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United Kingdom - Named Operations Post-World War II

A UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) spokeswoman says operaton names such as ELLAMY have been randomly generated by a computer programme. It's how all military operations are named and it's done this way so the name doesn't relate in any way to the action. Today, RAF Akrotiri provides facilities to support Op SHADER. It was also the vital link in the Airbridge operating 24 hours a day in support of Op HERRICK and the wider KIPION. It supported GRANBY in 1990 (Iraq), TELIC in 2003 (Iraq), HIGHBROW in 2006 (Non-combatant Evacuation from Lebanon), ELLAMY in 2011 (Libya), and LUMINOUS in 2013 (air defence of Cyprus during Syrian Chemical Weapons Crisis).

OP MASTERDOM13 Sep 1945 - May 1946 Viet Minh fought a brigade of 20,000 British and Indian troops stabilization force in South Vietnam
OP AGATHA29 Jun 1946action against Jewish illegal armed terrorist organisations in Palestine after the bombing of the King David Hotel
OP SHARK30 Jul 1946 Massive British search operation in Tel Aviv after the bombing of the King David Hotel
OP JUNGLE1948–1955 British Baltic Fishery Protection Service was set up as a cover for operation "Jungle," the clandestine agent transport organized by the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) into Poland and the Baltic states
OP LUCKY ALPHONSEJun 1956in the Cyprus Emergency, ‘Unlucky Alphonse’ was intended to capture Colonel George Grivas and his terrorist groups, but 20 British soldiers died when the tinder-dry and tree-smothered hills caught fire
OP MUSKETEER05 Nov 1956UK and French Airborne invasion of Port Said during the Suez Crisis
OP CORDAGE6 Nov 1956 Franco-British parachute drops during the 1956 Suez Crisis
OP TELESCOPE6 Nov 1956 Franco-British conventional seaborne landing during the 1956 Suez Crisis
OP VANTAGE Jun 1961Britain moved forces into newly independent Kuwait in response to Iraqi threats, and tensions continued to ebb and flow
OP CLARETJul 1964 - Jul 1966secret cross-border raids by conducted by British Commonwealth forces in Borneo to stop Indonesian incursions by forcing them onto the defensive
OP MOTORMAN31 Jul 1972UK operation against IRA terrorists. British troops dismantled barricades to re-establish free access to the no-go areas in the Bogside, Brandywell and Creggan areas of Londonderry.
OP NIMROD05 May 1980SAS Assault at the Iranian Embassy, Princes Gate London.
OP KIPIONSepr 1980 - ONGOING UK maritime presence in the Gulf and the Indian Ocean
OP CORPORATE1982UK re-capture of the Falkland Islands from Argentine Forces.
OP BLACK BUCK1982RAF bombing of Port Stanley airfield during the Falklands War. Conducted by Vulcan B.1 bombers, this was the longest range bombing mission in RAF history.
OP FLAVIUS06 Mar 1988SAS operation against IRA terrorists in Gibraltar. Resulted in three dead terrorists and much political fallout.
OP GRANBY1990UK contribution to US led coalition that expelled Iraqi armed forces from Kuwait.
OP VIGILANT WARRIOR14 Oct-21 Dec 1994response to Iraq moving ground forces toward Kuwait in October 1994
OP PROVIDE COMFORT6 Apr 1991 - 31 Dec 1996humanitarian assisstance to Iraqi Kurdistan
OP SOUTHERN WATCH1991 - 17 Mar 2003no-fly zone operations in Iraq below the 32nd parallel
OP PROVIDE PROMISEJul 1992 - Mar 1996air protected humanitarian relief efforts in the besieged cities of the former Yugoslavia
OP NORTHERN WATCH31 Dec 1996 - 17 Mar 2003no-fly zone over Iraqi Kurdistan
OP PALLISER2000UK joint operation to support evacuation of British nationals from Sierra Leone spearheaded by 1 PARA, later expanded into general intervention and support to GoSL.
OP BARRAS10 Sep 2000UK rescue assault of 6 British soldiers of the Royal Irish Regiment on a UN peacekeeping mission from West Side Boys in Sierra Leone conducted by troops from 1 PARA, SAS and SBS
OP TARROCK2001 UK personnel deployed with NATO International Security Assistance Force
OP VERITAS2001 UK operations against the Taliban government of Afghanistan
OP LANDMAN2001 UK aircrew operations in Afghanistan
OP ORACLE2001 personnel on board HMS SCOTT and HMS BEAGLE
OP CONDORMay 2002Major British-led operation in southeastern Afghanistan. The operation began on 17 May 2002 when a patrol of the Australian SAS was ambushed. The British 45 Commando then flew in to destroy the guerilla force that had exposed itself.
OP FINGAL2002 UK operations in Afghanistan
OP TELICMar 2003UK contribution to US-led coalition which invaded Iraq.
OP HERRICK2005 - 01 Jan 2015 UK operations in Afghanistan
OP ELLAMY19 Mar - 31 Oct 2011UK contribution to operations in Libya
OP GRITROCKSep 2014–2015 response in Sierra Leone to rapidly build Ebola treatment centers
OP SHADER26 Sep 2014 - 31 Jan 2019.. British military operations undertaken as part of the US-led international coalition against ISIS
OP TORAL01 Jan 2015 - ONGOING British Army's deployment to Afghanistan as part of NATO's Resolute Support Mission, followed on immediately from Operation Herrick XX
OP TEMPERER.. mobilisation plan for military support to the police service in response to a major terrorist attack

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