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The Senator from Georgia [Mr. Nunn] proposes an amendment numbered 2078 to amendment No. 2077.

The amendment is as follows:

On page 5, beginning with `attack,' strike out all down through the end of the amendment and insert in lieu thereof the following: `attack. It is the further sense of the Senate that front-line troops of the United States armed forces should be protected from missile attacks.

`(c) Funding for Corps SAM and Boost-Phase Interceptor Programs:

`(1) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act, of the funds authorized to be appropriated by section 201(4), $35.0 million shall be available for the Corps SAM/MEADS program.

`(2) With a portion of the funds authorized in paragraph (1) for the Corps SAM/MEADS program, the Secretary of Defense shall conduct a study to determine whether a Theater Missile Defense system derived from Patriot technologies could fulfill the Corps SAM/MEADS requirements at a lower estimated life-cycle cost than is estimated for the cost of the U.S. portion of the Corps SAM/MEADS program.

`(3) The Secretary shall provide a report on the study required under paragraph (3) to the congressional defense committees not later than March 1, 1996.

`(4) Of the funds authorized to be appropriated by section 201(4), not more than $3,403,413,000 shall be available for missile defense programs within the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.

`(d) Section 234(c)(1) of this Act shall have no force or effect.'

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