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Space Acronym Definitions



- A -















A/C Aircraft   AFOSR Air Force Office of Scientific Research   APSI Aircraft Propulsion Subsystem Integration (JTDE& JETEC)
A/W/E Aircraft/Weapons/Electronics   AFOTEC AF Operational Test & Evaluation Center   APT Advanced Personnel Testing
A3I Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative   AFRES Air Force Reserves   APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery   AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory   ARC Air Reserve Component
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science   AFS Air Force Station   ARD A3I Requirements Document
AACC Airborne Air Command Center   AFSAA AF Studies and Analysis Agency   ARE Atmospheric Research Equipment
AADC Area Air Defense Commander   AFSATCOM Armed Forces Satellite Communication   AREP Aircraft Repair Enhancement Program
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer   AFSFC Air Force Space Forecasting Center   ARGOS Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite
AAM Air to Air Missile   AFSFCR AF Space Forecast Center Replacement   ARIDPCM Adaptive Recursive Interpolated Differential Pulse Code Modulation
AAMDS Automated Air Movement Data System   AFSOC AF Special Operations Command   ARIES Applied Research In Energy Storage
AAOM Advanced Aircrew Oxygen Mask   AFSOF Air Force Special Operations Forces   ARL Airborne Reconnaissance Low
AAR Air to Air Refueling   AFSPC Air Force Space Command   ARM Anti-Radiation Missile
AASS Advanced Air Surveillance Radar   AFSST Air Force Space Support Team   ARMRV Armored Mobile Reconnaissance Vehicle
AATO Automated Air Tasking Order   AFTAC AF Technical Applications Center   ARMRV Armored Multi-Role Vehicle
AAVP Advanced Aircrew Vision Protection   AFV Alternate Fuel Vehicle   ARO Army Research Office
AAW Anti-Air Warfare   AFW Air Force Weather   ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AB Air Base   AFWSS Air Force Weather Support System   ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command & Control Center   AG Airlift Group   ARS Advanced Radiographic System
ABD Air Base Defense   AGARD Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development   ARSA Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture
ABDR Aircraft Battle Damage Repair   AGC Automatic Gain Control   ARSFSS Advanced Reduced Scale Fuel System Simulator
ABGD Air Base Ground Defense   AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment   ART Aircraft Radar Turbulence
ABI Airborne Interceptor   AGF Miscellaneous Command Ship   AS Air Station
ABIS Advanced Battlespace Information System   AGL Air to Ground Laser   AS Airlift Squadron
ABITS Airborne Imagery Transmission System   AGL Above Ground Level   ASAN Assessment System for Aircraft Noise
ABL Airborne Laser   AGM Air to Ground Missile   ASAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture System
ABL ACT ABL Advanced Concepts Testbed   AGRF Advanced Guidance Research Facility   ASARS Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System
ABLE Advanced Building Block for Large Area Exploitation   AH Authentication Header   ASAS All Source Analysis System
ABLE-ACE Airborne Laser Extended Atmospheric Characterization Experiment   AHDL Analog Hardware Descriptive Language   ASAS Advanced Solid Axial Stage
ABLEX Airborne Laser Experiment   AHOS-M Advanced Hybrid Oxygen Generating System-Medical   ASAT Antisatellite
ABLE-X Airborne Laser Extended Experiment   AI Artificial Intelligence   ASC Advanced Structural Components
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile   AI Avionics Infrastructure   ASC Aeronautical Systems Center
ABO Aero-Ballistic Rocket   AI Air Interdiction   ASC/RA Aeronautical System Center/ Reconnaissance Aircraft System Group
ABO Air Base Operability   AI Airborne Interceptor   ASC2A Air & Space Command & Control Agency
ABO Annular Beam Oscillator   AIA Air Intelligence Agency   ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense
ABOR Abort   AIDECON Aircraft Interior Decontamination   ASE Active Systems Exploitation/ATD
ABR Aero-Ballistic Rocket   AIG Air Intelligence Group   ASETF Air & Space Expeditionary Task Force
ABS Air Base Systems   AIM Air Intercept Missile   ASI Adroit Systems Incorporated
ACAA Affordable COTS for Aging Aircraft   AirCommTerm Airborne Communications Terminal   ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ACAT Acquisition Category   AIRES Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System   ASID Advanced Secure Information  Dissemination
ACBTI Advanced Content Based Techniques for Intelligence   AIRST Advanced Infrared Search and Track   ASIM Automated Security Incident Measurement
ACC Air Combat Command   AIS Automated Information Systems   ASIP Airframe Structural Integrity Program
ACCINTNET ACC Intelligence Network   AIT Active Imaging Testbed   ASIT Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal
ACCMSF Advanced Cooperative Collection Management   AIU Avionics Interface Unit   ASM Air to Surface Missile
ACCS Air Command and Control System   AJ Anti-Jam   ASOC Air Support Operations Center
ACE Airborne Command Element   AJCOM Anti-Jam Communications   ASOC Assured Support to Operational Commanders
AceTR Air Core enhance Turbo Rocket   AL Armstrong Lab   ASP Aircraft Self Protection
ACI Air Control Intercept   ALARM Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile   ASPO Army Space Program Office
ACIS Air Combat Information System   ALC Air Logistics Center   ASRAAM Advanced Short-Range Air to Air Missile
ACK Message Acknowledgment   ALCC Airlift Coordination Cell   ASSET Aerothermodynamics/Elastic Structural System Environmental Tests
ACM Air Combat Maneuvering   ALCF Airlift Control Flight   ASTAT Affordable Sensor Technology for Aerial Targeting
ACM Advanced Cruise Missile   ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile   ASTE Advanced Strategic Tactical Expendable
ACO Airspace Control Order   ALCS Airlift Control Squadron   ASTP/DITP Advanced Sensor Technology Program/ Discrimination Inceptor Tech Program
ACOM Atlantic Command   ALD Airborne Laser Demo   ASTPFA Advanced Sensor Technology Program Fusion Algorithm
ACP Allied Communication Publication   ALE Automated Link Establishment   ASTREX Advanced Space Structures Technology Research Experiment
ACPT Air Campaign Planning Tool   ALE AIRES Life Extension   ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare
Acq Acquisition   ALEP Aircrew Laser Eye Protection   ATA Army Technical Architecture
ACRS Advanced Cargo Restraint System   ALERT Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater   ATACK Advanced Target Attack Flight Demo
ACS Aerospace Medicine Consultation Service   ALG Autonomous Landing Guidance   ATAF Allied Tactical Air Forces
ACS Agile Combat Support   ALH Advanced Liquid Hydrogen   ATAGS Advanced Technology Anti-G Suit
ACS Airborne COMINT System   ALI Alpha-LAMP Integration   ATARR Advanced Turbine Aerothermal Research Rig
ACS Attitude Control System   ALMC Army Logistics Management College   ATARS Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System
ACSC APMO Customer Support Center   AlN Aluminum Nitrides   ATC Automatic Target Cueing
ACSC Air Command and Staff College   ALO Air Liaison Officer   ATCALS Air Traffic Control and Landing System
ACT Airborne Communications Terminal   ALRSS Advanced Land Remote Sensing System   ATCALS Air Traffic Control Liaison Section
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration   ALS Airborne Link Segment   ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration
ACTEX Active Controls Technology Experiments   ALSP Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol   ATD Aircrew Training Device
ACTIVE Advanced Controls Technology for Integrated Vehicles   AM Amplitude Modulation   ATD Automatic Terrain Delimination
ACTS Air Combat Training System   AMC Air Mobility Command   ATEGG Advanced Turbine Engine Gas Generator
ACU Avionics Control Unit   AMCC Air Mobility Control Center   ATF Advanced Tactical Fighter
ACWP Actual Cost Work Performed   AMCLD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display   ATH Air Transportable Hospital
ADAMS A Digital Avionics Methodology Schema   AMCS Air Mobility Control Squadron   ATHS Automatic Target Handoff System
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converters   AMDRFM Advanced Monolithic Digital Radio Frequency Memory   ATIRCM Advanced Threat Infrared Countermeasures
ADEP Avionics Document for Execution & Planning   AME Air Mobility Element   ATIS Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions
ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum   AMFABS Advanced Maintenance Free Aircraft Battery System   ATLAS Active Track Laser
ADM Advanced Development Model   AMHS Automated Message Handling System   ATLAS Advanced Technology Laser System
ADONIS AMOS Daytime Optical Near-Infrared Imaging System   AMI ASARS Maintainability Improvement   ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ADPS ASARS Data Processing Station   AMOCC Air Mobility Operations Control Center   ATMs Air Tasking Messages
ADRG ARC Raster Digitized Graphics   AMODSM Advanced Message Oriented Data Security Module   ATO Air Tasking Order
ADS Advanced Distributed Simulation   AMOG Air Mobility Operations Group   ATP Acquisition, Tracking & Pointing
ADSI Air Defense System Integrator   AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Site   ATP Authority to Proceed
ADSL Advanced Distributed Simulation Leveraging   AMPS Automated Mission Planning System   ATP-FC Acquisition, tracking, pointing and fire control
ADT Active Denial Technology   AMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile   ATR Air-Turborocket
ADV Advanced   AMS Analog Mixed Signal   ATR Automatic Target Recognition
ADVISE Avionics Data Visualization Integration System Environment   AMX Air Mobility Express   ATR/ATC Automatic Target Recognition/ Automatic Target Correlation
AEDC Arnold Engineering Development Center   ANG Air National Guard   ATRI Advanced Thermonomics Research Initiative
AEF Air Expeditionary Force   ANSI American National Standards Institute   ATS Automatic Test System
AEOS Advanced Electro-Optical System   AOA Analysis of Alternatives (formerly: COEA)   ATT Advanced Theater Transport
AEOS Advanced Electro-Optical System Spectrograph   AOA Angle of Attack   ATTD Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration
AEPDS Advance Electronic Processing and Dissemination System   AOARD Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development   AUTOCONET Automatic Digital Network Conference Network
AES Application Environment Specification   AOC Air Operations Center   AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network
AETC Air Education & Training Command   AOI Area Of Interest   AUX Auxiliary
AF Air Force   AOIB All-Optical Imaging Brassboard   AV Air Vehicle
AFAE Air Force Acquisition Executive   AOR Area Of Responsibility   AVBATTS Aviation Battery Standardization
AFB Air Force Base   APB A3I Project Baseline   AVO Air Vehicle Operator
AFCEE Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence   APB Acquisition Program Baseline   AW Airlift Wing
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System   APG Annual Planning Guidance   AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
AFCSS AF Contingency Support Squadron   API Application Programming Interface   AWADS Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System
AFDC Air Force Doctrine Center   APMO A3I Project Management Office   AWAPS Automated Weather Distribution System
AFEWES Air Force Electronic Warfare Effectiveness Simulator   APP Advanced Avionics Processor   AWDS Adverse Weather and Debriefing System
AFGIHS Air Force Geographic Information Handling System   APPS I Analytical Photogrammetric Positioning System I   AWMDS Air Warrior Measurement and Debriefing System
AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology   APS Advanced Planning System   AWS Air Weather Service
AFIWC AF Information Warfare Center   APS Afloat Planning System   AWS Advisory Warning System
AFMC Air Force Materiel Command   APS ASARS Processing Segment      
AFMSS Air Force Mission Support System   APS/RDS Afloat Planning System/Rapid Deployment Suites      


- B -















BA Budget Authority   BF Basic Function   BMDO Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
BAA Broad Agency Announcement   BGP Border Gateway Protocol   BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System
BAA Broad Area Announcement   BGPHES Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System   BMT Ballistic Missile Technology
BAC Budget Activity Code   BHP Basic Hydrogen Peroxide   BNCC Base Network Control Center
BAC Broad Area Coverage   BiFET Bipolar Field Effect Transistor   BoD Board of Directors
BAe British Aerospace   BIODET Biological Agent Detector   BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
BAI Battle Area Interdiction   BIP Base Information Protect   BOR Base of Ramp
BAI Backup Aircraft Inventory   BIPS Billion Instructions Per Second   BOSS Battlefield Optical Surveillance System
BAN Base Area Networks   B-ISDN Broadband-Integrated Services Digital Network   BP Brillian Pebbles
BAR Broad Area Review   BIST Built-In-Self-Test   BPAC Budget Project Activity Code
BASS Battlefield Awareness & Data Dissemination   BIT Built in Test   BPI Boost-Phase Intercept
BAT Brilliant Anti-armor Submunition   BL Baseline   bpp bits per pixel
BBIS Battle Broadcast Information System   BLADE-GT Blade Life Analysis and Design Evaluation for Gas Turbines   BPR Bypass Ratio
BC2A Bosnia Command & Control Augmentation   BLING Bladed Ring   bps Bits Per Second
BCT Battlefield Communications Terminal   BLISK Bladed Disk   BRI Basic Rate Interface
BCWP Budgeted Cost Work Performed   BLOS Beyond line-of-sight   BSS Broadcast Satellite System
BDA Bomb Damage Assessment   BLU Bomb Live Unit   BTH Beyond the Horizon
BDA Battle Damage Assessment   BM Battle Management   BTI Briefing to Industry
BDU Bomb Dummy Unit   BMC2 Battle Management, Command and Control   BUFR Binary Universal Format for Representation
BE Basic Encyclopedia   BMC3 Battle Management, Command, Control and Communication   BUR Bottom Up Review
BE Brilliant Eyes   BMC3I Battle Management C3I   BVR Beyond Visual Range
BEA Budget Estimate Agreement   BMC4ISR Battle Management C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance   BW Biological Weapon
BER Bit Error Rate   BMD Ballistic Missile Defense   BWC Bandwidth Compression
BES Budget Estimate Submission   BMDC Ballistic Missile Defense Center      


