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Forcat Tokėsore - Land Forces (LF)

Land Forces have as their mission the protection of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, population and the constitutional order of the Republic of Albania, in cooperation with Air and Naval Forces and Supporting Commands. Land Forces supports civilian structures in protecting the population in facing natural disasters, and conducts Peacetime Security Cooperation Operations (bilateral, multilateral, NATO partner countries, and in coalition frameworks.)

The Concept of Operations determines how Land Forces are organized, equipped, and trained to achieve the operational readiness and rapid response to the missions of territorial and population defense, including military support to civil authorities in managing non-traditional threats (such as natural disasters and terrorism), as well as the capability to deploy units which are combat ready for joint and interoperable operations led by NATO or a coalition.

To fulfill their mission, Land Forces accomplishes the following tasks:

  • Perform surveillance, reconnaissance and analysis to provide timely warning of potential military or non-military threats and risks to the country.
  • Provide readiness to rapidly respond to threats to the Republic of Albania's territorial integrity and borders, cooperating jointly with other Albanian services and agencies (Border Police, etc.), as well as NATO forces.
  • Provide capable and trained forces as well as infrastructure and supporting facilities for military support to civil structures in humanitarian operations in case of environmental disaster (in or beyond the country), and peace support operations.
  • Transform and modernize Land Forces to increase their operational capabilities for rapid response to situations as well as deployable to contribute to NATO operations and in the framework of a coalition.

Land Forces are composed of:

  • Headquarters Command and Staff
  • Rapid Reaction Brigade (RRB)
  • Commando Regiment,
  • Engineer Brigade
  • Communications Battalion
  • other support elements
  • Reserve Infantry units

The Rapid Reaction Brigade is the basic unit of the Land Forces, which receives priority for personnel and equipment, to ensure full operational capabilities. Commando Regiment is a special unit that carries out tasks of a wide spectrum: defensive, offensive, humanitarian operations, peace support operations (PSO), in support of constitutional order, etc.

Reserve Forces are a component of the Armed Forces under the Land Forces. This structure will also have cadre reserve units. (with limited active duty personnel), which will be equipped according to their TOEs. Reserve Force mobilization and call up will occur in a planned way, gradually, in peacetime for training and operational (humanitarian, security, etc) requirements based on available financial resource support. To accomplish the objectives of the Military Strategy, Land Forces are composed of land units of high readiness, deployable and interoperable.

Major Land Force garrisons are mainly located in: Zall Herr, Vau i Dejes, Poshnje, Yzberisht, etc.

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