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Slovenia - Ministry of Defense / Slovenian Armed Forces

Regulations introduced in 2003 relating to the public sector required the relevant bodies to prepare new acts on internal organisation and job classification, which in substance involve merely a harmonisation with the provisions of the new legislation. Under the new acts the main processes in the ministry were carried out within directorates which replaced the existing offices. New offices were not set up in the ministry during the transitional period. An analysis of processes and requirements determined the new organisational structure of the ministry and its constituent bodies. The success of the new organisational solutions would depend primarily on the division of work between the constituent bodies, the administrative section of the MoD and the SAF. The analysis also influenced decisions in connection with the changed competencies relating to the implementation of integration tasks now arising in an identical form, decentralised or repeatedly, at different organisational levels and in different organisational units of the ministry.

The General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces is the highest military professional body charged with the development, planning, organization, training and operations of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces is also the highest commanding authority of the military. Its fundamental purpose and mission are implemented through completion of military professional tasks related to force planning and development, the organization of the military, the provision of capabilities, and the modernization and equipping of the military. It also plans and coordinates cooperation, integration and participation of the Slovenian Armed Forces within international establishments.

On the basis of the conclusions of the Strategic Defence Sector Review 2009 and owing to a radical reduction of 2009 and 2010 defence budget resources, and anticipated budget breakdowns according to policies for 2011 and 2012, the Ministry of Defence is in the process of reorganising the administrative part of the Ministry of Defence and the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Protection and Disaster Relief. The aim of this reorganisation is to optimise working processes and incorporate them in a more suitable way; to streamline the number of organisational units, and to reduce the management level in separate organisational units. This will enable a more efficient transfer of information and decision-making.

The most important task in this area is the preparation of amendments to the Defence Act. Their main aim is to regulate the organisation of the defence system and defence forces in line with the future development concept, as well as to regulate the crisis management system with regard to the hitherto civil defence arrangement. The plans include the adoption of a new Defence Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and drafting of a Medium-Term Defence Programme proposal for the period of 2013 – 2018 (or 2020).

In terms of levels of readiness the SAF are divided in three groups: high-readiness forces, low-readiness forces and long-term build-up forces. High-readiness forces, which achieve full operational readiness within the period of 2 to 90 days, are designed to be employed in the event of military and non-military threats to the security of the Republic of Slovenia, to support the security system and the system of protection against natural and other disasters and participate in crisis response operations. They are equipped and trained for operations throughout the national territory and beyond. They consist of all deployable forces and air space surveillance forces. Low-readiness forces, which have 91 to 180 days to achieve full operational readiness, are designed to support and supplement high-readiness forces in performing military defence of the Republic of Slovenia.

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia harmonises the organisation and preparations for military and civilian defence and runs its implementation. The National Crisis Management Centre provides technical support, information and communication support, and the required work space for the operation of the Government. The Ministry of Defence provides conditions for the centre’s operation. The President of the Republic of Slovenia is the Commander-in-Chief of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The command of SAF commands and units is under the competence of the Chief of the SAF General Staff and subordinated commanders. The SAF Command Centre provides the command support at the strategic and operational level. The RS Government coordinates the employment of the allied forces in the military defence of the Republic of Slovenia with the North Atlantic Council. Based on a proposal of the Military Committee (MC), these organisations decide on the employment of the Combined Joint Tasks Forces. The Joint Force Commander and the immediate higher command are appointed by the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR). The Combined Joint Task Force carries out operations in the Joint Area of Operation (JAO) that comprises a part of, or the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

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