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Turkey Weapons

Fighter Transport
  • F-16 fighters
  • F-35 fighters
  • TF-X National Fighter
  • Hürjet trainer
  • Hurkus-C
  • Kizilelma MIUS - UCAV

  • CN-235 transport
  • TR-188 transport
  • Turkish Regional Jet
  • TRJ 328JET
  • TRJ 628JET
    Rotary Other
  • AS-532 Cougar
  • T129 ATAK Attack Helo
  • Indigenous Helicopter
  • Hurkus
  • SF-260
  • T-X Jet Trainer

  • UAV
  • Akinci HALE UAV
  • Aksungur HALE UAV
  • Anka MALE UAV
  • Anka II MALE UAV
  • Baykar TUAV
  • Bayraktar Mini TUAV
  • Bayraktar TB2 TUAV
  • Karayel-SU TUAV
  • Kizilelma MIUS - UCAV
    Surface-to-Air Air-to-Air
  • S-400
  • S-500

  • Gokdogan
  • Bozdogan

    Air-to-Surface Surface-to-Surface
  • Stand-off Missile (SOM)
  • Joint SOM (SOM-J)
  • MAM-L

  • Atmaca
  • TRG-122
  • TRG-230
  • TRG-300

    Tanks Armored Vehicles
  • Kaplan MMWT
  • Leopard 2NG
  • Leopard Altay
  • M60TM
  • MITUP Altay

  • Akrep
  • ACV 15
  • ACV 19
  • ACV 20 Kaplan
  • ACV 30
  • Cobra
  • Ejder 6x6
  • Korhan 8x8
  • Otokar 6x6 ARMA
  • Otokar 8x8 Yavuz
  • Otokar 8x8 ARMA
  • Pars
  • Pars 4x4
  • Pars 6x6
  • Pars 8x8
  • ZAHA

  • Artillery Anti-Aircraft
  • AHS-120 Mortar
  • Boran ATLTH towed
  • T-155 Firtina SPH
  • T-155 Panter towed
  • T-155 Yavuz SPH

  • Korkut SPAAG

  • AKSUNGUR is not ANKA II. ANKA II is a state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicle that will operate at an altitude of 40 to 45000 feet, equipped with twin engines, signals intelligence, electronic attack, jamming (ELINT-SIGINT COMINT) drone (big brother of Anka-1-Intelligence) meant to be a separate project (called Anka-II) before TAI took initiative and made Aksungur's 2x PD222. This stronger version of the PD is deemed to sufficient for SIGINT - COMINT later (eg. see the Intelligence version of Aksungur actually has decent payload, ESM modules in for ELINT and on-board processing of some sensors). Also satisfies the altitude and endurance requirements with the presumed payload. Likely they aimed a TP version of Aksungur at some point but then it was shelved for some reason (either the configuration is not allowing efficient installation of TPs or focusing the work force on Anka III). Strategic UAV project of TAI, that was meant to be powered by twin Ukranian TP at the tail. Ibrahim Sunnetci hinted it might be continuing and was too certain in one of the twitter posts that we will see a different design than Aksungur. Tübitak - Aselsan - TAI continues another intelligence-drone related project that lasted more than a decade. Such projects more relies on the sensor algorithm providers than the airplane manufacturer. TB3 is supposed to land on Anadaolu. Anka-III / Kizilelma / TB-3,

    The first flight of ANKA-3, the third member of TAI's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) family, lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes. Anka-3 itself is not a very big aircraft, smaller than RQ-170 and tiny compared to Okhotnik. The ANKA Unmanned Aerial Vehicle was developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries with indigenous capabilities. ANKA III, Turkey's first vertical tailless turbofan engine unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was originally developed with domestic resources.

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the unmanned combat aircraft ANKA III, developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries Joint Stock Company (TUSAS), successfully made its first flight on December 28, at 08:38 in the morning, ANKA-3 took off from the runway and performed the runway crossing test on this flight. The flight of the ANKA-3 was accompanied by the HÜRKUS Basic Trainer Aircraft. "Our unmanned warplane ANKA III, developed by TAI, successfully made its first flight today. Hopefully, our aircraft will make a strong contribution to the defense of our country with its advanced technologies, design and features." he said. Reaching an altitude of 8 thousand feet, ANKA-3 reached a speed of 150 knots.

