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Amendment, as modified, offered by Mr. DeFazio: Page 38, line 18, insert `(a) In General.--' before `Of the amounts'.

Page 38, after line 22, insert the following:

(b) Reduction.--The amounts provided in subsection (a) and in section 201(4) are each hereby reduced by $628,000,000.

(c) National Missile Defense Amount.--Of the amount provided in subsection (a) (as reduced by subsection (b)), $371,000,000 is for the National Missile Defense program.

At the end of title IV (page 161, after line 3), insert the following new section:

There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for fiscal year 1996 for military personnel the sum of $628,000,000. Of the amount appropriated pursuant to such authorization--

(1) $150,000,000 (or the full amount appropriated, whichever is less) shall be for increased payments for the Variable Housing Allowance program under section 403a of title 37, United States Code, by reason of the amendments made by section 604; and

(2) any remaining amount shall be allocated, in such manner as the Secretary of Defense prescribes, for payments for the Variable Housing Allowance, the Basic Allowance for Quarters, and the Basic Allowance for Subsistence in such a manner as to minimize the need for enlisted personnel to apply for food stamps.

Page 280, beginning on line 19, strike out `beginning after June 30, 1996' and inserting in lieu thereof `after September 1995'.

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