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National Army for Development
(l'Armee Nationale de Developpement, AND)

The force of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros is called the National Army of Development. It brings together all the trainings of the Gendarmerie, the Force Comorienne de Défense, the Military Health Service and related services. The August 2000 signing of the "Fomboni Declaration of National Unity" provided for a loose confederation between the islands, giving each island the ability to maintain an army and conduct its own foreign relations. Only the enclosure walls of 3 barracks will be rehabilitated (Kandani Main Staff in Grande Comore, Hombo Gendarmerie in Mutsamudu / Anjouan and FCD Mohéli Barracks). An armory will be built in the barracks of Ongoni in Anjouan.

The National Development Army is at the service of the nation. It Mission to prepare and insure at all times, in all circumstances and against all forms of Security, defense of the party and the best interests of the nation, and Safeguarding of the population. It contributes to the maintenance of peace. It also ensures safety The maintenance of law and order and the enforcement of laws. It participates in the Economic and social development of the country, including national production and the protection of Environment, building the democratic process and consolidating the state.

The action of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) project in the Union of the Comoros concerned the restructuring of the security sector in order to consolidate peace, strengthen its democratic governance, contribute to a reduction in the number of violations of human rights In particular women, and will lay the foundations of the rule of law and civil security, in order to ensure the long-term stability of the Comoros.

The objective of the project "Security Sector Reform (SSR) in the Union of the Comoros" is to provide the Government of the Comoros with a national security policy, as well as modernized security forces capable of ensuring the security of its citizens . The specific objectives are: (1) the development and implementation of a security vision and policy aimed at achieving sustainable peace and security and sensitizing the security forces to the (2) the revitalization of the training platform of the National School of Armed Forces and Gendarmerie, and (3) the rehabilitation of military camps and infrastructure, which have led to serious security problems for the population.

Comoros as a whole require special and urgent attention by the FCP program. In the absence of substantial support, the security forces would not be able to adequately ensure that of the citizens, including in the sense of respect for the rule of law, or safeguard effectively and adequately, for lack of means The maritime borders of the country and protect it from destabilizing elements coming from outside.

The action of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) project in the Union of the Comoros concerned the restructuring of the security sector in order to consolidate peace, strengthen its democratic governance, contribute to a reduction in the number of violations of human rights In particular women, and will lay the foundations of the rule of law and civil security, in order to ensure the long-term stability of the Comoros.

The program enabled (i) the development of the security policy; (ii) Rehabilitation of the Kandani barracks at Grande Comore, the Hombo Gendarmerie in Mutsamudu / Anjouan and the FCD Mohéli; (iii) the rehabilitation of the armories in Anjouan and Mohéli and the rehabilitation of the Military Health Service in Moroni; (iv) an increase in the republican spirit, through the training of 153 officers and non-commissioned officers of the army and gendarmerie; (v) the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the modernization of ENFAG's infrastructure; (vi) development and adoption of training modules and plans on military ethics, human rights and peacebuilding; (Vii) establishment of a DNDPE database on security information for the country and the establishment of the USFSC by Presidential Decree and the construction of the Headquarters of the Border Surveillance Unit And civil security.

The consultations of the actors and services playing a role in the security of the country, in Grande Comore, Anjouan and Mohéli involved in the development of the policy had the merit of presenting the (National Police, Governor, Prefects, Mayors, Public Prosecutors, Judges, CSOs, Customs, COSEP / Civil Protection, etc.) to the need to develop a national security policy. Moreover, they have been able to highlight the problematic, the challenges to a harmonization of the missions of the various departments involved in security. A draft of the policy is available it remains its finalization and its adoption.

In addition, the integration of the democratic control mechanism into the priority orientations of the Security Sector Reform has become effective, particularly through the involvement of the Defense & Security Commission in the process of reform and adoption of the budget , As well as the awareness of CSOs and the media about their role in such a process. In addition, following the series of training workshops on human rights and peacebuilding, panels of debate were initiated at the end of each workshop, at which the issue of democratic control was sufficiently addressed.

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