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  • Lebanese Armed Forces
  • The Lebanese Army: A National Institution in a Divided Society
      1.   *Overview: Aneki.com
      2.   *Overview: BBC Country Profile
      3.   *Overview: CIA World Factbook Profile
      4.   *Overview: GlobalEDGE Country Profile and News
      5.   *Overview: Infoplease Almanac Country Profile
      6.   *Overview: Library of Congress Country Portal
      7.   *Overview: Library of Congress Country Study
      8.   *Overview: Library of Congress Reading Room - Africa / Middle East Reading Room
      9.   *Overview: Nationmaster Statistical Database
     10.   *Overview: Newnations.com Country Profile
     11.   *Overview: OECD Documents
     12.   *Overview: State Dept. Background Notes
     13.   *Overview: State Dept. Regional Bureau Information
     14.   *Overview: U.N. Millenium Indicators
     15.   *Overview: UNESCO Inst. for Statistics Country Profile
     16.   *Overview: Wikipedia Profile
     17.   *Overview: World Bank At-a-Glance Table - Get Adobe Acrobat Reader
     18.   *Overview: World Bank Publications
     19.   *Overview: Worldwide Gazeteer Country Profile
     20.   Agri/Food: FAO Agricultural Data
     21.   Agri/Food: FAO Fisheries Data
     22.   Agri/Food: FAO Food Crisis Early Warning System
     23.   Agri/Food: FAO Water and Food Security Country Profile
     24.   Agri/Food: Foreign Agricultural Trade of the U.S. (FATUS)
     25.   Agri/Food: USDA International Agriculture Information
     26.   Banking: Bank Holidays
     27.   Banking: Central Bank - Banque du Liban
     28.   Banking: International Monetary Fund Country Information
     29.   Banking: Investment Financing Sources
     30.   Banking: Regional Development Banks - Islamic Development Bank
     31.   Banking: World Bank Country Information
     32.   Banking: World Bank Global Banking Law Database
     33.   Business Promotion: American Chamber of Commerce
     34.   Business Promotion: FDI Xchange - Investment News Email Alert Service
     35.   Business Promotion: International Chamber of Commerce
     36.   Business Promotion: Investment Promotion Agencies - Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL)
     37.   Business Promotion: IPAnet - Monthly Briefing
     38.   Business Promotion: Misc Chambers / Organizations - Lebanese-American Business Association
     39.   Business Promotion: Misc Chambers / Organizations - Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut (CCIAB)
     40.   Business Promotion: Trade and Investment Leads - IPANet
     41.   Business Promotion: U.S. DOC Commercial Service
     42.   Business Promotion: UNCTAD Trade Promotion Organization Database
     43.   Business Promotion: World Chambers Network Local/Regional Chambers Listing
     44.   Business: Business and Investment Guides
     45.   Business: Directories - ArabNet
     46.   Business: Directories - Lebanon Internet Guide
     47.   Business: Export.gov Country and Industry Market Reports
     48.   Business: Holidays
     49.   Business: International Finance Corporation Business Environment Snapshot
     50.   Business: Protocol - (fee based)
     51.   Business: Telephone Directories
     52.   Business: Transparency International Country Corruption Profile
     53.   Business: Transparency International Global Corruption Report
     54.   Culture: Dress
     55.   Culture: Local Languages and Dialects
     56.   Culture: Music
     57.   Culture: Religions
     58.   Culture: UNESCO World Heritage Sites
     59.   Demographics: GeoHive Population Statistics
     60.   Demographics: Internally Displaced People Country Report
     61.   Demographics: Population Reference Bureau Articles, Datasheets and Reports
     62.   Demographics: Population Reference Bureau Population and Health Data
     63.   Demographics: Population Reference Bureau World Population Data Sheet
     64.   Demographics: U.S. Census Bureau Summary Demograhic Data
     65.   Demographics: UNFPA State of World Population Report
     66.   Demographics: World Bank GenderStats
