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Between 3000 BCE and 1800 CE there were more than 60 'mega-empires' that controlled at the peak an area of at least one million square kilometers. An empire is a state extended beyond the limits of what might seem to be the natural limits of a government. By conquest, or by colonization, or by any other means, lawful or lawless, the central power has stretched its arms, east and west, north and south, through many degrees of latitude and longitude. Empires are states the chiefs of which have come to be called emperors, but not all rulers called emperors rule actual empires.

It seemed to some that in the arts of empire the English were mere plagiarists, stupid plagiarists who have spoilt what they have stolen. They had not, so it was affirmed, one single original or admirable quality. They were not great discoverers like the Portuguese, or a great Christianizing power like the Spaniards. They had not the art of conciliating natives like the French, nor even of making themselves beloved by their own colonists. They had not even the wits to make their empire pay like the Dutch. They rolled up, everywhere, mountains of debt; they extorted only that they may squander.

The single quality that they possessed in an abundant degree was neither rare nor original. Heavy bloodsuckers, they bestrode the earth with their so-called empire like a nightmare; the world would be a sweeter place to live in without them; the amount of damage they had wrought was as wide as the realm that they have filched from their betters with so much violence and fraud. These pleasantries, oft repeated, have grown to have the weight of arguments; and, indeed, to others, they formed a very ingenious substitute for argument.

Like the British Empire, the Roman Empire commenced from a very small beginning. Rome, the greatest city of the world, started life as a village composed of a few roughly-built hovels surrounded by an earthen rampart. Such an empire is mighty so long as it is thought to be so ; but it ceases to be mighty at the moment when the breath of opinion fails to pronounce it to be omnipotent. It lives in peril hourly upon the prestige of its reputation. An empire, in this sense, can have no period of stable equilibrium, for at every moment it must be either in growth or in decay. Accretion or dissolution are its only conditions.

Unlike neo-classicists, classical theorists of imperialism were more concerned with the causes of imperial expansion in the late 19th century capitalist nation-states than with its consequences for colonial societies. They interpreted imperialism as a European strategy for frontier expansion that enabled the ‘Lords of Humankind’ to extend their geopolitical reach to Africa, Asia and Latin America in order to secure strategic sites throughout the colonial world and to exploit its natural and human resources.

The theoretical and descriptive accounts of social scientists, historians and geographers, had the effect of spawning heroic images of empire-builders as kindly priests, pioneering settlers and altruistic officials who cherished notions of the superiority and ‘gentlemanliness’ of Europeans. This in turn convinced Europeans that they were born to rule over the colonial world.

Beginning with Gibbon, most theoretical efforts have been directed to the causes of imperial disintegration and fragmentation. Slowly, the great Empire passes away. Troubles at home, discontent, luxury and discord are doing their work ; the savage tribes on the frontier begin to raid the further provinces, and the mercenary soldiers, instead of driving them back, are fighting one another. The disintegration of an empire may take place in a manner which may be likened to the blowing up of a machine in consequence of a faulty construction, or an ill-adjusted relationship of its motive functions, which, as they are partly chemical and partly mechanical, as in the instance of the steam-engine, require great care and skill in the engine-room. Dismemberment may be the breaking up of a crazy and cumbrous machine, which is sure to ensue if it be attempted to put a too high speed upon its movements, in relation to the age of the framework, and to the quality of the materials, and the manner of the jointings, and the worn condition of the revolving part3, and the loss of steady-pins, and the wear of the cogs.

China is unique, in that it has seen a continuous sequence of rise and fall of empires since the Bronze Age. Had not great captains skillfully marshaled hosts for battle, the name of the United States of America might have been added to the long list of empires that have fallen.

Modern Empires - Since 1800

Plus a few others not on the other lists.

Date (peak)Empire nameRegionArea
1520Aztec EmpireAmerica0.30
1523Kalmar UnionEurope1.00
1790Spanish EmpireWorld Wide19.40
1822Portuguese EmpireWorld Wide8.90
1914Imperial GermanyWorld Wide3.30
1922British EmpireWorld Wide36.70
1942Axis GermanyEurope3.90
1942Axis ItalyEurope / Africa3.70
1942Axis JapanAsia7.40
1949Dutch EmpireWorld Wide2.10
1953Soviet BlocWorld Wide25.60
1960Belgian EmpireWorld Wide2.40
1960French EmpireWorld Wide12.60

60 "Mega" Empires - 3000 BCE to 1800 CE

Over 1,000,000 square kilometers

Date (peak)Empire nameRegionArea
1300 BC Egypt (New Kingdom)Africa1.00
350 BC AxumAfrica1.25
969 FatimidAfrica4.10
1120 AlmoravidAfrica1.00
1200 AlmohadAfrica2.00
1380 MaliAfrica1.10
1400 MamelukAfrica2.10
1527 IncaAmerica2.00
East Asia
176 Hsiung-NuCentral Asia9.00
405 Juan-JuanCentral Asia2.80
557 TurkCentral Asia6.00
800 UigurCentral Asia3.10
800 Tufan (Tibet)Central Asia4.60
850 KhazarCentral Asia3.00
1100 Hsi-HsiaCentral Asia1.00
1210 KhorezmCentral Asia2.30
1210 Kara-KhitaiCentral Asia1.50
1270 MongolCentral Asia24.00
1310 Golden HordeCentral Asia6.00
1350 ChagataiCentral Asia3.50
1405 TimuridCentral Asia4.40
East Asia
1122 BC ShangEast Asia1.25
50 China - HanEast Asia6.00
579 LiangEast Asia1.30
715 China - TangEast Asia5.40
947 Liao (Kitan)East Asia2.60
980 China - SungEast Asia3.10
1126 Jin (Jurchen)East Asia2.30
1450 China - MingEast Asia6.50
1790 China - ManchuEast Asia14.70
400 BC ScythiaEurope1.00
117 RomeEurope5.00
441 Huns (Atilla's)Europe4.00
555 East RomanEurope2.70
814 FrankishEurope1.20
1000 KievEurope2.10
1025 ByzantineEurope1.35
1480 Lithuania-PolandEurope1.10
1800 RussiaEurope15.50
South Asia
1290 KhmerSoutheast Asia1.00
250 MauryanSouth Asia5.00
200 KushanSouth Asia2.00
400 GuptaSouth Asia3.50
500 Hephthalite HunsSouth Asia1.70
648 Harsha (Kanyakubia)South Asia1.00
1030 GhaznavidSouth Asia3.00
1312 DelhiSouth Asia3.20
1690 MughalSouth Asia4.00
1760 MarathaSouth Asia2.50
Southwest Asia
670 BC AssyriaSouthwest Asia1.40
585 BC MediaSouthwest Asia2.80
500 BC Achaemenid PersiaSouthwest Asia5.50
323 BC Hellenistic (Alexander's) Southwest Asia5.20
301 BC SeleucidSouthwest Asia3.90
0 ParthiaSouthwest Asia2.80
550 Sassanian PersiaSouthwest Asia3.50
750 CaliphateSouthwest Asia11.10
928 SamanidSouthwest Asia2.85
980 Buyid (Buwahid)Southwest Asia1.60
1029 GhaznavidSouthwest Asia3.40
1080 SeljukSouthwest Asia3.90
1190 AyyubidsSouthwest Asia2.00
1310 Il-KhanidSouthwest Asia3.75
1683 OttomanEurope5.20

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