- C -

Acronym Description   Acronym Description   Acronym Description
C/S/A CINCs / Services / Agencies   CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain   COBRA Coaxial Beam Rotating Antenna
C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria   CFRS Computerized Fault Reporting System   COCOM Combatant Command
C/SE Client/Server Environment   CFRS Contingency Fuel Recovery System   CoDE Coherent Digital Exciter
C1 Capability 1   CFS Center for Standards   COE Common Operating Environment
C2 Command and Control   CG Commanding General   COEA Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis
C2 Capability 2   CGI Computer Graphics Interface   COI Critical Operational Issue
C2BMB C2 Battle Management Battlelab   CGM Computer Graphics Metafile   COIL Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser
C2CDM Command & Control Core Data Model   CGS Common Ground Segment   COM Collection Operations Management
C2W Command and Control Warfare   CGS Common Ground Station   COMAAC Air Combat Command
C3 Command, Control, and Communications   CGTS Computer Generated Training System   COMAFFOR Commander Air Force Forces
C3 Capability 3   CHAMP Chemically Hardened Air Management Plant   COMBAT ACE Combined Advanced Technology Acceleration / Chemical Ensemble
C3I Command, Control, Communication, and Intelligence   CHATH Chemically/Biologically Hardened Air Transportable Hospital   COMINT Communications Intelligence
C4 Command Control Communication and Computers   CHBDL Common High Bandwidth Data Link   COMM Communications
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence   CHBDL-ST Common High Bandwidth Data Link-Surface Terminal   COMOPTEVFOR Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
C4ISR Command, Control, Comm, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconn   CHCS Composite Health Care Systems   COMPUSEC Computer Security
CA Cooperative Agreement   C-HFET Complementary Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor   COMSEC Communications Security
CA Counter Air   CHOP Counter Measures Hands-on Program   CONOPS Concept of Operations
CAB Combat Area Broadcast   CHOP Change in Operational Control   CONPLAN Operations Plans in Concept Format
CAD Computer Aided Design   CI Capability Increment   CONUS Continental United States
CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing   CI/LI Corrosion Inhibitor/Lubricity Improver (MIL-I-25017)   COP Common Operational Procedure
CADRG Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphics   CIA Central Intelligence Agency   CORBA Common Object Request Broker Agent
CADS Combat Aerial Delivery School   CIAP Command Intelligence Architecture Program   CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CADS Combat Airspace Deconfliction System   CIB Controlled Image Base   CORM Commission on Roles and Missions
CAE Common Application Environment   CIC Combat Information Center   COS Communication Operations Segment
CAE Computer Aided Engineering   CIC Combined Intelligence Center   COSE Common Open Software Environment
CAEWIS Computer Aided Electronic Warfare Information System   CICA Competition in Contracting Act   COSIP Computer Open System Interface Processor
CAF Combat Air Forces   CICBMs Conventionally-armed ICBMs   COTR Contracting Officer Technical Representative
CAFWSP CAF Weather Support Package   CID Combat Identification   COTS Commercial-off-the-Shelf
CAI Cooperative Airborne Identification   CIDE Communication Information Data Exchange   CPG Communications Process Group
CAIG Cost Analysis Improvement Group   CIG/SS Common Imagery Ground/Surface System   CPMP Collection and Processing Mission Planner
CALS Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support   CIIP Common Imagery Interoperability Profiles   CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CALS Contingency Airfield Lighting System   CIJ Close In Jamming   CRC/CRE Control & Reporting Center/ Control & Reporting Element
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing   CIL Command Image Library   CRD Capstone Requirements Document
CAMIS Computer Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery   CILO Magnetically Insulated Line Oscillator   CRDA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CAMS Core Automated Maintenance System   CINC Commander-In-Chief   CREP Contract Repair Enhancement Program
CAOC Combined Air Operations Center   CINC Combined Intelligence Center   CRF Compressor Research Facility
CAP Combat Air Patrol   CINCLANT Atlantic CINC   CRM Computer Resource Management
CARD Cost Analysis Requirement Description   CINCNORAD Commander in Chief, NORAD   CRMA Collection Requirements Management Applications
CARL Compressor Aero Research Lab   CINCPAC Pacific CINC   CRRES Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite
CARS Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System   CINF Community Imagery Needs Forecast   CRSS Commercial Remote Sensing System
CAS Close Air Support   CIO Central Imagery Office   CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineerring   CIOL Common Interface Objects Language   CSAF Air Force Chief of Staff
CASE Computer Automated Software Engineering   CIP Common Imagery Processor or Corona Issue Paper   CSAF Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
CASH CIGSS Acquisition and Standards Handbook   CIPSO Common Internet Protocol Security Options   CSAR Combat Search and Rescue
CATIS Computer Aided Tactical Information System   CIS Combat Intelligence System   CSARP Common SAR Processor
CATT Computer Assisted Technology Transfer   CIS Commonwealth of Independent States   CSAT Crew System Associate Technology
CBS Commission for Basic Systems   CIS-CL Combat Intelligence   CSC Combat Support Center (AFOC)
CBSP Commercial-off-the-shelf Base SAR Processor   CIS-UL Combat Intelligence System-Unit Level   CSC Computer Software Component
CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation   CITS Combat Information Transfer System   CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item
CC Command Center   CJCS Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff   CSD Covariance Support Data
CCB Change Control Board   CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction   CSE Client/Server Environment
CCB Configuration Control Board   CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memo   CSE-SS Client/Server Environment- System Services
CCC CINC Command Complex   CJTF Commander Joint Task Force   CSM CIGSS System Manager
CCC Communications Controller Complex   CM Configuration Management   CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection
CCCI CORBA Conversion Concepts for Intelligence   CM Countermeasure   CSOM Computer Software Operators Manual
CCD Charge Coupled Device   CMAWS Common Missile Approach Warning System   CSP Communications Support Processor
CCEG Command and Control Evaluation Group   CMC Ceramic Matrix Composite   CSS Communications Support Segment
CCIP Continuously-Computed Impact Point   CMC Cheyenne Mountain Complex   CSS Communications Support System
CCIRM Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management   CMCS COMINT Mission Collection System   CSSC Customer Service Support Center
CCITT International Telegraph & Telephone Consultative Committee (now ITU)   CMDS Countermeasure Dispenser Set   CSTARS COMBAT SENT Technical Acquisition Receiver System
CCM Counter-Countermeasure   CMF Combat Mission Folder   CSU Computer Software Unit
CCPDS-R Command Center Processing and Display System - Replacement   CMIS Closed Loop Maintenance Information System   CTAPS Contingency Tactical Air Combat System Automated Planning System
CCRP Continuously-Computed Release Point   CMLSA Commercial Microwave Landing System Avionics   CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CCS Charge Control System   CMM Capability Maturity Model   CTC Center Technology Council
CCT Computer Compatible Tape   CMMS Conceptual Models of the Mission Space   CTCPEC Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria
CCW Command and Control Warfare   CMO Central Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) Office   CTF Combined Test Force
CDE Common Desktop Environment   CMO Collection Management Office   CTIS 3DS Command Tactical Information System Digital Decision Display System
CDFS Core Driven Fan Stage   CMOC Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center   CTP Critical Technical Parameter
CDIM Cognitive Desktop Information Manager/ATD   CMOS Cargo Movement Operations System   CTR Combat Training Range
CDL Common Data Link   CMP A3I Configuration Management Plan   CTT Commander's Tactical Terminal
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access   CMP Common Management Practices   CTT/HR Commanders' Tactical Terminal/Hybrid Receive Only
CDR Critical Design Review   CMR Crisis Management Reconnaissance   CU Cruise Missile and Joint UAV
CDRL Contract Deliverable Requirement List   CMS Common Mapping System   CUBIC Common User Baseline for the Intel Community
CDS Combat Direction System   CMS Community Management Staff   CV (aircraft) carrier
CE Critical Experiment   CMS Counter Measures Set   CV Vice Commander
CECOM Communications and Electronic Command   CMS Counter Measures System   CVBG Carrier Battle Group
CEDNext Next Version of CDE   CMSA Cruise Missile Support Activity   CVIC Carrier Intelligence Center
CEE Collaborative Engineering Environment   CMST Collection Management Support Tool   CVN Aircraft Carrier (nuclear propulsion)
CEM Computational EM M&S for C4ISR Systems   CMTK Common Mapping Tool Kit   CW Continuous Wave
CEMS Comprehensive Engine Management System   CMW Compartmented Mode Workstation   CW Chemical Weapon
CENTCOM Central Command   CMWS Common Missile Warning System   CW Composite Wing
CEP Circular Error Probability   CNA Center for Naval Analysis   CWDE Chemical Warfare Defense Ensemble
CEP Circular Error Probable   CNI Communications, Navigation, and ID   CWDTW Concealed Weapon Detection & Through Wall
CEPS CITS Expert Parameters System   CNN Commercial News Network   CWOC Composite Wing Operations Center
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics   CNR Combat Net Radio   CWS Combat Weather System
CFE Conventional Forces, Europe   CO Contracting Officer      
CFIPT Customer Focused Integrated Product Team   COA Courses of Action      


