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Homeland Security

1996 Congressional Debates

Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996


  • Representative Traficant stated on March 14 that we need to discover the truth behind the destruction of Pan Am 103 in order to help stop terrorism.
  • S.735 Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 FINAL VERSION PASSED BY BOTH HOUSES
  • Senate discussion of the Conference Report of the ended with a successful motion to recommit the bill to the Conference for more discussion on April 16:
    • To stop terrorism, Taggants should be used to trace the origins of explosives, and writers of publications such as the Terrorist Handbook must be prosecuted, argued Senator Feinstein.
    • Habeus Corpus laws must be reformed to cease the endless appeals process utilized by convicted murderers waiting on death row.
    • Future events similar to the bombing of Oklahoma City must be prevented through passage of the Terrorism Prevention Act.
    • Senator Faircloth rose in support of the antiterrorism conference report. Senator Biden expressed that he did not want the delay in the bill
    • Senator Faircloth called for a reform of Death Penalty legislation.
    • The Terrorism Prevention Act should be recommitted to the Conference Committee in order to present the strongest bill possible.
    • The military should be given the funding and authority to begin training police and law enforcement officials to deal with Chemical and Biological Weapons and a narrowly defined exception should be made to the Posse Comitatus Act to permit the military to deal with situations involving Chemical and Biological Weapons which ordinary law enforcement officials can not.
    • The flawed Habeus Corpus system must be reformed, argued Senator Gorton.
    • Senator Biden presented a motion to recommit the bill to the Conference Committee and a successful vote to lay the motion on the table took place.
    • Motion To Recommit
  • Senate Discussion on the Terrorism Prevention Act continued on April 17, covering issues such as: the granting of political and religious asylum, the creation of a 5-year statute of limitations for making a bomb, a sawed-off shotgun, or a silencer, and the use of multipoint wiretaps.
  • Senator Levin supported the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 because it required the examination of potential missile threats by terrorists (excerpt).

War on Drugs

  • Senator Inhofe negatively commented on the Clinton administration's policy on the war on drugs, peacemaking and defending America on January 25.
  • Representative Mica spoke on March 14 on how the Clinton administration has failed to place enough emphasis on fighting the war on drugs.
  • Representative Mica commented on the Clinton administration's new policy relating to the national drug control strategy on April 30.

White House Security

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