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Guardia Real / Royal Guard

The Royal Guard constitutes the representation of the armed forces at the service of H.M. the King, to be formed by forces of the army, Navy, air force and common bodies of FAS. It is a working of the armed forces unit. She integrates the peculiarities of each army, common bodies and specialties of the armed forces, forming a mosaic that distinguishes the Royal Guard. The operability of the Royal Guard is based on reconcile concepts that are sometimes considered to be antagonistic as they are 'tradition' and 'modernity'. The tradition has its maximum representation in the uniforms and ceremonial acts and military stops. Modernity in the incorporation of new procedures, weapons, means and systems in the development of its duties. The Royal Guard should be benchmark for other units of the armed forces, in many aspects, such as the implementation of stops and parades, institutional aspects as well as those relating to the Protocol and ceremonial and mainly procedures and methods related to security.

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