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Royal Thai Army - Ground

Army - Introduction
Army - Equipment

Army - Modernization
Army - Facilities

General Staff Department

First (Central) Army Area
1st Infantry DIV 2nd Infantry DIV 9th Infantry DIV 11th Infantry DIV
   U/I Motorized Infantry BDE    67 Motorized Infantry BDE 115 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
46 Motorized Infantry DIV    68 Motorized Infantry BDE 116 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
4 Armored DIV    U/I Armored BDE 190 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Armored BDE
69 Motorized Infantry DIV 3 Armored DIV U/I DIV
1st development DIV
   U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
U/I RSV Infantry DIV
Second (Northeastern) Army Area
3rd Infantry DIV 6th Infantry DIV 12th Infantry 2nd Development DIV
70 Motorized Infantry DIV    135 Motorized Infantry BDE 112 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Armored BDE
71 Motorized Infantry DIV    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE 113 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
1 Armored DIV    U/I Armored BDE 114 Mechanized Infantry DIV    U/I Infantry BDE
6 Armored DIV 188 Motorized Infantry DIV
Third (Northern) Army Area
4th Infantry DIV 1st Armor DIV 3rd Development DIV
Fourth (Southern) Army Area
5th Infantry DIV 4th Development Div
   58 Mechanized Infantry BDE    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
   U/I Motorized Infantry BDE    U/I Motorized Infantry BDE
U/I Armored DIV 8 Armored DIV
138 Motorized Infantry DIV
Other Army Forces
Special Warfare Command Rapid Deployment Force (RDF)
1st Special Forces DIV
2nd Special Forces DIV

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