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Homeland Security

2004 Congressional Hearings


    Neglected Diseases in East Asia: Are Public Health Programs Working?
    October 06, 2004 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
      Panel I
    • Dr. Anne Peterson, Assistant Administrator for Global Health, US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC

    • Panel II
    • Dr. Donald Roberts, Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
    • Dr. Robert Desowitz, Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health , University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC


    Emergency Warning Systems: Ways to Notify the Public in the New Era of Homeland Security
    Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science, and Technology - Commitee on Homeland Security - 09-22-04
    Homeland Security: The 9/11 Commission and the Course Ahead
    Committee on Homeland Security - 09-14-04
    Ensuring the U.S. Intelligence Community Supports Homeland Defense and Departmental Needs
    September 13, 2004 - Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs


    9-11 Commission Recommendations for U.S. Diplomacy
    August 24, 2004 - House Committee on International Relations
    The implications of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission on the Department of Defense
    11 August 2004 - House Armed Services Committee
    • Chairman Hunter, Opening Statement
    • Stephen A. Cambone, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
    • Vice Admiral Lowell E. Jacoby, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
    • Major General Raymond T. Odierno, USA, Former Commander, Fourth Infantry Division
    • Wednesday, August 11 - 2:00 pm - 2118 Rayburn - Open - This hearing will be broadcast live on C-SPAN

    The implications of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission on the Department of Defense.
    11 August 2004 - House Armed Services Committee
    • Lieutenant General William E. Odom, USA (Ret.), Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute
    • Honorable John J. Hamre, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Center for Strategic and International Studies
    • Dr. Lowell Wood, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    9/11Commission Findings: Sufficiency of Time, Attention, and Legal Authority
    11 August 2004 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
      Panel I
    • Thomas Kean, Chair of the 9-11 Commission
    • Lee Hamilton, Vice Chair of the 9-11 Commission

      Panel 2
    • Newt Gingrich, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, Former Speaker of the House.
    • Larry D. Thompson, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute, Former Deputy Attorney General
    • Edwin Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy, The Heritage Foundation, Former Attorney General

    Denying Terrorist Sanctuaries: Policy and Operational Implications for the U.S. Military
    10 August 2004 - House Armed Services Committee
    • Chairman Hunter, Opening Statement
    • Paul D. Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
    • General Peter Pace, USMC, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
    • General Bryan D. Brown, USA, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command

    Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States
    10 August 2004 - House Armed Services Committee
    • Chairman Hunter, Opening Statement
    • Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    • Lee H. Hamilton, Vice Chairman, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

    9/11 Commission Recommendations: Counterterrorism Analysis and Collection-The Requirement for Imagination and Creativity
    04 August 2004 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
    Assessing America's Counterterrorism Capabilities
    03 August 2004 Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
    • Senator Susan M. Collins Statement

      Panel I
    • John O. Brennan, Director, Terrorist Threat Integration Center
    • John S. Pistole, Executive Assistant Director for Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence, Federal Bureau of Investigations
    • Lieutenant General Patrick M. Hughes, Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis, Department of Homeland Security
    • Philip Mudd, Deputy Director, Counterterrorist Center, Central Intelligence Agency

      Panel II
    • Philip Zelikow, Executive Director, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
    • Christopher A. Kojm, Deputy Executive Director, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States


    Making America Safer: Examining the Recommendations of the 9-11 Commission
    July 30, 2004 Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
    Pakistan: Balancing Reform and Counterterrorism
    July 14, 2004 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
    Human Trafficking: Mail Order Bride Abuses
    July 13, 2004 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
      Panel I
    • Maria Cantwell, United States Senate

    • Panel II
    • John Miller, Director, Trafficking in Persons Office, Department of State, Washington, DC

    • Panel III
    • Ms. Michele A. Clark, Co-Director, Protection Project of the Foreign Policy Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
    • Dr. Donna Hughes, Professor, Women's Studies Program, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
    • Ms. Suzanne Jackson, Associate Professor of Clinical Law, George Washington University Law School, Washington, DC