- D -














D2 Degrade and Destroy   DE Directed Energy   DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
D2C D-2 Small Cassette   DE Dissemination Element   DMTD Digital Message Transfer Device
D3 Degrade Disrupt Deny   DEA Data Exchange Agreement   DMZ Demilitarized Zone
D4 Degrade Disrupt Deny Destroy   DEC Digital Equipment Corporation   DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
D4 Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, & Destroy   DEECS Digital Electronic Engine Control System   DNC Digital Nautical Chart
D4EN Disrupt, Delay, Destroy, Exploit, or Neutralize   DEF Data Exchange Format   DNCC Deployed Network Control Center
DAA Designated Approval Authority   DEFSMAC Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center   DNS Domain Name System
DAA Designated Approving Authority   DEM/VAL Demonstration and Validation   DoD Department of Defense
DAB Defense Acquisition Board   DERP Disposable Eye / Respiratory Protection   DoDD DoD Directive
DAC Discretionary Access Control   Det Detachment   DoDIIS Defense Intelligence Information System
DACT Data Automated Control Terminal   DEW Directed Energy Weapon   DoDIIS DOD Intelligence Information System
DAD Distributed Architecture Decoy   DF Direction Finding   DoDISS DoD Index of Specifications and Standards
DADSS Decision Analysis and Decision Support System   DFAD Digital Feature Analysis Data   DoDSSP DoD Single Stock Point
DAE Defense Acquisition Executive   DFCC Digital Flight Control Computer   DOE Department of Energy
DAFECS Digital Authority Full Engine Control System   DFCS Digital Flight Control System   DP Development Prototype
DAGS Data Architecture and Gateway Services   DFP Defensive Fighting Positions   DP/F Digital Processing Facility
DAMA Demand Assigned Multiple Access   DFPS Deployable Field Pavement System   DPCA Displaced Phase Center Antenna
DAPE Dynamic Assessment, Planning, Execution   DGIF Deployable Ground Intercept Facility   DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office   DGPS Differential Global Positioning System   DPG Defense Planning Guidance
DARP Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program   DGS Deployable Ground Stations   DPL Diode-Pumped Laser
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency   DGSA DoD Goal Security Architecture   DPPDB Digital Point Positioning Data Base
DARTS Dynamic Avionics Real-Time Scheduling   DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol   DPS DIWS Planning System
DAWS Defense Automated Warning System   DIA Defense Intelligence Agency   DR Discrepancy Reports
dB Decibel   DIAC Defense Intelligence Analysis Center   DREP Depot Repair Enhancement Program
DBDB Digital Bathymetric Database   DIAL Differential Absorption Lidar   DRFM Digital Radio Frequency Memory
DBMS Data Base Management Systems   DIAM Defense Intelligence Agency Manual   DSB Defense Science Board
DBOF-T Defense Business Operating Fund-Transportation   DICE Data Integration & Collection Environment   DSCS Defense Satellite Communication System
DC Differential Correction   DIDOP Digital Image Data Output Product   DSI Defensive Simulation Internet
DC Direct Current   DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard   DSIC Defense Standards Improvement Council
DCA Defense Communications Agency (now DISA)   DII Defense Information Infrastructure   DSM Digital System Model
DCA Dual-Capable Aircraft   DIOP Data Input/Output Port   DSMAC Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator
DCA Defensive counter Air   DIPS Digital Image Processing System   DSMC Defense System Management College
DCAC Defense Communications Agency Circular (now DISA)   DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasures   DSN Defense Services Network
DCAI Defense Contract Audit Institute   DIRMOBFOR Director of Mobility Forces   DSNET Defense Secure Network
DCAPES Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution System   DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation   DSO Defensive System Operator
DCC Deployment Control Center   DIS Distributed Interactive System   DSP Defense Standardization Program
DCE Distributed Computing Environment   DIS Draft International Standard   DSP Defense Support Program
DCI Defensive Counter Information   DISA Defense Information Systems Agency   DSS Decision Support System
DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive   DISN Defense Information Services Network   DSUP Defensive System Upgrade Program
DCP Defense Cryptologic Program   DISN LES Defense Information System Network, Leading Edge Services   DSVT Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal
DCRSI Digital Cassette Recorder System Incremental   DISNET DDN Integrated Secure Network   DT&E Developmental Test and Evaluation
DCS Defense Communication System   DITAW Detect, Identify, Track, Assesment, & Warn   DTAP Defense Technology Area Plan
DCT Discrete Cosine Transform   DIWSA Digital Imagery Workstation Suite Afloat   DTAP Department of Defense Technology Area Plan
DCT Digital Communications Terminal   DJ Deceptive Jamming   DTC Design to Cost
DCW Digital Chart of the World   DL Downlink   DTD Data Transfer Device
DC-X Delta Clipper Experimental   DLA Defense Logistics Agency   DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
DDDS Defense Data Dictionary System   DLWG Data Link Working Group   DTM Data Transfer Module
DDM DoD Data Model   DMA Defense Mapping Agency   DTM Digital Technology Model
DDN Defense Data Network   DMAL Defense Mapping Agency List   DTOP Digital Topographic Data
DDPO Defense Dissemination Program Office   DMD Digital Micromirror Device   DTS Digital Terrain System
DDR&E Department of Defense Research and Engineering   DME Distance Measuring Equipment   DTSS Digital Terrain Support System
DDR&E Director Defense Research and Engineering   DMR Dual-Mode Ramjet   DUSD Deputy Undersecretary of Defense
DDRS Defense Data Repository System   DMS Defense Message System   DZ Drop Zone
DDS Defense Dissemination System   DMS Digital Mapping System   DZST Drop Zone Support Team
DDT Delay/Denial Technology   DMSO Defense Modeling and Simulation Office  
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- E -














EA Electronic Attack   ELMC Electrical Load Management Centers   ERP Effective Radiated Power
EADSIM Extended Air Defense Simulation   ELO Extremely Low Observable   ERPS External Frequency Interference Protection System
EAGLE Extended Airborne Global Launch Evaluator   ELT Electronic Light Table   ES Electronic Support
EALS Emergency Airfield Lighting System   ELV Expendable Launch Vehicle   ES/C Expandable Shelter/Container
EASAE Expert Assistant for Simulation Assembly & Experimentation   EM Electromagnetic   ESA European Space Agency
EASF Enhanced All Source Fusion   E-MAIL Electronic Mail   ESAD Electronic Safe and Arm Device
E-BTH Enhanced Beyond the Horizon   EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility   ESAF Electronic Safe and Armed Fuzes
EC Electronic Combat   EMCON Emission Control   ESAI Expanded Situation Awareness Insertion Program
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures   EMCS ELINT Mission Control System   ESAI Expanded Situational Awareness Insertion
ECCO Electronic Combat Coordination Officer   EMD Engineering and Manufacturing Development   ESAR Enhanced SAR
ECDS Equipment Contamination Detection System   EMI Electromagnetic Interference   ESC Electronic Systems Center
ECM Electronic Countermeasures   EMP Electromagnetic Pulse   ESD Exploitation Support Data
ECO Earth-Crossing Objects   EMSEC Emanations Security   ESDM Exploitation Support Data Message
ECP Engineering Change Proposal   EMT Expert Missile Tracker   ESDRM Exploitation Support Data Request Message
ECPGMP Electronic Combat Product Group Master Plan   EMTI Enhanced Moving Target Indicator   ESEX Electric Propulsion Space Experiment
ECRS East Coast Radar System   ENAF Emergency Nuclear Airlift Forces   ESKE Enhanced Stationkeeping Equipment
ECS Environmental Control System   ENF ELINT Notation File   ESM Electronic Support Measures
ECU Environmental Control Unit   EO Electro-Optical   ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
EDCS Evolutionary Design of Complex Software   EO/IR Electro-Optical/Infrared   ESS Exploitation Support Segment
EDM Engineering Development Model   EOB Electronic Order of Battle   ESU Electrical System Upgrade
EEI External Environment Interface   EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal   ETE End-to-End
EELV Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle   EO-LOROPS Electro-Optical Long Range Oblique Photography System   ETF Electronic Target Folders
EFCC Enhanced Fire Control Computer   EP Education Partnership   ETR Eastern Test Range
EFS Extended Fuel System   EP Electronic Protection   ETRAC Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator
EFS-M Enhanced Flight Screening-Medical   EPA Extended Planning Annex   EUCOM European Command
EGI Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System   EPAD Electrically Powered Actuation Device   EVS Electro-Optical Viewing System
EHF Extremely High Frequency   EPL ELINT Parameter List   EW Electronic Warfare
EI Exploitation Initiative   EPLRS Enhanced Position Location and Reporting System   EWIR Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming
EIA Electronics Industries Association   EPROMS Electrical, Erasable, Programmable, Read-Only Memory System   EWMS Electronic Warfare Management System
EIG External Interface Gateways   EPS Enhanced Processing Segment   EWO Electronic Warfare Officer (backseater)
EIP ELINT Improvement Program   EPU Emergency Power Unit   EWPE EW Processing Element
EIS Enhanced Imaging System   ER Eastern Range   EWR Early Warning Radar
EIS Environmental Impact Statement   ERASER Enhanced Recognition & Sensing Radar   EWS Early Warning System
EKV Exo-atmospheric Kinetic-kill Vehicle   ERIM Environmental Research Institute of MI   EWSS Evolutionary Weapon System Software
ELECTROOPTINT Electro-Optical Intelligence   ERINT Extended Range Interceptor   EXLITE Extended Life Tire
ELINT Electronics Intelligence   ERO Engine Running Offload/Onload   Exp Exploitation
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- F -















FA Forward Area   FDS Flight Demonstration System   FOSIC Fleet Ocean Surveillance & Information Center
FAA Federal Aviation Administration   FEA Finite Element Analysis   FOUO For Official Use Only
FAC Forward Air Controller   FEBA Forward Edge of the Battle Area   FOV Field of View
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control   FED-STD Federal Telecommunicaton Standard   FOWW Follow-on Wild Weasel
FAE Fuel Air Explosive   FES Follow-on Exploitation System   FOXFIRE Fused Offensive/Defensive Sensor for Fire Control
FAF Fast Access Format   FEWS Follow-On Early Warning System   FPA Focal Plane Array
FAMS Fuels Automated Management System   FFRDC Federally Funded Research & Development Center   FPGA Field Programmable Gated Array
FAP Functional Area Plans   FINDS Flexible Information Dissemination System   FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications Systems
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions   FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards   FQT Format Qualification Testing
FAR Frequency Adjunct radar   FIRRS FAAR/Iceland Air Defense Remote Rekeying System   FRD Facilities Requirements Document
FAST Field Adaptable Systems Technology   FISINT Foreign Instrumentation Intelligence   FRDS Full Resolution Data Set
FAT Factory Acceptance Test   FIST Fleet Imagery Support Terminal   FSII Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (MIL-I-27686)
FAT Final Acceptance Test   FISTA Flying Infrared Signatures Technology Aircraft   FSK Frequency Shift Keying
FATE Female Acceleration Tolerance Enhancement   FL Focal Length   FSM Facility Status Message
FATE Future Aircraft Technology  Enhancement   FLASER Forward Looking Infrared Laser Radar   FSR Field Service Representative
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation   FLC Federal Laboratory Consortium   FSU Former Soviet Union
FBL Fly by Light   FLEX Force Level Execution   FTA Focused Technology Area
FBW Fly by Wire   FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared   FTF Flight Test Facility
FC Fire Control   FLOT Forward Line of Own Troops   FTI Fixed Target Imagery and Fixed Target Indicator
FCBHMD Full Color Binocular Helmet Mounted Display   FM Frequency Modulation   FTP File Transfer Protocol
FCC Federal Communications Commission   FMOP Frequency Modulation On Pulse   FTS Fourier Transform Spectrometer
FCC Fire Control Commit   FO Fiber Optic   FTV Flight Test Vehicles
FCS Flight Control System   FOA Field Operating Agencies   FWE Fighter Wing Equivalent
FCT Foreign Comparative Test   FOB Forward Operating Base   FWOS Fixed Weather Observation System
FCT Foreign Comparative Testing   FOC Full Operational Capability   FWV Fixed Wing Vehicle
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface   FOD Foreign Object Damage   FY Fiscal Year
FDECU Field Deployable Environ Control Unit   FOE Future Operating Environments   FYDP Future Years Defense Program
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access   FOG Fiber Optic Gyro  
FDP Fusion Data Processor   FOL Forward Operating Location  


- G -















G Giga (1x109)   GCSS Global Combat Support System   GMI General Military Intelligence
G/C ENS Groundcrew Ensemble   GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program   GMT Ground Moving Target
GaAs Gallium Arsenide   GDR Ground Data Reduction   GMTI Ground Moving Target Indication
GaN Gallium Nitride   GDSS Global Decision Support System   GN&C Guidance, Navigation, and Control
GAVTB Global Awareness Virtual Testbed   GENSER General Security Regulations   GND Ground
GB Giga Byte   GEO Geosynchronous Earth Orbit   GOC Global Operations Center
GBI Ground-Based Interceptor   GEO Geosynchronous Orbit   GOSG General Officer(s) Steering Group
GBL Ground-Based Laser   GEODSS Ground-Based Electro-Optical Deep-Space Surveillance   GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
Gbps Gigabytes per second   GFE Government Furnished Equipment   GOTS Government-off-the-shelf
GBR Ground Based Radar   GFI Government Furnished Information   GPR Ground Penetrating Radar
GBR-P Ground Based Radar Prototype   GFP Government Furnished Property   GPRA Government Perfermance and Results Act
GBS Global Broadcast System   GGI&S Global Geospatial Information & Services   GPS Global Positioning System
GBU Guided Bomb Unit   GHFS Global High Frequency System   GPSJ Global Positioning System Jammer
GC Gas Chromatography   GHz Gigahertz   GRDCUS Gulf Range Drone Control Upgrade System
GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System   GIF Graphics Interchange Format   GRFL Groundwater Remediation Field Lab
GCC Ground Component Commander   GINS Government Information Network System   GRIB Gridded Binary
GCCS Global Command and Control System   GIP Ground Impact Point   GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
GCI Ground Controlled Intercept   GIS Geographic Information System   GSIDS GPS, Stellar, Inertial, Doppler Navigation
GCP Ground Control Processor   GKS Graphical Kernel System   GSIL Ground Segment Integration Lab
GCSS Global Combat Support System   GLOB Ground Loving Old Bastard (KC-135)   GSM Ground Station Module
GCC Ground Component Commander   GLOBIXS Global Information Exchange System   GSS Generic Security Service
GCCS Global Command and Control System   G-LOC G-Induced Loss of Consciousness   GSS Gyro Stabilization Station
GCI Ground Controlled Intercept   GM Guided Missile   GTACS Global Transportation Network
GCP Ground Control Processor   GMF Ground Mobile Force   GUI Graphical User Interface
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- H -













