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Slovenia - Uniforms

Military personnel wear a required uniform during the performance of military duties. By way of exception, military personnel can wear civilian clothes during the performance of military duties, if so determined by the Chief of the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Members of the Slovenian Armed Forces also wear working dress and shoes, protective clothing and shoes and sports clothing and shoes. Working dress, protective and other types of clothing and shoes are also worn by civilian personnel, if so stipulated in the Guidelines on Uniforms and Equipment of Slovenian Armed Forces Members. It is prohibited to combine pieces of different uniforms.

Uniforms Battle dress is worn by military personnel during all activities and tasks related to military training as well as during combat assignments. Basic battle dress is made of camouflage-pattern fabric. It includes a windbreaker jacket, shirt, trousers, belt, rain jacket and impermeable trousers, cap, beret, hat, roll neck sweater, boots, balaclava, thermal wear, gloves, underwear and socks.

Service dress is worn by military personnel when not performing combat assignments or military training. There is a male and female version of service dress. One service dress, made of green-blue fabric, is prescribed for all Slovenian Armed Forces members apart from servicemembers pertaining to navy, air and air defence units. Male service dress is composed of a jacket, trousers with a belt, service dress cap, shirt with a tie, coat, windbreaker jacket, cardigan, beret, jumper, shoes, gloves and socks. The female version of the service dress is composed of a jacket, skirt, trousers, blouse with a tie, hat, beret, coat, windbreaker jacket, jumper, belt, gloves, handbag and shoes.

Service dress of air and air defence units includes the same parts as the regular service dress, the only difference is in colour. In the male version of the uniform, the jacket, trousers and cap are blue, the shirt and beret are light blue and other parts of the uniform are the same as in the regular version of service dress. In the female version, the jacket, trousers, skirt and hat are blue, the blouse and beret are light blue and other parts of the uniform are the same as in the regular version of service dress.

Navy service dress is dark blue. The male version is composed of a jacket, trousers with a belt, cap, beret, white shirt with a tie, windbreaker jacket, jumper, cardigan, shoes, gloves, socks and a bag, while the female version includes a jacket, skirt and trousers with a belt, hat, beret, white blouse with a tie, jumper, cardigan, windbreaker jacket, shoes, bag, gloves and stockings. In both versions, the jacket is double-breasted. The windbreaker jacket, jumper, beret and cardigan are dark blue and shoes, socks/stockings, tie and all leather accessories are black.

The ceremonial dress is worn by military personnel in military ceremonies, state and other types of ceremonies and in protocol events (official dinners, solemn cultural events, official receptions) in accordance with the Rules on Service in the Slovenian Armed Forces. The ceremonial dress is the same for all military personnel except for servicemembers pertaining to naval forces. Both, male and female versions of the ceremonial dress are dark grey. The male version includes a jacket, trousers with a belt, cap, shoulder cord, shirt, tie, bow tie, coat, scarf, gloves, socks and shoes, whereas the female version includes a jacket, skirt with a belt, hat, shoulder cord, blouse, bow tie, coat, scarf, gloves, handbag, stockings and shoes. Winter ceremonial dress of navy servicemembers is the same as navy service dress, while the summer version of navy ceremonial dress is white.

Uniform of the SAF Guard of Honour is worn by members of the Guard of Honour during protocol tasks and in accordance with the Rules on Service in the Slovenian Armed Forces and the Rules on Protocol. Uniform of the Guard of Honour is green and blue and includes of a jacket, trousers with a belt, cap, beret, shirt with a tie, boots, shoes, coat, windbreaker jacket, jumper, belt of the Guard of Honour, shoulder cords, gloves and socks. The shirt is light green, while the tie, coat and windbreaker jacket are dark grey. Boots and leather accessories are black. The belt and shoulder cords of the Guard of Honour are golden yellow.

The uniform of the SAF Military Band is worn by the band members at concerts or when representing the SAF Military Band. SAF Military Band uniform resembles the basic service dress, but is complemented by a golden yellow shoulder cord, coat and raincoat.

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