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Ministria e Mbrojtjes / Minister of Defense

The constitution of 1998 set out the basic dispositions that regulate civilian-military relations and responsibilities in the defense sector. Under the constitution, the Parliamentis the most important instrument for the control of the entire military establishment andits structures. In the case of threats or international requirements for collective action, it is the Parliament that confirms the decision of the President on the declaration of the state of war and calls for the mobilization of reservists. In peacetime, the President exercises his authority over the armed forces through the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense. In times of war, he enjoys complete command authority over the armed forces. The Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers prepare and propose to the Parliament and the President the main documents on defense policy.

The Minister of Defense by constitutional requirement is a civilian, and represents the highest official during peacetime of all military and civilian personnel of the armed forces. The Minister is responsible to the Parliament, the President, and the Prime Minister for implementing defense policies. The Minister of Defense has the authority to propose defense policies, budgets, military appointments (except for the rank of general), and military attachés. In law there is a gray area regarding the role of the Minister of Defense in war-time, particularly concerning appointments, which is an issue that needs clarification.

Strategic decisions for security and defense issues are made by legitimate organs, as designated in the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Albania. The Republic of Albania has institutionalized civilian democratic control of the Armed Forces in its Constitution, and has built by law a command system by high civilian authorities at the strategic level, whereas at the operational and tactical levels, command and control is by high military authorities. Command and control of the Armed Forces provides clear strategic leadership capable of timely response for participation of military forces in preventing conflicts, managing crises, and conducting combat and other operations.

The Assembly of the Republic of Albania controls the activity of the Armed Forces and designates the Command and Control power and authorities, in peace, crisis and war time.

The President of the Republic of Albania is the General Commander of the Armed Forces. The President of the Republic of Albania, in peacetime, exercises leadership of the Armed Forces through the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. The General Commander of the Armed Forces in wartime leads the Armed Forces through the Commander of the Armed Forces. The President of the Republic of Albania approves the organizational structure and positioning plan of the Armed Forces; the action plan of the Armed Forces in peacetime and in cases of an extraordinary state (emergency measures), as well as the decisions of the Commander of the Armed Forces regarding military actions of the Armed Forces in wartime. The Prime Minister is responsible for the leadership, development, and the state of the Armed Forces in peacetime.

The Minister of Defense is responsible to the Parliament, President and Prime Minister for the development and execution of defense policies.

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