     67.   Demographics: World Bank Health, Nutrition and Population Statistics
     68.   Development: Development Gateway Country Profile
     69.   Development: Development Gateway Tenders and Consulting Opportunities
     70.   Development: Development Gateway Web Portal
     71.   Development: Development Organizations List
     72.   Development: U.S. AID Activities and Country Information
     73.   Development: U.S. AID Mission Directory
     74.   Development: U.S. AID Mission Web Site
     75.   Development: U.S. Trade and Development Agency Activities
     76.   Development: UNDP Human Development Reports
     77.   Development: UNIDO Activities and Country Information
     78.   Development: World Bank Development Indicators
     79.   Diplomacy: Diplomatic List
     80.   Diplomacy: Foreign Embassies/Consulates in U.S. - Washington, DC
     81.   Diplomacy: Key Foreign Service Post Officers
     82.   Diplomacy: State Dept. Foreign Service Post Report
     83.   Diplomacy: U.S. Embassies/Consulates in Country - Beirut
     84.   Diplomacy: U.S. State Dept. Bureau - Near Eastern Affairs
     85.   Education: Universities Wordwide
     86.   Education: World Bank Summary Education Profile
     87.   Elections: Electionworld.org Country Report
     88.   Elections: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance - Regional Reports and Activities
     89.   Energy: International Energy Agency Country Statistics
     90.   Energy: U.S. DOE Country Analysis Brief
     91.   Energy: U.S. DOE Int’l Energy Annual
     92.   Environment: UNEP Country Envronmental Profile
     93.   Environment: World Resources Institute - Earthtrends Environmental Portal Profiles
     94.   Foreign Policy/Relations: Council on Foreign Relations Resources
     95.   Foreign Policy/Relations: Country Indicators for Foreign Policy
     96.   Govt: Chiefs of State/Cabinet Members
     97.   Govt: Constitution
     98.   Govt: Customs
     99.   Govt: Environment - Ministry of Environment
    100.   Govt: Executive
    101.   Govt: Flag
    102.   Govt: Home Page
    103.   Govt: Legislature - books and articles about ...
    104.   Govt: Legislature Overview - IPU Profile - Majlis Al-Nuwwab
    105.   Govt: Legislature Web Site - Parliament
    106.   Govt: Political History
    107.   Govt: Statistics - Central Administration for Statistics
    108.   Health: CDC Health Advisory
    109.   Health: FAO Nutrition Profile
    110.   Health: FAO Nutritional Data
    111.   Health: Global Hospital Directory
    112.   Health: State Dept. International Air Ambulance Information
    113.   Health: U.N. WHO Country Health Profile
    114.   Health: U.N. WHO International Travel and Health Guide
    115.   Human Rights - Reporters Without Borders Freedom of Press Profile
    116.   Human Rights: Amnesty International Documents Library
    117.   Human Rights: Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World Report
    118.   Human Rights: Freedom House Freedom Rating
    119.   Human Rights: Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom Profile
    120.   Human Rights: Human Rights Watch Country Information
    121.   Human Rights: State Dept. Report on Human Rights Practices
    122.   Human Rights: State Dept. Report on International Religious Freedom
    123.   Humanitarian: Doctors Without Borders Activities
    124.   Humanitarian: International Red Cross/Red Crescent Activities
    125.   Humanitarian: International Rescue Committee
    126.   Humanitarian: Oxfam Programs, Activities and Reports
    127.   Humanitarian: ReliefWeb Documents and Maps
    128.   Humanitarian: U.S. Refugee Agency Country Report
    129.   Humanitarian: UNICEF Activities and Country Information
    130.   Humanitarian: World Food Programme
    131.   Key Websites: Geometry.net Country Links
    132.   Key Websites: Trade and Investment
    133.   Key Websites: Yahoo Search
    134.   Labor: Dept. of Labor Foreign Labor Statistics
    135.   Labor: ILO International Labor Statistics
    136.   Labor: ILOLEX Country Profile
