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Republic of Cyprus - National Guard

The Ministry of Defence is responsible for putting into effect Government Policy regarding the security and territorial integrity of Cyprus. In the framework of this policy, the Ministry of Defence has promoted and is promoting a series of measures which aim at strengthening the defence forces and the capability of the Republic to thwart any foreign threat and at the same time boost negotiating ability.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus the Ministry of the Interior and Defence were united. It was in 1985 that the two Ministries were separated and the Ministries rose to 11. The main mission of the Ministry of Defence is the security of the country against any foreign threat a task involving the organization of the defence forces of the Republic.

The mission of the Directorate of Armaments (DAR) is the satisfaction of the needs of the NG with regard to the purchase of new weapons systems and the Technical - logistical Support (TES) of the existing systems. In order to cope with its mission, the TES is organized into two sectors. The Armaments Sector (ARS) which is responsible for buying new weapons systems and the Technical - logistical Support Sector (STES), which is busy with the TES of the existing systems of the N.G.

The European Defence Agency was established under a Joint Action of the Council of Ministers on 12 July, 2004, "to support the Member States and the Council in their effort to improve Eur opean defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the European Security and Defence Policy as it stands now and develops in the future".

In 2004 a new MOD Sector began its operation dealing with European Union matters related to the European Defence Agency. Cyprus became a member of the Agency when it was established in July 2004. The Agency's is the support of the European Defence and Policy of Security as well as the support of the efforts of the Council and of the Member States at improving the potential in the field of crisis management. Furthermore it aims at promoting the strengthening of European cooperation in matters of armaments, strengthening the Defensive Industrial and Technological Basis, the creation of a competitive European Market of Defensive Materials and strengthening research and technology. The Armaments Directorate participates with its staff and with National Guard staff, in all organs of decision making of the Agency, as well as in various work groups of specialists on subjects of interest to the Ministry of Defence and the National Guard.

The MOD Directorate of Economic Administration and Budget is responsible for the preparation and follow up of the materialization of the Ordinary Budget of the Ministry and of the Budget of the Defence Fund (DF),comprising the follow up of agreements to secure armaments for the National Guard. It also takes care of provisioning, clothing and foot-wear for the National Guard and the provision of other military materials.

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