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Homeland Security

Defense Department Policy

DOD Memos on Interrogation Process

Department of Defense released on June 22, 2004, documents related to the development of interrogation procedures at Guantanamo to, it claimed, demonstrate that the actions of the U. S. Defense Department are bound by law and guided by American values. The release of these declassified documents was aimed at demonstrating the transparency in which the Department of Defense conducts inquiries into allegations of detainee abuse.

DoD Military Commission Orders

DoD Combatant Status Review Tribunal

DoD Administrative Review Board

  • Administrative Review Implementation Directive 14 Sep 2004 -- Establishes the administrative review board (ARB) which will annually conduct necessary proceedings to make an assessment of whether there is continued reason to believe that the enemy combatant poses a threat to the United States or its allies, or whether there are other factors bearing upon the need for continued detention, including the enemy combatant's intelligence value in the Global War on Terror. Based on this assessment, the ARB can recommend that individuals should be released, should be transferred with conditions or should continue to be detained. [PDF 2.09 Mb]

Office of Military Commissions Appointing Authority Rulings

Miscellaneous Policy


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