HA Hit Assessment   HES Hardcopy Exploitation Segment   HPMSK High Priority Mission Support Kit
HAARP High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program   HF High Frequency   HP-MSOGS High Performance-Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generation System
HABE High Altitude Balloon Experiment   HF Hydrogen-Fluoride   HPSLT High Power Semiconductor Laser Technology
HAE High Altitude Endurance   HF Height Finder   HPT High Pressure Turbine
HAE High Altitude long-Endurance (UAV)   HFE Highband Frequency Extension   HPWS High Pressure Water Separator
HAE-LO HAE-Low Observable   H-HMMWV Heavy High Mobility Multi- Purpose Wheeled Vehicle   HQ Headquarters
HAES High Altitude ELINT System   HIC Human-in-Control   HQ AF Headquarter Air Force
HAE-UAV High Altitude Endurance-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle   Hi-Class High Performance CO2 LADAR Surveillance Sensor   HQ AFMC OAS Office of Aerospace Studies
HAF Headquarters Air Force   HIDAR High Data Rate   HQAN HAVE QUICK A-Net
HAMP Horizontal Avionics Modernization Planning   HIIR High Inclination Infrared   HR High Resolution
HAN Hydroxylammonium Nitrate   HiMAT Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Technology   HR Hybrid Receive
HARM High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile   HiMaTE High Mach Turbine Engine   HRCS High Resolution Camera System
HAS Hardened Aircraft Shelter   HIPRA High Speed Digital Processor Architecture   HRR High Resolution Radar
HASA High Altitude SIGINT Architecture   HIRF High Intensity Radiation Fields   HSAL High Speed Algebraic Logic
HBCU/MI Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions   HIS Horizontal Situational Indicator   HSC Human Systems Center
HBT Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor   HIT Hughes Improved Terminal   HSFB High Speed Fleet Broadcast
HCF High Cycle Fatigue   HITL Hardware-In-The-Loop   HSI Hyperspectral Imaging
HCI Human-Computer Interface   HITL Human-In-The-Loop   HSIP H Camera Sensor Improvement Program
HCL Hydrochloric Acid   HLA High Level Architecture   HSR High Speed Research
HDBS Host Data Base System   HLPS Hot Liquid Process Simulator   HTI Hostile Target Identification
HDD Heads Down Displays   HMCS Helmet Mounted Cueing System   HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language
HDR High Data Rate   HMD Helmet Mounted Display   HTS High Temperature Superconductivity
HDS Hard Disk Subsystem   HMMV Highly Mobile Military Vehicle   HTS HARM Targeting System
HDTV High Definition Television   HMMWV High Mobility Milti-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles   HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HE Heavy Equipment   HMS Helmet Mounted Sight   HUD Heads-up Displays
HE High Explosives   HMS+ Helmet Mounted Sight Plus   HULTEC Hull to Emitter Correlation
HEDM High Energy Density Material   HMT/D Helmet-Mounted Tracker & Display   HUMINT Human Intelligence
HEDM High Energy Density Matter   HOBA High Off-Boresight Angle   HVA High Valued Asset
HEL High Energy Laser   HOTAS Hands-on-Throttle-and-Stick   HVAC Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning
HELSTF High Energy Laser Test Facility   HPC High-Performance Computing   HW Hardware
HEML High Energy Microwave Laboratory   HPC High Pressure Compressor   HySTP Hypersonic Systems Technology Program
HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor   HPG Hardcopy Processor Group   HyTech Hypersonics Technology
HEO Highly Elliptical Orbit   HPM High Power Microwave   Hz Hertz
HERTF High Energy Research & Test Facility   HPMaRV High Performance Maneuvering Reentry Vehicles  
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- I -














I&A Identification and Authentication   IER Information Exchange Requirements   IPL Image Product Library
I&RTS Integrated and Runtime Specification   IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group   IPL Integrated Priority List
I&W Indications & Warning   IESS Imagery Exploitation Support System   IPNM Imagery Purge Notification Message
IA Information Attack   IESS Integrated Electromagnetic System Simulation   IPP Impact Point Prediction
IA&T Installation, Assembly and Test   IETF Internet Engineering Task Force   IPPD Integrated Product & Process Development
IAB Internet Architecture Board   IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual   IPR Impulse Response
IADS Integrated Air Defense System   IF Intermediate Frequency   IPR In-Progress Review
IAG Imagery Analysis Group   IFICS In-flight Interceptor Commumication System   IPS Intraformation Positioning System
IAS Image Access Service   IFP Image Formation Processor   IPSRU Inertial Pseudo-Star Reference Unit
IAS Intelligence Analysis System   IFSAR Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar   IPT Integrated Product Team
IAVTR Integrated Audio Visual Transmitter/ Receiver   IFT Integrated Test Flight   IPU Integrated Power Unit
IAW In Accordance With   IFTU In-flight Target Update   IPv4 IP Next Generation / Version 4
IC Integrated Circuit   IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolor Transistor   IPv6 IP Next Generation / Version 6
IC Incremental Capability   IGDL Interoperable Ground Data Link   IR Infrared
IC Intelligence Correlation   IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol   IR&D Independent Research & Development
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces   IHPRPT Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology   IRAA Infrared Acquisition Array
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization   IHPTET Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology   IRAD Independent Research and Development
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile   IIE Installation Identification Elements   IRADS Infrared Attack & Designation System (F-117)
ICCCM Inter-Client Communications Convention Manual   IIM Integrated Imagery Management   IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
ICD Interface Control Document   IIR Image Interpretation Report   IRCCM Infrared Counter-Countermeasures
ICM Intelligence Correlation Module   IIR Imaging Infrared   IRCM Infrared Countermeasures
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol   IIS/G Internal Integral Starter/Generator   IRI Ionospheric Research Instrument
ICNIA Integrated Communications Navigation IFF Avionics   IIST Intelligent Information Systems Technology   IRMA Infrared Modeling and Analysis
ICNIS Integrated Communication Navigation and ID System   IL Integration Laboratories   IRMC Information Resources Management College
ICON Image Communication and Operations Node   ILS Instrument Landing System   IRR Integral Rocket Engine
ICON Integrated Contract   ILS Integrated Logistics Support   IRRM Image Recording Request Message
ICOT Isothermal Corrosion Oxidation Test   IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions   IRSS Infrared Surveillance System
ICP Interface Change Proposal   IMDSPO Integrated Maintenance Data SPO   IRST Infrared Search and Track
ICS Image Capture System   IMETS Integrated Meteorological System   IS Information System
ICT Integrated Concept Team   IMINT Imagery Intelligence   ISA Instrumentation Society of America
ICTP Information Collection, Transfer, Processing   IMIS Integrated Maintenance Information System   ISAR Inverse SAR
ID Identification   IMM Image Manifest Message   ISARC Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Cell
IDAL Integrated Defensive Avionics Lab   IMS Ion Mobility Spectroscopy   ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
IDAS Integrated Air Defense System   IMU Inertial Measurement Unit   ISEA In-Service Engineering Agent
IDASS Integrated Data Analysis System for Spacecraft   IN Intelligence   ISO International Organizations for Standardization
IDC-A Image Data Controller -   Type A   INADM Image Not Available from the DP/F Message   ISP Integrated Support Plan
IDCP ID Data Combining Process   INAM Image Not Available Message   ISP International Standardized Profile
IDD Initiative Definition Document   INF Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (Treaty)   ISP ISDN Security Program
IDD IPA and Dissemination Division   INFOSEC Information Security   Isp Specific Impulse
IDECM Integrated Defensive ECM   INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite (System)   ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance
IDEF Integrated (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) Definition   InP Indium Phosphide   ISS Integrated Sensor System
IDEF0 Integrated Definition for Function Modeling   INS Inertial Navigation System   ISS Intelligence Systems Secretariat
IDEF1X Integrated Definition for Information Modeling   INSICOM Integrated Sensitive Information Communications   ISSO Information System Security Officer
IDEX Imagery Data Exploitation System II   INT Intelligence   ISTC Integrated System Test Capability
I-DGS Interim-Deployable Ground Station   INTELCAST Intelligence Broadcast   ISTD Integrated Space Technology Demonstration
IDH Analytical Systems for Collection & Exploitation   INTELNET Intelligence Network   ISTF Integrated Space Technology Flights
IDH Information Architectures for Intelligence   INU Inertial Navigation Unit   ITB Integrated Test Bed
IDH Information Extraction, Generation and Visulation   IO Information Operations   ITO Integrated Tasking Order
IDHS Intelligence Data Handling System   IOC Initial Operational Capability   ITS Intelligent Tutoring System
IDK Initial Deployment Kitchen   IP Initial Point   ITSEC European Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria
IDM Improved Data Modem   IP Internet Protocol   ITSG Information Technology Standards Guidance
IDPS Interim Digital Processing System   IP Instructor Pilot   ITU International Telecommunications Union
IDR Initiative Design Review   IPA Image Product Archive   ITU-T International Telecommunications Union-Telecomm Standardization
IDSM Integrated Data Base Management   IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield   ITV Interactive Television
IDUP Independent Data Unit Protection   IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol   ITW/AA Integrated Threat Warning/Attack Assessment
IEC Intelligence Exploitation Cell   IPE Individual Protective Equipment   IV&V Independent Verification and Validation
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission   IPF Intelligence Processing Facility   IW Information Warfare
IEEE Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers   IPIR Initial Photo Interpretation Report   IWS Information Warfare Squadron
  IPIX Interface Processor for Imagery Exchange   IXS Information Exchange System
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- J -














J Joule   JIF Joint IDEX II Facility   JSAT JSTARS ATR Tests
J&A Justification and Approval   JINTACCS Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems   J-SBS Joint Synthetic Battle Space
J/IST JSF/Integrated Subsystem Technology   JITC Joint Interoperability Test Center   JSEAD Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense
JA/ATT Joint Airborne/Air Transportability Training   JITF Joint Integration Test Facility   JSEP Joint Service Electronics Program
JAC Joint Analysis Center   JITMT U.S.-Japan Industry and Technology Management Training   JSF Joint Strike Fighter
JADS Joint Advance Distributed Simulation   JM&SIP Joint M&S Integration Program   JSF Jet Fuel Starter
JASA Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture   J-MASS Joint Modeling and Simulation System   JSIMS Joint Simulation System
JASS Joint Airborne SIGINT System   JMCIS Joint Maritime Command Information System   JSIPS Joint Service Imagery Processing System
JASSM Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile   JMF Joint Message Format   JSIPS-AF Joint Service Imagery Processing System-Air Force
JAST Joint Advanced Strike Technology (now JSF)   JMM Joint Management Meeting   JSIPS-N Joint Service Imagery Processing System-Navy
JBS Joint Broadcast(ing) System   JMSP Joint Multi-Spectral Sensor Program   JSOW Joint Stand-Off Weapon
JCAPS Joint C4ISR Planning & Analysis System   Joint Stars Joint Surveillance, Target Attack Radar System   JSRC-AS Joint Services Review Committee for Avionics Standardization
JCMT Joint Collection Management Tool   JORD Joint Operational Requirements Document   JSTARS Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Reconnaissance System
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff   JOTS Joint Operational Tactical System   JSTARS Joint Surveillance Targeting and Reconnaissance
JCSA Joint C4ISR System Architecture   JP-10 Jet Propellant 10 (standard Missile fuel MIL-P-25524)   JSTARS Joints Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JCTCS Joint Tactical Combat Training System   JP-5 Jet Propellant 5 (standard high flash point Navy fuel, MIL-T-5624)   JTA Joint Technical Architecture
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition   JP-7 Jet Propellant 7 (High temp, low Volatility Jet fuel (MIL-T-38219)   JTA WG Joint Technical Architecture Working Group
JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System   JP-8 Jet Propellant 8(standard AF kerosene jet fuel (MIL-T-83133)   JTAGG Joint Turbine Advanced Gas Generator
JDL Joint Directors of Laboratories   JPATS Joint Primary Aircraft Training System   JTAV Joint Total Asset Visibility
JDSS JFACC Decision Support System   JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group   JTDE Joint Technology Demonstrator Engine
JETEC Joint Expendable Turbine Engine Concept   JPEGIC Joint Photographic Experts Group Image Compression   JTDLMP Joint Tactical Data Link Management Plan
JFACC Joint Forces Air Component Commander   JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory   JTF Joint Task Force
JFC Joint Force Commander   JPO Joint Program Office   JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format   JR Jam Resistance   JWARS Joint Warfare Simulation
JFTOT Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Tester   JRD Joint Requirements Document   JWICA Joint Warfighter Capabilities Assessment
JI Joint Inspection   JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council   JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
JIC Joint Intelligence Center   JS Joint Standards   JWID Joint Warfighter Interoperability Demonstration
JICPAC Joint Intelligence Center - Pacific   JSAS Joint Situational Awareness System   JWID94 Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration--1994
JIEO Joint Interoperabilitiy & Engineering Organization   JWIDS Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration


