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Greece - Special Forces / Katadromis

The Special Army Units of Commandos, Paratroopers, Marines and the Navy Underwater Demolition Teams are distinguished for their strict training, high-level readiness and combat capability. Those who are a part of the Special Forces master the art of war and are "ready for everything" at any time.

Dynamis Katadromon - Commandos: In 1965 the 1st Tactical Commando Command was formed, which was renamed in 1967 as the 1st Commando Regiment. They are the known as the Commandos of Mountain Raids. The largest part of their training is conducted mostly on the glorious mountains of Greece. They are specialized in mountain combat, survival and unorthodox warfare.

Amphibie Katadromis - Amphibious Commandos: Due to the demands imposed in the Eastern Aegean Sea, the 13th Amphibious Commando Regiment was created. Their primary mission is to disrupt a possible Turkish invasion. Their mission is to protect the islands against any threat. They man islands, islets and rocky islands while at the same time they intervene at lighting speed, fully equipped and deliver drastic assaults to the enemy.

Dynamis Alexiptotiston - Parachute/Airborne Forces: In 1955 Hellas established a parachuting school that trained members of the special forces. In April of 1965 the 2nd Tactical Commando Command was formed, which was renamed in October 1967 as the 2nd Parachute Regiment. Paratroopers receive basic and special training in parachutes and air missions. They are distinguished for their high morale and impeccable training in special operations. The characteristics of their uniform are the green beret and the famous "hen" on the chest.

E.T.A. (Ediko Tmima Alexiptotiston - Special Parachute/Airborne Unit) : The most elite special forces group in Hellas, it has a very unorthodox training program and organization. This unit of the Army is composed of career officers and NCO's that follow extensive programs in Hellas (MYK, KEAP) and other NATO countries (ILRRP).

Dynameis Pegonauton = Marine Corps Forces [or Tavisphes Pegonauton = Marine Brigade]: In 1967 the 32nd Infantry Regiment was renamed as the 32nd Marine Regiment, and organized along the lines of the US Marine Corps. In 1974 this force was reorganized into the 32nd Marine Brigade, stationed at Volos. Marines were the only commandos who wore a blue beret instead of a green, but they switched to green in 2001 when the blue beret was issued to regular infantry units. They are trained on landing actions using ships of the Fleet and floating means of the Special Forces. The Marine units are rapid intervention units, consisting of three Marines Battalions, one Marines Armored Company, one Marines SP Artillery Battalion, along with a Headquarters Company, an Engineer Company, a Light Air Defence Battery, a Signal Company, and a Support Battalion.

The exact strength of this formation is not publicly reported, but assuming the three battalions have about 600 troops apiece, the artillery and support battalions about 500 troops, and the five companies about 100 troops, the minimum total strength would seem to be about 3,300 troops. This number is probably low. In the United States Marine Corps, the Ground Combat Element (GCE) of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) is a Battalion Landing Team (BLT), is a reinforced infantry battalion of approximately 1,200 Marines, including three Rifle Companies. These attachments normally include artillery, engineers, light armored infantry (LAI), antiarmor, assault amphibian, and division reconnaissance units. The Combat Service Support Element (CSSE) of a MEU, usually with less than 300 Marines and Sailors, provides combat support. The total strength of three such formations would amount to about 4,500 Marines, which is probably the upper range of what might be expected of the Greek Dynamis Pezonauton. Averaging these two estimates suggests a strength of "about 4,000" troops.

Monada Ypobrihion Katastrofon - Underwater Demolition Unit: The Hellenic Navy recognized the need for its own specialized forces, and early on in 1957 developed a scuba diving school. This unit received its current name in 1967, and its training and mission resembles the unorthodox warfare of the US Navy SEAL teams. The legendary "frogmen" belong to the Navy. They are men who remind us of war movies heroes. They are renowned for their strict training and the high-level of their combat capability. They undertake missions of underwater demolitions, mine clearing and other special operations.

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