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Homeland Security

Anti-terrorism Operations

Operation Dept/Agency Description
Liberty Shield DHS Increase protection for America's citizens and infrastructure while maintaining the free flow of goods and people across the U.S. border
Project Shield DHS/ICE Prevent the illegal export of sensitive U.S. munitions and strategic technology to terrorists, criminal organizations and foreign adversaries
US-VISIT DHS US-VISIT tracks the entry and exit of foreign visitors by using electronically scanned fingerprints and photographs.
SBInet DHS/CBP To field the most effective proven technology, infrastructure, staffing, and response platforms, and integrate them into a single comprehensive border security suite for the department
NSEERS DHS/ICE Keep track of those entering and leaving our country in order to safeguard U.S. citizens and America's borders
C-TPAT CBP The purpose of C-TPAT is to partner with the trade community for the purpose of securing the U.S. and international supply chains from possible intrusion by terrorist organizations.
Crew Vetting TSA The process by which security threat assessments areconducted on airline crewmembers are verified for authenticity
Container Security Initiative CBP Extend the zone of security by pre-screening containers posing a potential security risk before they leave foreign ports for U.S. seaports.
FAST CBP A Border Accord Initiative between the United States, Mexico, and Canada designed to ensure security and safety while enhancing the economic prosperity of each country
TRIP DHS/TSA A pilot program designed to evaluate the use of emerging technologies in a rail environment to screen passengers and their carry-on items for explosives

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