- K -













k Kilo (1x103)   KEASAT Kinetic Energy Anti-SATellite   km kilometer
kA Kiloamps   KEFH 1000 Engine Flight Hours   KMOR Keep Missile on the Rail
KAM Keep Alive Message   KEW Kinetic Energy Weapons   KMP Key Management Protocol
KBP Knowledge Based Planning   Kft Kilofeet   KQML Knowledge & Query Manipulation Language
kbps Kilobits Per Second   Kg Kilogram   KTAS Knots, True Airspeed
KCOIC Korean Combined Operations Intelligence Center   kHz Kilohertz   Ku Ku Frequency Band
KE Kinetic Energy   KIAS Knot, Indicated Airspeed   KV Kill Vehicle
KEAS Knots Equivalent Airspeed   KKV Kinetic Kill Vehicle   KW Kilo Watt
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- L -













LAC Local Area Controller   LEO Low Earth Orbit   LOE Level of Effort
LADAR Laser Detection and Ranging   LEP Life Extension Program   LOFT Laser Optical Fourier Transform
LADD Low-Angle Drogue Delivery   LEP Linear Error Probability   LO-HAE Low Obervable-High Altitude Endurance
LAES Low Altitude ELINT System   LFD Linear Finite-Difference   LORAN Long-Range Radio Aid to Navigation
LAMP Large Advanced Mirror Program   LFOV Limited Field of Vision   LOROP Long-Range Oblique Photography
LAN Local Area Network   LGB Laser Guided Bomb   LOROPS Long-Range Oblique Optical System
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory   LGW Laser Guided Weapon   LOS Line-of-Sight
LANTIRN Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared System for Night   LH2 Liquid Hydrogen   LPD Low Probability of Detection
LaRC Langley Research Center   LHA Amphibious Assault Ship (general purpose)   LPD/JR Low Probability of Detection/Jam Resistant
LARS Laser Airborne Remote Sensing   LHD Amphibious Ship (helicopter)   LPI Low Probability of Intercept
LASE Large Aperture Speckle Experiment   LICS L-Band Interference Cancellation System   LPI/LPD Low Probability of Intercept/ Detection
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation   LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging   LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LASRE Linear Aerospike SR-71 Experiment   LIDAR LIght raDAR   LRC Logistics Readiness Center (ALC's)
LASSOS Lasers and Space Optical Systems   LIDD Lightweight Disposable Disrupter   LRC Lesser Regional Conflict
LATS Large Aperture Tracking System   LIFE Laser Infrared Flyout Experiment   LRE Launch and Recovery Element
LAV-AD Light Armored Vehicle-Air Defense   LIMDIS Limited Dissemination   LRIP Low-Rate Initial Production
LBD Laser Beam Detector   LIME Laser Induced Microwave Emission   LRIR Long Range Infrared
LBO Lean BlowOut   LITDL Link-16 Interoperable Data Link   LRRM Late Request Response Message
Lbs Pounds   LLLTV Low Light Level Television   LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LC Launch Complex   LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Lab   LSA Logistic Support Analysis
LCC Life Cycle Cost   LMST Lightweight Multi-Band Satellite Terminals   LSB/USB Lower Sideband / Upper Sideband
LCDL Low-Cost Data Link   LNA Low Noise Amplifier   LSI Lead System Integrator
LCIAS Low Cost Integrated Avionics for Legacy Systems   LO Low Observable   LTAS Laser Threat Analysis System
LCM Life Cycle Management   LO2 Liquid Oxygen   LTC Lackland AFB Training Center
LCP Link Control Protocol   LOCAAS Low Cost Anti-Armor Submunition   LV Launch Vehicle
LDR Low Data Rate   LOCAAS Low-Cost Autonomous Attack (formerly Anti-Armor) Submunition   LW/D Laser Warning/Defeat
LEAP Light-weight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile   LOCE Linked Operations/Intel Centers Europe   LWD Littoral Warfare Data
LED Light Emitting Diode   LOD Level of Detail   LWIR Long Wavelength Infrared
LEFRA Leading Edge Flap Rotary Actuator   LODIS Low Cost Dispensing   LZ Landing Zone
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- M -













M Mega (1x106)   MDR Medium Data Rate   MOB Main Operating Base
m meter   MDS Manned Destructive SEAD   MOBSTR Mobile Stretch
M&S Modeling and Simulation   MDS Mission Design Series   MOC Missile Operations Center
M&SCE Modeling and Simulation Center of Excellence   MEA More Electric Aircraft   MOD Mission Operating Directive
M3P Multi-Mission Mobile Processors   MEB Marine Expenditional Brigades   MODS Mobile Ordnance Disrupter System
MAA Mission Area Assessment   MECS Manuel ELINT Collection Subsystem   MODS Multiple Optical Data System
MAAS Mobile Aircraft Arresting System   MEDS Meteorological Environment Data System   MOE Measure of Effectiveness
MAC Military Airlift Command   MEF Marine Expeditionary Forces   MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War
MACET Modular Algorithm Concept Evaluation Tool   MELA Munition Export License Application   MOP Measure of Performance
MACOM Major Army Command   MEMS Microelectromechanical System   MOSIAC Modeling System for Advanced Strategic Tactical Expandable Investigation of Countermeasures
MAD Mission Area Directorate   MEO Medium Earth Orbit   MOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path First
MAD Mutually Assured Destruction   MEPTAS Mining for Event Pattern Models in Temporal Analysis   MOTIF Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility
MADMEL (Power) Management and Distribution for More Electric (Aircraft)   MERIT Military Exploitation of Reconnaissance & Intelligence Technology   MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MADP Mission Area Development Plan   METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic   MPA Mission Payload Assessment
MAE Medium Altitude Endurance   MF Measurement Facilities   MPEG Motion Pictures Expert Group
MAF Mobility Air Forces   MFD Multi-Function Displays   MPG Mission Power Group
MAFET Microwave and Analog Front-End Technology Program   MFI Multirole Fighter Interceptor   MPM Microwave Power Module
MAFFS Modular Airborne Firefighting System   MFP Major Force Program   MPP Modernization Planning Process
MAG Mission Area Group   MFR Multi-Function Radiation   MPS Mission Planning Segment
MAGIC Multimission Advanced Ground Intelligence Control   MGS Mission Ground Station   MPT Manpower, Personnel and Training
MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force   MHE Material Handling Equipment   MR Medium Range
MAINS Multi-Access Intelligence Nomination System   MHP Mobile Host Protocol   MRBM Medium Range Ballastic Missile
MAIS Major Automated Information System   MHz Megahertz   MRC Major Regional Conflict
MAJCOM Major Command   MIB Management Information Base   MRC Major Regional Contingency
MAMS Military Airspace Management System   MIDB Management Information Database   MRF Multi-Role Fighter
MAN Metropolitan-Area Network   MIDB Modernized Intelligence Data Link   MRMMS Millimeter Wave Reflectivity Measurement System
MANPAD Manpowered Portable Air Defense System   MIDL Modular Interoperable Data Link   MRSP Mobility Readiness Spares Package
MANS Microcosm Autonomous Navigation System   MIDS Multi-function Information Distribution System   MS Milestone
MANTECH Manufacturing Technology   MIES Modernized Imagery Exploitation System   MS&A Modeling, Simulation & Analysis
MAOC Modular Air Operations Center   MIGP Multi-INT Ground Procession   MSA Mission Solution Analysis
MAP Mission Area Plan   MIIDS Military Intelligence Integrated Data System   MSCS Multi-Source Correlation System
MARE Mission Analysis Report Electrical   MIL-HDBK Military Handbook   MSE Mission Support Element
MARFOR Marine Forces   MILNET Military Network   Msec Millisecond
MARS Multi-Sensor Agile Reconnaissance System   MILO Magnetically imaging Radiometer   MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MaRV Maneuvering Re-entry Vehicle   MILSATCO Military Satellite Communications   MSGD Multi-spectral Ground Decoys
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence   MILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications   MSI Multispectral Imager
MAT Mission Area Team   MILSTAR Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Satellite   MSI Multi-spectral Imagery or Multi-spectral intelligence
MATT Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal   MIL-STD Military Standard   MSIP Multi-stage Improvement Program
MATV Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring   MIMIC Microwave/Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuit   MSL Mean Sea Level
MAU Medium-Access Unit   MIMIC Microwave/Millimeter Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuit   MSM Mass Storage Modeules/ATD
MAW Missile Approach Warning   MIMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit   MSMP Modeling & Simulation Master Plan
MAWS Missile Approach Warning System   MIPE Mobile Intelligence Processing Element   MSO Mission Support Officer
MAXI Modular Architecture for the Exchange of Information   MIR Mission Information Requirements   MSP Message Security Protocol
MBE Molecular Beam Epitaxy   MIRA Medium Wave Infrared Acquisition Array   MSP Military Spaceplane
Mbits/s Megabits per second   MIRE Mission Intercept Report Electrical   MSP Military Spaceplane Program
MBPAA Multibeam Phased Array Antenna   MIRFS Multifunction Integrated Radio Frequency System (JAST)   MSP Mission Support Plan
Mbps Megabits per second   MIRGS Multi-Intelligence Reconnaissance Ground Station   MSPO Mission Support Planning Office
MBV Model-Based Vision   MIRV Multiple Independently-targeted Re-entry Vehicle   MSSS Maui Space Surveillance Site
MC&G Mapping, Charting & Geodesy   MIS Mission Intelligence Segment   MST Mission Support Team
MCA Multichip Assembly   MISSI Multilevel Information Systems Security Initiative   MSTAR Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition
MCAS Marine Corps Air Station   MIST Modular Interoperable Surface Term   MSTIC Military Spaceplane Technology Investment Council
MCC Mobility Control Center   MISU CARS MIS Upgrades   MSTRS Miniature Satellite Threat Report System
MCCC Mobile Command & Control Center   MITL Man-In-The-Loop   MSTS Multi-Source Tactical System
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Developmant Command   MIT-LL Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Lincoln Laboratory   MSX Midcourse Surveillance Experiment
MCD Minimum Cost Design   MLS Microwave Landing System   MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MCE Mission Control Elements   MLS Multi-Level Security   MTD Missile Technology Demonstration
MCG Magnetocumulative Generator   MLV Medium Launch Vehicle   MTE Moving Target Exploitation
MCG&I Mapping,Charting,Geodesy, & Imagery   MM III Minuteman III Missile   MTF Medical Treatment Facility
MCISU Marine Corps Intelligence Support Unit   MM Minuteman   MTI Moving Target Indicator
MCM Multichip Module   MMBA Multi-Mode Multi-Band Antenna   MTO Mission Type Orders
MCM Multi-Command Manual   MMC Modular Mission Computer   MTTR Mean Time to Restore
MCR Multi-Command Regulation   MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit   MTV More Electric Test Vehicle
MCS Mission Contol Station   MMIDS Multi-media Information Distribution System   MUCELS Multiple Communications Emitter Location System
MCS Modular Control System   MMLS Mobile Microwave Landing System   MULTIRAD Multi-ship Training Research & Development
MCSB Back-up Mission Control Station   MMMC Modified Modular Mission Computer   MUVEs Multi-User Virtual Environments
MCT Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Controlled Transistor   MMRT Modified Miniature Receiver Terminal   MVS Mission Verification System
MCU Multicrypto Unit   MMTD Miniaturized Munition Technology Demonstration   MW MegaWatt
MDA Milestone Decision Authority   MMW Millimeter Wave   MW Microwave
MDA Metal De-Activator   MNA Mission Needs Analysis   mW milliWatt
MDAP Mafor Defense Acquisition Program   MNF Multi-National Forces   MWC Missile Warning Center
MDLV Memory Data Load/Verifier   MNI Man-Machine Interface   MWIR Medium Wave-length Infrared
MDO/MDA Multi-disciplinary Optimization/ Multi-disciplinary Analysis   MNS Mission Needs Statement   MWS Missile Warning System
MDP MOBSTR Deployed Processor   MOA Memorandum of Agreement      
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- N -













