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Somalia - Navy

In 1965 the Soviet Union helped Somalia establish a navy. As part of its mission to help SNA forces maintain coastal security, the navy maintained bases at Berbera, Mogadishu, and Chisimayu, and a radar site at Merca.

In 1990 the naval inventory included two Soviet Osa-II missile-armed fast attack craft, four Soviet Mol PFT torpedo-armed fast attack craft, and several patrol craft. The Somali navy also possessed a Soviet Polnocny-class landing ship capable of carrying five tanks and 120 soldiers, and four smaller mechanized landing craft. Much of this equipment had been unserviceable since the departure of Soviet military personnel in 1977.

The navy had not been operational since 1991.

In early 2015 UNSOM helped the Federal Government to re-energize donor support for a maritime security regime that can fight transnational maritime crime and administer Somali waters for the benefit of the Somali people. UNSOM is also providing technical assistance to develop a Coastguard Establishment Law by May 2015, while engineering mentors from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime support maritime security in “Somaliland” through the refurbishment of a coastguard patrol boat and in-class engineering and maintenance training. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), alongside the International Organization for Migration and others, continued to provide training to border and migration authorities in “Somaliland” and Puntland on international protection of migrants arriving by sea.

With UNSOM technical assistance, the Federal Government completed the draft Naqude (Captain) Plan to train and equip the navy and coast guard. UNSOM is facilitating the ratification of a revised Somali maritime code with the Federal Government. At the request of the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, UNSOM will help to mobilize international support to counter illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing off the Somali coast.

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