    Stolen Passports: A Terrorist's First Class Ticket
    June 23, 2004 - House Committee on International Relations
    A Parent's Worst Nightmare: The Heartbreak of International Child Abudctions
    June 22, 2004 - House Committee on International Relations
    Assessing the Safety & Security of Peace Corps Volunteers
    June 22, 2004 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
      Panel I
    • Mr. Gaddi Vasquez, Director, Peace Corps, Washington, DC

    • Panel II
    • Mr. Jess Ford, Director , International Affairs and Trade, US General Accounting Office, Washington, DC

    • Panel III
    • Mr. Kevin Quigley, President, The National Peace Corps Association, Washington, DC
    • Ms. Cynthia Threlkeld, Guatemala Country Director, Peace Corps, Washington, DC
    • Ms. Gladys Maloy, Former Peace Corps Romania Volunteer, Washington, DC

    DOJ Oversight: Terrorism and Other Topics
    June 8, 2004 Senate Judiciary Committee


    Challenges and Accomplishments as the European Union and the United States Promote Trade and Tourism in a Terrorism Environment
    May 13, 2004 - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
      Panel I
    • Stewart Verdery, Assistant Secretary, Border and Transportation Security Directorate , Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.
    • Mr. Jonathan Faull, Director General, Justice and Home Affairs, European Commission , Brussels, Belgium

    • Panel II
    • Mr. Bill Connors, Executive Director and COO, National Business Travel Association, Alexandria, VA
    • Mr. Robert Merhige, Deputy Executive Director, Virginia Port Authority, Norfolk, VA
    • Mr. Christopher L. Koch, President and CEO, World Shipping Council, Washington, DC


    Foreign Assistance and International Terrorism
    April 21, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Foreign Operations Subcommittee
    • J. Cofer Black, Coordinator, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State

    "Should the Congress extend the October, 2004 Statutory Deadline for Requiring Foreign Visitors to Present Biometric Passports?"
    April 21, 2004 House Committee on the Judiciary
    "Keeping America's Mass Transportation System Safe: Is the Law Adequate? "
    April 8, 2004 Senate Judiciary Committee
    Coast Guard Oversight
    April 7, 2004 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Oceans, Fisheries, and Coast Guard Subcommittee
    • Thomas H. Collins, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard
    • Margaret Wrightson, Director, Homeland Security and Justice, United States General Accounting Office

    Department of Defense Counter-narcotics Program in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2005
    Al-Qaeda: The Threat to the United States and its Allies
    April 01, 2004 House Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights


    The Effects of the Madrid Terrorist Attacks on U.S. European Cooperation in the War on Terrorism
      Panel I
    • J. Cofer Black, Coordinator, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State, Washington, DC

      Panel II
    • Mr. Robert Kagan, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC
    • Dr. Robin Niblett, Executive Vice President, Center for Strategic & International Studies, Washington, DC
    • Dr. Philip Gordon, Senior Fellow & Director, Center on the United States and Europe, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
    • James Dobbins, Director, International Security and Defense Policy Center, RAND Corporation, Washington, DC

    United States Coast Guard
    March 31, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Cybersecurity and DHS Enterprise Architecture Budget Hearing for Fiscal Year 2005
    March 30, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science, and Research & Development
    • Robert P. Liscouski, Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection Department of Homeland Security
    • Steven I. Cooper, Chief Information Officer Department of Homeland Security

    Border Security and Enforcement, and Immigration Services
    March 30, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Science and Technology (Homeland Security)
    March 30, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Aviation Security
    March 30, 2004 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Aviation Subcommittee
    • Rear Admiral David M. Stone, USN (Ret), Acting Administrator, Transportation Security Administration
    • Clark Kent Ervin, Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security
    • Mr. Norman J. Rabkin, Managing Director, Homeland Security and Justice, U.S. General Accounting Office