N/A Not Available or Not Applicable   NES National Exploitation System   NORAD Northern Region Air Defense
N/UWSS NORAD/USSPACECOM Warfighter Support System   NESP Naval EHF SATCOM Program   NOx Nitrous Oxide
N-ABLE Nonproliferation Airborne Lidar Experiment   NFIP National Foreign Intelligence Program   NPES Nuclear Planning and Execution System
NACTS Nellis Air Combat Training System   NFS Network File System   NPIC National Photographic Interpretation Center
NAEDS Non-Aqueous Equipment Decontamination System   NGB National Guard Bureau   NPR Nuclear Posture Review
NAF Numbered Air Force   NGCR Next Generation Computer Resources   NPS Naval Postgraduate School
NAI Named Area of Interest   NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center   NRaD Naval Research and Develpment
NAIC National Air Intelligence Center   NGP Next Generation (Fire Suppression) Plan   NRC National Research Council
NAIC National Aerospace Intelligence Center   NGSBL Next Generation Space-Based Laser   NRL Naval Research Laboratory
NAK Negative Message Acknowledgment   NGTCS Next Generation Target Control System   NRLJRD NIMA and Rome Laboratory Joint Requirements Documents
NAOC National Airborne Operations Center   NGW Next Generation Workstation   NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NAS National Aerospace System   NIBS Naval IMINT Broadcast System   NRT Near-Real-Time
NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration   NIC National Intelligence Center   NRZ Non-Return Zero
NASA DRFC NASA Dryden Flight Research Center   NIFTR Near Isothermal Flowing Test Rig   NSA National Security Agency
NASIP Navy Airframe Structural Integrity Program   NIIRS National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale   NSC National Security Council
NASM National Air and Space (Warfare) Model   NIL National Image Library   NSN National Stock Number
NASM National Air and Space Museum   NIMA National Imagery & Mapping Agency   NSOC National SIGINT Operations Center
NASP National Aerospace Plane   NIPS Naval Intelligence Processing System   NSRL National SIGINT Requirements List
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization   NIPS NTCS-A Intelligence Processing System   NSS National Security Strategy
NAVFOR Naval Forces   NIS National Input Segment   NTCS-A Naval Tactical Communication System--Afloat
NAVIXS Naval Information Exchange System   NIS NIMA Information System   NTDS Naval Tactical Data System
NAVS Non-cooperative Target ID   N-ISDN Narrow Band-Integrated Services Digital Network   NTF National Test Facility
NavTEL Navigational Test and Evaluation Lab   NIST National Institute of Standards & Techology   NTIS National Technical Information Service
NAWC Naval Air Warfare Center   NITES Navy Integrated Tactical Environment Subsystem   NTM National Technical Means
NBC Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical   NITF National Imagery Transmission Format   NTP Network Time Protocol
NBMD National Ballistic Missile Defense   NITFIRD NITF Implementation Requirements Document   NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NCA National Command Authority   NITFS National Imagery Transmission Format Standard or Specification   NUCINT Nuclear Intelligence
NCAT Naval Center for Acq Training   NLO Nonlinear Optics   NUDET Nuclear Detonation
NCIU NITF Communication Interface Unit   NLRD NIMA Library Requirement Document   NUWC Naval Undersurface Weapons Center
NCMC National Collection Management Cell   NLT Not Later Than   NVE Night Vision Equipment
NCMP National Configuration Management Plan   NM Nautical Miles   NVG Night Vision Goggles
NCSC National Computer Security Center   NMC NORAD Mountain Complex   NVIS Night Vision Imaging System
Nd:YAG Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet   NMCC National Military Command Center   NWS North Warning System
NDB Non-Directional Beacon   NMCS National Military Command System   NWSSG Nuclear Weapons System Safety Group
NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation   NMD National Missile Defense   NWV New World Vistas
NDI Non-Developmental Item   NMITC Naval and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center   NYNET New York Network
NDI/E Non-Destructive Inspection/Evaluation   NMS National Military Strategy   NYNEX New York-New England Exchange
NEIT NPIC Electronic Imagery Transfer   NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration      
NEO Non-combatant Evacuation Operations            
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- O -













O&M Operations and Maintenance   OMT Object Model Template   ORTA Office of Research & Technology Applications
OAT&E Operational Acceptance Test & Evaluation   OMUS Outside of Continental US   OS Operating System
OB Order of Battle   ONI Office of Naval Intelligence   OSA Optical Society of America
OBATS Off Board Augmented Theater Surveillance   ONR Office of Naval Research   OSA Operational Support Airlift
OBIGGS On-Board Inert Gas Generating System   OOB Order of Battle   OSD Office of Secretary of Defense
OBOGS On-Board Oxygen Generation System   OODBMS Object Oriented Database Management Systems   OSD(C) Office of the Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
OBP On-Board Processing   OOM Object-Oriented Methods   OSF Open Software Foundation
OCA Offensive Counter Interformation   OOT Object-Oriented Technology   OSF Operational Support Facility
OCD Operational Concept Demonstration   OOTW Operations Other Than War   OSI Office of Special Investigations
OCI Offensive Counter Information   OPCON Operational Control   OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OCIP Offensive Capabilities Improvement Plan   OPEVAL Operational Evaluation   OSI Open Systems Interface
OCR Office of Collateral Responsibility   OPEVALFOR Operational Evaluation Force   OSINT Open Source Intelligence
ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity   OPFAC Operational Facility   OSIS Ocean Surveillance Information System
ODC Operations Data Center   OPINTEL Operational Intelligence   OSO Offensive System Operator
ODM Oil Debris Monitoring   OPO Optical Parametric Oscillator   OSPF Open Shortest Path First
ODMG Object Data Management Group   OPLAN Operations Plan   OT&E Operational Test & Evaluation
ODPS Operational Deployable Processing System   OPR Office of Primary Responsibility   OTA Other Transactions Authority
OECS Operational Effectiveness Cost Comparison Study   OPREP Operations Report   OTCIXS Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange System
OFP Operational Flight Program   OPSCOMM Operations Communications   OTH Over the Horizon
OJT On the Job Training   OPSEC Operations Security   OTH-B Over-the-Horizon Radar Backscatter
OK-ALC Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center   OPTINT Optical Intelligence   OTS Off-the-Shelf
OLE Object Linking Embedding   ORD Operational Requirements Document   OTV Orbital Transfer Vehicle
OMA Object Management Architecture   ORPP Operational Requirements and Modernization Planning Process   OWS Operator Work Station
OMG Object Management Group            
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- P -













P Probability   PDR Preliminary Design Review   POM Program Objective Memorandum
P3I Pre-Planned Product Improvement   PDRE Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine   PORTS Portable Remote Communication System
P4A Programmable Powdered Perform Process for Aerospace   PDTS Portable Data Transfer System   POSIX Portable Operating System for Information Exchange
PA Public Address   PDU Protocol Data Units   PPBS Planning Program & Budgeting System
PAA Primary Aircraft Assigned   PE Program Element   PPDB Point Positioning Data Base
PA&E Program Assessment and Evaluation   PEBB Power Electronic Building Block   PPIF Photographic Processing Interpretation Facility
PACAF Pacific Air Force   PEM Program Element Monitor   PPLI Precise Position, Location, & ID
PACE Point-Ahead Compensation Experiment   Penaids Penetration Aids   PPLN Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate
PACOM United States Pacific Command   PEO Program Executive Office   PPM Pulse Position Modulation
PACS Programmable Armament Control Set   PEO (CU) Program Evecutive Office, Cruise Missiles and Joint Unmanned Aerial   PPMS Power Pattern Measurement System
PAD Point Air Defense   PerFECT Peroxide in Fuel Estimation and Concentration Test   PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PADL Proof-of-concept Aerospace Defense Location   PF-1 Priming Fluid 1 (MIL-P-87173)   PPU Protocol Processing Unit
PAI Primary Aircraft Inventory   PGDR Portable Ground Data Reduction   PPS Precise Position Service
PAM Payload Assist Module   PGM Precision Guided Munitions   PRC People's Republic of China
PAM Preventive Aerospace Medicine   PGM Product Group Manager   Pre-PIRM Pre-Processing Image Request Message
PARANA Phase Array Antenna Analysis   PHIGS Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Systems   PREPO Propositioning
PASP+ Photovoltaic Array & Space Power Plus   PHIM Protective Hood and Integrated Mask   PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
PAT Performance Analysis Team   PHOTINT Photo Intelligence   PRFECT Prediction RF Effects Coupling Tool
PAT Preliminary Acceptance Test   PIAE Profile for Imagery Archive Extension   PRG Program Review Group
PAVE Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment   PID Priority Intelligence Division   PRI Primary Rate Interface
PAVE PAWS Precision Acquisition Vehicular Entry Phased Array Warning System   PIGM Partial Image Generation Message   PRI Pulse Recurrence Interval
PAWS Parallel Assessment Window System   PILOT Phased Integrated Laser Optics Technology   PRK Photorefractive Keratectomy
PB President's Budget   Pim Parameterized Ionosphere Model   PROTEC Programmable Ordnance Technology
PBBE Performance Based Business Environment   PINES Pacific Integrated National Exploitation System   PSA Pressure Swing Absorption
PBD Program Budget Directive   PIO Pilot Induced Oscillation   PSCOM Pacific Command
PBO Performance Based Organization   PIP Product Improvement Plan   PSDP Programmable Signal Data Processor
PBV Post Boost Vehicle   PiSi Platinum Silicide   Psi pounds per square inch
PBX Public Telephone Switching   Pk Probability of Kill   PSIDS Prototype Secondary Information Dissemination System
PC Personal Computer   PL Phillips Laboratory   PSK Phase Shift Keying
PC Photoconductive   PLAID Precision Location and ID   PSM Persistent Stored Modules
PC PACER COIN   PLV Payload Launch Vehicle   PSP Programmable Signal Processor
PC Photoconductive   PM Program Manager   PSR Program Status Review
PCAT PC Acess Tool   PMA Program Management Agreement   PST Prestructured Technology
PCCADS Panoramic Cockpit Control and Display System   PMAD Power Management and Distribution   PST Public Switched Telephone
PCD Polycrystalline Diamond   PMAI Primary Mission Aircraft Inventory   PSTN Public Switched Telephone Networks
PCM Pulse Code Modulation   PMD Program Management Directive   PSYOP Psychological Operations
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association   PMMW Passive Millimeter Wave   PtSI Platinum Silicide
PCP Programmable Communication Processor   PMO Project Management Office   PTOS Point Target Smoke Obscurant System
PCS Permanent Change of Station   PMOP Position Modulation on Pulse   PTS Portble SHF(SATCOM)Terminal System
PCS Personal Communications Services   PMP Project Management Plan   PTW Precision Targeting Workstation
PD Pulse Doppler (Radar)   PN-NI Private Network-Network Interface   PVC Pneumatic Vortex Control
PDE Pulse Detonation Engine   PO Program/Project Office   PVI Pilot/Vehicle Interface
PDF Precision Direction Finder   POC Point of Contact   PVT Propulsion Verification Test
PDM Program Decision Memorandum   POD Port of Debarkation   PW Pulse Width
PDM Periodic Depot Maintenance   POE Port of embarkation      
PDNES Pulse Doppler Non-Elevation Scan   POL Petroleum Oil and Lubricants      
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- Q -













QA Quality Assurance   QML Qualified Manufacturers List   QPSRM Queue Processing Status Request Message
QCC Quality Control Console   QPL Qualified Products List   QRC Quick Reaction Capability
QDR Quadrennial Defense Review   QPSK Quartinary Phase Shift Keying   QRSLT Quick Reaction Spoken Language Translator
QFD Quality Function Deployment   QPSM Queue Processing Status Message   QWIP Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector
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- R -













