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Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The Ministry is responsible for the coordination of foreign-policy and other international activities carried out by government bodies, defined within the framework of their competencies. Government bodies cooperate with the Ministry in the carrying out of foreign policy by sending timely reports on the planned and undertaken activities. Government bodies communicate with representatives of other states and international organizations via the Ministry or in cooperation with the Ministry, when this is in accordance with international treaties and the diplomatic practice. Government bodies maintain relations with diplomatic and consular missions via the Ministry.

Within its competencies, the Ministry performs the following functions:

  • represents, together with the President of the Republic, the Republic of Serbia in the relations with other states, international organizations, international courts and other international institutions, as well as with their representations in the Republic of Serbia;
  • protects the interests of the Republic of Serbia, its nationals and entities abroad;
  • proposes to the Government foreign policy that the Government defines;
  • makes recommendations to the Government for the establishment and severance of diplomatic relations with other states;
  • recommends to the Government membership or participation of the Republic of Serbia in international organizations and integrations, and in other forms of international cooperation;
  • nominates, for Government approval, Ambassadors, Consuls General and Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Serbia in foreign countries;
  • participates in the affairs related to the accreditation of official representatives of states and international organizations in the Republic of Serbia;
  • organizes official visits at the state and diplomatic levels;
  • participates in the preparations for the participation of representatives of the Republic of Serbia in international negotiations and conferences;
  • reviews the international position of the Republic of Serbia and its bilateral relations with other states;
  • examines foreign-policy aspects of defence and national security;
  • analyzes and predicts the development of regional and global relations and occurrences, especially in the spheres of foreign policy, security, international public and international private law, economy, the environment, education and culture, as well as the human rights situation, which are of relevance for the international relations of the Republic of Serbia;
  • compiles and analyzes information carried by the foreign media relating to the Republic of Serbia;
  • prepares draft laws, other regulations and general legislation in the field of foreign affairs; gives advice on the draft laws and other regulations regarding foreign affairs that other Government bodies are responsible for and which are of interest for the international position of the Republic of Serbia;
  • prepares legal advice on matters of international law for the needs of the President of the Republic, the Government and other Government bodies;
  • recommends to the Government a strategy for the development of foreign relations and other measures designed to shape the Government’s foreign policy; prepares documents, information and analyses in the field of foreign affairs;
  • in cooperation with the competent Government bodies, initiates procedure and coordinates the conduct of negotiations and the signing of international treaties; participates in the ratification procedure for these treaties and follows their implementation; holds on deposit original copies of all international treaties, joint communiques/statements and declarations of the Republic of Serbia and its international legal predecessors;
  • informs the governments of other states and the international public, as well as ex-patriots and persons of Serbian descent and nationals of the Republic of Serbia living abroad, about the policies of the Republic of Serbia and, in cooperation with other relevant Government bodies, works for the promotion of the political positions of the Government for the purpose of enhancing the reputation of the Republic of Serbia in international relations;
  • in cooperation with the Ministry for the Diaspora, promotes the observance of human and minority rights of ex-patriots, persons of Serbian descent and nationals of the Republic of Serbia living abroad;
  • in cooperation with other competent bodies of public administration, organizes the voting of the nationals of the Republic of Serbia having permanent residence or place of abode in foreign countries, during the poll and in referenda held at the level of the Republic;
  • in cooperation with other public administration bodies, performs the functions pertaining to demarcation with neighbouring countries; prepares and keeps the documents relating to the state border;
  • collects and keeps the documents on the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia; encourages research work in the field of foreign policy and international relations;
  • conducts the procedure for acquiring, maintaining and utilization of property in foreign countries necessary for the operation of diplomatic and consular missions;
  • organizes, maintains and ensures security protection for information and telecommunication systems, courier and other services with diplomatic and consular missions and other information systems;
  • performs security functions for the Ministry, diplomatic and consular missions and their employees;
  • in cooperation with other competent authorities, in accordance with the special law, ensures participation in international missions;
  • performs other functions, as defined by the law.

The principles of internal setup and post classification in the Ministry are determined by the Government at the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Minister). The security functions referred to in paragraph 25 of this article are performed by the Ministry in the manner prescribed by the Government, at the proposal of the Minster. The Ministry performs the functions within its competence directly or through the diplomatic and consular missions.

Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Savezno Ministarstvo za Inostrane Poslove [SMIP]

Starting in 1997, a number of current intelligence officers and policemen were sent as ambassadors, consuls, and first secretaries to the Yugoslav embassies in neighboring countries. Zoran Janjackovic, ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia[ FYROM], used to be chief of Serbia's secret police. Zoran Sokolovic, formerly minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, was made ambassador to Bucharest.

The trend of strengthening the Yugoslav diplomatic service with the cadre from intelligence services and police and military structures continued with the appointment of Dragan Sekulovic, Velimir Jovanovic, and Blagoje Kovacevic as assistants to the Foreign Minister. Sekulovic has been chief inspector in the federal police, Major General Jovanovic was head of the School Center for Security, and Colonel General Kovacevic was been deputy chief of the General Staff.

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