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Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Terrorism
List of Terrorist Groups

The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Terrorism consists of 400 A–Z entries and is directed toward high-school students, grades 10–12. The volume is similar to the other Greenhaven Encyclopedia Of sets, eight of which have been published to date and cover the Middle Ages, witchcraft, and other topics, all designed to provide quick and easy access to information. The encyclopedia is intended only as an overview treating the most prominent groups, individuals, places, events, and issues connected with terrorism. Examples include Abu Sayyaf, Achille Lauro, Airport security measures, Montana Freeman, and Marx, Karl. But barely more than 100 of these entries are terrorist groups. Karl Marz is not normally considered a terrorist. Entry length ranges from several paragraphs to several pages. The volume also has a chronology of events current to February 2007. Greenhaven’s entry into the crowded field of encyclopedias of terrorism is significant in terms of its moderate price and its currency. Other encyclopedic treatments include Facts On File’s single-volume, recently updated Encyclopedia of Terrorism (2007) as well as the multi-volume Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Sage, 2003) and Encyclopedia of World Terrorism (Sharpe, 1997–2003).

  1. Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
  2. Abu Sayyaf (Bearer of the Sword)
  3. Action Directe (AD)
  4. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
  5. Al Fatah
  6. Al Jihad
  7. al Qaeda
  8. Al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab
  9. Al-Zawahiri, Dr. Ayman
  10. American Indian Movement (AIM)
  11. anarchism
  12. Angolan guerrilla groups
  13. Animal Liberation Front (ALF)
  14. Armed Islamic Front
  15. Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
  16. Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA)
  17. Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR)
  18. Army of God
  19. Aryan Nations (AN)
  20. Assassins Sect
  21. Aum Shinrikyo
  22. Basque Homeland and Liberty (Euskadi ta Askatasuna, or ETA)
  23. Black and Tans
  24. Black Hand (Serbian)
  25. Black Hand (Sicilian)
  26. Black November, Cyprus
  27. Black Panthers
  28. Black Power movement
  29. Black September
  30. Blackshirt Militia (Armata Milizia)
  31. Chechen separatists
  32. Christian Identity movement (CIM)
  33. Christian Patriots (CP)
  34. Covenant, Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA)
  35. Earth First!
  36. Earth Liberation Front (ELF)
  37. El Rukns (Blackstone Rangers)
  38. Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International Conspiracy (EMETIC)
  39. Farabundo Martˇ Front for National Liberation (FMLN)
  40. First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO)
  41. Front du Liberation du Quebec (FLQ)
  42. Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion National (FALN)
  43. Gama'a al-Islamiyya (IG)
  44. Greek Communist Party (KKE)
  45. Haganah
  46. Hamas
  47. Harakat ul-Mujahideen (HUM)
  48. Hezbollah (Hezbollah al-Hijaz; Hizb'allah)
  49. Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO)
  50. Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL)
  51. Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)
  52. Irish Northern Aid (NORAID)
  53. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
  54. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
  55. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
  56. Jamaat ul-Fuqra (Community of the Impoverished)
  57. Japanese Red Army (JRA)
  58. Jemaah Islamiyah
  59. Jewish Defense League (JDL)
  60. Kach Movement
  61. Khmer Rouge (Party of Democratic Kampuchea)
  62. Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
  63. Ku Klux Klan
  64. Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
  65. Lashkar-e-Taiba
  66. Luddites
  67. Macheteros
  68. Mafia
  69. Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA)
  70. Mau Mau
  71. Molly Maguires
  72. Moro Islamic Liberation Front
  73. Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO)
  74. Narodnaya Volya (The People's Will)
  75. National Liberation Army (Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional, ELN)
  76. National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC)
  77. National Organization of Cypriot Struggle (EOKA)
  78. New People's Army (NPA)
  79. Omega 7
  80. Organization for the Oppressed Earth
  81. Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
  82. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  83. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  84. pirates
  85. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  86. Posse Comitatus (Power of the Country)
  87. Real Irish Republican Army (Real IRA, or RIRA)
  88. Red Army Faction (RAF, or Baader-Meinhof Gang)
  89. Red Brigades (BR)
  90. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
  91. Sayaret Mat'kal
  92. Shining Path
  93. Sicarii
  94. Sikh extremists
  95. Sinn Fein
  96. South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO)
  97. Spartacus Bund
  98. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  99. Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
  100. Taliban
  101. Tamil Tigers (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam)
  102. Ton Ton Macoutes
  103. Triads
  104. Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
  105. Ulster Defense Association (UDA)
  106. United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, or AUC)
  107. Vietcong
  108. Vietminh
  109. Weatherman
  110. Wobblies
  111. Yakuza
  112. Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA)
  113. Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA)

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