    Joint oversight hearing on "Progress in Consolidating Terrorist Watchlists-The Terrorist Screening Center (TSC)."
    March 25, 2004 House Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security and Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterrorism
    Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
    March 25, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
    March 25, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    • Robert Bonner, Commissioner, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection

    Role of U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Special Operations Command in defending the homeland and in the global war on terrorism, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2005
    • Thomas W. O'Connell, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict
    • Paul McHale, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
    • General Ralph E. Eberhart, USAF, Commander, United States Northern Command
    • General Bryan D. Brown, USA, Commander, United States Special Operations Command

    Emergency Preparedness and Response
    March 24, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    • Michael Brown, Under Secretary, Emergency Preparedness and Response

    The State of Maritime Security
    March 24, 2004 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
    Opening Remarks
    Legislative hearing on H.R. 1731, the "Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act" and H.R. 3693, the "Identity Theft Investigation and Prosecution Act of 2003."
    March 23, 2004 House Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
    • Chairman Coble
    • Timothy Coleman, Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice
    • Larry Johnson, Special Agent In Charge, Criminal Investigative Division, United States Secret Service
    • Robert F. Ryan, Senior Director, Government Relations, TransUnion
    • Louis P. Cannon, Fraternal Order of Police

    Transportation Security Administration and U.S. Coast Guard Budget Overview
    March 23, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Transformation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
    March 23, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Commerce-Justice-State Subcommittee
    Passenger and Freight Rail Security
    March 23, 2004 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
    Opening Remarks
    • John McCain, Chairman, U.S. Senator (R-AZ)
    • Thomas R. Carper, United States Senator, (D-DE)
    • Joe Biden, U.S. Senator, (D-DE)

      Panel I
    • Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    • Allan Rutter, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration
    • Robert Jamison, Deputy Administrator, Federal Transit Administration
    • Peter Guerrero , Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, U.S. General Accounting Office

      Panel II
    • Dr. Jack Riley, Director of RAND Public Safety and Justice, RAND Corporation
    • Edward Hamberger, President and Chief Executive Officer, Association of American Railroads
    • William W. Millar, President, American Public Transportation Association
    • John O'Connor, Chief of Patrol, National Railroad Passenger Corporation

    US VISIT- A Down Payment on Homeland Security
    March 18, 2004 House Judiciary Committee: Immigration, Border Security, & Claims Subcommittee
    • Robert M. Jacksta, Executive Director, Border Security and Facilitation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    • Robert A. Mocny, Deputy Director, US- VISIT Office, Department of Homeland Security
    • Alfonso Martinez-Fonts, Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary for the Private Sector, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
    • Randolph C. Hite, Director, Information Technology Architecture and Systems Issues, U.S. General Accounting Office

    The Status Of The Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II)
    March 17, 2004 House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Aviation Subcommittee

    Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
    March 17, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies
    • Director Robert Mueller, Federal Bureau of Investigation

    FY 2005 budget for the Border and Transportation Security (BTS) Directorate
    March 17, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security
    • Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Department of Homeland Security

    Transportation Security Administration
    March 11, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Homeland Security
    • Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Department of Homeland Security

    Border and Transportation Security
    March 11, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Homeland Security
    • Asa Hutchinson, Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, Department of Homeland Security

    March 10, 2004 Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Communications
    Role and activities of the Office of Information Analysis (IA), within the Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate (IAIP) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
    March 10, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism
    • General Patrick, Hughes Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis; Department of Homeland Security

    FY05 Border and Transportation Security Budget
    March 09, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    Saudi Arabia: Counter-Terrorism Cooperation [Closed Briefing]
    • CIA Representatives
    • Cofer Black, Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, Department of State, Washington, DC
    • Mr. Juan C. Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Executive Office for Terrorist Financing & Financial Crimes, Department of Treasury, Washington, DC
    • Mr. John S. Pistole, Deputy Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC

    Security Preparations for 2004 Olympic Games [Closed Briefing]
    • Cofer Black, Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, Department of State, Washington, DC
    • DOD Representatives
    • CIA Representatives
    • FBI Representatives

