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Navy of Peru / Bases

  • Callao - Second Naval Zone Command. Pacific Operations Command. Home Base Naval Shipyard, Naval Base Aviation Command and Coastguards, Naval School of Peru , Naval War College, National School of Merchant Marine, Naval Medical Center and administrative several directions. The origin of the word "Callao" is not very clear, being shuffled linguistic ties both Spanish and native. Its inhabitants are called "chalacos" derived from "Challahaque", ie 'man of the coast'. During colonial times, the Spanish Callao meant for not only the center of trade as the most important port of the Viceroyalty of Peru, but also as a hub of the South Sea Fleet power. In 1687 and 1746, he was hit by tidal waves that destroyed the population and defensive and existing port facilities. In the Republic always he maintained an important role in key events such as the Combat 2 May. In 1857, by decree of Ramón Castilla, the port was elevated to the rank of "Constitutional Province".
  • Mollendo - Commander Third Naval Zone. Harbourmaster.
  • Iquitos - General Command of Operations of the Amazon (Fifth Naval Zone), Captaincy river port and shipyard (on the Amazon River ).
  • Ancon - Base and Headquarters Marine and Harbour Master.
  • San Juan de Marcona - Naval Aviation School and Harbour Master.
  • Chimbote - Base minor Shipyard and port Captaincy.
  • Paita - less Base and Harbor Master. The port of Paita is located in the department of Piura, and was founded by Pizarro in 1537 under the name of "San Francisco of Good Hope of Paita". He was forced homing of a craft that reached the Peruvian coast, disembarking passengers then continue overland to Lima point. Paita holds the honor of being the residence of our greatest hero Admiral Miguel Grau, who spent there some years of his childhood when his father worked in the office of the port.
  • Pisco - small Base and Harbor Master.
  • Puno - Captaincy port (on Lake Titicaca ).
  • Arica Harbor - Founded in 1570 under the name of San Marcos de Arica, in colonial times Arica Harbor was bound for commercial traffic between the current southern Peru and Bolivia step, especially during the height of the mining center of Potosi, the largest silver producer viceregal Peruvian. In the Republic, he maintained its prominence as a commercial exit not only from Peru but also Bolivia. After Pacific War (1879-1883), Chile would be left passing under its formal sovereignty in 1929.

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