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Popes elected in opposition to the pope of Rome.

A.D. 218-2231Hippolytus
A.D. 251121 Novatianuselected in opposition to Cornelius
A.D. 355-36623 Felix IIelected on the banishment of Liberius.
A.D. 366342 Ursianus [Ursinus]elected in opposition to Damasus
A.D. 418453 Eulaliuselected in opposition to Boniface I.
A.D. 498564Laurentiusappointed by Festus in opposition to Symmachus.
A.D. 530675Dioscorusconsecrated in opposition to Boniface II.
A.D. 5377Vigiliusappointed by Bellisarius on the exile of Silvorlus.
A.D. 68686Peter in the pontificate of John V
A.D. 68696Theodorusin the pontificate of John V
A.D. 687-6921087Paschalelected in opposition to Sergius
A.D. 687117Theodoruselected in opposition to Sergius
A.D. 767-76812 8Theopphylactuselected at the death of Paul I
A.D. 767-76813 9Constantinuselected at the death of Paul I, forcibly held the see thirteen mouths afier the death of Paul, Constantinus was deposed by Pope Stephen III, shut up in a monastery, and his eyes put out, Aug. 6. 768.
A.D. 768-76814 10Philipelected at the death of Paul I, Philip, a monk, declared pope by the faction of Waldipert, in 768.
A.D. 8241511Zizimus / Zosimuselected in opposition to Eugenius II.
A.D. 8449John
A.D. 855161012Anastasiuscontested the election of Benedict III.
A.D. 8911713Sergius elected in opposition to Formosus,
A.D. 89618Boniface VIchosen to succeed Formosus, died a fortnight afterwards.
A.D. 90619Christophorusdeposed and imprisoned Leo V.
A.D. 9642015Leo VIII elected to succeed John XII, disputed the see with popes John XII and Benedict V, in 955 and 964, deposed 965.
A.D. 9742111Boniface VII elected on the death of Benedict VI, . deposed 975.
A.D. 997-99812Calabritanus (John XVI)
A.D. 1012221316Gregoryunseated Benedict VIII, deposed by Kaiser Henry II., A.D 1014
A.D. 1044-1046231417Sylvester III Silvester III and John XXII contested the see with pope Benedict IX; all three resigned in favor of Gregory VI, in 1044. Elected to succeed Benedict VIII on his banishment, Benedict sold the pontificate to John, 1044.
A.D, 1058-10592418Mincius (Benedict X) opposed Stephen IX, contested the see with pope Nicholas II in 1059.
A.D. 1061251519Cadalous (Honorius II) appointed by tbe diet of Basel in opposition to Alexander II, deposed by the council of Osbor 1062.
Ghibelline Schism / Investiture Controversy
A.D. 1073-1100261620Guibert of Ravenna / Wilbertus (Clement III)elected at Brixen in opposition to Gregory VII, Clement was set up by Kaiser Henry IV.
A.D. 1100 ?11022718 Albertappointed to succeed Clement, taken prisoner by the partisans of Paschal II.
A.D. 11002817 Thedoricappointed to succeed Albert
A.D. 1105-11112919 Maginufe / Maginulfus (Sylvester IV)appointed to succeed Theodoric
A.D. 1118-11213020Burdinus (Gregory VIII)elected in opposition to Gelusius II, Gregory waa set up by Kaiser Henry V.
A.D. 11242121Theobald / Theobaldus Buccapecus (Celestine II)
A.D. 1124-113031Calixtus II some sources report he was an Anti-Pope elected during the pontificate of Honorius II, while most sources report he was Pope elected in 1119, followed by Honorius II in 1124.
A.D. 1130-1138322222 Anacletus [Anacletus II] elected by a majority of the conclave in opposition to Innocent II.
A.D. 11383323 Gregory (Victor IV)chosen to succeed Analectus, abdicated.
A.D. 1159-1164342423Octavianus (Victor IV)elected in opposition to Alexander III.
A.D. 1164-11683525Guido Cremensis (Paschal III)elected to succeed Victor.
A.D. 1168-11783626Johannes de Struma (Calixtus III / Callistus III)elected to succeed Paschal. Abjures his schism, 1178.
A.D. 1178-11803727Landus Titinus (Innocent III)chosen in the place of Callistus. Taken prisoner by Pope Alexander, 1180 and died soon afterwards.
The Great Schism of the West, 1378-1429. When there was a pope at Rome, and another at Avignon, and sometimes three or four popes, presuming the French popes to be anti-popes.
A.D. 13283824Peter (Nicholas V)chosen by Louis of Bavaria in opposition to John XXII, while the see was in France, pope John XXII arrested him. Renounced his schism, 1330.
A.D. 1378-1394392825Robert (Clement VII)the French pope in opposition to Urban VI, began the great schism in 1378, and held the see at Avignon, against popes Urban VI and Boniface IX.
A.D. 1394-14234026Peter of Luna (Benedict)Benedict XI, XII, or XIII, according to different writers, succeeded Clement (deposed 1409), held the see thirty years at Peniscola, Spain, against Boniface IX and his successor
A.D. 14094129 Alexander Velected by the Council of Pisa, which took upon itself to depone the two existing popes, and to elect a third. There were now three popes, viz. Gregory XII. at Home, Benedict XIII. at Avignon, and Alexander V.
A.D. 141042John XXIIVariously known as John XXI, John XXII, John XXIII, or John XXIV, succeeded the anti-Pope Alexander. Was deposed by the Council of Constance 1417, and Martin V. elected. There were now four popes : Gregory XII, Benedict XIII, John XXIII, and Martin V.
A.D. 1417-14314330Clement VIIIGiles de Munoz, a Spaniard succeeded Benedict XIII. As Clement VIII he opposed pope Martin V five years, viz. from 1424 to 1429. Abdicated 1429, and thus the schism ended. John XXIII died 1410, Gregory XII died 1417, Benedict XIII died 1424. Martin V was left sole pope.
A.D. 1439-14494431 Felix V elected in opposition to Eugenius IV by the Council of Basel,; abdicated 1449. Undoubtedly an excellent choice, accepted by England, France, Germany, Spain and Lombardy. Only Italy (bar Lombardy) and Venice refused to acknowledge him. Amadens, or pope Felix V, is also reckoned among the antipopes by Roman writers; but, having been elected In the Council of Basle, lawfully assembled, in which Eugenius IV had been previously deposed, according to some he cannot justly be regarded In that light. Felix renounced the pontiflcate in 1449.

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