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Homeland Security

1999 Congressional Hearings

The Threat Posed to the United States by Terrorists
February 4, 1999 - Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee for Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies

Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios" Data
February 10, 1999 - House Commerce Committee

  • Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation

State Department Security Requirements
February 24, 1999 - House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and the State Department

U.S.-Mexico Counternarcotics Cooperation
February 24, 1999 - Senate Drug Caucus

Office of National Drug Control Policy FY 2000 budget
March 3, 1999 - House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government

Hearing on "Government-wide Spending to Combat Terrorism
March 11, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security

  • Statement of Chairman Shays
  • Henry L. Hinton, Jr. U.S. General Accounting Office

Domestic Emergency Preparedness for Response to Threats of Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
March 11, 1999 - House Armed Services Committee

  • Hearing Transcript
  • Opening Statement of Chairman Weldon
  • Mr. Charles L. Cragin, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Reserve Affairs)
  • Dr. Delores M. Etter, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, (Science & Technology)
  • Mr. Raymond Dominguez, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, (Forces & Resources), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Special Operations & Low Intensity Conflict)
  • Maj. Gen. John Doesburg, Commander, U.S. Army Soldier & Biological Chemical Command
  • Dr. Page Stoutland, Director, Chemical & Bilogical Nonproliferation Program, Department of Energy
  • Dr. William F. Raub, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Science Policy, Department of Health & Human Services
  • Mr. David Boyd, Director, Office of Science & Technology, National Institute of Justice, Department of Justice
  • Randall Murch, Deputy Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations Laboratory

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Warfare Issues
March 16, 1999 - Senate Armed Service Committee, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

  • Michael A. Vatis, Director, National Infrastructure Protection Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios" Data
March 16, 1999 - Senate Subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety

  • Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios" Data
May 19, 1999 - House Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Health and Environment

  • Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Potential Effects of Electronic Dissemination of Chemical "Worst Case Senarios" Data
May 20, 1999 - House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

  • Robert M. Burnham, Chief, Domestic Terrorism Section, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Combating Terrorism: Proposed Transfer of the Domestic Preparedness Program
May 26, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security

  • Chairman Shays' Statement
  • Charles L. Cragin Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Reserve Affairs Department of Defense
  • Andy Mitchell Deputy Director Office for State and Local Domestic Preparedness Support Office of Justice Programs Department of Justice
  • Barbara Y. Martinez Deputy Director National Domestic Preparedness Office Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Justice
  • Catherine Light Director Office of National Security Affairs Federal Emergency Management Agency

Preparedness For Terrorism Response
June 9, 1999 - House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Emergency Management

Confirmation of the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism
July 23, 1999 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The Crisis in Colombia
August 6, 1999 - House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources

Terrorism Preparedness: Medical First Response
September 22, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security

  • Statement of Chairman Shays
  • Dr. David R. Johnson Infectious Disease Policy Committee Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and Deputy Director for Public Health and Chief Medical Executive, Michigan
  • Ed Plaugher Chief, Arlington County Fire Department, Virginia Director, Metropolitan Medical Response System, Washington, D.C.
  • Ellen Gordon Administrator, Iowa Emergency Management Division Past-President, National Emergency Management Association
  • Dr. Joseph F. Waeckerle American College of Emergency Physicians
  • Dr. Tara O’Toole Fellow, Center for Civilian Bio-Defense Studies Johns Hopkins University
  • Dr. Robert F. Knouss Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Scott Lillibridge Director, Bio-Terrorism Preparedness Response Program National Center for Infectious Disease

NIPC Cyber Threat Assessment - October 1999
October 6, 1999 - Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Technology and Terrorism

  • Michael A. Vatis, Director, National Infrastructure Protection Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Combating Terrorism: Assessing the Threat
October 20, 1999 - Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security

Terrorism in the Middle East and South Asia
November 2, 1999 - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Cuba's Links to Drug Trafficking
November 17, 1999 - House Government Reform Committee, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources

  • William Ledwith, Chief of International Operations, Drug Enforcement Administration, United States Department of Justice

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