  • Engel
  • English
  • Ensign
  • Eshoo
  • Evans
  • Everett
  • Ewing
  • Farr
  • Fattah
  • Fawell
  • Fazio
  • Fields (LA)
  • Fields (TX)
  • Flanagan
  • Foglietta
  • Foley
  • Forbes
  • Ford
  • Fox
  • Franks (CT)
  • Franks (NJ)
  • Frelinghuysen
  • Frisa
  • Frost
  • Funderburk
  • Furse
  • Gallegly
  • Ganske
  • Gejdenson
  • Gekas
  • Gephardt
  • Geren
  • Gibbons
  • Gilchrest
  • Gillmor
  • Gilman
  • Gingrich
  • Gonzalez
  • Goodlatte
  • Goodling
  • Gordon
  • Goss
  • Graham
  • Greene (UT)
  • Greenwood
  • Gunderson
  • Gutierrez
  • Gutknecht
  • Hall (OH)
  • Hamilton
  • Hansen
  • Harman
  • Hastert
  • Hastings (FL)
  • Hastings (WA)
  • Hayworth
  • Hefner
  • Herger
  • Hilleary
  • Hilliard
  • Hinchey
  • Hobson
  • Hoke
  • Holden
  • Horn
  • Hostettler
  • Houghton
  • Hoyer
  • Hunter
  • Hutchinson
  • Inglis
  • Jackson (IL)
  • Jackson-Lee (TX)
  • Jefferson
  • Johnson (CT)
  • Johnson (SD)
  • Johnson, E. B.
  • Johnson, Sam
  • Johnston
  • Jones
  • Kasich
  • Kelly
  • Kennedy (MA)
  • Kennedy (RI)
  • Kennelly
  • Kildee
  • Kim
  • King
  • Kingston
  • Kleczka
  • Knollenberg
  • Kolbe
  • LaHood
  • Lantos
  • Latham
  • LaTourette
  • Laughlin
  • Lazio
  • Leach
  • Levin
  • Lewis (CA)
  • Lewis (GA)
  • Lewis (KY)
  • Lightfoot
  • Linder
  • Livingston
  • LoBiondo
  • Lofgren
  • Longley
  • Lowey
  • Lucas
  • Luther
  • Maloney
  • Manton
  • Manzullo
  • Markey
  • Martinez
  • Martini
  • Mascara
  • Matsui
  • McCarthy
  • McCollum
  • McCrery
  • McDade
  • McDermott
  • McHale
  • McHugh
  • McInnis
  • McIntosh
  • McKeon
  • McKinney
  • McNulty
  • Meehan
  • Meek
  • Metcalf
  • Meyers
  • Mica
  • Millender-McDonald
  • Miller (CA)
  • Miller (FL)
  • Minge
  • Mink
  • Moakley
  • Molinari
  • Mollohan
  • Montgomery
  • Moorhead
  • Moran
  • Morella
  • Murtha
  • Myrick
  • Neal
  • Nethercutt
  • Ney
  • Norwood
  • Nussle
  • Oberstar
  • Obey
  • Olver
  • Ortiz
  • Orton
  • Owens
  • Oxley
  • Packard
  • Pallone
  • Parker
  • Pastor
  • Paxon
  • Payne (NJ)
  • Payne (VA)
  • Pelosi
  • Peterson (FL)
  • Peterson (MN)
  • Petri
  • Pickett
  • Pombo
  • Pomeroy
  • Porter
  • Portman
  • Poshard
  • Pryce
  • Quinn
  • Radanovich
  • Rahall
  • Ramstad
  • Rangel
  • Reed
  • Regula
  • Richardson
  • Riggs
  • Rivers
  • Roberts
  • Roemer
  • Rogers
  • Ros-Lehtinen
  • Rose
  • Roth
  • Roukema
  • Royce
  • Rush
  • Sabo
  • Sanders
  • Sawyer
  • Saxton
  • Schaefer
  • Schiff
  • Schumer
  • Scott
  • Seastrand
  • Serrano
  • Shadegg
  • Shaw
  • Shays
  • Shuster
  • Sisisky
  • Skaggs
  • Skeen
  • Skelton
  • Slaughter
  • Smith (MI)
  • Smith (NJ)
  • Smith (TX)
  • Smith (WA)
  • Solomon
  • Souder
  • Spence
  • Spratt
  • Stark
  • Stenholm
  • Stokes
  • Studds
  • Stump
  • Stupak
  • Talent
  • Tanner
  • Tate
  • Tauzin
  • Taylor (MS)
  • Tejeda
  • Thomas
  • Thompson
  • Thornberry
  • Thornton
  • Thurman
  • Torkildsen
  • Torres
  • Torricelli
  • Towns
  • Traficant
  • Upton
  • Velazquez
  • Vento
  • Visclosky
  • Volkmer
  • Vucanovich
  • Walker
  • Walsh
  • Wamp
  • Ward
  • Watt (NC)
  • Watts (OK)
  • Weldon (FL)
  • Weldon (PA)
  • Weller
  • White
  • Whitfield
  • Wicker
  • Williams
  • Wilson
  • Wise
  • Wolf
  • Woolsey
  • Wynn
  • Yates
  • Young (AK)
  • Young (FL)
  • Zeliff
  • Zimmer


  • Barcia
  • Barton
  • Becerra
  • Beilenson
  • Burr
  • Chabot
  • Chenoweth
  • Coble
  • Coburn
  • Coleman
  • Cooley
  • Cox
  • DeFazio
  • Duncan
  • Hall (TX)
  • Hefley
  • Hoekstra
  • Hyde
  • Istook
  • Jacobs
  • Kanjorski
  • Kaptur
  • Klink
  • Klug
  • Largent
  • Nadler
  • Neumann
  • Rohrabacher
  • Roybal-Allard
  • Salmon
  • Sanford
  • Scarborough
  • Schroeder
  • Sensenbrenner
  • Stearns
  • Stockman
  • Tiahrt


  • Dornan


  • Baker (LA)
  • Berman
  • Blumenauer
  • Boucher
  • Cardin
  • Collins (MI)
  • Conyers
  • Dellums
  • Durbin
  • Filner
  • Flake
  • Fowler
  • Frank (MA)
  • Green (TX)
  • Hancock
  • Hayes
  • Heineman
  • LaFalce
  • Lincoln
  • Lipinski
  • Menendez
  • Myers
  • Quillen
  • Taylor (NC)
  • Waters
  • Waxman

[TIME: 2215]

The Clerk announced the following pair:

On this vote:

Mr. Berman for, with Mr. Menendez against.

Mr. SENSENBRENNER and Mr. BEILENSON changed their vote from `yea' to `nay.'

Mr. SERRANO changed his vote from `nay' to `yea.'

So the conference report was agreed to.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

The SPEAKER. Pursuant to House Resolution 546, H.R. 4278 is considered as passed and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.

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