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1994 Congressional Debates on Space

  • DEFENSELESSNESS LIMITS OUR ABILITY TO ACT AGAINST NORTH KOREA -- (BY RICHARD PERLE) (Extension of Remarks - May 04, 1994) North Korea stands firm in its resolve to develop nuclear weapons despite the Clinton administration's diplomacy and exhortation. The administration's current strategy of looking to the U.N. Security Council promises to be equally ineffective. Meanwhile, it has limited our ability to act by not funding the most effective defense against North Korea's nuclear threat--missile defense technology.
  • PATRIOT MISSILES FOR UNITED STATES FORCES IN SOUTH KOREA: WHICH VERSION? (Senate - February 01, 1994) The number of Patriot batteries involved [in the planned South Korean deployment], as well as where they would come from, has yet to be determined. Only two Patriot battalions out of 11 in the US Army currently have the quick reaction program (QRP) improvements installed.
  • PATRIOT MISSILES FOR UNITED STATES FORCES IN SOUTH KOREA: WHEN? (Senate - January 31, 1994) The deployment of Patriot missiles has been discussed by Seoul and Washington for a long time as part of a plan to beef up defense against possible North Korean attack. The plan will go ahead, though the size and the time of deployment have yet to be fixed between the two governments.
  • PATRIOT MISSILES FOR U.S. FORCES IN SOUTH KOREA: ANOTHER DISASTER BY INDECISION? (Senate - January 27, 1994) Gen. Gary E. Luck, Commander of the United Nations Command and U.S. Forces, Korea, has reportedly requested `about three dozen' Patriot missile launchers, each of which contains four missiles.' He wants to deploy the Patriots as a partial defense around South Korean ports and airfields that would be used by arriving United States reinforcements in a crisis.'

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