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Paraguay - Ministry of National Defense

The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Paraguay is an agency of the executive branch, which has the function of leadership, management and implementation of the policy regarding National Defence, and the performance of the administrative functions of the Armed Forces of the Nation . As an institution, it was created on November 4, 1844 under the presidency of Carlos Antonio Lopez, with the initial name of the Ministry of War and Navy.

The Law of 1855, Title 4th where its functions are articulated reads as follows:

Article 1. "The Minister of War is in charge of all military affairs official correspondence with the heads of bodies; Military Commanders Posts there Garrison, detachments and outposts, all that is relative to the bodies line the three weapons that make up the Army, discipline and instruction; to military accounting offices, including police stations and military treasuries, changing rooms, barracks and supplies campaign, parks, depots of arms and military hospitals. "

Art.2 "As Minister of Marine Fluvial has in its powers everything concerning the arsenal and shipyard shipbuilding and weapons, registration of workers and people of the river, the harbourmaster: collection of materials".

The 1870 Constitution: as a document of 9 December 1870, the President of the Republic organizes, under Article 104 ° of the Constitution, the Ministry of War and Navy Fluvial as follows:

Art.5 Minister of The Department is inspection:

  1. All military affairs.
  2. The official correspondence with the Heads of Military Corps Commanders lining Capital and all Villas and Apartments.
  3. The preservation of the discipline and instruction of the troops.
  4. Accounting offices and military commissaries.
  5. Everything concerning the construction of ships and their weapons if necessary, fortification of the points on the river or wherever required in the defense and security of the nation.
  6. It is also his responsibility to gather all the useful items scattered belonging to the former arsenal and armaments, being in the territory of the Republic, and care of the barracks.
  7. Run with the service of the Port Authority and as is relevant to this distribution.

In 1916 Law No 152 of Military Organization, whose Art 2nd stated that "The military preparedness of the Armed Forces of the Nation by the Ministry of War and Navy, was sanctioned in all matters relating to organization, training, weapons, fortification and administration military".

In 1920 Decree No. 11,336 by the Organic established Army Regulation was enacted. In its article 1 read: "The Ministry of War and Navy, whose head is the Ministry in the same industry, will be the highest authority of the Republic with regard to organization, training, armament and Administration Army and Navy. its activity shall be exercised in this respect by provisions of Executive or with ministerial provisions when they were matters arising from regulations or rules in force."

Decree 1,942 14,504 Year by the General Organization of the Armed Forces of the Nation was established, in Article 16 says: "The Ministry of War and Navy is responsible general policies and administrative functions corresponding to the Armed Forces." By Decree Law No. 19,392 of 13 August 1943 changed its name to the Ministry of National Defense.

By Decree - No. 387 of the 1943 Act, the President of the Republic established the functions of the Ministry of War and Navy with these terms:

Art. 8 correspond to the Ministry of National Defense: a- The management of services of the Armed Forces of the Nation and the organization of the staff and management of the material in the following departments; 1. War; 2. Armada; 3. Aviation.

  • - The direction of military training establishments;
  • - Military Justice;
  • - The implementation of the Law on Compulsory Military Service;
  • - The organization of reserves and additional forces;
  • - police rivers, ports and areas declared military;
  • - police air and coordination of air transport;
  • - assistance to former combatants;
  • - Box loans for members of the Armed Forces of the Nation;
  • - military Geographical Institute;
  • - the State Merchant fleet;
  • - stays and Military Stud farms

It is important to note that 15 of VIII 1956-1915 VIII 1958 the building currently occupied by the Ministry of National Defense and Vice Marshal Lopez Sanchez was built By Decree No. 6,223 of March 4, 2011 the functions and responsibilities of the Ministry of National Defence were established with its institutional organizational structure.

Finally, by Decree No. 1,726 of June 3, 2014 a new organizational and functional structure of the Ministry of National Defense is established and in Article 2º.- says: "the Ministry of national defense is the agency of the executive branch, whose function is the direction, management and implementation of national policy concerning national defense and the performance of the administrative functions of the Forces armed Nation."

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