R2 Reporting Responsibility   RFP Request for Proposals   RPF Raster Product Format
R&D Research and Development   RFMDS RED FLAG Measurement Debriefing System   RPV Remote Piloted Vehicle
R&D GTDS R&D Goddard Trajectory Determination System   RGS Relay Ground Station   RQS Repair Quality Criteria
R&M Reliability & Maintainability   RIDEX Reconnaissance/Intelligence Data Exchange   RRA Required Assets Available
R/SAOC Regional/Sector Air Operations Center   RIGS Reconnaissance Intelligence Ground System   RRDS Reduced Resolution Data Set
RAAP Rapid Application of Air Power   RJ Rivet Joint   RS Receive Segment
RAD Random Access Deinterleaving   RJMT Rivet Joint Mission Trainer   R-S Reed--Solomon
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging   RK Radial Keratectomy   RSET Reduced Resolution Sets
RADAREXREP Radar Exploitation Report   RK Range Known   RSI Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Intelligence
RADICL Research Assessment Device Improvement Chemical Laser   RKO Relativistic Klystron Oscillator   RSIP Radar System Improvement Program
RADINT Radiometric Intelligence   RL Rome Laboratory   RSLP Rocket System Launch Program
RADINT Radar Intelligence   RLG Ring Laser Gyro   RSOC Regional SIGINT Operations Center
RAF Royal Air Force   RLON Required Launch On Need   RSP Render Safe Procedures
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks   RLV Reusable Launch Vehicle   RSRCV Reduced Size Remote Controlled Vehicle
RAILE Retro-Assisted Imaging Laser Experiment   RM Reliability and Maintainability   RTAI Real-time Application of Intelligence
RAM Radar Absorbing Material   RM&A Reliability, Maintainability and Availability   RTARN Reliable Tactical Air Request Net
RAM Random Access Memory   RM&S Reliability Maintainability & Supportability   RTCI 4072 Real Time Cueing & ID
RAMTIP Reliability & Maintainability Technology Insertion Program   RMA Reliability Maintainability and Availability   RTDS Rapid Targeting Dissemination Shelter
RASER Research & Seeker Emulation Radar   RMA Revolution in Military Affairs   RTI Run Time Infrastructure
RASG Reconnaissance Aircraft System Group   RMS Requirements Management System   RTIC Real Time in the Cockpit
RCS Radar Cross Section   RMS Root Mean Square   RTIC Real-Time Information in the Cockpit
RCFD Remote Controlled Firing Device   RMT Resource Management Team   RTOC Real Time out of the Cockpit
RD Readiness Demonstrator   RMWG Resource Management System or Root Mean Square   RTOC Real-Time Information out of the Cockpit
RDBMS Relational Database Management System   RNIP Ring Laser Gyro Navigation Improvement Plan   RTOK Retest OK
RDC Rapid Deployment Cell   ROCC/SOCC Regional/Sectional Operations Control Center   RTOS Real-time Optical System
RDS Rapid Deployment Suite   ROD Reconnaissance Operations Division   RTS Rapid Targeting System
RDT&E Research, Development, Test & Evaluation   ROE Rules of Engagement   RTSMP Real-Time Symmetric Multiprocessor
RE Receive Element   ROFA Remote Operating Facility, Airborne   RTT Real Time Targeting
RECCE Reconnaissance   ROM Read-Only Memory   RTT Relay Time Tag
REFIMG Reference Image   ROM Rough Order-of-Magnitude   RULER Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine (lubricants)
REL TO Releasable To   RONS Remote Ordnance Neutralization System   RURK Rapid Utility Repair Kit
RELFIOK Releasable to Republic of Korea   RORS Rapid Ordnance Removal System   RV Re-entry Vehicle
RF Radio Frequency   ROW Rest of World   RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
RFC Request For Change   RP-1 Rocket Propellant 1 (standard kerosene rocket fuel MIL-P-25576)   RW Reconnaissance Wing
RFC Request for Comments   RPC Rapid Positioning Capability   RWR Radar Warning Receiver
RFCM Radio Frequency Countermeasure   RPC Remote Procedure Call   Rx Receive
RFI Radio Frequency Interference            
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- S -














S&R Storage & Retrieval   SEOTV Solar Electric Orbital Transfer Vehicle   SPC Specific Fuel Consumption
S&T Science & Technology   SERE Survival Evasion Resistance Escape   SPE Advanced Detection Processor
S&TI Scientific and Technical Intelligence   SES Softcopy Exploitation Segment   SPECAT Special Category
S-T-T Strategy-To-Task   SEW Space and Electronic Warfare   SPG Softcopy Processor Group
S&TW Surveillance and Threat Warning   SEWC Space & Electronic Warfare Commander   SPIA Standards Profile for Imagery Archives
S/C Softcopy   SFC Specific Fuel Consumption   SPICE Space Integrated Control Experiment
S/TODS Strategic/Tactical Optical Disk System   SF Security Forces   SPID Standards Profile for Image Distribution
S/V/L Survivability/Vulnerability/Lethality   SFDR Standard Flight Data Recorder   SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
S/W Software   SFW Sensor Fuzed Weapon   SPINS Special Instructions
SA Strategic Attack or Situation Awareness   SG Surgeon General   SPIRTS-AC2 Spectral and In-Band Radiometric Imaging of Targets & Scenes-A/C 2
SAAM Special Assignment Airlift Mission   SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated   SPO System Program Office
SA/I Strategic Attack/Interdiction   SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language   SPOC USSPACECOM Space Operations Center
SAB Scientific Advisory Board   SHARP SEGASS High Altitude Reconnaissance Project   SPR Software Problem Reports
SAC Straegic Air Command   SHF Super High Frequency   SQ Squadron
SACMS Small Arms Common Module Sight System   SHIVA STAR Free world's most powerful fast capacitor bank   SQL Structured Query Language
SADL/EPLRS Situational Awareness Data Link/Enhanced Prec Location Reporting System   SI Sensitive Information   SRC Strategic Reconnaissance Operations
SADARM Search and Destroy Armor Munition   SID Secondary Imagery Dissemination   SRM Solid Rocket Motor
SAF Secretary of the Air Force   SIDAT Subsystems Integrated Design Assessment Technology   SRIS Surface Reaching Imaging System
SAG-D Security Architecture Guidance and Directions   SIDR Secure Intelligence Data Repository   SRR System Requirements Review
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation   SIDS Secondary Imagery Dissemination System   SRO Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations
SAIPIA Semi-Automated IMINT Processing Information Architecture   SIE Satellite Imaging Experiment   SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
SAL Semi-Active Laser   SIF Selective Identification Feature   SS Senior Scout
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty   SIGINT Signals Intelligence   SSB Small Smart Bomb
SAM Surface to Air Missile   SIIRCM Suite of Integrated Infrared Countermeasures (Army)   SSB Single Sideband
SAMP Security Association Management Protocol   SILS Standard for Interoperable LAN Security   SSG SIDS Support Gateway
SAR Special Access Required   SimAF Simulation and Analysis Facility   SSI System Specific Interface
SAR Search and Rescue   SINCGARS Single-Channel Ground-to-Air Radio System   SSIES Special Sensor for IONS, Electrons, and Scintillations
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar   SIOP Single Integrated Operation Plan   SSL Secure Socket Layer
SAR IMT Synthetic Aperture RADAR Imaging of Moving Targets   SIPA System of Image Product Archives   SSM Senior Span Segment
SAT Site Acceptance Test   SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network   SSM/T-2 Special Sensor Microwave
SATCOM Satellite Communications   SIRFC Suite of Integrated Radar Frequency Countermeasures (Army)   SSN Space Surveillance Network
SAVI Space Active Vibration Isolation   SIS SCI Isolation Segment   SSR Senior Span Relay
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave   SJS Senior Jade Segment   SSS Senior Span Segment
SAWS Silent Attack Warning System   SKE Stationkeeping Equipment   SSS System Support Segment
SB Sentinel Byte   SLAR Sideways-Looking Airborne Radar   SSTO Single Stage to Orbit
SBA Simulation Based Acquisition   SLBD Sea Lite Beam Director   SSTR Small Business Technology Transfer Program
SBD Simulation Based Design   SLBM Sea-Launched Ballistic Missile   SSTT Small Satellite Thermal Technology
SBEOF Space-Based Electro-Optical Fence   SLC Space Launch Complex   STAG Smart Tactical Autonomous Guidance
SBI Space-Based Interceptor   SLCM Sea Lunched Cruise Missile   STANAG Standardization Agreement
SBIR Small Business Innovative Research   SLCS Software Life Cycle Support   STANAG Standardized NATO Agreement
SBIRS Space-Based Infrared System   SLCSE Software Life Cycle Support Environment   STARS Booster used by Army-converted Polaris SLBM
SBL Space Based Laser   SLEP Service Life Extension Program   STARS Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems
SBLC Standard Base Level Computer   SLV Space Launch Vehicle   STARS Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
SBR Space-Based Radar   SMADP Sub Mission Area Development Plan   STAR System Threat Assessment Report
SBS Senior Blade Segment   SMC Space & Missile Systems Center   START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
SBSS Standard Base Supply System   SMDPS Strategic Mission Data Preparation System   STD Standard
SC SIGNIT Correlation   SMO Special Mission Office   STEP Space Test Experiment Platform
SC Communications   SMS Stores Management System   STEPS Scientific and Technical ELINT Processing System
SC Space Control   SMTS Space and Missile Tracking System   STIG Space Technology Interagency Group
SCATS Suspense Control and Automated Tracking System   SMWC Space and Missile Warfare Center   STIG Space Technology Interdependence Group
SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus   SNL Sandia National Laboratory   STOC Special Tactics Operations Center
SCC Space Control Center   SNMCDS Space-Based Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Detection System   STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
SCC Standards Coordinating Committee   SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol   STOL/MTD Short Take-Off and Landing/ Maneuvering Technology Demonstrator
SCC USSTRATCOM Control Center   SNMPv1 Structure of Management Information   STOU Store Unique
SCDL Surveillance Control and Data Link   SO Spatial Orientation   STOVL Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing (fighter/attack aircraft)
SCI Scalable Coherent Interface   SOAP Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program   STOW Synthetic Theater of War
SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information   SOC Space Operations Center   STRAMST S&T Reliance Assessment for Modeling and Simulation Technology
SCIF Special Compartmented Info Facility   SOC Special Operations Command   STRATCOM Strategic Command
SCN Software Change Number   SOCC Joint Special Operations Control Center   STRV Space Test Research Vehicle
SCNS Self-Contained Navigation System   SOCC Special Operations Control Center   STS Synchronous Transport Signal
SCS Signal Collection System   SOCFOR Special Operations Command Forces   STS Space Transportation System(Space Shuttle)
SCS12 Small Computer Systems Interface   SOCOM Special Operations Command   STSD Systems Technology & Standards Directorate
SCWS Sensor Control Work Stations   SOF Special Operations Forces   STT Special Tactics Team
SD Strategic Defense   SOI Silicon on Insulator   STT Single Target Track
SDA Strategy Development & Assessment   SOI Space Object ID   STT Small Tactical Terminal
SDD Systems Development Division   SOJ Stand-off Jam   STT Strategies-to-Task
SDE Support Date Extensions   SOLL Special Operations Low-Level   STU Secure Telephone Unit
SDHS Satellite Data Handling System   SON Statement of Operational Need   SUA Special Use Airspace
SDN Secure Data Network   SONET Synchronous Optical Network   SUCCESS Synthesized UHF Computer Controlled Equipment Subsystem
SDNS Secure Data Network System   SOR Starfire Optical Range   SUCPCC Standard Unit Command Post Communications Capability
SDR System Design Review   SORD System Operational Requirements Document   SUPPLOT Support Plot
SDS Self-Defense Suite   SORTS Status of Resources and Training System   SUS Single UNIX Specification
SEI Software Engineering Institute   SOS Squadron Officers School   SUTE Short Up-Time Emitter
SE&I System Engineering and Integration   SOTA SIGINT Operational Tasking Authority   SV Services
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses   SOUTHCOM United States Southern Command   SVHS Super Vertical Helical Scan
SECAF Secretary of the Air Force   SOW Statement of Work   SW Software
SECDEF Secretary of Defense   SOW Stand-off Weapon   SWA Southwest Asia
SEDFB Surface-Emitting Distribution Feedback   SPA Strike Planning Archive   SWC Space Warfare Center
SEDRIS Synthetic Environment and Data Representation Interchange Specification   SPACECOM Space Command   SWIM Solar Wind Interplanetary Measurements
SEM Softcopy Exploitation Management   SPADOC Space Defense Operations Center   SWIR Short Wave Infrared
      SPAWAR Space & Naval Warfare System Command   SY Senior Year
            SYRES Senior Year Electro-Optical Reconnaissance System
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- T -













