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Denmark - National Rescue Preparedness Corps

Under the Danish Defence Agreement 2005-2009, the civilian preparedness with affiliated budget has been transferred to the sphere of the Minister of Defence as of 1 February 2004. It was agreed that the political accord on the rescue preparedness after 2002 is to be respected.

By centralising the administration of the national emergency management effort and Danish Defence's tasks into an integrated structure, total defence force is strengthened, while simultaneously synergising and simplifying the overall structure of total defence. A task group has been appointed and charged with considering how to incorporate the structure and tasks of the national emergency management effort with Danish Defence's general structure, including the way and extent to which joint utilisation of functional services, barracks, schools, etc., can occur. The results of the task group's efforts must be presented by the end of 2004.

It is generally perceived that two factors are of particular importance for the successful integration of the National Rescue Preparedness Corps with Danish Defence. Firstly, it must be ensured that the requisite reorganisation of Danish Defence is carried out, so that sufficient focus is brought to bear on the management of the emergency management tasks, and on maintaining and developing the core competencies that exist in the national emergency management structure. Secondly, it must be ensured that the efficient management of the daily emergency management organisation is upheld and developed.

It has been assessed that the current radio systems of the emergency management authorities meet the daily communication needs of the emergency management authorities, but that a need may exist to strengthen the communication capacity in the event of large-scale emergency situations. In light of this, a committee is to be appointed and commissioned with the drafting of a proposal for a new nationwide radio communication system for the overall emergency management effort. It is assessed that the system can be implemented from 2007, at the earliest. For this reason, a proposal is also to be drafted regarding the preliminary bolstering of the communication within the emergency management system in conjunction with large-scale emergency situations. The expenditures connected with this are to be covered by the defence appropriation within approximately DDK 15 million. The results of analyses, etc., are to be presented to the accord parties.

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