    The difference in corporate philosophy between TAI and BAYKAR is evident in such details. At TAI, everything is perfect from the moment it first appears on the scene. But the first launch is always challenging. On the Baykar side, on the other hand, there is an aggressive first start and an understanding that engineers will fix everything on the way

    TAI comes from manned plane production tradition which values eventless introductions while Baykar comes from the tradition of the "fast fish" that should make everything at once. Somebody once said "if you are not failing you are not trying hard enough". As Turkish aviation industry is only at its early stages yet they want to avoid incidents that can tarnish their outlook but as they get past these early stages they will probably take more risk to get to results fast.

    The Turkish Unmanned Combat Aircraft/Combat Unmanned Aerial System (abbreviated as TISU/MIUS in Turkish, which is today known as ANKA-III) was first mentioned by TUSAS at the Panel titled “Türkiye`s UAV Roadmap in Relation to Technological Developments” jointly organized by SETA, the SSB, and STM on Thursday, December 24, 2015. The development process of ANKA became official with a decision taken by the TUSAS Board of Directors in January 2022.

    Within the scope of the ANKA-III Program, which was carried out by TUSAS using the company's own resources and approximately 200 engineers, the first flight with a scale model was carried out in June 2022, and the name ANKA-III was announced to the public for the first time in December 2022 by Vice President Fuat OKTAY. ANKA-III TIUS/MIUS was publicly unveiled for the first time during the "Century of the Future" Program held on May 1, 2023, at TUSAS's facilities in Ankara, Kahramankazan.

    ANKA-3, a new generation UAV system, will be able to perform many missions such as reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence; attack with different air-ground munitions; prey scanning by engaging enemy helicopters, propeller aircraft and UAVs with air-air munitions; neutralizing enemy RF emitting radar and air defence systems; protection of friendly forces in the air and on the ground; signal and communication intelligence; electronic warfare; operation and communication relay with other friendly elements.

    ANKA III, the new generation UAV system, provides reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence, attack with different air-ground munitions, hunting hunting by engaging enemy helicopters, propeller aircraft, UAVs with air-air munitions, enemy RF-emitting radar and air defense systems. It will be able to perform many tasks such as neutralization, protection of friendly forces in the air and on the ground, signal and communication intelligence, electronic warfare, operation and communication relay with other friendly elements.

    The ANKA-3 system will be able to carry 650 kg of ammunition in each of the two stations in the fuselage, 650 kg in each of the inner wing stations and 100 kg in each of the outer stations. This will enable the integration of a wide range of options, from the most commonly used ammunition in today's unmanned aerial vehicles to large ammunition such as SOM-J, MK-82 and Miniature Bombs (SDB). ANKA III, with a maximum cruise speed of 0.7 mach and an altitude base of 40 thousand feet, has a payload capacity of 1200 kilograms and an airborne endurance of 10 hours. General Manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries, Temel Kotil, said about the flight: "I wish it good luck. May God protect our country, we now have a UAV in the sky that the enemy cannot see but can see its enemy. May God bless our country" made his assessment.

    maximum take-off weight 6,500 kilograms (14,000 pounds)
    payload weight 1,200 kilograms (2,650 pounds)
    Standard altitude 40,000 ft
    airtime 10 hours at 30,000 feet
    cruise speed 250 kts (460 km/h; 290 mph)
    Maximum speed 425 kts (489 mph) or
    Mach 0.7 (860 km/h; 530 mph),
    radar cross-section Very low
    weapon stations
  • 2 x 650 kg (1,430 lb) Internal
  • 2 x 650 kg (1,430 lb) wing inner stations
  • 2 x 100 kg (220 lb) wing outer stations
  • ammunition
  • Roketsan SOM-J
  • Mk82
  • bunker busters

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