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Maldives - Doctrine

The objective of the military must be set out in principle within the constitution, clearly defining their rules of engagement and their boundaries of operation during peacetime, though it must be kept in mind that separate rules of engagement for the conduct of military operations have to exist during wartime. The primary objective of the military should be to protect the people, their religion and their property from any external threat that might negate the sovereignty of the Maldives.

The protection and defence of national sovereignty and independence of Maldives is the ultimate goal of Ministry of Defence and National Security. Terrorism is now a global threat and therefore, the availability of highly-trained and well-equipped force to respond at short notice is needed to counter terrorist and other threats to national sovereignty and independence, protect territorial integrity, prevent the disruption of economic activities and preserve the Maldivian way of life. The availability of timely and accurate intelligence is a crucial tool in combating terrorism and other threats to the national interests. The activities of intelligence services will be carried out in conformity with local and international human rights standards.

The military strength of the country has been kept at a minimum as Maldives has not been to war and unlikely to be at war in a near future. This would also help to cut down on the unnecessarily high budget currently allocated to defense and use this money to achieve other national development goals. It would also be important to identify that the doctrine of military strength and activeness will ultimately be determined by foreign policy and treaty arrangements with allied countries.

Defense policy should be decided upon analysis of treaty arrangements with foreign allied countries able to aid and assist the Maldivian military, should the need arise. Such a commitment should not in anyway compromise the national security or the national interests of the country, nor should it be a reason to accommodate a foreign fighting force on Maldivian soil.

The Maldivian Democratic Party [MDP] would introduce a Total Defence Concept and emphasize partaking in military operations other then war – notably peace keeping missions. A review of defence policy will look at the changes within the political, economical and social structures in the country and how the military of the country can be aligned with those fundamental changes. These include the role of the military in public life, the objectives of the military and the functions of the military as purely a self defense force.

MDP government would introduce a Total Defence Concept to meet the needs of the entire nation, and not just to contribute militarily. They would work together with the community in specified national defence issues and fully with the development of the nation and the community. They would consist of five aspects: Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence, and Psychological Defence. It will be actively provided in schools as well as the general public through schemes, programmes, and courses as well as utilizing the mass media to spread its message. This should be accorded high priority so that the population will be less dependant on the military. In short, anything less then foreign invasion or any far reaching situation should not require the full activation and use of the military.

President Dr Mohamed Waheed attended a function held to mark the 121st anniversary of Maldives National Defence Force. The function was held on 03 July 2013 at Kalhuthukkalaa Koshi.

President Waheed urged the armed forces to make new commitments to overcome the challenges posed by the most difficult phase in the democratic consolidation process, which the Maldives was currently undergoing. He said it should be a commitment to remain steadfast on Islamic principles, a commitment to be a united force, a commitment to be the most well-trained, courageous and vigilant people in the country, and a commitment to put forward national security and interest above everything else. Continuing in this regard, the President said if the armed forces lacked those commitments, the country might face unforeseeable damages.

He said the defence forces were the last shield of defence for every sovereign nation and that if that shield fails, the country would fall into suppression and lose its national identity. He added that the defence forces should be trusted by the people and empowered through that trust.

The President said as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, it was his duty to strengthen the Forces. In this regard, he said human resource development was most needed for the strengthening of MNDF, and that the Military Qualification Framework that was launched at the function, would enable the creation of a generation of educated personnel in the MNDF.

Highlighting the importance of introducing new activities to promote education and science within the MNDF, the President announced that the Ministry of Defence and National Security was working on introducing a new scholarship scheme under the title Chief of Defence Force Leadership Scheme. Noting that the country was undergoing many economic challenges, President Waheed said the government was providing training and welfare services to MNDF within government means.

The President announced four major policies, planned for the next five years, to develop the armed forces of the country. President concluded his speech by urging the MNDF to be fully prepared for the challenges towards the independence and sovereignty of the country during the upcoming presidential elections. At the function, President Waheed launched the MNDF Military Qualification Framework. He also presented certificates and commemorative plaques to different units of MNDF for their services.

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