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Uganda - Military Doctrine

The Institution of Defence derives its mandate from Article 208 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Article 209 of the Constitution spells out the primary functions of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF). The underlying principle of these provisions is that the state employs the Defence Forces on behalf of the people of Uganda and that the forces owe loyalty to the State and the citizenry.

The UPDF continued to undertake provision of core defence capabilities for the defence of the country and executed military operations in various missions in defence of Uganda, her interests and the citizens.

Under the UGANDA VISION 2040, focus will be on security of the country from any form of aggression, peace-building and conflict management. Government will strengthen the national defence systems, ensure a professional army and a reserve force ready to defend the country. In addition, government will ensure peace in the country and peaceful coexistence with the neighbors and the international community. Priority shall be placed on anti-terrorism measures.

During FY 2013/14, Ministry of Defence generally performed well. The country was calm despite the heightened threat of Terrorists attacks by the Al-Shabaab and isolated acts of crime including; murder, armed robberies and Kidnaps, particularly in the central region. The UPDF disarmament exercise in Karamoja has registered tremendous success that has led to stability and development in the region.

Following these developments, UPDF is reviewing its operations in Karamoja, with a view to handing over to Police. The conflict in South Sudan and the perennial instability in Eastern DRC continue to have a greater impact on our National security as a result of a large influx of refugees and the attendant security threats. The instabilities in DRC and CAR continue to prolong the existence of armed groups like ADF and LRA which pose a security threat to Uganda and the Region.

The security environment is very dynamic with ever changing threats hence creating a need for sustainable military capability and combat readiness. The security environment is comprised of five strategic areas that need to be well attended to by the UPDF i.e. border insecurity, internal insecurity, external insecurity, civil emergency, and technological capability of other countries which if overlooked may undermine the effectiveness of Uganda’s Military Capability.

Military Capability will be enhanced through procurement and/or maintenance of assorted strategic equipment; and enhancing Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target, Acquisition and the Reconnaissance (C4ISTAR) capabilities. At the same time TISU will continue undertaking Research and Development on prevailing and emerging science and technological applications for military purposes.

Doctrine is a “set of beliefs that are held to be true by a given body” – Gen YK Museveni. It is what is believed to be the best way to do things. Military doctrine provides the framework within which the planning and execution of decisions and actions about military operations is conducted. It provides guidance for the training and preparations of the forces; their positioning and employment in the battlefield; and to the understanding of what is to be achieved, why and how. It is descriptive but not prescriptive, and the detailed application is left to the field commanders. Military doctrine is a guide to action which provides a common framework for reference across the military. It serves as a concise expression of how the military forces contribute to campaigns, battles and engagements.

After the promulgation of the 1995 Constitution of Uganda, the National Resistance Army (NRA) became UPDF. Article 208 of this constitution establishes the Forces while Article 209 spells out its functions as Preserving and defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uganda; cooperating with civilian authority in emergency situations and in case of natural disasters; fostering harmony and understanding between the defence forces and civilians; and engaging in productive activities for the development of Uganda.

In 2001, in order to further the consolidation and transformation of the UPDF from a guerrilla army into a modern, accountable, efficient and professional Defence Force, a Defence Review was undertaken, and amongst others, it recommended the development and formalization of a doctrine for the force as one of the modernization themes. It was recognized that doctrine would be influenced by support and direction from the political authority; and the successful experiences of the force, while guiding the type, size, and character of the force structure; and the nature, quality, discipline, and morale required of its personnel.

The implementation of the unit was effected in 2005 with a desk under the office of the Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF). Preliminary work began and after two years, the Doctrine desk was upgraded into a Directorate. In 2009, the C-I-C renamed the directorate the Centre for Doctrine Synthesization and Development that is currently at Strategic Level. Whereas Uganda has existed since 1894 as a nation state with some military formations of sorts up to 1980, there has not been any documented doctrine for Uganda’s military. What guided the military, then, were the values and aspirations of the colonial powers. This is signified by the fact that the military supported the anti-people and exploitative ideologies of the colonialists.

In the past 50 years, Uganda has been independent, the UPDF (formerly NRA) has fought more wars than any former military establishment. Even in the Eastern Africa and Great Lakes region, UPDF has fought more wars than any other force. The UPDF is now part of the regional and continental mechanisms for prevention, resolution and management of crisis in an effective and efficient manner. UPDF’s doctrine, therefore, will help to standardize operations and facilitate readiness by establishing common ways of achieving ends within available means.

Following the recommendations of the Uganda Defence Review, the UPDF became Bi-service force; with a higher headquarter providing strategic guidance to a Land Force Component and the Air Force. Furthermore, the force now operates in a multinational environment in order to meet various international obligations. It is fair, therefore, to assume that future operations will be Joint, and that many will be combined. Technological advancements will also not only offer new weapon systems but also demand new capabilities, which should drive UPDF’s organizations, structures and training. This increased complexity will require improvements in procedures, planning and execution of operations guided by strategic thought written in the form of a doctrine.

The Strategic Doctrine is the apex of military doctrine in Uganda. It provides the strategic conceptual framework for making strategic military decisions. It establishes the rationale, articulates the philosophy and general principles that guide military activity within the UPDF; conveys understanding but not instructions, based directly on government policy and designed specifically for the UPDF. It functions to establish the framework of understanding of the approach to warfare in order to provide the foundation for its practical application.

Service Doctrines exist at the second level and are written to guide the services operating in different theatres. They are sponsored by particular theatre or service commanders, deriving authority from the strategic doctrine. Their purpose is to give guidance to formations and units, and to inform the execution of campaigns, operations and tactical maneuvers.They may be classified to a large extent.

Tactical doctrines are the third part of the hierarchy that provides the main body of instructions of the force. They arise from both strategic and Operational Doctrines, providing a common foundation on which all tactical commanders base their plans. The various Field Manuals and standing operating procedures provide the core of this doctrine.

The Centre for Doctrine Synthesization and Development is responsible for the development of Uganda People’s Defence Forces’ (UPDF) doctrine. It is located at the Ministry of Defence/UPDF General headquarters, at Mbuya hill, in Kampala. It is currently headed by a senior officer at the rank of Major General with the title of Commander. The centre has full time staff; Civilian and UPDF personnel in active service, as well as the retired.

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