T Tera (1x1012)   TCTO Time Compliance Technical Order   TMD Theater Missile Defense
T&E Test and Evaluation   TD Test Director   TMET Transportable Medium Earth Terminal
T/R Transmit/Receive   TDA Technology Development Approach   TMP Technology Master Planning
T/W Thrust to Weight Ratio   TDC Theater Deployable Communication   TMP Technology Master Process
T1 1.544 Mbps   TDDS Tactical Direct Dissemination System   TMT Theater Missile Tracker
T-ROFA Temporary ROFA   TDDS Tactical Receive Application (TRAP)  Data Distribution System   TNL Target Nomination List
TAC Tactical Air Command   TDL Tactical Data Link   TO Technical Order
TACAIR Tactical Aircraft   TDLS Tactical Data Link System   TOA Total Obligation Authority
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation   TDM Time Division Multiplex   TOD Time of Day
TACC Tactical Air Control Center   TDMA Time Division Multiple Access   TOFS Tactical Observing & Forecasting System
TACC Tanker/Airlift Control Center   TDP Time-Space-Position-Information Data Processor   TOM Target Object Map
TACCSF Tactical Air Command & Control Simulation Facility   TDPA Tactical Deception Planning Aid   TOPS Tactical Onboard Processor System
TACELINT Tactical ELINT Report   TDSM Tactical Data Base Manager   TOPSCENE Tactical Operational Preview Scene
TACFIRE Tactical Fire (Support)   TDT Tactical Data Terminal   TOS Type of Service
TACINTEL Tactical Intelligence   TDY Temporary Duty   TOS Transfer Orbit Stage
TACO2 Tactical Communications Protocol 2   TED Threat Environment Descriptions   TOSINT Technical Open Source Intelligence
TACOM Tank and Automotive Command   TEFF Turbine Engine Fatigue Facility   TOT Time Over Target
TACP Tactical Air Control Party   TEL Transporter/Erector/Launcher (Scuds)   TPFDL Time Phase Force Deployment List
TACRECCE Tactical Reconnaissance   TELINT Telemetry Intelligence   TPG Tactical Processor Group
TACREP Tactical Report   TELNET Telecommunications Network   TPIPT Technical Planning Integrated Product Team
TACS Tactical Air Command System   TEMPER Tent, Extendible, Modular, Personnel   TP0 Transport Protocol Class 0
TACS Theater Air Control System   TEM Technical Exchange Meeting   TPC3 Technology Panel On C3
TACSI TACS Improvements   TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan   TPDEW Technology Panel for Directed Energy Weapons
TAD Theater Air Defense   TENCAP Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities   TPFDD Time-Phased Force & Deployment Data
TADAP Theater Air Defense Asset Planner   TENCAP Tactical Exploitation of National Space Capabilities (Army)   TPS Thermal Protection System
TADIL Tactical Digital Information Link   TENet Theater Extension Network   TPS Test Program Set
TADIX Tactical Data Information  & Exchange   TEO Technology Executive Officer   TPSA Tomahawk Planning System Afloat
TADIX Tactical Data Information Exchange System   TEOC Technical Objective Camera   TRA Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical
TADIX-B Tactical Data Information Exchange Service- Broadcast   TEP Text Exploitation Prototype   TRAC Tactical Radar Correlator
TAES Theater Aeromedical Evacuation System   TERC Turbine Engine Research Center   TRAMP Testing, Reporting and Maintenance Program
TAF Tactical Air Forces   TES Tactical Exploitation System   TRANSEC Transmission Security
TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management   TES Tactical ELINT Satellite or Theater Event System   TRANSCOM Transportation Command
TAFT Today's Aircraft Flying Tomorrow   TESS Tactical Environmental Support System   TRAP Tactical Related Application (broadcast)
TALCE Tanker-Airlift Control Element   Test-PAES Test Planning Analysis and Evaluation System   TRAP TRE Related Applications
TALD Tactical Air Launched Decoy   TEWS Tactical Electronic Warfare Suite   TRAP Tactical Receive Application
TALO Theater Airlift Control Element   TEXS Tactical Exploitation System   TRC Technical Reference Code
TAME Tilt Anisoplanatism Measurement Experiment   TF Training Flight   TRE Tactical Receive Equipment
TAMPS Tactical Automated Mission Planning System   TFCC Tactical Fleet Command Center   TRF Turbine Research Facility
TAOM Tactical Air Operations Module   TFR Terrain Following Radar   TriTAC Tri-Service Tactical Communications
TAOS Technology for Autonomous Satellite Operations   TFS Tactical Forecast System   TRM Technical Reference Model
TAOS Technology for Autonomous Operational Survivability   TFRD Tape Formats Requirements Document   TRMP Test Resource Master Plan
TAP Technology Area Plan   TFT Tactical Field Terminal   TROPO Troposhere
TARS Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System   TFTIXS Tactical Reconnaisance Intelligence Exchange Service   TRP Technology Reinvestment Project
TARA Tech Area Review and Assessment   TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol   TRR Test Readiness Review
TARD Technical Architecture Requirements   TGIF Tactical Ground Interrupt Facility   TRUMPS Transportable Reconn U2 Mission Planning System
TARD Technical Architecture Requirements Database Report   TGSF Transportable Gound Support Facility   TRV Tower Restoral Vehicle
TAS Timeline Analysis System   THAAD Theater High Altitude Area Defense   TSA Temperature Swing Absorbtion
TASE Thrust Assessment Support Environment   TIA Telecommunications Industry Association   TSAP Technical SIGINT Airborne Program
TAV Trans-Atmospheric Vehicle   TIBS Tactical Intercept Broadcast System   TSART Tactical Support Analysis & Reporting Terminals
TAWDS Tactical Automated Weather Distribution System   TIBS Tactical Information Broadcast Service   TSF TES Support Facility
TB Tara Byte   TID Technical Integration Division   TSIG Trusted Systems Interoperability Group
TB, MCS Tactical Battle Management Core System   TIDP Technical Interface Design Plan   TSIX(RE) Trusted Security Information Exchange for Restricted Environments
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating   TIDTA Target ID for Tactical Application   TSMD Time Stress Measurement Device
TBD To be Determined   TIFF Tagged Image File Format   TSPI Time-Space-Position-Information
TBI To Be Identified   TIGDL Tactical Interoperable Gound Data Link   TSRP Time Stress Measurement Device
TBM Theater (or Tactical) Ballistic Missile   TIM Technical Interchange Meeting   TSS Tri-Band SATCOM System
TBM Theater Battle Management   TIP Technology Insertion Program   TSS Tactical SIGINT Satellite
TBM Theater Ballistic Missile   TIP Technology Investment Plan   TSSR TROPO Satellite Support Radio
TBR To Be Resolved or Reviewed   TIPP Test Instrument Planning & Programming   TST Tactical SIGINT Technology
TBS To Be Supplied   TIPS Tactical Information Processing System   TSTO Two Stage to Orbit
TBTC Transportable Blood Trans shipment Center   TIRR Technology Investment Recommendation Report   TTN Task-to-Need
TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System   TIS Tactical Input Segment   TTO Technology Transition Officer
TCC Tactical Command Center   TIS Technical Inteface Specification   TTP Tactics, Training & Procedures
TCC Technology Coordinating Committee   TISD Tactical Integrated Situational Display   TTR Target Tracking Radar
TCE Tricholoroethylene   TISM Trusted Imagery Storage Manager   TUAV Tactical UAV
TCP Transmission Control Protocol   TIU/G TIBS Interface Unit/Graphics   TV Trapped Vortex
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol   TLA Tailored Logistical Analysis   TVC Trapped Vortex Combustor
TCPS Transportable Collective Protection System   TLAM Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile   TW/AA Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment
TCS Tactical Control System   TLE Target Location Errors   TW/AR Threat Warning / Attack Reporting
TCSEC Trusted Computer Security Eval Criteria   TM Telemetry   TWR Tactical Weather Radar
TCSEC Trusted Computer System Eval Criteria   TM Trusted Manager   TWT Traveling Wave Tube
TCT Time Critical Targets   TM Theater Missile   Tx Transmit
TCTA Time Critical Target Aid   TMAN Trusted Manager   TxJx Transmit/Jam
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- U -













UA Update Analysis   UNK Unknown   USMA United States Military Academy
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle   UOES User Operational Evaluation System   USMC U.S. Marine Corps
UCAS USAFE CIGSS Ground System   UPDG Upgraded Programmable Display Generator   USMTF United States Message Text Format
UCAV Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle   URI University Research Initiative   USNA United States Naval Academy
UCP Unified Command Plan   URL Uniform Resource Locator   USNS United States Navy Ship
UCS Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set   URRP University Resident Research Program   USPACOM United States Pacific Command
UDLC Universal Data Link Control   USA United States Army   USSB U.S. Satellite Broadcasting (Corp.)
UDP User Datagram Protocol   USACOM U. S. Atlantic Command   USSOCOM U. S.Special Operations Command
UEWR Upgraded Early Warning Radar   USACOM US Army Command   USSOUTHCOM U.S. Southern Command
UFP Unit Fly-away Price   USAF United States Air Force   USSPACECOM United States Space Command
UGS Unmanned Ground Station   USAFA U. S. Air Force Academy   USSPC U.S. Space Command
UHF Ultra High Frequency   USAFE U.S.Air Forces in Europe   USSSPACECOM U.S. Space Command
UHRR Ultra-High Resolution Radar   USAKA U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll   USSTRATCOM U.S. Strategic Command
UI User Interface   USASSADC United States Army Space & Strategic Defense Command   UTC Unit Type Code
UIP USIGS Interoperability Profile   USATEC U. S. Army Topographic Engineering Center   UTD Unit Training Device
UK United Kingdom   USCENTCOM U. S.Central Command   UTE Utilization
ULON Urgent Launch on Need   USD(A&T) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology   UV Ultraviolet
ULPI Unit Level Prototype Implementation   USEUCOM United States European Command   UVMAP Urban Vector Map
ULSA Ultra Low Sidelobe Antenna   USFK United States Forces Korea   UWB Ultra Wideband
UMDC United Missile Defense Company   USGS U.S.Geological Survey   UXO Unexploded Ordnance
UMTE Unmanned Threat Emitter   USIGS United States Imagery and Geospatial System      
UNI User-Network Interface   USIS United States Imagery System      
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- V -













V/STOL Very Short Takeoff and Landing (transport aircraft)   VHF Very High Frequency   VOR VHF Omni-Directional kRange
VAD Video Archive and Dissemination   VHSIC Very high Speed Integrated Circuit   VPDEIDH Video Processing & Display for Efficient IDH
VAFB Vandenberg AFB   VI&M Visible Infrared & Multispectral   VPF Vector Product Format
VATT Virtual Advanced Technology Testbed   VIM Video Interface Module   VPH Video Phase History
VC Vortex Combustor   VISTA Variable-Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft   VPN Voice Product Network
VCATS Visually Coupled Acquisition and Targeting System   VITD Vector Product Interim Tarrain Data   VQ Vector Quantization
VCE Variable Cycle Engine   VLF Very Low Frequency   VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VDC Volts dc   VLSI Very Large Scale Integration   VSAT Vertical Satellite
VDELE Design Environment for Legacy Electronics   VLWIR Very Long Infrared   VT Ventricular Tachycardia
VE Virtual Environment   VMap Vector Map   VTB Vestibular Test Battery
VE Vehicles   VMap AD VMap Aeronautical Data   VTC Video Teleconferencing
VEL Visual Electrodiagnostic Lab   VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions   VTTR Virtual Test and Training Range
VFDR Variable Flow Ducted Rocket   VMD Video Motion Detector   VV&A Verification, validation, and approval
VFR Visual Flight Rules   VME Virtual Memory Extender   VWG Video Working Group
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language   VMF Variable Message Format      
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Design Language   VOC Volatile Organic Compounds      
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- W -













W/S Work Station   WGS World Geodetic System (or Survey)   WRSK War Reserve Supply Kit
WAGE Wide Area GPS Enhancement   WICP Wing Initial Communications Package   WS Work Station
WAM Workload Allocation Message   WIDA Weather Impact Division Aids   WSA Weapon Storage Area
WAM Workload Assessment Monitor   WIN WWMCCS Intercomputer Network   WSEP Weapon System Evaluation Program
WAN Wide Area Network   WL Wright Laboratory   WSMR White Sands Missile Range
WAR PSO Weapons, Air Base and Range Product Support Office   WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction   WST Weapon System Trainer
WARM War Reserve Mode   WMO World Meteorological Organization   WSO Weapon Systems Officer
WARS Wideband Acquisition Receiver System   WMP War and Mobilization Plan   WTN Wright Technology Network
WASP Weasel Attack Signal Processor   WNDP Worldwide Numbering & Dialing Plan   WTR Western Test Range
WATCHCONS Watch Conditions   WOC Wing Operations Center   WVR Within Visual Range
WAVES Waveform & Vector Exchange Specifications   WOD Word of the Day   WVS+ World Vector Shoreline Plus
WBMOD Wide-Band Scintillation Model   WPAFB Wright-Patterson Air Force Base   WW Worldwide
WBKPA Wide Band Klystron Power Amp   WPN Weapon   WWW World Wide Web
WCCS Wing Command and Control System   WR Western Range   WWMCCS World Wide Military Command & Control System
WCF Working Capital Fund   WR-ALC Warner Robins - Air Logistics Center   WX Weather
WCMD Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser   WRM War Reserve Material   WWX Worldwide Express
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- X -





X-Band Radar


eXtended Integrated Data Base


External Program Manager


External Program Managers Office


eXperimental Stealth Tactical (Have Blue)

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- Y -





Elint Data Processing System

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- Z -

No Items

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- # -





Three Dimensional

480th IG

480th Intelligence Group


Demand Driven Direct Digital Dissemination


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