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Sweden - Styrkeregister / Units on standby

The Armed Forces have units at various states of preparedness. Preparedness covers everything from readiness to respond to incidents, something which is maintained round the clock throughout the year, to being ready to carry out missions abroad. Hand-picked and well trained soldiers make up units which are ready at short notice, once government approval has been given, to deploy on international missions anywhere in the world.

The units trained by the Swedish Armed Forces are registered with various international force registers which are administered by the EU, the UN or NATO. The force register lists and coordinates those units and competencies that contributing countries have available. In this way it is possible to put together an international force composed of a number of different units when the need arises. Units exercise together and are at a high state of readiness which enables them to be deployed rapidly to an operational area. The same unit or force element may be registered with several registers.

The following units are registered with UNSAS (United Nations Standby Arrangements System) and the NATO/Partnership for Peace (PfP) Planning and Review Process (PARP) at 30 days notice, as well as with the EU with a high state of readiness:

  • Special units
  • Mechanised company

The following units are registered with the UNSAS and PARP at 90 days notice as well as with the EU at medium notice:

  • Mechanised battalion
  • Engineer company
  • Military Police unit
  • CBRN response force
  • Artillery location radar group
  • Ranger platoon
  • Corvette division with two corvettes and support vessel
  • Mine clearance division consisting of two MCMV mine countermeasures vessels and support vessel and a submarine with support unit
  • Amphibious battalion (part)
  • Combat aircraft division JAS 39
  • Transport aircraft unit Tp 84
  • SIGINT aircraft S102B
  • Airborne Surveillance and Control group ASC 890 as from 1 January 2010
  • Armoured company with transport platoon
  • Light mechanised battalion
  • Air defence platoon
  • Tactical Air Control party (TACP) as from 1 January 2010
  • Air point of disembarkation (APOD)

The following unit is registered with the UNSAS and PARP force registers at 360 days notice as well with the EU at long notice:

  • Operational command and control unit (F)HQ

The following units are registered with the EU as rotatable units at a low state of readiness:

  • Mine clearance division consisting of two MCMV mine countermeasures vessels and support vessel
  • Amphibious battalion (part)
  • Light mechanised battalion

Units deployed operationally must be self-sustaining for six months with the exception of units registered with the EU as rotatable units at a low state of readiness. These must have sufficient endurance to contribute to relatively long-lasting crisis management operations. All units must be ready for a new deployment no later than 12 months after completion of the previous mission.

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