    Department of Homeland Security
    March 4, 2004 House Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Homeland Security
    • Secretary Tom Ridge, Department of Homeland Security

    President's FY 2005 budget request for the Department of Homeland Security's Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP) Directorate
    March 4, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security and the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism
    • Frank Libutti, Under Secretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, Department of Homeland Security

    A Review of Security at DOE Nuclear Facilities and the Implementation of the Revised Design Basis Threat
    March 4, 2004 House Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
    • Mr. Glenn S. Podonsky, Director, Office of Security and Safety Performance Assurance, U.S. Department of Energy
    • Mr. Herbert Richardson, Principal Deputy Inspector General, U.S. Department of Energy
    • Mr. William J. Brumley, Manager, Y-12 Site Office National Nuclear Security Administration, Y-12 National Security Complex
    • Mr. Dennis R. Ruddy, President and General Manager, BWXT Y-12, LLCPO
    • Mr. John F. Burleson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Wackenhut Services, Incorporated

    Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request - Department of Defense Responsibilities in Homeland Defense and Homeland Security Missions.
    March 4, 2004 - House Armed Services Committee: Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee
    FEMA's accomplishments since becoming part of the Department of Homeland Security
    March 3, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness and Reponse
    • Michael Brown Under Secretary for Emergency Preparedness & Response, Department of Homeland Security

    Overview of the FY05 Science and Technology Budget and Information and Infrastructure Protection Budget
    March 02, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Homeland Security Subcommittee
    • Charles E. McQueary, Under Secretary for Science and Technology, Department of Homeland Security
    • Frank Libutti, Under Secretary, Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, Department of Homeland Security


    Homeland Security Hearing on FY05 Emergency Preparedness
    • Michael Brown, Under Secretary, Emergency Preparedness and Response

    Research and development activities of the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate
    February 25, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Science and Research & Development
    The Key to Homeland Security: the New Human Resources System
    February 25, 2004 Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia
      Panel I
    • Admiral James M. Loy, to be Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security
    • Kay Coles James, Director, U.S. Office of Personnel Management

      Panel II
    • David M. Walker, Comptroller General, United States General Accounting Office

      Panel III
    • John Gage, National President, American Federation of Government Employees
    • Colleen M. Kelley, President, National Treasury Employees Union
    • Mike Randall, President, National Association of Agriculture Employees

    Virtual Threat, Real Terror: Cyberterrorism in the 21st Century
    February 24, 2003 Senate Judiciary Committee: Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security
    Aviation Security: Progress And Problems In Passenger And Baggage Screening
    February 12, 2004 House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Aviation

    The Department of Homeland Security's Proposed Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
    February 12, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security
    Afghanistan: Drugs and Terrorism and U.S. Security Policy
    February 12, 2004 - House Committee on International Relations
    FY 2005 budget for the Department of Homeland Security
    February 10, 2004 SENATE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Homeland Security Subcommittee Hearing
    Legislative Oversight Hearing on Privacy in the Hands of the Government: The Privacy Officer for the Department of Homeland Security
    February 10, 2004 House Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law
    Department of Homeland Security's budget for FY05
    February 9, 2004 Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
    The Homeland Security Advisory System: Improving Preparedness through Effective Warning
    February 4, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security
    Oversight hearing on "Law Enforcement Efforts Within the Department of Homeland Security."
    February 3, 2004 House Committee on Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security


    US VISIT program
    January 28, 2004 House Select Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Border Security
    • James May, President & CEO, Air Transport Association
    • Dennis Carlton, Director of Washington Operations, International Biometric Group
    • Asa Hutchinson, Undersecretary, Border and Transportation Security Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
    • Ms. Kathleen Campbell Walker, Testifying on behalf of American Immigration Lawyers Association and Foreign Trade Association, Inc.
    • Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State

    Ensuring the Continuity of the United States Government: A Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Guarantee a Functioning Congress
    January 27, 2004 Senate Committee on the Judiciary
    Covering the Waterfront - A Review of Seaport Security since September 11, 2001
    January 27, 2004 Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security

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