    137.   Language: Dictionary and Translation
    138.   Legal: Global Legal Information Network
    139.   Legal: ILO NATLEX Labor Law Database
    140.   Legal: Library of Congress Law OnLine
    141.   Legal: Trade & Investment Treaties & Agreements
    142.   Natural Resources: FAO Forestry Data
    143.   Natural Resources: FAO Water Data
    144.   Natural Resources: USGS Minerals Data
    145.   Press: News and Media Sources
    146.   Press: Newspapers On-Line - Internet Public Library
    147.   Press: Newspapers On-Line - onlinenewspapers.com
    148.   Press: Radio Stations on the Internet
    149.   Press: Regional / Country Periodicals
    150.   Press: TV and Radio Stations
    151.   Privatization: Country Fact Sheet
    152.   Privatization: Key Documents
    153.   Privatization: Promotion Agency - Investment Development Authority of Lebanon
    154.   Security/Defense: Carnegie Endowment for Peace Regional/Country Information
    155.   Security/Defense: Congressional Research Service Military Analysis Reports
    156.   Security/Defense: SIPRI Facts on International Relations & Security Trends
    157.   Security/Defense: World Security Network Information
    158.   Telecom / Info Tech: American University Profiles
    159.   Telecom / Info Tech: U.S. DOC Profile
    160.   Telecom / Info Tech: World Bank Profile -
    161.   Trade: Export.gov Partners and Trade Leads
    162.   Trade: Export.gov Trade Stats Express National Trade Data
    163.   Trade: FAS Agricultural Trade Data
    164.   Trade: Federation of International Trade Associations Resources
    165.   Trade: Foreign Investment Advisory Service
    166.   Trade: Investment Climate Statement
    167.   Trade: IPANet Documents
    168.   Trade: ITC Interactive Tariff and Trade Dataweb
    169.   Trade: NOAA Fisheries and Trade Statistics
    170.   Trade: STAT-USA GLOBUS and National Trade Data Bank
    171.   Trade: U.S. Census Bureau Commodity Trade Data
    172.   Trade: U.S. Census Bureau Trade Balance Data
    173.   Trade: U.S. DOC Bureau of Economic Analysis International Economic Accounts
    174.   Trade: U.S. DOC Trade Compliance Reports
    175.   Trade: U.S. DOC Trade Info Center Database
    176.   Trade: U.S. Treasury Office Foreign Assets Control Country Information
    177.   Trade: UNCTAD Foreign Direct Investment Database
    178.   Trade: UNCTAD-WTO International Trade Center Country Profile
    179.   Trade: USA Trade Online Foreign Trade Data
    180.   Trade: USTR Country Information
    181.   Trade: USTR Generalized System of Preferences Guide
    182.   Trade: WTO Country Information
    183.   Trade: WTO Tariff Schedules
    184.   Transportation: Shipping Facilities
    185.   Transportation: U.S. DOT Transportation Profile
    186.   Transportation: World Airlines Directory
    187.   Transportation: World Airports Directory
    188.   Transportation: World Airports Guide
    189.   Transportation: World Seaports Directory
    190.   Travel - Guides: Lonely Planet
    191.   Travel - Guides: Travel Channel
    192.   Travel - Guides: VirtualTourist.com
    193.   Travel - Maps: MapQuest
    194.   Travel - Maps: National Geographic
    195.   Travel - Maps: Univ. of Texas Collection
    196.   Travel - Security: Reports from Overseas Security Advisory Council
    197.   Travel - Security: State Dept. Consular Information Sheets
    198.   Travel - Security: State Dept. Current Travel Warnings
    199.   Travel: Currency Converter
    200.   Travel: International Dialing Codes
    201.   Travel: Links for Expatriates, Living Abroad, Relocating
    202.   Travel: Local Time
    203.   Travel: State Dept. Consular Affairs Bureau
    204.   Travel: State Dept. Passport Services
    205.   Travel: Tourism Offices Directory
    206.   Travel: Tourism Promotion Offices - Ministry of Tourism (in French)
    207.   Travel: U.S. Customs Bureau Information
    208.   Travel: Worldwide Geographical Names Server
    209.   Weather: Local Forecast
    210.   Weather: World Meteorological Organization Data

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